I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 384 Must take Miwa Masashi to go to a thousand years ago

The time traveler Hashirama did not follow the prompts of the [System] this time. He has thought deeply enough about unity and peace, and he can blurt out according to his own understanding.

He talked about his thoughts and future, which attracted Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama to listen in rapt attention.

Uchiha Madara sometimes frowned, sometimes beamed, and in the end he was even more excited and ecstatic, even jumping up and dancing regardless of his body's weakness.

From being difficult to accept it at first, Senju Hashirama gradually understood the core connection between peace and unity, and was finally convinced by his future self.

"All in all, from a long-term perspective, although unifying the shinobi world is not perfect, it is currently the most likely method to bring long-term peace."

The time traveler Hashirama said solemnly: "While the countries have not yet formed an independent national consciousness and the obstacles to unification are minimal, we should solve the four major countries and the four major ninja villages with an iron fist."

"In addition to the four major countries, we must also annex all the small countries in the current buffer zone and complete the unification of the Ninja World continent as soon as possible. Only in this way can we minimize the cost of the unification process."

Uchiha Madara's eyes lit up when he heard this. He nodded repeatedly and agreed excitedly: "Okay, okay, that's great."

"At this critical moment, we should use an iron fist to cut through the mess quickly."

"Hashirama! Your plan is too complicated!"

"I will fully support you. I will definitely rush to the front to help you deal with those weak and incompetent ninjas and unify the entire ninja world!"

The time traveler Hashirama laughed loudly and hugged Uchiha Madara, which made Senju Hashirama feel angry and depressed, but he felt more at ease in his heart.

Because Uchiha Madara said this, he agreed to return to Konoha Village.

This is a wish that Senju Hashirama has been looking forward to for a long time, but has always been unable to do anything about.

From the beginning to the end, he hoped to stand in the same trench as Uchiha Madara, but in his opinion, the idea of ​​going to Madara was too extreme. The two were completely irreconcilable about the future path and could no longer walk together.

Moreover, before Uchiha Madara left, he said that the Uchiha clan has always been targeted in Konoha Village. If no changes are made, sooner or later they will be ostracized by Konoha Village and will eventually suffer the fate of annihilation.

Senju Hashirama was very concerned about this. After Uchiha Madara left, he paid great attention to the situation of Uchiha and tried his best to reconcile their relationship with the civilians in the village and other families.

But he also discovered that no matter how hard he tried, he could not prevent the relationship between the Uchiha family and the village from becoming colder day by day, changing towards the situation predicted by Uchiha Madara.

His good expectations were wrong, but Uchiha Madara's pessimistic expectations were gradually realized. This feeling made Senju Hashirama very uncomfortable.

The even more uncomfortable feeling is the powerlessness faced by Senju Hashirama to suppress the entire ninja world alone after Uchiha Madara left.

Obviously no one is his opponent, but he is unable to deal with it because of his lack of skills. He can only watch other countries quickly become stronger, which in turn oppresses the Leaf Village.

But this kind of oppression was withstood by Senju Hashirama. Ordinary Konoha ninjas felt nothing, but Hashirama was very embarrassed and painful.

He thought more than once that it would be nice if Madara Uchiha was still here.

The two of them join forces, one person guards Konoha Village, and the other person can suppress the dishonest Ninja Village. Even if Sunagakure Village, Kirigakure Village, Kumogakure Village and Iwagakure Village unite, they can't overturn the situation.

Senju Hashirama looked at the time traveler, and a smile appeared on his face. Now that there is a future Hashirama, there is no problem.

He finally changed his mind, admitted that he was wrong, and made up his mind to change the ninja world according to the ideas of the time travelers Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

The moment Senju Hashirama changed his mind, Konoha's 10-year history line expanded to the extreme, tearing out a new parallel time and space.

The new parallel time and space is exceptionally strong and powerful, not even inferior to the orthodox historical line. It is a parallel time and space with a broad future.

The huge tear produced huge space-time ripples, which then turned into space-time waves sweeping across the entire length of time.

Uchiha Yuu did not close the world gate this time, but stood behind the world gate and faced the space-time shock.

His body split, evolved and expanded in the long river of time, forming a majestic existence whose size cannot be described, wrapping the time and space since his birth.

Uchiha Yuu used his body as a shield to block the fluctuations caused by the splitting of time and space from time and space.

The turbulent waves that followed the connection between the gates of the world almost caused his body to disintegrate, but in the end he persisted and withstood the disaster.

It is precisely because Uchiha Yuu is in the long river of time that he can feel the past from the waves of time, feel the magnificence when parallel time and space are torn apart, and all kinds of details.

He even saw his own soul clone and learned that he was designing to hunt down the descendants of the Immortal of Six Paths and seek to seize more time and space seal items.

Uchiha Yu immediately guessed that the biggest need of his clone was to transport back across the long river of time the seemingly small but actually huge descended body of the Six Paths Sage.

This is one of the keys to the strategic battle between him and the Sage of Six Paths, and must be completed with all his strength.

This matter was important, but not urgent. Uchiha Yu was not in a hurry to return to time and space, but stayed leisurely outside time and space, looking towards the not-so-distant past.

After withstanding the shock wave of time and space tearing apart, the scene of the birth of parallel time and space was completely displayed in front of his eyes. This was a spectacle comparable to the supernova explosion in the universe.

In the long river of time, the concept of space has been compressed to the level of a mere concept, while time has expanded to become as complex as three dimensions.

The birth of parallel time and space is like a new branch, sprouting, growing, and gradually extending from the main trunk of the long river of time. The vitality is so gratifying.

Because there is only a 40-year gap in time, Uchiha Yu can see almost all details, and his understanding of time and space has skyrocketed.

As his understanding of the laws increased, the laws of the second level of the golden elixir automatically changed, taking another big step towards final perfection.

Affected by this, the natural energy that the golden elixir can contain increased sharply, and even made Uchiha Yuu feel "hungry" in the passage of time.

A strong sense of hunger struck, making Uchiha Yu panic, and he only felt that the long river of time around him was like sea water. Not only could it not satisfy his needs, but it would cause greater harm.

Then he felt that there was a huge temptation on the other side of the door to the world, where there was food that made him salivate, food that could satisfy all his needs.

Of course Uchiha Yuu knew that it was the natural energy rich in the Flower and Fruit Mountain, which was exactly what the suddenly empty golden elixir needed.

But he did not succumb to his instinct, and endured the feeling of hunger and emptiness, quietly admiring the tearing of time and space in the long river of time, feeling the strongest display of the laws of time and space.

It was not until the birth of the new time and space was completely completed and everything returned to peace that he consolidated his body, re-condensed into a human body, and returned to Huaguo Mountain through the Gate of the World.

He did not take back his entire body, but left about half of his body outside this time and space, continuing to serve as a protective shield for time and space.

Although this will cause Uchiha Yu's strength to drop a bit, it can prevent others from raiding through time and space. He believes that this is a necessary precaution.

After returning to Huaguo Mountain, Uchiha Yu couldn't bear it anymore and frantically absorbed the natural energy in the holy land, forming a whirlwind around his body.

At the same time, the divine power in the Zifu world also began to operate, fully refining natural energy.

In the past year, Uchiha Yu's belief in the Horse God has developed rapidly, especially when he began to work hard in the Kingdom of Ghosts, allowing him to accumulate a lot of divine power.

At this time, he spent his divine power at all costs, refining at full speed, and the natural energy was quickly refined, and then transported to the golden elixir sun in the sky without stopping.

After mysterious channel conversion, natural energy flows into the Dantian like a long river, and is finally integrated into the Golden Dan.

After filling up the golden elixir for a while, Uchiha Yu felt no longer flustered. He couldn't help but sigh comfortably, preparing to slow down the absorption of natural energy.

Overeating is bad no matter what.

But before he could take action, a familiar natural energy was injected into his body. It turned out that Miwa Masashi rushed to the time and space hall and extended a helping hand to him.

Uchiha Yuu did not refuse, and mixed Miwa Masayo's natural energy with his own refined natural energy, and injected it into the golden elixir.

During the process of re-condensing the Broken Pill, he accepted the aura of Miwa Masayo and regarded it as one of the signature features of his Golden Pill.

At the same time, during the process of transforming into an adult, Miwa Masayo also absorbed his Uchiha Yuu aura, which is clearly reflected in the three forms of Lolita, Tora Sister, and Colorful Tiger.

In this way, they completely solidified the relationship between the Taoists, forming a completely complementary and irreversible connection with each other, and even their fates were closely bonded together.

As the saying goes: if one is prosperous, both will be prosperous; if one is deprived, both will suffer.

This is an advantageous time to demonstrate this close connection.

A portion of Miwa Masayo's natural energy mixed in is worth a hundred times the refined natural energy, quickly meeting the needs of the golden elixir.

Soon Uchiha Yuu returned to normal. He reached out his right hand and touched the little Loli's black hair, and said with a smile: "Rika-chan, I'm fine now. I don't need to input natural energy anymore."

As he spoke, Uchiha Yu's body had a natural echo, feeding back a natural energy to Miwa Masayo through the connection of his breath.

This is the natural energy that was rejected by Uchiha Yuu's body, but it fits perfectly with Miwa Masayo's body. Just a small amount instantly made up for the little Loli's entire consumption, and even pushed her practice a big step forward. .

When the strength is full, the strength is greatly improved. For Miwa Masashi, it is equivalent to having a full meal and getting stronger at the same time.

This was a rare enjoyment. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Yuu Uchiha, the little loli closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

When her muscles stretched to the limit, she even purred comfortably.

After a long time, the little Loli opened her eyes and sighed: "Meow, it feels so comfortable, meow."

"Hehe, it turned out that I wanted to help Yu, but in the end, I got such a big benefit."

Uchiha Yu chuckled and said, "Yes, we are Taoist couples who can never be separated. You help me without thinking when I am in danger, and of course you have to enjoy the benefits I get."

Hearing the words of the Taoist companion, the cute little lolita with straight black hair burst into laughter. She meowed and spun around in circles: "You and I will never be separated, meow."

Uchiha Yu watched her spinning around with a heartfelt smile on his face.

The time-travel exploration that lasted for so long finally made significant progress. The Taoist companion who was raised by himself has excellent qualifications and has a deep relationship with him. He really feels very satisfied now.

So his smile really comes from the heart.

At the same time, Uchiha Yuu's heart is also full of motivation. After solving a few problems, he can personally travel to the distant past and accumulate strength safely.

In fact, based on what he had just harvested, after a few days of preparation, he would be able to travel to a thousand years ago.

The reason why he continues to delay is because he decided to take his kitten with him to a thousand years ago.

Traveling through time for thousands of years is quite a long journey.

As the saying goes: The long journey is insignificant.

The difficulty of traveling alone is different from that of traveling with another person.

Uchiha Yuu wanted to travel alone before because he didn't have the ability and had to go alone.

What he was thinking was that he was traveling through time anyway, and going and coming back only happened in an instant. For Miwa Masayo, it might just be a blink of an eye, and he would be back.

But Uchiha Yuu knew that for him, at least a thousand years had passed.

Thousands of years, this was a long time that he could not even imagine.

Although he still remembers things from his previous life, in fact, what he can remember is more knowledge, and most of the memories have been forgotten.

Not to mention his previous life, he has forgotten most of his playmates in this life when he was a child.

He couldn't remember all of his closest friends. Some of them had names, and some had vague faces.

And those companions who were not very close could not remember anything, only that there was such a person.

This is less than 20 years ago.

Of course, Uchiha Yuu and Miwa Masashi's relationship is extraordinary. He believes that even after a thousand years, he will never forget the cute kitten.

But what about feelings?

If we haven't seen each other for a thousand years, will our relationship become as cold as ashes?

Maybe, maybe not.

When Uchiha Yuu didn't have the ability, he had no choice but to leave on his own, but now that he has gained enough ability after his breakthrough, he will never leave Miwa Masashi behind.

Moreover, there is a great advantage of bringing Miwa Masashi, that is, if they get a chance, they can just leave without having to come back.

As long as he is with his Taoist companion, he can have a safe home no matter which time and space he is in, and there is no need to worry about even ascending to the upper world.

Anyway, he was not from this world.

It's just that the possibility of ascending is very low. Uchiha Yu looked at the causal lines all over his body. Not only were there hundreds of thousands of causal lines in this time and space, but there were also causal lines that spanned multiple parallel time and spaces.

Just like a ship fixed by hundreds of anchors, it is impossible to sail freely.

Being implicated in a huge number of people, he actually didn't have to think about ascending and leaving.

But what if, what if there is a chance?

People always have to have dreams, otherwise why would he have bought a lottery ticket every week in his previous life?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Yuu had a flash of light, Uchiha Shisui's name appeared in his heart, and the next moment Uchiha Ayumi's name also appeared.

After the golden elixir was re-condensed, Uchiha Yuu had a vague connection with the ninja world, and accordingly gained more obvious supernatural intuition.

In the past, he could feel his own situation through intuition, but now he can use intuition to discover that those people related to him have changed.

The names of Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Ayumi suddenly appeared, which meant that their status had undergone major changes.

Uchiha Yu understood instantly that these two disciples had officially completed the foundation building and entered the gate of immortality.

After a full year and four months, I finally got started.

Starting from the two of them, foundation building is no longer day-to-day foundation building.

It's not that the two younger brothers are not qualified. In fact, the entire ninja world is not qualified. The two younger brothers are already extremely talented.

In other words, it's because Yuu Uchiha and Masato Miwa are special. The threshold they crossed without any hindrance is like an insurmountable mountain for other ninjas.

In the past year, as the practice of immortality spread along with the [System], there were more than a thousand ninjas in the entire ninja world who skipped introducing Qi into their bodies and started practicing immortality directly.

Among them, hundreds of ninjas have completed preparations for foundation building, but they are stuck in front of the foundation building.

Many ninjas even suffered backlash after failing to build foundations, and suffered serious setbacks in their practice. They could not overcome it despite repeated efforts.

Like Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Ayumi, there are only a dozen or so people who can move forward slowly and steadily without retreating. They are all very good ninjas, rare talents in the ninja world.

Crossing the foundation-building threshold and entering the foundation-building stage will not trigger a catastrophe, but subsequent practice will progress faster in an environment rich in natural energy.

Uchiha Yu stood up and said to Miwa Masashi: "Shisui and Aumi have established the foundation. I will go get them."

Miwa Masashi said in surprise: "That's great, Huaguo Mountain finally has a new member."

"I'm going to prepare fruits to entertain them. It's at Kangong Peak, right?"

Uchiha Yu nodded: "Yes, Kan Gong Peak."

After saying that, he stepped out and disappeared in front of Miwa Masashi. When he settled down, he was already standing in the yard of Uchiha Shisui's house.

Old man Uchiha Shinyin did not lie on his favorite recliner, but stood nervously in the yard, staring at Shisui sitting cross-legged under the big tree.

Standing with the old man was Uchiha Fugaku. He noticed the space fluctuations, turned around and saw Uchiha Yu coming, and immediately smiled reassuringly.

"Senior Xinyin, the clan leader is here, Shisui will definitely be fine."

"Clan leader, Zhisui..."

Uchiha Yu nodded: "I understand, Shisui is going to become a sage."

"But it is too difficult for Shisui to break through in Konoha Village. I will take Shisui to the Immortal Holy Land to complete the breakthrough."

He smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, old man Xinyin, Zhishui will definitely be fine."

"Senior Fugaku, in addition to Shisui, I will also take Ayumi with me. You can arrange for someone to take over the work he is responsible for for a period of time."

"Yes! Lord Patriarch."

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