I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 381 The essence of the battle between gods is actually anorectal tactics

During the Third Ninja War, Uchiha Yuu tried his best to block Uchiha Madara, killed him without hesitation, and then burned his body to ashes, completely cutting off the hope of Madara's resurrection.

But when he traveled to the past and fought in the Valley of the End, his soul clone was willing to help Senju Hashirama and provide more information to "persuade" Uchiha Madara.

This is not because he made a mistake in judgment or changed his temper, but because the situation he faced was different.

The battle at the Valley of the End has not yet determined life and death. Uchiha Madara was only deceived by Black Zetsu and was not stabbed to death by Senju Hashirama.

He also failed to fight Senju Hashirama and repeatedly treated his injuries, so that he lost his foundation and died two years later after lingering on the bed.

More importantly, Madara Uchiha did not swallow Hashirama's flesh and blood and merge it into his own body. After escaping with Izanagi's fake death, he suffered in the underground for decades and gave birth to a pair of reincarnation eyes.

When the Eye of Samsara appeared, the cost he sunk was too great.

The ideal of Konoha Village, the continuation of the Uchiha clan, the best friend Senju Hashirama, an eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, the hope of inheriting the bloodline...

He had nothing left except the dream of eternal peace in the shinobi world.

No matter what changes occur, and no matter what Uchiha Madara thinks, he has no room to retreat even half a step, and can only move forward firmly towards the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

When Uchiha Yuu faced Uchiha Madara, what he saw in his eyes was the silence after endless pain and torture, as well as a trace of hope.

He knew at that time that this ancestor did not want to live.

Therefore, Uchiha Yu killed him directly without trying to persuade him.

But the situation is different now. Uchiha Madara has not turned everything into a sunk cost, and it is possible for him to be "persuaded".

After all, there are two Senju Hashirama here.

It would be great to beat Madara Uchiha so hard that he would be bruised and swollen until he could no longer take care of himself, and then reason with her properly, use shocking information to shatter his dreams and hopes, and then give him new hope. Probably convinced him.

If you want to make friends with the four laughing heroes of the Uchiha family, or persuade them to accept reality, you almost have to go through this process.

Well, except for Itachi Uchiha, who has an abnormal brain circuit, that is a monster that no one can convince.

Uchiha Yu passed the entire plan to the time traveler Hashirama through the [System], as well as information involving Black Zetsu, the Samsara Eye, the Six Paths Sage Monument, Otsutsuki Kaguya, etc.

Hashirama was deeply shocked by so much information, and was persuaded by the plan to "persuade" Uchiha Madara. He said to his younger self: "I have a plan that can bring Madara back to Konoha Village."

Senju Hashirama's eyes lit up: "What should I do?"

The time traveler Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara: "You first cooperate with me to defeat Madara, and then I will convince him with secret information."

Senju Hashirama nodded immediately: "Okay!"

Uchiha Madara: "..."

The voices between the two pillars were loud, and they did not avoid his thoughts at all. They were obviously convinced that this guy would not escape.

Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth angrily: "Okay, okay, let me see how powerful you are."

[Very good, as long as you provoke Madara loudly, he will ignore his lack of chakra. 】

[Madara, this idiot, is so cute. 】

The two Hashiramas were very satisfied and successfully controlled Madara again.

Then they separated from left to right with great tacit understanding, clamped the exhausted Uchiha Madara, and pressed him to the ground with a "smile", and then there was a crackling.

"Asshole! Hashirama! You, you are cheating!"

"Ah! You can't slap me in the face!"

"Madara! Accept your fate, Iron Fist of Love!!"

When the battle in the Valley of the End entered a dull fighting stage, the previous terrifying vibrations, fireballs, and air waves naturally disappeared.

The keen Konoha ninjas quickly noticed this, and under the leadership of Senju Tobirama, they dispatched again and quickly moved towards the no-man's land where the battlefield was located.

Everyone has calmed down completely, and this time it should be really over.

The Konoha ninjas were still frightened by the previous impact, but they were also increasingly worried about the First Hokage. This time, even the jonins of the Uchiha clan were dispatched, and they even rushed to the front of the queue.

This generation of Konoha ninjas have a clear distinction between love and hate. The Uchihas are really worried about the first Hokage, fearing that the former clan leader will hurt Senju Hashirama.

This is the unique charm of Senju Hashirama, the confused king. Don't think that Senju Hashirama is in charge of specific affairs. Senju Hashirama, the Hokage, is not the powerful Hokage.

In fact, after the creation of Konoha Village in the late Warring States Period, Senju Hashirama became the first Hokage, was it really because of the little tricks Senju Tobirama did?

Do not make jokes.

This is the era of ninjas, and ninjas are a profession that specializes in conspiracy. They are all guys who can stab people in the back and never show their faces.

They are immersed in dark calculations every day, and their understanding of the inner workings of the human heart is far beyond that of ordinary people. How could their hearts be swayed by Tobirama's little tricks.

The real reason is that everyone knows that Senju Hashirama's sincerity is not false. Like Uchiha Madara, they all sincerely recognize Senju Hashirama, are willing to let him serve as the first Hokage, and are only willing to accept him as Hokage.

When the Konoha ninjas first set out to support, the Uchihas did not move out of embarrassment and stayed on the wall on the pretext of patrolling to protect the village.

But when the Uchiha saw the Senju Hashirama and saw the storm that broke out, they knew that Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were serious about it.

The Uchihas could no longer sit still and joined the second wave of support teams without hesitation.

They hope to be able to stop their former boss in a critical moment and prevent him from harming the First Hokage.

This group of Uchihas mustered up the courage to be frightened by the battle between the two bosses, shouted slogans with red eyes, and desperately encouraged themselves to move forward bravely.


"Protect the First Hokage!"

"Stop Madara-sama before he makes a big mistake!"

Along with the slogans, their enthusiasm gradually increased and their speed became faster and faster, even forcing Senju Tobirama to move forward at full speed.

The Jounin of Konoha behind didn't care anymore, and accelerated as fast as they could to chase the Uchiha in front.

They didn't want to fall behind the Uchiha, that would be too embarrassing.

Moreover, they also have to prevent these red-eyed gangs from being stupid. What if they side with Madara Uchiha and attack the First Hokage?

The Konoha ninjas chased each other and quickly approached the battlefield.

When they were less than ten kilometers away from the battlefield, an unstoppable invisible aura hit them, like a huge tsunami, sweeping over the ninjas unprepared.

The terrifying sense of crisis made the Konoha ninjas suddenly feel terrified, and then they disappeared without a trace, no longer feeling any threat.

No jounin would mistake his own feelings, especially when all the jounin felt something, they felt even more horrified.

Everyone stopped again. They looked at each other, wondering whether they should continue to take risks.

The Uchiha ninja standing at the front even asked: "Tobirama-sama, should we...should we advance...or retreat?"

Senju Tobirama also had a serious look on his face at this time, but he quickly shook his head slowly and bitterly gave an order to all the ninjas: "Wait!"

"You all feel it, that terrifying...god in front of you."

The Konoha ninjas all nodded with pale faces, even the more than thirty Uchiha ninjas.

The unruly Uchihas even closed their Sharingan unconsciously, trying their best to hide their aura to avoid being discovered by a certain existence.

There are many Kage-level ninjas among this group of Konoha jounin. Senju Tobirama is undoubtedly the strongest, and as the master of forbidden arts development, he has the widest knowledge and the keenest perception.

If what other Konoha jounin felt was indescribable terror, then what Senju Tobirama felt was the overlooking view of a high-ranking being and the pressure conveyed by the shadow cast by his body.

Just like when humans look down at ants, ants that are not particularly strong or keen cannot detect that an extremely huge life compared to them is watching them.

But these top ninjas discovered that the leader Senju Tobirama could feel that there were unimaginable giants fighting ten kilometers ahead.

The unconscious ants do not know why and will rush into the soles of human feet and die without knowing why, but the keen soldier ants can feel the changes in the shadows when human footsteps move.

They may not be able to avoid human attacks, but at least they won't rush into the soles of giant creatures on their own.

Senju Tobirama was wondering when his brother and Uchiha Madara had grown to such a height, even beyond his comprehension, and he could only barely feel the vague outline.

This shouldn't be the case.

Senju Tobirama's doubts were correct. The existence that brought infinite terror to him and the Konoha jounin was not Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, but the Six Paths Sage who came to the world, and the Uchiha who attacked the Sage. Yuu.

Yes, Uchiha Yu succeeded in another sneak attack.

It's not that Yuu Uchiha is stronger than the Sage of Six Paths, he still can't confront the Sage of Six Paths who comes.

But being able to time travel is the biggest foul.

Uchiha Yu had already experienced the same battle once, and his sneak attack again was completely targeted.

He clearly mastered the habits, skills, and abilities of the Immortal of Six Paths. After carefully planning his sneak attack, every move was absolutely on target.

With the first blow, Uchiha Yu cut off the path for the Six Paths Sage to descend, forming a form of beating the dog with the door closed.

Then he used hundreds of consecutive uninterrupted attacks to defeat the core of the Six Paths Sage's descending body in one fell swoop, causing him to lose his ability to think and control. After the descending body lost control, it began to expand infinitely.

It was at this time that, as the body lost control, powerful celestial chakra fluctuations were emitted.

This kind of power is powerful in scale, but its actual strength is so thin that it is difficult to detect, and the closer the distance, the harder it is to detect.

Senju Tobirama and the Konoha ninjas who were about ten kilometers away more or less sensed something, but Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama in the center of the battlefield did not feel it.

On the battlefield where Uchiha Madara and the two pillars were torn between each other, about 6,500 meters above this new valley floor, two truly giant beings were fighting.

In front of them, Uchiha Madara, the majestic Kyuubi who is over 100 meters tall, and Senju Hashirama, the taller Shin Senju, are both younger brothers.

Because the diameter of the Six Paths Sage's body reached 60,000 meters, and the diameter of Uchiha Yuu's soul clone also exceeded 40,000 meters, the two guys fought with each other, squeezed each other, and formed a pizza-like outline at high altitude.

The bodies of both parties are made up of natural energy and chakra, but the specific forms used are completely different.

The Sage of Six Paths mixes natural energy with chakra, and the resulting senjutsu chakra is extremely powerful and explosive.

The natural energy and chakra in Uchiha Yuu's body are distinct, and they influence each other endlessly, with endless potential.

Therefore, although the Sage of Six Paths was the one who was attacked by surprise, he was the one attacking fiercely, constantly cutting and breaking Uchiha Yu's body, and then swallowing the fragments into his own body for digestion.

However, Uchiha Yuu did not fight head-on with the Sage of Six Paths, and allowed him to attack his tail in pieces, delaying time with his endless power.

At the same time, he concentrated his power to penetrate and erode the tail of the Six Paths Sage, directly decomposing the celestial chakra into the natural energy and chakra needed by his body.

In fact, the two magatama-shaped guys don't matter head or tail, that's just the area where their consciousness is concentrated, and they can easily turn around anytime and anywhere.

Whenever the Sage of Six Paths couldn't stand the erosion and turned around to fight with Yuu Uchiha, he would turn around at the same time and start eroding in the opposite direction.

If the Sage of Six Paths breaks through in the middle, Yuu Uchiha will split himself in two, bypass the Sage of Six Paths' impact, close behind the opponent's butt, and continue to erode his tail.

What he was playing was the tactics used by the director of the African Anorectal Department to become famous, and it was also a variation of Taijutsu passed down from generation to generation by the Hokage of Konoha Village.

In order to win, He doesn't care about his reputation. There is no room for refinement in a life-and-death battle.

Yuu Uchiha is weak but has rich fighting experience and is shameless. Sage of Six Paths is strong but has no fighting experience in this state and is always embarrassed.

So they reached a stalemate, chasing each other head and tail, entangled endlessly, and entered the deadlock where Dui Zi wasted away.

If you can look down from a higher perspective, such as 100 kilometers above the ground, you can see a disc structure of Yin and Yang fish. The difference from the Tai Chi diagram is that there are no Shaoyin and Shaoyang fish eyes.

For the Immortal of Six Paths, this situation was simply too bad.

Since the death of the physical body, his essence has been integrated into the world of death, combined with the pure land discovered by chance, and transformed into an unprecedented existence, combining the characteristics of the death god, the immortal and Otsutsuki.

Such a strange existence allowed Otsutsuki Hagoromo to get rid of the inherent shackles, surpassing his mother in one fell swoop, and becoming a life of the blood-successor level.

Because of the jump in life level, the Six Paths Immortal used the body of Otsutsuki to forcibly cultivate natural energy, and exchanged endless lifespan for the power of immortality, and the consequences of death caused by it were also solved.

It can be said that all problems are completely eliminated.

But nothing is only beneficial. Because of the characteristics of the god of death, he was trapped in the pure land, and it was difficult to interfere with everything in the ninja world.

For the Sage of Six Paths to enter the ninja world, it is far more difficult than resurrecting the dead, because he has become a part of death.

Only if there is a strong enough anchor in the ninja world, can a part of oneself be forcibly dragged into the ninja world by descending.

The most common anchors used by the Sage of Six Paths are his two sons.

The souls of Indra and Asura are attached to their own chakras, connected to the law of reincarnation through the Samsara Eye, and are constantly reincarnated in their respective blood descendants.

The Heretic Reincarnation Technique is the prototype of the Heretic Reincarnation Technique. The Six Paths of Reincarnation created by this technique is the source of Hagoromo Otsutsuki's title of Six Paths Sage.

The so-called Six Paths Puppet developed by Nagato is really a little trick that doesn't work on the stage.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation created by the Sage of Six Paths with the Reincarnation Eye was very strong, and Uchiha Yuu was very panicked at first.

That is the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and any existence related to this is not the righteous god of heaven and earth.

Not to mention the big separatist forces in the mythological system like the Ten Palaces of Yama, even the errand-running bulls and horses and the black and white impermanence are all powerful and powerful gods.

How dare Uchiha Yuu not be afraid?

But he soon realized that something was wrong. The Six Paths Immortal might be very powerful in combat, but compared to the regularized Minotaur Horse Noodles, wasn't this force too weak?

With the power of the Monkey King, he was tied up with chains by Black and White Wuchang and dragged into the underworld.

Even though the whole underworld was turned upside down by the monkey as soon as the chain was opened, the monkey really had no way to struggle during the dragging process.

The King of Hell tells you to die at the third watch, but who dares to keep you until the fifth watch?

This is how a god who incorporates laws should defend his rights. If he wants to drag you to the underworld, no matter how great the god is, he will not be able to resist.

Of course, after those truly powerful people are dragged to the underworld, it is not certain who will be unlucky.

From this point of view, the six paths of reincarnation of the Six Paths Immortal are just that. After so many years, they can only reincarnate his two sons, which is not what the laws of heaven and earth should be like.

Through this extremely incomplete Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Six Paths Sage can reincarnate his sons, and he can also use his sons as anchors to descend into the ninja world.

But last time Uchiha Yu discovered that the connection between the Six Paths Sage and the Pure Land after coming to the ninja world was extremely fragile, and it seemed that it could be completely destroyed with just a single blow.

He didn't have time to try last time, but this time he succeeded in one blow after careful preparation, completely destroying the descending passage and trapping the descending body of the Six Paths Sage in the ninja world.

As a result, the Sage of Six Paths lost his replenishment, and the power he carried was a little less.

On the contrary, Uchiha Yuunen continuously absorbs natural energy, constantly improves his strength, and becomes stronger with each fight.

Even though the Immortal of Six Paths is attacking on the current scene, and the attack is extremely fierce, in fact he is very panicked. He clearly knows that the moment of his failure is approaching, but he has no way to solve it.

Uchiha had the winning ticket in hand and couldn't help bursting out with a proud laugh: "Six Paths Sage, I win again this time!"

The Immortal of Six Paths turned a deaf ear and asked the same question again: "Who are you?"

"I am your enemy."

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