I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 380 Madara, don’t be stubborn, we have two Hashirama!

After rounds of suppression by wooden hands, the Nine-Tails' powerful Susanoo suit was peeled off, revealing the cute and godless Nine-Tails.

The strongest tailed beast in the ninja world was now sandwiched between two ninja gods and demons, being rubbed back and forth. It looked so weak, pitiful and helpless.

When Kuoan entered the palace and spread his hands, a huge hand with the word "seat" appeared on it. After awakening the consciousness of the nine tails, the tailed beast was investigated by Xianjutsu without knowing anything. The sealing technique composed of carats sealed it.

When the Kyuubi was sealed, the climax of the battle at the Valley of the End was over.

Without Kyuubi as the supplier of chakra, Uchiha Madara could not launch the largest Susanoo, and Senju Hashirama, who was forced to break away from the current mode, did not have enough chakra to perform the true Senju again.

The fighting intensity of the two fell from close to the Sixth Path level to just the Super Shadow level in one fell swoop.

They even engaged in close combat, wielding ninja swords, Uchiha fans and long scythes, and the fight was so lively that sparks flew everywhere.

This is the battle scene that the time traveler Senju Hashirama saw after arriving at the battlefield.

Neither of them was injured, and neither of them survived to the point of exhaustion, which made him breath a huge sigh of relief.

Wood escape·The birth of the tree world

With the help of the broken wooden fragments on the ground and the broken branches and leaves that had already covered the ground, towering ancient trees rose from the ground, forming a dense primeval forest in the blink of an eye, separating the two sides of the battle and forcibly stopping the battle. .

Uchiha Madara was frightened. He looked at Senju Hashirama in disbelief: "You still have so much energy left, but you have been lying to me and playing with me?"

“That’s too much, Hashirama!!”

Uchiha Madara couldn't tell that the Wood Release this time was not used by the Senju Hashirama in front of him, but of course Senju Hashirama himself knew it.

He waved his hands wildly and defended anxiously: "It's not me, it's really not me. You have to believe that I won't lie to you, Madara!!"



"Tsk, I didn't really think there was anything wrong at the time. Why do I feel so ashamed now that I'm watching from the sidelines?"

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama turned their heads suddenly and watched as another Senju Hashirama stepped on the trunk of the big tree and slowly rose from under the crown of the tree.

They were all stunned.

Uchiha Madara's mind was in chaos. He didn't know what to say and could only stand blankly on the tree.

Senju Hashirama asked stupidly: "Are you me?"

The time traveler Hashirama smiled and said: "Of course, of course I am you."

"I was successfully resurrected 40 years later and traveled through time to the present to save you, myself."

He turned to look at the confused Uchiha Madara and continued: "But the most important purpose is to save you, Uchiha Madara."

Before Uchiha Madara could recover, he murmured in shock: "Two, two Hashirama."

But hearing that the time traveler Hashirama said he was here to save him immediately aroused his proud heart.

[Why can Hashirama say to save me? Hashirama is obviously the frog in the well. 】

[I am the one who climbed out of the well of Konoha Village, stood in the vast world, and saw the farther future! 】

[What's more, I have also seen the history of a thousand years ago and know how to obtain the power of salvation that belongs to the Immortals of Six Paths. Hashirama is not qualified to save me! 】

But Uchiha Madara struggled out of his random thoughts, only to find that the two Hashiramas were already standing together, discussing lively a topic that he didn't understand at all.

“It’s a wonderful feeling to talk to yourself.”

"Yes, it can match every topic, and it can also inspire stronger inspiration."

"It seems that Tobirama can't do it. He said that when he meets himself after time travel, the person he wants to kill the most is himself on the opposite side."

"Haha, this is Tobirama's character."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Uchiha Madara looked at the two Hashiramas smiling at each other, and suddenly felt like he had been thrown away, and their heartless cheerfulness made Madara even more angry.

I really want to kill them.

Ninjas rarely have a good temper, and Uchiha Madara is not a sloppy person. He did not hesitate to hit him with a fan and a sickle, scaring the two pillars to dodge.

The time traveler Hashirama was puzzled: "I told you I was here to save you, why are you even more energetic?"

"Madara, don't think I can't beat you!"

Madara Uchiha's forehead hurt: "Hashirama, you, no, both of you, think I'm easy to bully?"

The patterns in his eyes were spinning crazily, and he did not hesitate to damage his own body to forcibly activate the power of the kaleidoscope, and the blue Susano giant rose from the ground again.

The Sharingan is the eye that reflects the soul, and Susanoo is the reverse reflection of communicating with the gods through the Sharingan.

As long as the anger and unwillingness in the heart are strong enough, one can get rid of physical fatigue and the limitations of insufficient chakra to a certain extent.

Uchiha Madara is better at Susanoo and can activate Susanoo without relying on the Mangekyo Sharingan.

At this time, he used his shame and anger as a guide to forcibly stimulate the eye power to rebuild Susanoo.

Suspended in Susanoo's head, surpassing the big tree created by the Advent of the Tree World, Uchiha Madara looked down at the two Senju Hashirama, and his mood suddenly became extremely happy.

Ignoring the tears of blood flowing from the corners of his eyes, he smiled triumphantly and said: "In the end, I am more powerful, Hashirama, now you can't use the Bokuren Jutsu anymore, can you?"

Feeling the weakness of his body and the fatigue caused by the lack of chakra, Senju Hashirama knew that he was indeed not suitable to use the Bokujin Jutsu again.

But seeing Uchiha Madara being so triumphant, he still clicked his tongue and clasped his hands together, trying to forcefully extract the chakra from his body and forcefully use the Bokujin Jutsu to fight him.

But his clasped hands were grabbed by the other hand, and a surge of chakra poured into his body. While alleviating the physical lack, it also interrupted his movement of extracting chakra.

The time traveler Hashirama looked at him, shook his head and said: "Don't do this, you will die."

Senju Hashirama asked in surprise: "Will you really die?"

"You will die, I have experience."

The time traveler Hashirama said sincerely: "Being weak is uncomfortable, and death is also uncomfortable, so after I was resurrected 40 years later, I traveled over as soon as possible to stop your fight."

Senju Hashirama's personality makes it easy to trust people, let alone this is another self, he has to believe it.

But he looked up at Susanoo and gritted his teeth and said, "But the way Madara is now, he won't listen to me until I beat him down... ah!"

The time traveler Hashirama rolled his eyes: "I'm young, you should use your brain. You and Madara are stepping on the big tree I made with the tree world, so why do you ignore my existence? "

"I only used one tree world birth. My chakra and physical strength are very sufficient, and my combat effectiveness is at full strength."

"The Susanoo that this idiot Madara forcibly made looks flickering and unstable. Can it still be worth the Wood Release I used?"

As the tall and sturdy wooden man rose from the ground, Uchiha Madara, who controlled Susanoo, was dumbfounded. Like Senju Hashirama, he forgot the existence of the other Hashirama.

The next battle was naturally one-sided.

The barely unfolded Susanoo is only in the third stage, but the wooden figure of the time traveler Hashirama is taller and stronger than the Senju Hashirama.

The more powerful wooden man can suppress the weak Susanoo without the cooperation of the wooden dragon.

What's even more outrageous is that the fat wooden man actually holds a weapon in his hand.

They were a pair of huge wooden hammers, and when the wooden man wielded them, the tiger was like a wind. Every blow was like a mountain falling, causing Susanoo to stagger around.

However, after seven or eight blows, Susanoo lost his balance and collapsed on his back.

But Hashirama, the time traveler, had no intention of letting go and continued to beat the fallen Susanoo hard.

With the earth as an anvil, the impact of the wooden man's hammer swing is more realistic. With the help of Susanoo's rebound, the hammers are lifted higher and fall more frequently.

Boom! Boom, boom, boom--boom! !

After more than ten strokes, the time traveler Hashirama even played a strong rhythm, which was so contagious that Senju Hashirama was so driven that he couldn't help but dance.

To be honest, the impact of the wooden hammer wielded by the wooden man is not very strong, and it cannot be compared with a giant hand with thousands of hands.

But the frequency of unstoppable strikes is very clever. The vibration and rebound generated by each strike can pave the way for the next strike, forming a relay relationship between them.

So Susanoo, who could withstand thousands of blows from giant hands, received about a hundred blows on the ground before making a crisp cracking sound and turning into blue fragments flying all over the sky.

Uchiha Madara lay on the ground with a blank look on his face. He still can't understand why he was at a disadvantage from the beginning, and why he was unable to fight back from the beginning to the end.

What he didn't understand even more was how could such a moderate attack destroy Susanoo?

Of course he didn't understand that this was actually not today's technology, but the research results accumulated by various ninjas in the ninja world for decades after Susanoo brought a huge shock to the ninja world.

Uchiha Madara's Susanoo and Senju Hashirama's Wood Release brought peace to the ninja world and brought such a shock to the ninja world that ninjas including the Leaf Village will naturally study it.

But as the Senju clan disappeared completely into the Leaf Village, the remaining Uchiha clan became the most eye-catching target.

Especially when Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Fugaku used Susanoo again, ninjas from all over the world began to study tactics at all costs under the fear that penetrated their bones.

Especially after Konoha Village completely suppressed the entire ninja world, related research became more radical, even at any cost.

Therefore, in recent years, the attack tactics against Susanoo have undergone breakthrough development, forming a system based on blood succession limit secret techniques and supplemented by other tactics.

But with the popularity of [System] among jounin, through the backdoor of [System], all relevant research results fell into the hands of Uchiha Yuu.

Based on his own experience of using Susanoo, he combined everyone's results and summarized the ten most effective ways to destroy Susanoo.

The strike method used by the time traveler Senju Hashirama does not require the blood inheritance limit similar to the melting release, nor does it require special ninjutsu, it is a pure physical attack method.

As long as the blow is strong enough and the strike frequency is maintained correctly, resonance can be accumulated that affects the entire Susanoo, thus completely crushing the Susanoo.

Under the guidance of the [System], Hashirama, the time traveler, attacked strictly according to the designated strength and rhythm, and easily defeated Susanoo.

To be honest, the time traveler Hashirama himself was a little confused.

Of course, Senju Hashirama is sure of breaking Susanoo, but he is not sure of the control force. It is very likely that when Susanoo is broken, he will severely hurt Uchiha Madara.

Out of this concern, he asked [the system] if there was any way to get this physical attack method, and strictly followed the prompts.

He trusts [the system] so much because the resurrection hosted by Yuu Uchiha gave him a strong foundation of trust in Yuu Uchiha.

Moreover, in the past few days, Hashirama ignored the [System] prompts and misjudged that he was not in the Valley of the End, causing him to search all over the mountains and fields but found nothing.

Therefore, when the fireball rose and proved that the [system] was correct, he also had a high degree of trust in the [system].

But he never expected to break Susanoo so easily.

The azure blue fragments of Susanoo were flying all over the sky, falling like snowflakes, and finally disappeared into the dense jungle.

Some time had passed since the climax of the battle, and the flames were extinguished by the reborn primeval forest. As the blue light of the Susanoo fragments disappeared, the light on the battlefield dimmed, and the cold starlight slightly illuminated everything.

Uchiha Madara suddenly laughed: "Senju Hashirama...you guys, don't you think you can defeat me and stop me from destroying the Leaf Village?"

Senju Hashirama suddenly became nervous: "Madara, don't be stubborn, we have two Hashiramas here! You will never be able to defeat us!"

Uchiha Madara: "..."

He was just pretending to be cool, could you please stop speaking so bluntly? This is too frustrating.

The time traveler Hashirama said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, Madara is scaring us. He has no way to defeat us before he gets our flesh and blood."

Senju Hashirama was confused when he heard this: "Ah? Our flesh and blood?"

After Uchiha Madara heard this, he felt like he was struck by lightning: "How did you know that I wanted to..."

The time traveler Hashirama asked strangely: "How could you be so stupid, Madara?"

He scratched his head: "As I said, I traveled from 40 years later. Of course I will know what you did and who was beaten to death..."

The time traveler covered his mouth to prevent himself from revealing the biggest secret.

Uchiha Madara's eyes widened: "You know everything? I was beaten to death?"

"Hashirama! Did you kill me?"

The time traveler Hashirama subconsciously denied: "No, no, I died of illness soon after this war. It was your descendants who killed you... Huh? Why didn't you stop me?"

Hashirama can easily be unreliable outside of battle, especially if he doesn't keep his mouth shut.

Even though Uchiha Yuu had specifically reminded him, he was still worried, so he specially added reminder and muting functions to the [system].

This function had been working well in the past few days, but something went wrong just now, and this problem was the pit he planted himself.

When making this function, Uchiha Yuu did not think too much about the interference between subsystems, and used the fastest way to implement the sensing and prompting functions.

But when the [System] sensed the aura of the real enemy, the Six Paths Sage Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, as Yuu Uchiha's soul split was rapidly decompressed, some functions of the [System] were damaged.

As a complete [system] implanted in the human body, it naturally has enough redundancy to repair damaged functions, but the temporarily added muting function does not have corresponding redundancy.

As a result, the reminding and muting functions of the [System] were completely broken, but the time traveler Hashirama lost his vigilance because he adapted to this function, and spoke out too much information.

By the time he realized the problem, it was too late.

The time traveler Hashirama thought of Uchiha Yu's instructions and was completely at a loss for a moment.

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were dumbfounded again when they heard such explosive information.

Uchiha Madara pointed to his nose and murmured: "Am I killed by my own descendants?"

The time traveler Hashirama couldn't help but praise: "That is a very good Konoha ninja, far more powerful than me. Madara, I really envy you!"

Uchiha Madara's eyes were empty: "I must be unhappy with your envy. Didn't he beat me to death?"

The time traveler was suddenly speechless and didn't know how to answer the question.

Senju Hashirama on the other side separated his clasped hands, but didn't know where to put them. He also murmured: "I will die of illness after I go back?"

The time traveler Hashirama heard his younger self's words, turned his head and comforted him: "Haha, it's not that fast. He was sick for about two years and died of illness."

Senju Hashirama's eyes were as empty as those of Uchiha Madara, and he smiled bitterly: "Hey, future me, don't you think it would be worse to suffer for two years and then die than to die from an illness directly?"

The time traveler was gradually dumbfounded. Two sentences made the two of them depressed. He no longer knew what to say.

Moreover, the more he said, the more wrong he said, and the more he said wrong, and he couldn't control himself at all. This made him more and more sorry for Yuu Uchiha.

Just when he didn't know what to do, Uchiha Yu's voice sounded in his ears.

[First generation, I still underestimated your big mouth, it’s really amazing. 】

"Hey, Yuu Uchiha, are you here too?"

[No, I am just a soul clone of my true body, sneaking to this point in time with the help of your body’s cover. 】

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't control myself for a moment. Did I get you into big trouble?"

[It’s okay, I made a miscalculation in advance. 】

[First generation, your big mouth not only does no harm, but actually creates the best opportunity for me. 】

"Haha, this is really great! Even making mistakes can turn into good things. It's the good luck of both of us."

[Hatsudaime, you are right, we are lucky. 】

"Is there anything I need to watch out for next?"

[There is nothing to pay attention to. You can say whatever you want and do whatever you want next. 】

[By the way, I will send you more information, maybe I can really convince Uchiha Madara. 】

"Great, you don't think Madara is a bad person either."

[Yes, my stupid ancestor was just stupid, but not bad in nature. 】

【The ancestors of my family are entrusted to the Shodaime. 】

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

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