I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 375 Capitalism with Ninja Characteristics

After Momochi Zabuza returned to his original time and space, he did not pass through Loulan or Shenting, but returned directly to his body.

Uchiha Yu noticed his return immediately and captured his soul in the divine court before he regained consciousness.

Because the clone of the god's soul hidden in the [System] did not come back, he had to check Zabuza's soul memory immediately, and then ask what specifically happened.

As a result, Uchiha Yu knew how Zabuza completed the three system tasks, and also knew that he returned to Kirigakure after living in Kirigakure with peace of mind after the battle.

He even easily analyzed that space-time will expand violently in the future, but it will not tear apart a new parallel space-time.

Because of Uchiha Sasuke's early defection, Uchiha Itachi's crazy attack on the Leaf Village, and Uchiha Obito's hidden identity being exposed in advance, they were not enough to shake the point of the Fourth Ninja War.

As for Kirigakure's killing of the Fourth Mizukage more than a year in advance, ending the Blood Mist policy, and the fact that Zabuza and Haku were not dead, they are insignificant matters to history.

Finally, Uchiha Yu obtained the most important information from the [System] log.

His god soul clone was successfully activated, and he also successfully applied the time and space sealing technique, sealing the target time and space, cutting off the channels through which the Immortal of Six Paths spreads the knowledge of parallel time and space.

But how exactly it was done, he didn't know.

The functions of the [System] are very limited. It cannot monitor the unblocked Uchiha Yuu at all, and it has no ability to detect the existence of the Sage of Six Paths.

After figuring out all this, Emperor Shenting awakened Mochi Zabuza, solemnly praised him, and sent him back to his body.

Looking at the empty Shenting hall, Uchiha Yu said to himself: "I have to go there again to find out what my clone has done."

"This time I want to load two separate souls of gods. One is responsible for doing things, and the other is responsible for observing and recording."

"It's just...who should I let go?"

Momochi Zabuza would definitely not be able to do it. Although he wanted to go there again, his strength was far inferior to Senju Tobirama's, and his soul strength was even worse, and he was too deeply infiltrated by the power of time.

A soul soaked in the power of time cannot be loaded with a time seal, and traveling through time without the protection of the seal will inevitably dissolve in the erosion of the long river of time.

Uchiha Yu fell into thinking and carefully evaluated the candidate for the next time traveler.

[In fact, the most suitable candidate is myself, but my body is too big, even the soul split cannot easily pass through the gate of the world. 】

[It is absolutely unaffordable to consume dragon veins on a large scale just to detect intelligence. 】

[I can’t do it, so who should I choose? 】

Uchiha Yu thought for a long time and concluded that there was no candidate.

There are many crazy ninjas who are willing to travel back in time and take risks in war-torn times, but only one of them, Zabuza, trusts Yuu Uchiha or the Emperor of Divine Court.

Without full trust, it is impossible for a ninja to be willing to accept the imprint on the soul.

This has nothing to do with determination and will. The time seal and the system are both heavy burdens. Without trust from the heart, it is impossible to bear such a huge external object.

Without the time seal and system reinforcement, such a soul cannot become a time ship, carrying the split soul of Uchiha Yuu across the long river of time and entering another parallel time and space.

After careful consideration, Uchiha Yu weighed all aspects of the situation and finally gave up the plan of sending people to travel through time, at least for the next ten years.

In the final analysis, there is only one reason, there is no suitable ninja.

However, this does not mean that time travel has been suspended. He also has an experiment in physical travel that has been suspended for a period of time.

Although this method of time travel is slower and consumes more dragon veins, there are many candidates for time travel. Within the Uchiha family alone, there are a large number of ninjas who are willing to take risks.

"So, it will take a long time to completely defeat the Sage of Six Paths, nya?"

After Miwa Masayo learned about Uchiha Yuu's progress, he complained depressedly: "How many more years will the two of us have to live in Huaguo Mountain?"

Uchiha Yu thought for a while: "This year is the 49th year of Konoha, maybe 15 years at most."

"By Konoha Year 64, Black Zetsu and Six Paths Sage will definitely open the moon seal like crazy and let Otsutsuki Kaguya come out to breathe."

"The premise for Kaguya Otsutsuki to lift the seal is the infinite moon reading. This will be a fatal disaster for all the holy spirits in the ninja world. This is my property and I cannot risk total loss."

"Before that, I will definitely jump to the distant past, complete the accumulation of strength, and then completely defeat the Six Paths Sage and control the entire ninja world."

Miwa Masayo nodded and said, "That's the only way, nya."

"15 years is such a long time."

Uchiha Yuu smiled and joked: "15 years is not a long time, it is only two and a half times the life of Rika-chan at 6 years old. It passed in the blink of an eye."

The little Loli snorted and asked: "What should we do next? If we stay bored in Huaguo Mountain for 15 years, I will be bored to death."

Uchiha Yu replied: "I want to conduct several experiments on physical time travel, and at the same time increase the number of candidates for the divine court meeting and expand the number of believers."

"By the way, the [System] developed before is very effective. Zabuza, a reckless man, completed the introductory practice of Senjutsu with the help of [System]."

Miwa Masashi was greatly surprised: "Really Meow?"

"This is great, nya. Ever since Yu taught the immortal way three years ago, the more than thirty ninja cats in the Cat Castle have mastered natural energy and have never started to become immortals."

"There are so many of my younger brothers and sisters who can't even absorb natural energy. It can be said that there is no progress at all."

Miwa Masayo couldn't help but ask: "Yu, with the [System], can I skip the three foundation-building methods and help Ninja become a ninja?"

Uchiha Yuu thought for a moment before replying: "It should be possible. Zabuza has never practiced the three foundation building techniques before, so he got started in one fell swoop."

Little Loli said with satisfaction: "Great, hurry up and spread [the system] in Cat Castle, I can't wait, meow."

Uchiha Yuu agreed: "No problem, in addition to Cat Castle, I will also spread the news among the Uchiha clan and vest believers."

"The number of believers needs to increase, and more experimental subjects who can perform soul travel must be cultivated."

"By the way, we have to step up our practice of immortality, refine natural energy, and understand the laws of nature..."

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but gasped: "It turns out that there are so many things that need to be done. It seems that 15 years is not enough..."

Miwa Masashi covered his mouth and smiled: "You deserve to be so busy, isn't it because you are too greedy?"

Uchiha Yu asked curiously: "I'm too greedy. What do you mean?"

Miwa Masashi explained: "If we don't care about the Fourth Ninja War, regardless of the success or failure of the Ninja World, the Ninja World will fall into the hands of anyone."

"Yu, if you just practice low-key and grow slowly, can you defeat the Sage of Six Paths and Kaguya Otsutsuki in a few hundred years? Don't you have to do so many things and push yourself?" Is it so tight?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and shook his head: "No, you can't hide it."

"Do you still remember your last transformation disaster?"

Miwa Masayo was still frightened: "Of course I remember it. How could I not remember such a terrible disaster?"

Uchiha Yu explained: "Whether it is Rika-chan or my disaster, the scale is becoming more and more grand every time. One day, the Six Paths Sage of the Pure Land will notice it."

"What's more, the disasters on the immortal path are not just thunder disasters. The law of fate will drive our destiny trajectory and intersect with those existences that can threaten your life and mine."

"This range is not limited to the Sage of Six Paths. Including Kaguya Otsutsuki, the powerful Otsutsuki clan from outside the world will also become our disaster."

Miwa Masayo said in surprise: "The path to immortality is so difficult, will even fate be our disaster?"

Uchiha Yu affirmed: "A few years ago, when I was helping the Snow Clan in the Country of Kawawa, I encountered the Fourth Mizukage and Kirigakure ninjas."

"Of course they pose no threat to me, but they are just an inducement. With the help of this inducement, I have to fight against a natural disaster caused by a volcanic eruption."

"At that time, I had just traveled a long distance and defeated the Fourth Mizukage. Not only did I have to endure the exhaustion and face the volcanic eruption, but I also had to be wary of the Kage-level ninjas of Sunagakure Village lurking nearby."

Miwa Masashi was stunned. Even though the incident had already passed, he still couldn't help but ask: "How did Yu survive the disaster?"

Uchiha Yuu said with a smile: "I chose to fight against the volcano with all my strength regardless of exhaustion. I frightened the lurking Sunagakure ninjas, gained the faith of the capital of Sichuan, and relied on the power of faith to survive the disaster."

Miwa Masayo was silent for a long time, and then asked hesitantly: "The correct way to practice immortality is to be cautious, or to go forward bravely and avoid danger, nya?"

Uchiha Yu directly denied it: "None of them. To advance on the path of immortality, one needs to maintain a heart of walking on thin ice and act bravely and diligently."

The little Loli hugged her head in pain: "Yu! It's more uncomfortable for you to say this than to say nothing at all, meow! I don't know what to do at all, meow!"

Uchiha Yuu had no choice, the matter of cultivating immortals was so difficult.

As a time traveler, he didn't have a system to rely on, so he certainly didn't have the confidence to be brave and diligent.

But it's not completely impossible. Uchiha Yuu said: "Now I have a way."

The little Loli's eyes lit up: "What can I do?"

Uchiha Yu asked back: "Rika-chan, do you remember my purpose of teaching Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Ayumi to practice immortality?"

Miwa Masashi recalled: "I remember Meow, in order to use Uchiha Shisui's talent to assist you in exploring Sendo, Meow."

"You also said that not only Shisui, but anyone else who practices immortality can become the cornerstone for you to move forward."

"However, the difficulty of getting started in cultivating immortals is too high. Except for Shisui who successfully started building the foundation, Ayuushi has not started until now. Therefore, you did not increase the scope of teaching and only spread the three basic methods within the Uchiha clan."

The little loli jumped up, her beautiful eyes filled with hope: "Yu, have you solved the difficulty of getting started in the immortal way, meow?"

Uchiha Yu laughed: "Yes, and guess who I found the solution for?"

Miwa Masashi immediately replied: "Zabuza!"

"I know, Meow, it was you who made the [System] for him! The [System] can help people cross the threshold of immortality!"

Uchiha Yu: "Yes, it's Zabuza, it's [System]."

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel regretful. Why didn't he expect that he could solve the problem of getting started in the immortal way so quickly?

After solving this problem, you can use the [System] to popularize the immortal way, let a large number of ninjas change their professions to immortals, and then you can wait for the feedback from many immortals.

If he could have predicted it earlier, Yuu Uchiha would never give up the position of Hokage.

Even if he resorts to violence, he will become the Hokage, and then unify the Land of Fire, and then unify the entire ninja world, and establish a centralized kingdom of immortality.

A centralized country can be called a universal wish-maker. As long as Yuu Uchiha can maintain power, he can make wishes to the country and open thousands of research progress bars.

When each progress bar is completed, a question can be answered, a conjecture can be verified, and a tool can be created.

And all these results will eventually become materials to support Uchiha Yu's great strides on the path to immortality.

But now it's too late.

With his own support, Orochimaru led Konoha Village to open a new half. The general trend of historical evolution has been formed, and there is no chance for it to evolve towards centralized power.

Uchiha Yuu understands that the general trend of historical evolution is unstoppable. Even if he uses violence to stop it, he will not be able to get the centralized state he wants.

The rapidly evolving ninja world is like a high-speed car. Forcibly turning without slowing down will inevitably lead to overturning, and the overturned ninja world will become a ruin.

Tokiya! Life!

Uchiha Yu sighed repeatedly, his luck was really bad.

As a time traveler who was reincarnated as a human being, not only did he not have the standard system around him, he also had to develop his own system to help other ninjas practice the immortal way.

After finally successfully developing the system and lowering the threshold for cultivating immortals, I realized that the opportunity to make the ninja world the best research tool had been missed.

What could Uchiha Yu say, he could only sigh and think of another way.

There is no chance for a centralized country to create one, but there is still a chance for a big trust-style monopoly to cultivate immortality.

Orochimaru led the Konoha ninjas, successfully suppressed the chaos in the Earth Kingdom, restored peace to the Earth Kingdom, and rebuilt the Iwagakure Village under the leadership of Konoha Village.

Through the new Iwagakure Village without Tsuchikage, Orochimaru transformed the Earth Kingdom into the second Fire Nation within a few months.

Orochimaru drove the ninjas to exert their great power and built a large number of water conservancy facilities in the Kingdom of Earth.

With the guarantee of water conservancy facilities and the full participation of ninjas, the Kingdom of Earth received a truly great harvest.

Without the double exploitation by nobles and merchants, the people of the Earth Kingdom were well fed with this bumper harvest. No one could have imagined that the dream of food self-sufficiency in the Land of Earth could be realized so easily.

After eating, people's hearts will completely calm down, and all aspects of production will be fully restored, and commercial activities will flourish rapidly.

Orochimaru and Konoha Village have accomplished something that shocked the ninja world. The leaders of various countries, led by Raikage, Mizukage, and Kazekage, are horrified, while the lower-level ninjas and civilians in various countries are secretly looking forward to it.

The hearts of the entire ninja world are floating.

It wasn't until Orochimaru announced that Konoha ninjas would only go out to eliminate war and would never take the initiative to leave the country to create chaos, that the situation in various countries returned to calm.

When the dust settled, the ninja world learned more information. Konoha Village and Iwagakure Village were a new superior-subordinate relationship.

Iwagakure Village accepts orders from Konoha Village. There are six main leaders in the village, known as great ninjas. They are responsible for the intelligence department, taxation department, ninja school, mission department, ninja level, and security force of Iwagakure Village. .

The candidates for the six great ninjas are elected by the Iwagakure Village themselves, and take office with the approval of the Hokage for a term of five years.

The Konoha ninjas directly manage only one elite force, composed of the most elite Iwagakure ninjas, and they also use the most traditional name of the Demolition Force.

Every year, Iwagakure Village pays to support the demolition force, and Konoha Ninja is responsible for recruiting thirty jounin to become the new blood of the demolition force.

In addition, Konoha Village does not interfere with other affairs of Iwagakure Village. Iwagakure ninjas govern the Earth Kingdom by themselves. Whether good or bad is their own business.

This is the standard New Roman Commonwealth country template.

The difference is that Konoha Village has the Fire Country as its basic base, Uchiha Yu as a strategic unit, and there is no control by the Congress lords. Its strength, deterrence and control are much stronger than the White House.

But in the final analysis, this new country is still a federal country. As a loose alliance of small governments, it has natural loopholes in the control of all aspects of society.

Uchiha Yu concluded that with Orochimaru's knowledge and ability, he would not be able to build the ninja world into a unified society until his death. The future ninja world would be a natural breeding ground for trusts, and he could completely let go.

Of course, in the ninja world, an extraordinary world with chakra and natural energy, capital is by no means money, but ninjas and immortals, so the resources that the trust wants to monopolize are ninjutsu and senjutsu.

Uchiha Yu spread the knowledge of immortal cultivation and allowed the ninjas to establish large and small immortal organizations, allowing them to develop and research on their own.

However, their research results cannot be disseminated at will. They must either be used within their own organization or exchanged with Uchiha Yu, exchanging their own survival for the results of others.

All the research results of Immortality belong to Uchiha Yu, and this is the Immortal resources he wants to monopolize.

Uchiha Yuu can also publish research projects, allowing the immortals to conduct targeted research and attempts, saving him a lot of time and taking endless risks for him.

Those stupid businessmen who were accustomed to making money, and those ninja families who were dazzled by the huge amount of money, were all looking in the wrong direction.

They will eventually become a leek field harvested by Uchiha Yuu at will. As long as he changes the price of the research results of immortality and ninjutsu at will, he can absorb a huge amount of money.

Uchiha Yuu smiled with satisfaction, this is the essence of capitalism with the characteristics of the ninja world.

Of course, it will take time to build the envisioned Sendō Trust, perhaps 10 or even 20 years, to complete the monopoly on research resources for Ninjutsu and Sendō.

Uchiha Yuu is not in a hurry. He has achieved the first goal of immortality. He has enough confidence to slowly lay out the plan, and has enough patience to wait for the results to emerge.

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