I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 382 Uchiha Madara: You just want to lie to me without evidence!

Uchiha Yuu and Six Paths Sage are both mentally strong beings. No matter which side is at a disadvantage, they can persist in fighting without giving up.

The power of the Sage of Six Paths was rapidly depleted, so he gathered his strength and repeatedly entangled Uchiha Yu, unwilling to let go of any opportunity to consume the enemy.

Even if you can hold on for one more second, it is worth fighting with all your strength.

But Yuu Uchiha is also the same. After gaining the upper hand, he suppresses the Sage of Six Paths and blocks the passage between the Pure Land and the Ninja World on the other hand, preventing the power of the Sage of Six Paths from entering the Ninja World again and replenishing his descending body.

Although it was a bit difficult, Uchiha Yu still succeeded, defeating and capturing the descending body of the Sage of Six Paths.

He wrapped the Six Paths Sage with his own body, just like an amoeba swallowing a rotifer. Although the rotifer could still struggle in his stomach, death was only a matter of time.

However, Uchiha Yuu did not digest the Six Paths Sage, but instead continuously squeezed and eroded the Senjutsu Chakra in his body, and then used his natural resistance to drive the sealing runes into his body.

Just like this, replacing it bit by bit, it took him a full two hours to seal the descending body of the Immortal of Six Paths, condensing the huge body of tens of thousands of meters into a small bead.

The props to seal this side of time and space are obtained.

However, Uchiha Yuu did not immediately put the sealing items into the Pure Land like last time, sealing the body of the Six Paths Sage and isolating this parallel time and space from external contact.

Because in the battle just now, he felt that his strength seemed to have increased a lot, enough to fight back and forth with the descending body of the Six Paths Immortal.

So Uchiha Yu wanted to try to wait and see if he could hunt more descendants of the Sage of Six Paths.

If you can succeed, you can make multiple sealing props at once. After traveling through time and space and finding that something is wrong, you can immediately start sealing.

Because there is no need to wait for the opportunity or temporarily capture the descending body, his room for error is much larger.

Of course, how to take the sealing beads out will also be what he needs to study next.

[I need time and need to stay in this time and space for a longer time. 】

[I depend on the first generation to sneak through time travel, and the length of stay depends entirely on him, so I have to find a way to let the first generation stay for a while. 】

[Tsk, there is a risk. 】

[The two First Generations in this time and space have met. Under the entanglement and confrontation of fate, a new parallel time and space is destined to be torn apart. 】

[But the longer the first generation stays, the greater the historical deviation caused, the longer it takes to cross the river on the return journey, and the corresponding risks will naturally be greater. 】

[In the end, it still tests the speed of my research. How to solve this problem? 】

Uchiha Yuu's eyes glanced back and forth within a range of hundreds of kilometers, looking down like a god, not looking at the appearance but the aura.

Soon he found the target he wanted, Senju Tobirama.

[It’s you, Nidaime-sama, I have to wrong you this time. 】

[No, although Senju Tobirama cannot become Hokage and has to do research for me honestly, he can still avoid the tragic fate of being trapped by the civil strife in Kumogakure Village, so he can’t be considered a disadvantage. 】

[Besides, if he had not died at the hands of Golden Horn and Silver Horn, not only would he have lived at least 20 more years, but he would also be able to continue his relationship with Orochimaru and pass on his lifelong research on forbidden arts. What a blessing! 】

【You have to thank me! 】

Qianju Feijian suddenly trembled and looked around, but he didn't know what caused him to panic.

At this time, it had been a long time for the front to calm down. The restless Qianju Tobirama gritted his teeth and ordered: "The fighting seems to have stopped. I will go over to check the situation first. You guys wait for five minutes before following up."

After saying that, he rushed forward.

The battle between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama was over long ago.

If there were only Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, after the two of them used their ultimate moves, they were exhausted and continued to fight slowly, it would take at least a day to determine the winner.

But now it was two Hashiramas fighting one Madara, and Hashirama, the time traveler, was still full of energy and at his peak. The winner was decided 10 seconds after the battle started.

Uchiha Madara was unwilling to fail and persisted for five minutes. He was pinned to the ground by two Hashirama and rubbed repeatedly for five minutes. Finally, he had no choice but to give up resistance.

Uchiha Madara was given layers of seals, which inhibited the movement of his limbs and fingers. He was then tied into a rice dumpling with wooden branches, and chakra was extracted at all times. Only then did the two pillars stop with relief.

They were not afraid of Uchiha Madara violently resisting, but they were afraid that he would not be able to bear the failure and suddenly commit suicide.

The time traveler Hashirama looked at the spot with only one head exposed on the wooden ball, and said with satisfaction: "Very good, now you can talk properly."


Even though there was only one head left to move, Uchiha Madara was still proud and said disdainfully: "Don't think that you can point fingers at me since you came 40 years ago. The reality of the ninja world that I see is beyond your imagination. of!"

Senju Hashirama frowned: "Madara, what on earth did you see?"

The time traveler Hashirama checked the [System] prompts and suddenly said: "I know, he should be talking about the information related to the Sage of Six Paths on the wordless stone tablet inherited by the Uchiha family."

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama didn't know why, and Uchiha Madara was stunned.

Hashirama, the time traveler, continued: "But you have been deceived, Madara. Except for the method of awakening the reincarnation eye, which is correct, the infinite moon reading and the eternal peace of the ninja world are both fake."

Senju Hashirama was even more confused. He heard too many new terms and had no idea what the time traveler Hashirama was talking about.

Of course Uchiha Madara knew it. He seemed to be petrified, and then his eyes suddenly became bloodshot, and he yelled with a ferocious face: "Impossible!"

"This can't be true. You're lying to me, right?"

"Hashirama, you are lying to me, right?"

"You lied to me, right..."


Uchiha Madara's voice went from loud to soft, from heartbreaking to tearful, and finally fell silent.

His state went from furious to pleading and finally to despair.

Because Uchiha Madara couldn't convince himself, he knew that Senju Hashirama was a person who never lied, and it was even less likely that he would deceive himself.

Moreover, the Uchiha Monument is a secret, a secret that only the clan leaders and a few elders know. Senju Hashirama should not know.

Even if the later Hokage sends a spy, or the Uchiha clan has a traitor, they know the existence of this stone tablet, and outsiders don't have the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Without the Mangekyo Sharingan, it would be impossible to see the words on the stone tablet, and information such as the Rinnegan Eye, Infinite Tsukuyomi, Six Paths Sage and Eternal Peace in the Ninja World would not be known.

So, the Uchiha clan's Mangekyo rebelled?

Uchiha Madara couldn't understand why an Uchiha ninja, or a ninja who had awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan, would rebel?

In fact, Uchiha Yu couldn't understand it either.

No one should be able to understand it except Uchiha Itachi himself.

However, the time traveler Hashirama gave another answer: "It's true. After you left, the Uchiha clan had a genius, a real genius."

"He became the pillar of Konoha Village, solved the mistakes left by Tobirama and I, reversed the decline of Konoha Village, and brought peace to the entire ninja world."

Uchiha Madara's heart suddenly jumped, and the flame of hope was rekindled.

Traveler Hashirama: "Oh, he killed you too."

Uchiha Madara: "..."

He didn't want to say anything, he just felt that his heart hurt, he was so tired, and he wanted to die.

Traveler Hashirama: "It was he who awakened the second pair of reincarnation eyes and resurrected me with the art of reincarnation."

Uchiha Madara couldn't bear it anymore: "Impossible, how did he know your flesh..."

Traveler Hashirama: "He did not eat my flesh, but the Yang escape condensed from his own practice of immortality."

"He did not give birth to the power of all things, but went to Tai Chi."

Uchiha Madara: "Tai Chi... what is Tai Chi?"

The time traveler Hashirama looked through the [System] carefully, but did not find any specific information. He could only summarize the few pieces of information he found.

"I don't know the specific information, but according to him, Tai Chi is the opposite of Senluo Wanxiang, the power of law that is nurtured in all things in the world."

Uchiha Madara murmured: "So that's the case, it seems to make sense."

The muttering voice became smaller and smaller, and Uchiha Madara finally fell into deep thought and stopped talking.

Although the time traveler Hashirama spoke clearly and logically, he was following the instructions from the [System] and was completely unable to understand himself.

So he began to search for explanations in the [System], and gradually understood the meaning behind those nouns. The more he read, the more fascinated he became, and he couldn't even speak.

And Senju Hashirama had been confused for a long time. The terms he couldn't understand were one after another, completely outside the knowledge of ninjutsu. He didn't know what to say, so he could only wait quietly in confusion.

In the silence, Uchiha Madara gradually calmed down and his mood gradually stabilized.

He thought of many, many words that the Senju Hashirama could not understand, but he was able to compare them with the knowledge Hei Jue told him, and gained quite a lot of insights.

As a result, Uchiha Madara trusted the time traveler Hashirama even more, and completely believed in his words.

Since the words related to the Samsara Eye are correct, then Hashirama is also right in saying that he was cheated?

What information about the Immortal of Six Paths had deceived him?

Most importantly, who lied to him?

When Uchiha Madara thought about these problems, the anxiety in his heart was uncontrollable, and even the power of the universe and the law of Tai Chi seemed insignificant.

He asked loudly: "Hashirama, who lied to me, what did he lie to me?"

The awakened traveler checked the information again and gave the answer: "A person named 'Black Zetsu' should have deceived you. He is not the creation of your soul, but the third son of Kaguya Otsutsuki, the goddess of the moon. "

"It's true to collect the nine tailed beasts, merge them into the heretic demons, and resurrect the ten tails."

"The method of sealing the Ten-Tails to become a Jinchuuriki and taking advantage of the opportunity to become a six-path-level powerhouse is also true."

"But the Infinite Tsukuyomi Technique is not a technique to create eternal peace, but a technique to plunder the chakra of everyone in the ninja world and transform them into 'White Zetsu'."

"In the end, the person who becomes the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, completes the Infinite Tsukuyomi Technique, and gathers all the chakra in the ninja world into one body is not a savior, but a sacrifice for the resurrection of Otsutsuki Kaguya."

When Hashirama, the time traveler, read this, he was extremely surprised. He was so surprised that he couldn't read anymore.

And Uchiha Madara is simply going crazy. He has created, no, he should have seen Black Zetsu, and created a lot of White Zetsu with the help of Black Zetsu.

The existence of Black Zetsu and White Zetsu was regarded by him as the biggest secret, even more than the Rinnegan Eye, Infinite Tsukuyomi and the Last Wish of the Six Paths Sage seen on the Uchiha Stone Tablet.

But these secrets that absolutely should not be known were casually revealed by the time traveler Hashirama.

Uchiha Madara was not sure that he was deceived. Even if Hashirama told all his secrets, it could not prove that he was indeed deceived.

Because he understands Hashirama and understands himself better.

Senju Hashirama came back with all his secrets, and most likely he leaked them himself.

For example, in the future, he is about to achieve ultimate success. At the moment before success, he will be so proud that he can't help but show off to Hashirama and reveal all his secrets.

Well, he will definitely do that.

Then after Senju Hashirama learned the key information here, he traveled through time through some method and came to the present to snipe himself to prevent his future self from implementing all plans.

Uchiha Madara thought about it several times in his mind, and felt that it was not impossible, and even possible.

Especially what Hashirama, the time traveler, said that he was killed by a descendant of the Uchiha family was just a joke.

Ever since Izuna died, this family has been ruined, and the children they have grown up are all idiots!

If the Uchiha clan had such a descendant, would he leave alone?

The more Uchiha Madara thought about it, the more reasonable he felt. He pointed at Senju Hashirama and said, "You were the one who lied to me, right?"

"Hei Jue is the clone I made, and White Jue is the biological weapon I made with your cells. Hei Jue is the third son of the Goddess of Spears. To deceive people, you have to make up a better and more logical story." ?”

The time traveler Hashirama was stunned for a moment, and then said according to the system prompts: "Stories need logic, but facts do not need to consider logic."

Uchiha Madara: "Huh?"

But he immediately sighed: "Don't say such refined words. It's impossible for you to deceive me with these words."

"Hashirama, since you have defeated me, kill me if you want. Don't insult me! No matter what you say, I will never believe your lies."

The time traveler Hashirama scratched his cheek and looked at Senju Hashirama in embarrassment: "Why doesn't he believe what I say? How should we make him believe it?"

Before Senju Hashirama could recover from his confusion, he subconsciously replied: "Is there any evidence?"

The time traveler Hashirama blinked and asked the [System] to "obtain evidence", and received an answer quickly.

[There is no relevant evidence on file, starting to request intelligence support...]

[Intelligence support has been obtained. 】

[Evidence provision plan: Wait for Senju Tobirama to arrive, let him sense the space coordinates of the Flying Thunder God, and use the Flying Thunder God technique to take you there, and you will be able to see the evidence. 】

The time traveler Hashirama didn't hesitate after reading it and immediately told everyone about the plan.

Uchiha Madara snorted disdainfully: "Okay, I want to see what evidence you can produce."

Senju Hashirama nodded: "Okay, I'll go find Tobirama right now. He shouldn't be far away."

After saying that, he rushed towards the direction of Konoha Village. Unexpectedly, he met Senju Tobirama not far away and immediately dragged him back.

Senju Tobirama was dragged by his brother and ran wildly. After only a few minutes, his eyes suddenly opened up.

The endless hills disappeared, and a round valley appeared in front of him. Just one look at Tobirama and he knew that this was the trace of the battle between his brother and Uchiha Madara.

[It’s so annoying. Every time the two of them fight, they have to re-modify the map. 】

[I'm not surprised, I'm used to it. 】

[It’s just that they fought hard this time, and the scale of the map modification was really big. 】

[Fortunately, they didn't fight in Konoha Village, otherwise I really don't know what to do. 】

【ah! Uchiha Madara was caught! 】

[Great, we finally got this dangerous guy under control, but what should we do with him? 】

【killed? No, eldest brother will definitely not let me kill him. 】

【It’s so annoying. 】

[Hey, that person next to the wooden ball...is my brother's wooden clone? 】

【No! Not a wooden clone! Are... two brothers? ! 】

Senju Tobirama's mind is very flexible, and he can think of many things at once, such as his eldest brother's secret substitute shadow warrior, and his father's illegitimate son living abroad...

In a short period of time close to the past, several stories about the ethics of wealthy families were born in Senju Tobirama's mind. The plots reversed again and again, and love, hate, and hatred were entangled.

When he finally walked to the second Senju Hashirama, he shuddered under the familiar gaze and restrained his racing thoughts.

[He is really my eldest brother, but there is something different. His eyes seem to be able to see through me. How is this possible? 】

"Brother in 40 years?"

After just a few words of introduction, Senju Tobirama let out a not-so-surprised exclamation.

[It turns out to be my brother 40 years later. No wonder he can see through me. This makes sense. 】

Seeing that Senju Tobirama quickly accepted it, the time traveler Hashirama stopped wasting time, pointed to the northeast, and said: "Tobirama, the distance in this direction is 130 kilometers, you can sense the Flying Thunder God's mark."

Senju Tobirama didn't sense it immediately, but asked strangely: "I didn't leave the Flying Thunder God's mark there, how could I sense it?"

Senju Hashirama has not been tempered by illness and death, and he is not as good-tempered as the time traveler Hashirama. He interrupted Tobirama's words unceremoniously and gave the order directly.

"Tobirama, don't waste time, hurry up and sense it!"

"Yes! Brother!"

Senju Tobirama was used to being bullied by his brother. When he was forced to give orders, he subconsciously started to act according to the orders.

He raised his right hand and put two fingers between his eyebrows, facing the designated direction. He only felt it briefly and got strong feedback.

"There really is a Flying Thunder God mark!"

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