I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 374 The two battles in Kirigakure Village were victorious

The Sage of Six Paths had many "fingers" lying on the edge of the ninja world, hundreds or thousands of them, but Yuu Uchiha was not slow in breaking off his fingers, and most of them were broken off in just a few minutes.

The last few fingers were very strong, and the gripping position was highly integrated, making it difficult for Yuu Uchiha to pry them off for a while.

Immortal Six Paths was extremely angry at this time. He asked loudly: "Who are you? Who are you? Which god are you?"

He was born into the Otsutsuki clan in the ninja world. He grew up in the ninja world. He fell out with his mother and fought. After overthrowing his mother, he founded the ninja sect and spread the power of chakra.

With the continuous growth of strength and the accumulation of experience and knowledge, the Sage of Six Paths understands everything in the ninja world. He knows and understands all existences beyond the "kage level".

But the monster in front of him looked completely unfamiliar to him, and he had no idea about its power or origin.

Judging from the power structure, this completely unfamiliar god should be foreign, but he is incomparably in line with the laws of the ninja world, completely integrated into the ninja world, and naturally absorbs natural energy to strengthen himself.

From this perspective, this strange guy is far more like a native of the ninja world than the Sage of Six Paths.

This is a very unbelievable thing. For the Immortal of Six Paths, this situation is really terrible.

A completely unfamiliar enemy has the same power level as oneself, is more adaptable to the environment of the ninja world than oneself, and can grow rapidly. Such an enemy is terrifying no matter how you think about it.

In particular, the other party can accurately judge the basis for the Sage of Six Paths to come to the ninja world, and use very little force to cut off his connection with the ninja world, causing him to fall to the pure land.

The Immortal of Six Paths couldn't help but guess: Is this guy my natural enemy?

For thousands of years, he had been preparing for the arrival of the alien Otsutsuki clan, and preparing for the second reinforcement of his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki after she broke through the seal, but he never thought that he would encounter such a strange natural enemy.

When the connection between the Six Paths Sage and the ninja world was in danger, he had to give up attacking the enemy and go all out to protect his last few law links.

At this time, parts of their bodies are completely overlapping.

Because of the overlap caused by time and space, the two blood successor snares cannot be separated.

If the Immortal of Six Paths falls to the Pure Land at this time, part of his body will be caught, stretching himself continuously, and eventually torn off.

In this way, not many "memories" will return to the Pure Land, and your own body will not know what happened to you, and you will continue to be kept in the dark.

Therefore, the Sage of Six Paths desperately grabbed the connection point and bought time to prepare to give Uchiha Yu a hard blow.

Uchiha Yuya didn't want to let him fall so soon, so he tried his best to sneak in in order to close the external connection of this time and space.

Only in this way can we prevent the Immortal of Six Paths in the future time and space from spreading information to all of us in the long river of time, spreading the knowledge of time that he obtained based on the causal relationship between the two, and the information obtained by studying the dragon veins.

This is the reason why Uchiha Yu sneaked over. He wanted to cut off the connection between the Six Paths Sages of different time and space, make them fall into isolation, and then annihilate them one by one, and finally win this time and space war.

If he cannot seal time and space after smuggling, he may face more and more Six Paths Immortals.

They will connect with each other across time, exchange knowledge and intelligence, and support each other.

Eventually, an army of Six Paths Immortals will appear on the river of time and launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against Uchiha Yuu.

Uchiha Yu has never considered living peacefully with the Sage of Six Paths. He is a ruthless person who can calmly plot against his mother and seal her mother with ruthless hands.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo, the Sage of Six Paths, is worthy of being the ancestor of Uchiha and the first person in the ninja world to awaken the Sharingan. He is really cruel.

His character is similar to Itachi Uchiha. After listening to what outsiders say, he can attack his own relatives indiscriminately for the sake of puzzling righteousness.

Uchiha Yuu didn't have any expectations for Uchiha Itachi, and naturally he didn't have any extravagant expectations for the Sage of Six Paths.

But fighting requires skill, especially remembering your purpose at all times.

Uchiha Yu's purpose is not to destroy part of the soul of the Six Paths Sage, but to impose a seal to block him from obtaining information from the river of time.

The coming soul of the Immortal of the Six Paths who is about to fall into the Pure Land is the best medium for casting spells. Perhaps he can bring the seeds of the sealing technique back to the original soul, thus accomplishing his goal in one fell swoop.

Uchiha Yuu is creating a seal that isolates time and space, trying to load it into the soul of the Six Paths Sage, and then pollute the Pure Land and the Six Paths Sage body in the Pure Land.

The Sage of Six Paths is also secretly engraving the Seal of the Earth Explosion Star. He wants to seal Yuu Uchiha and solve this sudden and major crisis in one fell swoop.

The two were fighting in the sky above Kirigakure Village. Their "eyes" observed each other from various angles, trying to find each other's flaws.

As Goju Yagura broke free from the control of the genjutsu, Uchiha Obito retreated without hesitation, and the battle between the ninjas ended.

Goju Yagura put the tailed beast clothes back into his body. Regardless of his body being corroded by the tailed beast chakra, he leaned on the coral staff and looked at the three Kirigakure ninjas fighting him.

"Terumi Mei, when you grow up, there will be successors to the Terumi clan."

"Descendants of the Snow Clan, your appearance shows that the Snow Clan has not been completely wiped out. It's really good."

"Momochi Zabuza, I didn't expect that you helped me start the first lifting of the Blood Mist Policy. More than ten years later, it was you who ended the mistake I made."

"Zabuza, thank you."

Terumi Mei asked tentatively in surprise and joy: "The Fourth Mizukage-sama, are you...are you awake?"

Goji Yagura suddenly fell silent, and after a long time he smiled bitterly and said: "Well, I'm awake."

His skin was corroded by the tailed beast's chakra, and his face, which was once full of blood and flesh like a young boy, became like a demon.

Goji Yagura suddenly asked: "What time is it now?"

Terumi Mei was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "It is August 4, Konoha 60."

The Fourth Mizukage could no longer suppress his vicissitudes, frustration and pain, and sighed: "Has it been so many years?"

When Terumi Mei and Goju Yagura were communicating, Momochi Zabuza and Haku stayed far away, watching the conversation between the two with vigilance, trying to restore their own chakra.

Compared to Terumi Mei, who was protected by Genshi, the two wildly grown Kirigakure ninjas were more vigilant and did not trust Gotachibana Yagura's sudden change.

When he fought against the Konoha ninjas in the Land of Waves, although Shiro held back at every turn and never killed anyone from beginning to end, he never relaxed his due vigilance.

Facing the Konoha genin of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, even though they were obviously weaker than him, Shiro didn't give them any chance to fight back.

Now facing the powerful Goju Yagura, Zabuza and Haku were even more cautious. They stood watching from a safe distance and did not dare to approach.

Even if Yuanshi was supported by someone and walked tremblingly to Goju Yagura, they had no intention of getting close.

Not only Zabuza and Haku, most of the Kirigakure ninjas are like this.

Not only did they stand at a safe distance, they also maintained a "step, arm, and knife" distance from each other to avoid stepping into other people's hunting circles.

Under the policy of the Blood Mist, the Kirigakure ninjas killed each other very cruelly, and were far more dangerous than fighting the enemy. The Kirigakure ninjas who were able to survive to this day were naturally more cautious than Zabuza who had defected.

Only the respected Genshi and Terumi Mei, who was protected by him, would approach Goju Yagura so carelessly.

Fortunately, after waking up, the fourth generation Mizukage had no ill intentions. After understanding the specific situation from Genshi, he said simply: "Master Genshi, please choose a suitable Mizukage for Kirigakure Village."

Master Yuan lowered his eyes and asked, "What about you?"

Goju Yagura smiled slightly: "I'm going to die soon. While I still have breath, let the ninjas from the sealing class come and recover the three tails."

Master Yuan raised his eyebrows and looked at him, shook his head and said: "There is no sealing class in Wuyin Village. They were sent out to perform tasks and they all died."

"The young sealing ninja has just been trained and has no ability to seal the three tails."

Goji Yagura was stunned, and then recalled from his memory that he deliberately sent those sealed ninjas to carry out dangerous missions and forced these ninjas who were not good at fighting to die.

He sighed deeply and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I failed to protect Kirigakure Village and brought huge disaster to Kirigakure Village."

Terumi Mei comforted: "Yondaime, this is not your fault, you were controlled by the enemy using illusion..."

Goju Yagura interrupted her: "It's my fault!"

"As a Mizukage, your duty is to protect Kirigakure Village, but the enemy uses illusions to control and destroy the village. This is the biggest mistake."

He looked at Yuanshi again and said: "The Kirigakure Village has suffered many hardships. Not only has its strength been reduced to the extreme, but even the centripetal force of the Kirigakure ninjas has completely collapsed. They can no longer withstand the training of the iron-blooded leader."

"Although Mei Terumi is a little naive, she is the Mizukage the village needs. Let her be the Fifth Generation."

Genshi nodded: "Terumi Mei is the Fifth Mizukage that I specially trained to reconcile the divisions in the village."

Goju Yagura smiled: "So that's it. I thought Momochi Zabuza was the Fifth Mizukage you chose, but I was overly worried."

Genshi shook his head and said, "After Momochi Zabuza failed to assassinate you, he became a rebellious ninja of Kirigakure Village. Although there was a reason, a rebellious ninja is a rebellious ninja, and he can no longer be a Mizukage."

Goju Yagura pondered the memories and murmured: "Defection... it is indeed a defection. All the surviving seven Ninja swordsmen have defected."

Suddenly, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, nostrils, eyes and ears. He wiped it casually and said, "My time is up."

Uchiha Madara's genjutsu can last for more than ten years because he combined genjutsu and sealing techniques and engraved it on the heart of Goju Yagura.

Just like Uchiha Obito, breaking away from the illusion will tear the heart simultaneously. When the soul is freed, it is the moment when the body collapses and dies.

Goju Yagura did not fuse with White Zetsu's body and could not regenerate his heart like Uchiha Obito. He could only forcibly wrap the heart with chakra to pump blood instead of the heart and temporarily maintain life.

But the function of the heart is very complex, and it is closely related to the extraction of chakra. Without the beating of the heart, Goju Yagura can no longer extract chakra.

Now that his remaining chakra is exhausted, his life has come to an end.

Goju Yagura looked at Yuanshi and said regretfully: "Since there are no sealed ninjas in the village, I can only control the three tails and leave with it."

"According to what I know about the Three-Tails, it will resurrect in the second year after death."

"The place of resurrection will be in a lake or bay near the place of death, not in the open sea."

"Remember to send ninjas to find it, then monitor it, and wait for the sealing squad to be rebuilt to capture it again."

"Because of me, Kirigakure Village has already lost its Six-Tails, and now it's lost its Three-Tails. I'm really sorry for the Sandaime."

"Genshi-sama, as well as Terumi Mei, we can only rely on you to find the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki and capture the Three-Tails. I'm really sorry..."

Goju Yagura's voice gradually became fainter, until Genshi put his ear to it and couldn't hear clearly. He did not interrupt Mizukage's words during the whole process, and kept nodding to show that he remembered.

Suddenly Goji Yagura took a deep breath, an abnormal flush appeared on her cheeks, and said clearly: "Master Yuanshi, Kirigakure Village is entrusted to you."

Then Goju Yagura's face completely faded, becoming as pale as paper, and the pupils of his absent-minded eyes dilated.

At the same time, a ferocious turtle appeared on his body. After letting out an angry and desperate scream, it turned into countless stars and scattered all over the sky.

The Three-Tails died along with its jinchūriki.

As the three tails' chakra dissipated, Kirigakure Village was once again shrouded in thick fog, the dark clouds became thicker and thicker, and the pattering rain also fell densely.

The Genshi stretched out his hand and wanted to let Goju Yagura close his eyes to rest, only to find that his eyelids had been corroded by the tailed beast chakra.

The old man was stunned for a while, then sighed and showed off his body, turned to look at Terumi Mei, and said: "Girl, from now on, you will be the Fifth Mizukage. Start acting according to your ideas."

Terumi Mei had obviously been mentally prepared for it, and nodded in agreement without any hesitation: "Master Genshi, please don't worry, leave the rest to me."

The Genshi nodded and walked up to Zabuza with a snake-head crutch. He looked at the rebel ninja who had disrupted their plan but also allowed them to defeat the Fourth Mizukage a year in advance without paying any price.

Mochi Zabuza still covered his face and looked at Yuanshi defiantly, waiting for the old man to speak.

Genshi asked: "Zabuza, this time Kirigakure Village was able to bring order to the chaos, and you have the greatest contribution. On behalf of the Fifth Mizukage, I pardon you for the crime of treason. What else do you want besides that?"

Zabuza sneered: "Pardon my crime? What an unpleasant and arrogant statement."

"Old man, do I want to defect? ​​It was obviously the fourth generation's incompetence that allowed him to be controlled by Uchiha Madara. If assassinating him for Kirigakure Village can be considered my crime, then the preparations you and Terumi Mei secretly made count. what happened?"

"Don't say anything about pardon or not. I don't admit it. Just obediently bring me a new forehead protector, and..."

Zabuza turned his head and glared at Shiro, who was covering his mouth and laughing beside him, and added: "And there are two Kirigakure Murakami ninjas protecting their foreheads."

Master Yuan chuckled: "Okay, what else?"

Zabuza snapped his fingers and said, "You have to give me back the house I lived in before I left. You have to give me an S-class mission to get the Yondaime this time. If I don't want to do the mission in the future, the Fifth Mizukage can't order me to do it."

Zabuza's tone was very harsh, but instead of being angry, Yuanshi became more and more satisfied: "No problem, I will choose a better and bigger house for you."

"Including missions for you, three S-level missions, including discovering that the fourth Mizukage was controlled by genjutsu, eliminating the threat to Kirigakure Village, and defeating Madara Uchiha."

Zabuza shook his head and said: "It's not Uchiha Madara, it's Uchiha Obito, the disciple of the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, Uchiha Obito."

"A disciple of the Fourth Hokage? Obito Uchiha? A classmate of Kakashi Hatake?"

Genshi murmured: "Okay, okay, Konoha Village is really good. Once the Fifth Mizukage has settled the food in the village, I will definitely send someone to Konoha Village to raise questions and make them pay for it!"

He looked at Bai again: "What's your name? I will also prepare a house for you."

Shiro saluted politely and replied, "I'm Shiro, so there's no need for a house. I live with Mr. Zabuza."

Master Yuan: "..."

After a long silence, the old man spoke again: "I still have to give you the house, as well as the Snow Clan's secret scrolls and real estate. These are all inheritances that should be handed over to you. It's just the Snow Clan's money that I There’s no way to get it back.”

Bai was silent for a moment and nodded in agreement.

When Genshi left, he complained in a low voice: "The Snow Clan is so beautiful. How come the boys are so beautiful? Zabuza is finished."

"Well, I have to think of a way. At least I have to let Shiro leave a descendant of blood, and finally escape the annihilation of the Snow Clan. If the clan is annihilated because the last clan member is too beautiful and gentle, it would be too shameful."

Above the dense rain are dark clouds, and above the dark clouds are sunshine. However, in the sunshine high above Kirigakure Village, strange light spots and rainbows appear.

The war between two monsters who descended on the ninja world has reached the final critical moment.

Uchiha Yu started first, and the gathered natural energy transformed into a huge finger thousands of meters long, shining a starlight in the sky, and at the same time, it hit the center of the eyebrows of the Six Paths Sage's descending body.

The Sage of Six Paths was not idle either. He rolled out a huge black ball, and the endless suction force completely acted on Uchiha Yu's body. Only the extremely weak suction force created a breeze at high altitude.

Uchiha Yu's starlight broke through the forehead of the Sage of Six Paths, exploding a huge hole in his descending body.

But this powerful explosion was just a cover. The time and space sealing technique was silently injected into the body of the Six Paths Immortal, tightly entangled with his coming consciousness.

The time and space sealing technique did not cause any harm, nor did it attract the attention of the Six Paths Immortal.

Compared with Uchiha Yu's painless attack, Six Paths Sage's Earth Explosion Star was much more powerful. Uchiha Yu's body spread to dozens of kilometers and was enveloped by suction.

The range of action of the Earthburst Sky Star is so huge, and the suction force generated is also very weak.

But the bit of natural energy Uchiha Yu gathered was even weaker, unable to resist the weak suction, and involuntarily gathered towards the black sphere.

【I won! 】x2

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