I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 379 Senju Tobirama: There is absolutely nothing wrong with me calling my younger self a bast

In the 10th year of Konoha, when Konoha Village was developing at a rapid pace, it suddenly suffered a heavy blow.

Uchiha Madara, who was the first rebellious ninja in the ninja world five years ago, is back. He also brought the nine tails controlled by him with illusions. He threatened Konoha Village with the Tailed Beast Jade, forcing the first Hokage to fight him.

In the eyes of ninjas, the God of Ninja and Ninja Shura are not ninjas, but existences like gods and ghosts. The battle between them will be extremely exaggerated, and the aftermath of the battle alone is enough to destroy the Leaf Village.

So Senju Hashirama fought in person in exchange for Uchiha Madara agreeing to change the fighting location.

When the two founders of Konoha Village left, Konoha Village fell into absolute silence. Everyone was worried about the first Hokage and wondered whether he could defeat Uchiha Madara.

For ten years, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama was invincible and established a reputation as the indestructible and strongest ninja. Uchiha Madara was the only ninja who could stand at the same height as him.

Although the establishment of Konoha Village proved that Uchiha Madara was a little worse than Senju Hashirama, this time he controlled Nine-Tails as a helper, which suddenly made the outcome confusing.

There are many powerful ninjas in Konoha Village, and many of them can deal with the Nine-Tails, but no ninja can deal with the Nine-Tails controlled by Uchiha Madara, not even Senju Tobirama.

When Uchiha Madara controlled the Nine-Tails, the growth in strength was by no means a simple increase. Except for Senju Hashirama, the lives of other Konoha ninjas were in danger even if they watched from a distance, let alone participating in the battle.

Before leaving, the First Hokage specifically told his younger brother to watch out for the ninjas in the village and not to go with them.

"I don't have the energy to take care of you this time. Following you will only distract me and even lead to my immediate failure."

Senju Hashirama ordered with great seriousness: "Tell all Konoha ninjas that I order: From now on, you are not allowed to leave the village until everything is over."

Senju Tobirama and many of the ninja clan leaders looked at each other, and he asked unwillingly: "Brother, no, the First Hokage, how do we know when it will end, and how will we find you when it is over?"

Senju Hashirama smiled: "Don't worry, you will know."

"In short, my order is to wait and not allow any Konoha ninja to leave the Leaf Village."

He took off the Hokage hat on his head, threw off the cumbersome blouse, put on the red armor, and carried a huge scroll behind his back.

After tidying up his fighting attire, Senju Hashirama walked towards the village gate.

When he saw Uchiha Madara standing at the gate and the Nine-Tails behind him that was far higher than the gate, Senju Hashirama finally turned his head and said to the Konoha ninja following him: "You guys stop here, don't Follow me again.”

"Ninjas who dare to step out of the gate of Konoha Village will be regarded as traitors and become the object of contempt in Konoha Village, just like... Uchiha Madara."

After saying that, he used the teleportation technique and suddenly appeared next to Uchiha Madara.

Then the two used the teleportation technique together and disappeared in front of the Konoha ninja with the huge nine tails.

Although Senju Hashirama usually handles various affairs and actually holds the power of Konoha Village, Senju Hashirama's prestige is unrivaled and no one dares to disobey the orders he gives.

Therefore, no one from Konoha Village stood up to support the First Hokage in this battle.

All the Konoha ninjas could only watch helplessly as Senju Hashirama followed Madara Uchiha away, completely disappearing in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Half an hour later, the last touch of bluish white in the west disappeared.

The weather today was clear and the stars were twinkling in the night sky, but no one in Konoha Village took a glance. Their attention was attracted by the huge fireball rising in the northwest.

Five minutes ago, the first huge fireball shot into the sky, then a heart-stopping earthquake came, and finally there was a belated dull roar.

Based on the time difference between the rise of the fireball and the arrival of the roar, the Konoha ninjas immediately calculated that the location where the fireball erupted was more than 50 kilometers away from Konoha Village.

This was an explosion sound coming from 50 kilometers away. The horror of the explosion was simply unimaginable.

It was truly a duel between the God of Ninja and Shura of the Ninja Realm. It really looked like two gods fighting.

Qianju Tobirama was in a state of confusion at this time, his mind was in chaos, and he couldn't figure out where he was 50 kilometers away.

He pointed at the fireball and asked loudly: "Does anyone know where the battlefield is?"

Someone among the Konoha ninjas replied loudly: "I know that 50 kilometers away in this direction is a no-man's land, a hilly area where no one lives, and there are no roads."

Suddenly, a blue halo rose from the northwest sky. After revealing half an arch and the obvious outline of a pair of long ears, another pair of wings exceeded the outline of the stretching mountains and reflected the ninjas. eyes.

The Konoha ninjas immediately exploded, and almost all of them screamed.

"What it is?"

"It seems to be actual chakra. Is it a creation shaped by some kind of ninjutsu?"

"With a distance of 50 kilometers and the obstruction of the hills in the distance, the height of these wings is at least a hundred meters. This is incredible."


Not all Konoha ninjas were guessing. A group of jounin headed by Senju Tobirama remained silent and looked as ugly as dead people.

These ninjas are the elite of Konoha ninjas, including the Senju clan, the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, as well as the clan leaders and elites of large and medium-sized ninja clans such as Sarutobi, Aburame, Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi.

They had seen this technique before and knew it was Madara Uchiha's Susanoo.

In the years when Konoha Village was first established, Uchiha Madara was active on the battlefield and had demonstrated the shocking Susanoo many times.

At that time, the Konoha ninjas were deeply shocked and at the same time felt very relieved. Later, they gradually forgot about this blue chakra giant in a peaceful environment.

When Uchiha Madara chose to defect, the Konoha ninjas including the Uchiha clan only felt it was a pity, but had no fear or worry, because they still had the first Hokage Senju Hashirama.

Now, this forgotten chakra giant reappeared and took a hostile position against them. Panic and fear emerged uncontrollably in everyone's hearts.

The most fearful ones were the ninjas of the Uchiha clan. These guys were so proud that they always looked at people with their nostrils. At this time, their faces were pale and their bodies were trembling, as if they were dogs lost in a snowstorm.

Senju Tobirama couldn't bear it any longer, and he shouted: "I judge: now is the time when everything ends."

The Konoha ninjas were confused, not knowing what the actual Shadow Hokage was talking about.

The ninjas of the Nara clan reacted quickly. Nara Shikami then shouted: "Sir Tobirama is right, the time has come, we need to support the First Hokage immediately!"

Senju Tobirama felt a little better and ordered: "All chuunin and genin will stay in Konoha Village. Among the jounin who are responsible for patrolling, stay behind. The other jounin will follow me!"

After a pause, he ordered: "Ninjas who are good at sealing techniques will also come together."

After saying that, he jumped off the wall and ran towards the northwest where the fireball was rising.

With the reminder from the Nara clan leader, the Konoha ninjas all understood that Senju Tobirama had used his own error in judgment to deny the first Hokage's ban.

As long as everyone follows along, the soft-hearted First-generation Hokage will not punish anyone. The main thing is that the law should not be punished.

The jounin who met the requirements quickly followed, jumped off the wall one after another, and disappeared into the night with Senju Tobirama.

In the hilly area, Senju Hashirama stood on the broken cliff, looking up at the 100-meter-high blue Susanoo wrapped around the Nine-Tails, and Uchiha Madara on the Nine-Tails' head.

Senju Hashirama was heartbroken. Although the Uchiha in front of him was his enemy, he was also his closest sibling, a closer comrade than Tobirama and Mito.

They have lived in two hostile families since childhood, but they also have the dream of bringing peace to the ninja world.

They met by the river, fought and fell in love on the battlefield, and finally abandoned the blood of their family, father, and brothers, and jointly founded the Leaf Village, bringing lasting peace to the Land of Fire.

It is a pity that after the village was founded, they disagreed on the method to realize the ultimate ideal of peace, and the result of the dispute was a breakup.

But Senju Hashirama never thought that Uchiha Madara would attack the Konoha Village he had worked so hard to build.

What is Konoha Village?

For Konoha ninjas and Konoha villagers, Konoha Village is a fortress that can protect them, a paradise that can protect their children to grow up safely, a shelter that allows their parents to spend their old age in peace, and a place worth protecting with their lives. s home.

For Senju Hashirama, it is still the place of hope that he and Uchiha Madara have pinned their lifelong dreams on. No matter who wants to harm Konoha Village, he is Senju Hashirama's mortal enemy.

Even Uchiha Madara.

Senju Hashirama looked at the brothers in front of him with mixed feelings in his heart. He asked: "Madara, are you really going to destroy Konoha Village and make all our struggles so far and all our efforts in vain? ?"

"The fight between us is meaningless. Continuing to fight will only harm the Leaf Village and the ninjas in the village."

"This is simply an insult and betrayal to our brothers and our companions who have sacrificed their lives!"

Standing on the head of Kyuubi, Uchiha Madara was annoyed by Senju Hashirama's words. The veins in his hands holding the banana fan and scythe were protruding, and his teeth made a squeaking sound.

Uchiha Madara was so angry that he didn't even know what he should say.

Even though everything was clearly explained when he left, how could this bastard still dare to question himself about sacrifice and betrayal?

It was obvious that Senju Hashirama was blind and could not see the future that was doomed to destruction. It was obvious that he was on the wrong path. Why should he allow himself to correct and stop?

"You guy...are simply..."

Before Uchiha Madara could finish his words, Senju Hashirama interrupted him: "I don't want to kill you."

This sentence completely angered Uchiha Madara, causing him to completely lose his rationality. He gritted his teeth and said, "You say it as if you can kill me at any time."

Senju Hashirama knew that he had said something wrong as soon as he said it, and quickly explained: "No, what I said was that we are friends, I..."

Uchiha Madara, who was so angry that he was still willing to listen to Hashirama's explanation, had decided to use his strength to tell Senju Hashirama that he was no longer qualified to teach him a condescending lesson.

Uchiha Madara spread his hands and stood up straight. The huge and powerful Nine Tails also stood up, and the Chakra Sword held in both hands was also raised high.

Uchiha Madara roared: "Hashirama! I have surpassed you!"

When Senju Hashirama saw Uchiha Madara's performance, he knew that this guy had lost his mind. He could only swallow his regret and disappointment in his stomach, and said helplessly: "There is no other way."

There is really no other way. Uchiha Madara is stubborn and proud, and can easily be carried away by arrogance and anger. At this time, we can only crush him first, and then reason.

Senju Hashirama clasped his hands together, lowered his head to sense the natural energy around him, and forcefully absorbed all the natural energy into his body, instantly entering the sage mode.

As the immortal lines appeared on his face, the chakra was also converted into the more powerful senjutsu chakra.

Immortal Technique·Wood Release·True Thousands of Hands

Surging magical chakra burst out like a mountain, and a huge Buddha rose from the ground. On top of the Buddha's head was a wooden man wrapped in a wooden dragon. Behind the Buddha were thousands of arms arranged in a disk, each of which was bigger than the wooden man. Be big.

The overall height of the Thousand-Armed Buddha far exceeds the mighty Nine Tails, forming a condescending counter-suppression.

Such a huge wooden creation towered between the sky and the earth, and rushed towards each other together with the blue and majestic Nine-Tails. The aura that destroyed the world frightened the Konoha ninjas on the way.

Senju Tobirama and other Konoha ninjas felt the fatal terror. Everyone stood blankly on the treetops, no longer daring to move forward.

This kind of intuition for danger is a common ability of ninjas who have survived the Warring States Period. When these "old" ninjas pass away and the new generation such as Sarutobi Hiruzen and others grow up, this ability will become rare again.

Even in the Third Ninja World War 30 or even 40 years later, when the scale of the war was huge and the casualties were even more tragic, not many ninjas had such abilities.

Because the war at that time was more organized, ninjas were not in danger all the time like they were in the Warring States Period.

Before the establishment of Konoha Village, Senju Tobirama and the others would be attacked by surprise when they were fighting, when they were walking out, when they were training at home, and when they were eating and sleeping.

Even if they had to poop, Tobirama and Hashirama would have to hold the toilet paper in one hand, pick up the spear beside the toilet door with the other, and stab the pit again and again, just because they were afraid that a squatting old six who was not afraid of the smell would take advantage of their full strength. When you go, give yourself a thousand years of killing.

When Senju Tobirama was young, he suffered a Kunai Millennium Kill in the toilet, and later stabbed two assassins to death in a latrine. It can be said that he has a deep memory.

Therefore, the secret taijutsu passed down from generation to generation by the Hokage of Konoha Village is not a tree without roots, nor is it the work of Hatake Kakashi's game, but the essence passed down from the Warring States Period.

Just a few minutes after the Konoha ninjas saw the real Sensou stop advancing, a violent storm struck, blowing down all the ninjas standing on the big trees.

The terrifying storms came one after another, and the flame mushrooms rose up one after another in front of them.

After a few waves, the temperature of the storm rose sharply, even igniting dry leaves and small branches in the forest, igniting forest fires.

Only when the Konoha ninjas gathered together could they, under the leadership of Senju Tobirama, use water escape to save their lives.

Senju Tobirama finally knew how dangerous it was, and he gave the order loudly: "Retreat, we can't stay here anymore! Everyone retreat!!"

No Konoha ninja dared to hesitate. Under the leadership of Senju Tobirama, who was proficient in water escape ninjutsu, they fled back to a place less than ten kilometers away from Konoha Village in embarrassment. Only then did the power of the storm reduce to a safe level.

The situation was so urgent that no Konoha ninja noticed that as they were retreating quickly, a tall figure walked against the flow of people towards the center of the battle.

The time traveler Senju Hashirama threw away the hat that hid his appearance and accelerated his pace towards the center of the battle.

He also murmured to comfort himself: "It's okay, I didn't get lost for long, I can make it in time, and I won't let myself fight Madara to the point where I have to die."

Yes, Senju Hashirama is late.

He asked Uchiha Yu to set the crossing coordinates at the Valley of the End, but he forgot that the Valley of the End did not exist from the beginning. It was the result of his battle with Uchiha Madara to edit the map.

Uchiha Yu didn't think of this. After locking the coordinates directly, he sent Senju Hashirama over.

So the First Hokage traveled to a land of rolling hills. There was no huge valley in his memory, nor was there the sizable lake.

After being confused for a long time, he concluded that Yuu Uchiha was unskilled and sent him to the wrong place.

Senju Hashirama began to use the spiral search method to search for the Valley of the End. He searched for two full days but found nothing. It was not until he saw the huge rising fireball and felt the chakra fluctuations of "himself" and Madara that he suddenly woke up. .

It turned out that it was not Uchiha Yu who had mistaken the coordinates, but that he had forgotten what the Valley of the End once looked like.

Senju Hashirama then hurried to the right place. When he met the Konoha ninjas who were retreating crazily on the way, he took off a ninja's hat to prevent his face from being seen by the Konoha ninjas inadvertently.

Hashirama did not think of hiding his existence, but his future brother reminded him not to let the past Senju Tobirama know the existence of the time traveler too early, let alone let him know the existence of Uchiha Yu.

Senju Tobirama solemnly reminded: "I know myself best. Although I managed all aspects of Konoha Village 40 years ago, I had not yet taken on the entire village on my own. I was very immature."

"At that time, I was too frivolous, my self-confidence was too strong, but I was also too suspicious, and my urge to play conspiracy was too strong."

"In short, at that time, I was not suitable to know too much information first, let alone the existence of Uchiha Yu, otherwise I don't know what would happen."

"The two brothers must unite to suppress them. At that time, I didn't dare to make any mistakes, and I would not cause huge harm to the Leaf Village."

"I don't want to hear what kind of person you think I am. I have experienced the entire process of growing up. Don't you understand yourself and how much of a jerk I was when you were young?"

The mature version of Senju Tobirama complained that he was so sharp, which shocked Uchiha Yu and Senju Hashirama, but they had to believe it.

The person who knows everyone best must be himself.

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