I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 387 The first time and space to complete the unification of the ninja world is about to be b

The new parallel space and time that Konoha split in 10 years is so powerful that it even shows potential that is not inferior to the original historical trunk.

Therefore, Uchiha Yu named this parallel time and space the Three Hokage Time and Space, which represents the new history that the two first generation Hokages and Uchiha Madara worked together to change.

This is an unprecedented and huge change, and it is also an era when Uchiha Yu's soul clones are harvested.

The huge historical changes that began in Konoha 10 years ago caused the ninja world to quickly escape from the control of Black Zetsu.

The public appearance of the time traveler Hashirama in the Land of Earth caused an uproar in the ninja world.

A year later, the information was passed to the Pure Land with the death of the first Tsuchikage. The Immortal of Six Paths was stimulated by this information and almost went crazy.

It was only then that he discovered that a variable had been inserted into his two sons, which caused his two most important anchors to be disrupted and could no longer rely on his sons' chakra.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo could not accept that the ninja world that he had controlled for thousands of years was out of control, and began to frantically try other ways of coming, and continued to try to come through his descendants.

Because of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's attempt, Uchiha Yu knew that not only the Uchiha, Senju, Uzumaki and other ninja clans were his direct descendants, but also the Snow clan of Kirigakure Village and the Yozuki clan of Kumogakure Village. His direct descendants.

In addition to these large ninja clans, the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers of Yunyin Village, and even the Blood Eye clan who are not in Ninja Village, these scattered outstanding ninjas are also descendants of the Six Paths Sage.

The movement of the Sage of Six Paths descending through the bloodline was complicated and caused a huge movement, which could not escape Uchiha Yuu's eyes.

Uchiha Yuu's soul split stayed in the ninja world for a year, absorbing a huge amount of natural energy, and indirectly controlling the natural energy to be even larger, achieving comprehensive monitoring of the ninja world.

No matter where Otsutsuki Hagoromo descends, his descending body will definitely be discovered by Uchiha Yu.

Then the descending body of the Six Paths Sage will be ambushed in a well-designed way, defeated by Uchiha Yuu with a powerful crushing force, and brutally sealed.

The attempt by the Immortal of Six Paths to come lasted for ten years. The continued failure frightened the Immortal of Six Paths, and he began to act at any cost.

In the end, his brother was sent out, and Otsutsuki Hamura served as the most powerful anchor and coordinator to help the Sage of Six Paths arrive safely.

This magical operation was very successful, leaving Uchiha Yuu in a hurry for a long time before he eliminated these powerful Six Paths Sage descendants one by one, as well as Otsutsuki Hamura, who was very capable of escaping.

I don’t know what the Sage of Six Paths did, but Hamura Otsutsuki was unkillable, and Yu Uchiha could only kill the body he came into.

At the moment of body death, Otsutsuki Hamura will instantly return to the Pure Land, unable to catch it at all.

Even under heavy seals, they could not stop his return.

But under the gaze of the Golden Samsara Eye, when Otsutsuki Hamura dies, his soul will be cleansed, and no memory can be brought back to the Pure Land.

Not long after returning to the Pure Land, Otsutsuki Hamura will descend into the body of his descendant again and continue to guide the coming of the Six Paths Sage.

Encountering such an invincible enemy, Uchiha Yuu's mentality was about to explode. He even had auditory and visual hallucinations every time he killed Otsutsuki Hamura.

[Hamura Sage shouted "I will come back!", flew into the sky and turned into a shining star]

Just outrageous.

In the repeated battles, Uchiha Yu got to know all the descendants of Otsutsuki Hamura, and also understood his likes and dislikes towards these channels of descent.

The Hyuga clan is Hamura's favorite descendant, but the Hyuga branch is also the descendant that he hates the most. If misfortune befalls the body of the branch, he will commit suicide without hesitation and return to the Pure Land as soon as possible to start over.

In the past ten years, the suicide rate of ninjas in the Hyuga clan has increased sharply because of their ancestors.

The key is that these people committed suicide without any warning. They were fine the first day, but found out the next morning that they had killed themselves.

No matter how much investigation was done, no specific cause of suicide could be found.

The Hyuga clan was frightened, and they became cautious and no longer dared to yell at the branch family, for fear that the branch family members would commit suicide if they disagreed.

Although the ninjas of the Hyuga clan today are powerful and are the well-deserved pillars of the Hyuga clan, it is natural for them to treat the ninjas of the branch family as slaves.

But these slaves are also members of the Hyuga clan, and they also require resources to train.

Such a large number of suicides by separated ninjas means a serious loss of strength of the Hyuga clan.

What's more, the clan's ninjas also had accidents one after another, and died inexplicably.

The Hyuga clan did not have as many dead ninjas as the branch clan, but the proportion was horribly high. All clan ninjas from 10 to 40 years old died.

To put it bluntly, the Hyuga clan is almost extinct. The Hyuga clan actually showed a trend of decline during the period when Konoha Village was booming.

Faced with such a tragic loss, the heads and elders of the Hyuga clan were so frightened that they no longer even dared to leave the village. The Hyuga clan's behavior became more conservative.

In addition to the Hyuga clan, the Kaguya clan of Kirigakure Village is also a descendant of Hamura Otsutsuki, and is also one of the channels for his arrival.

But the Kaguya clan is a descendant that Otsutsuki Hamura dislikes very much.

It wasn't until the Hyuga clan suffered serious losses and there were really no suitable targets among the clan's ninjas that he reluctantly chose the ninjas from the Kaguya clan to descend.

Because Kirigakure Village is isolated overseas and the arrival of Otsutsuki Hamura is relatively hidden, Yu Uchiha was not able to discover it at the first time.

As a result, he encountered the strongest descendant of the Six Paths Sage, and a mythical battle broke out outside Kirigakure Village, and then he eliminated this enemy.

Not only did Yu Uchiha have no chance to seal the Sage of Six Paths, but he obtained part of the information and sent part of it back to the Pure Land.

Since then, Ōtsutsuki Hamura has appeared in Kirigakure Village many times, causing quite a stir several times.

When Uchiha Yuu turned his attention, he came back with a sly attack and landed on a six-year-old child of the Hyuga family.

I have to say that this time it was really unexpected, and it almost capsized Yuu Uchiha's boat.

Because he didn't want to destroy the Leaf Village, it took him two years to find an opportunity to eliminate Otsutsuki Hamura and Otsutsuki Hagoromo in the wild.

That battle was quite hard.

Two years is too long, enough for the Tsutsuki brothers' descendants to grow to their limits, making it very difficult to deal with two powerful ninjas at the Sixth Path level.

However, the result of the battle was Uchiha Yu's victory, but he also suffered huge losses and even lost part of his memory as a result.

From any angle, it was a miserable victory.

Fortunately, Yuu Uchiha did not waste two years. The huge barrier he set up successfully intercepted all the information and did not allow his information to be transmitted back to the Pure Land.

After this battle, the threat of Kaguya's clan in Kirigakure Village has been fully demonstrated, forcing Yu Chiha to make up his mind to eliminate them.

Through the [System] mission, he guided the traveler Hashirama to focus on attacking Kirigakure Village. This was a war between one person and a ninja village.

In just one year, Kirigakure Village was severely damaged, and thousands of ninjas died in the war.

Byakuren, the first generation Mizukage, also died in a battle with Senju Hashiramagi's clone. After that, many Mizukage died in succession.

Now leading the Kirigakure village to resist Senju Hashirama is the fourth generation Mizukage Kito Ishihara. Although he is from the Kito clan, he is not a direct member of the clan.

Because among the direct lineage of Oniden ninjas, all those in their prime were killed in the battle, leaving only the old, weak, sick and disabled.

The Ghost Lantern clan was so tragic, and the bellicose Kaguya clan suffered even more heavy losses. All the clansmen who were suitable to descend died in the war.

If it weren't for the fact that most of the ninjas in Kirigakure Village were driven out of the mainland by Konoha Village and had an irresolvable hatred with Uchiha Madara, they would have chosen to surrender long ago.

If the Konoha ninjas hadn't been tied up on the mainland and couldn't even mobilize a thousand ninjas, no matter how hard the Kirigakure ninjas persisted, the history of Kirigakure Village would have ended.

Kirigakure Village was not ended in the 20th year of Konoha, because the Kingdom of Thunder was annexed by Konoha Village.

In the past ten years, not only Kirigakure Village has been devastated, Kumogakure Village has been destroyed by Uchiha Madara three times, and Iwagakure Village has also been continuously besieged by two different types of wood escape forests.

With the Kingdom of Wind being controlled by the Leaf Village, the Konoha ninjas targeted the Kingdom of Thunder and launched a full-scale attack in Konoha 17.

The Konoha ninjas did not choose to march straight in, but advanced step by step. It took three years to occupy the entire Kingdom of Thunder.

The third time Uchiha Madara destroyed the Cloud Hidden Village happened in the 19th year of Konoha. At that time, nearly two-thirds of the Cloud Hidden Village was lost, and the iron-headed Fourth Raikage also died heroically.

Uchiha Madara personally praised: "The fourth generation Raikage Ai is an amazing ninja. The thunder chakra mode he developed has shocking power."

"This black-skinned muscle stick is a real man. It's like a copper pea. It's hard and resounding. It can't be smashed or cooked."

"In terms of thunder escape ninjutsu, among the ninjas I have fought against, there is no one more powerful than Ai. I, Uchiha Madara, am willing to call him the strongest thunder escape ninja!"

"There may never be such a ninja again in the future. It's so lonely..."

This year, the Konoha Village of the Kingdom of Wind was annexed and digested. The total number of ninjas increased to 30,000, making them unprecedentedly powerful.

However, Konoha Village has annexed the two large countries of Thunder Country and Wind Country, as well as small buffer countries such as Kawa Country, Tian Country, Yu Country, Wave Country, and Frost Country, and controls half of the Ninja Continent.

Although 30,000 ninjas are many, they are still insufficient to control such a large area.

Moreover, the chakra electronics industry had not yet developed in the ninja world at this time. Communication technology relied entirely on a limited number of Swift Eagles, and the cost and speed of communication could not meet the demand.

As a result, Konoha Village has shown a problem of slow response. There are a large number of ninja resistance organizations in remote areas, and they use the terrain to fight guerrillas with Konoha ninjas.

Faced with this situation, Konoha Village had to send out Konoha ninjas, deploy heavy troops on the periphery, and patiently clear out various places.

In fact, under the prompts of the [System], the time traveler Hashirama began to expand the ninja school as early as Konoha 10, and the number of students increased tenfold that year.

Since then, enrollment has doubled every year. By the 19th year of Konoha, the number of students enrolled has reached an astonishing 8,700, and the area of ​​Konoha Ninja School has occupied one-sixth of Konoha Village.

Konohagakure has also built new ninja schools in the newly built Sand Hidden Village, Kawano Country, and Yuno Country, recruiting a total of 4,000 ninja students.

It is expected that in six years, the total number of Konoha ninjas will exceed 60,000, enough to occupy the entire ninja continent.

Ten years later, the total number of Konoha ninjas will exceed 90,000. Not only can they complete the great cause of unifying the ninja world, but they can also ensure the stability and peace of the ninja world.

But right now, the 30,000 Konoha ninjas are exhausted, being used to the limit, and are no longer able to expand or annex.

Even if the time travelers Hashirama, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara destroyed the Iwagakure and Kirigakure villages, they could only watch helplessly and endure without sending troops to occupy them.

This patience lasted until the 25th year of Konoha. The number of Konoha ninjas has increased to 46,000. Konoha Village has accumulated sufficient supplies and wealth. All occupied areas have been pacified, and preparations for a new round of war are ready.

Iwagakure and Kirigakure were trembling, not knowing who was the first unlucky person.

But no one expected that the ninjas in Konoha Village would start discussing who was the second Hokage.

This was still proposed by the time traveler Hashirama. The first Hokage Senju Hashirama has been the Hokage for too long, nearly two generations.

Nearly 70% of the ninjas in Konoha were born during the tenure of the first Hokage.

The time traveler Hashirama said: "It's time to change someone to be Hokage. If we don't change people, Senju Hashirama will become the biggest weakness of Konoha Village."

Senju Hashirama said cheerfully: "Okay, it's good to have someone else as Hokage."

Uchiha Madara is also used to Senju Hashirama being Hokage, and he cannot understand the words of the time traveler Hashirama.

So Madara was the first to ask: "Hashirama is good as Hokage. I don't see any problems. How can he become the biggest weakness of Konoha Village?"

Senju Tobirama had no decision-making power in Konoha Village during the era of the Big Three, but he had a considerable voice.

Moreover, he considers himself a political expert and thinks that his brother is a political fool. Even his future brother will be a joke, so he naturally raises the same doubts.

"The eldest brother is so powerful, and he is also the symbol of Konoha Village. He does not specifically manage detailed government affairs. How can he become the weakness of Konoha Village?"

The time traveler Hashirama explained: "Senju Hashirama is very good. As the first Hokage, he is perfect, but he is not a god. He will not only grow old but also die."

He emphasized his tone and said: "Senju Hashirama, you will die one day, just like me."

Senju Hashirama nodded and replied seriously: "Yes, I will die."

Uchiha Madara and Senju Tobirama could not refute, because the person who said this was also called Senju Hashirama, and he was also Senju Hashirama who had experienced resurrection from the dead.

The time traveler Hashirama asked: "So how long will you serve as the First Hokage? Until the day of your death, and then suddenly hand it over to the Second Hokage?"

Uchiha Madara frowned and asked, "What's the problem?"

Senju Tobirama added: "Since ancient times, the clan leader of the ninja clan has been in office until death, and there is no problem."

The time traveler Hashirama shook his head and said: "There is a problem, and it is a big problem."

"How many people are there in the Ninja clan? Even the largest Uchiha, Senju and Uzumaki only have a population of tens of thousands and over a thousand ninjas."

"Today, the permanent population of Konoha Village is 300,000. The total number of Konoha ninjas will reach 50,000 by the end of the year, and the population under direct rule will exceed 30 million."

"The impact of replacing the Hokage in such a large Konoha village is completely different from the impact of changing a clan leader on the ninja clan. It will cause great turmoil."

He looked at the confused Senju Hashirama and boasted proudly: "And the first Hokage Senju Hashirama is the most perfect Hokage."

"But such a perfect first-generation Hokage magnifies the harm of transferring power, because everyone is used to your perfection, and will subconsciously raise their expectations for the second-generation Hokage, and it is easy to feel uneasy because of the gap."

Senju Tobirama understood and was shaken. He couldn't help but nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. The scale of Konoha Village is really too big."

"Even if only a small number of people feel uneasy, it will involve tens of thousands of Konoha ninjas, tens of thousands of Konoha villagers and tens of millions of ordinary people."

Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Madara both gasped when they heard such a terrifying number.

"This number is scary..."

The time traveler Hashirama nodded and said: "You finally understand."

"The huge scale of Konoha Village makes the handover of the Hokage very dangerous, and the handover due to the death of the Hokage or an accident will further amplify the impact on the Konoha Village, because there is no room for buffering."

"So before anything happens to Hashirama, the position of Hokage should be handed over to the Second Hokage. Senju Hashirama can still serve as the spiritual leader of Konoha Village and ensure the stability of the village."

"Then Hashirama can slowly transfer power to the Second Hokage, and let the Konoha ninja get used to the fact that the Hokage will be replaced. In the future... there will be no big problems."

At this point, everyone was convinced, and then Senju Hashirama asked the most practical question: "Who will be the second Hokage?"

The four people looked at each other for three minutes, and finally the eyes of the three Senju clan ninjas focused on Uchiha.

Uchiha Madara was confused: "Me?"

Then he became anxious: "No, Hashirama gave up the throne because he was old and could die. I am the same age as him!"

Senju Tobirama and the time traveler Hashirama sighed together: "It turns out you didn't understand at all."

Senju Hashirama laughed and said, "Actually, I didn't understand either, but I just think Madara should be the second Hokage."

Qianju Tobirama curled his lips and said: "Brother is right."

The time traveler Hashirama also smiled and said: "The second Hokage is Uchiha Madara, it's such a happy decision."

Senju Hashirama stepped down as Hokage and Uchiha Madara became the second generation Hokage, which indeed caused a huge shock to Konoha Village.

But Senju Hashirama, with the cooperation of Senju Tobirama and time traveler Hashirama, finally calmed down all the chaos and allowed Konoha Village to survive the first transfer of power.

After the transfer of power was completed, Konoha ninjas still had doubts. Many ninjas did not trust the second generation Hokage Uchiha Madara because he had betrayed Konoha and even snatched the Nine Tails in an attempt to attack Konoha Village.

This unspoken doubt did affect the combat power of Konoha Village, but the Uchiha clan was full of passion and participated more actively in the work of Konoha Village, making up for the gap in combat power.

After Uchiha Madara became Hokage, Konoha Village became more aggressive and immediately started the final unification process.

Even Uchiha Yuu, who was in Konoha for 51 years, has determined that the first parallel time and space to complete the unification of the ninja world is about to appear.

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