I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 376 The respective development of the immortal forces and the Akatsuki organization

In the 50th year of Konoha, Konoha ninjas withdrew from Earth Country.

With the Earth Kingdom regaining its independence, on the surface, the situation in the ninja world has returned to calm. At least national leaders such as Raikage, Mizukage, and Kazekage no longer clamor for threats from Konoha.

But no country will feel at ease, and secretly they are trying their best to expand the ninja team and increase the number of ninjas.

Under the calm surface of the ninja world, undercurrents were surging, quickly creating ripples on the surface.

The first is the Kingdom of Earth. Within a month of the Konoha ninja's withdrawal, several ninjas claiming to be the Fourth Tsuchikage appeared.

They formed the Iwagakure Village with strange prefixes one after another, and opposed the Iwagakure Village established by Konoha in the Shikamayama Mountains of the Earth Kingdom.

But Orochimaru was careful when rebuilding Iwagakure Village, and the six leaders he selected were all powerful Iwagakure Jonin, and they were not comparable to these chaotic wild ninjas.

For example, the Jonin in charge of security is the five-tailed Jinchūriki from the old Iwagakure era, a Kage-level ninja nicknamed the Steam Ninja. He has no pressure at all to deal with those rat-like enemies.

Moreover, Konoha Village has completely delegated power to Iwagakure Village. The six leaders can truly control the power. The new Iwagakure ninjas are also vested interests. No matter how many conflicts there are between them, they can stand firm in the face of foreign enemies. , unanimously against the enemy.

For a whole year, nothing major and influential happened in the Earth Kingdom, and the entire ninja world seemed extremely peaceful.

Ripples on the water are just ripples, not waves.

But under the calm water, the two real undercurrents are continuing to accumulate strength and expand their respective tentacles.

The first, of course, was Uchiha Yu. He began to spread the magical existence of [System] among all ninja groups, increasing the number of [System] hosts to a full thousand people.

After the Third Ninja War, due to the restructuring of Konoha Village, the number of ninjas did not decrease after the previous two wars. Instead, they continued to increase, and the total number has exceeded one hundred thousand.

That is, one percent of ninjas have become hosts of the [System]. From a proportional perspective, the number of ninjas who have hosts is not large.

But the actual situation is certainly not so simple to look at with numbers.

Uchiha Yu is a picky person, and the conditions for the host ninja he chooses are very harsh.

The hosts of [System] are basically three types of people.

The first type is children with excellent qualities and full potential but lack resources.

The second type is a jounin who has been troubled by a bottleneck for a long time and cannot make any progress in strength, but still has plenty of life left.

The third type is celebrities with names in history and great achievements in the future.

After detailed analysis, it will be found that the proportion of young people with full potential who have [System] is as high as a quarter, and all the future stars who can make a difference in history are all in one fell swoop.

And among the Jonin who hold real power in the ninja world, one-third are the hosts of the [System].

Uchiha Yuu planted almost all the elites of the ninja world into the [System] and turned them into his free researchers.

[System] is already very popular among elite ninjas, but it is still an undercurrent in the situation in the ninja world.

Mainly because Uchiha Yu's purpose is to spread the practice of immortality and recycle the results of immortality research, without involving specific competition for power and interests, so it is not so conspicuous.

In addition, out of instinctive selfishness, every host regards the existence of [the system] as a secret and tries its best to keep it secret.

Even in battle, he will use magic as his trump card and will not use it until the last desperate moment.

The second ninja revolution led by Konoha Village is on the rise. The conflicts of interest between ninjas have eased, and there are not so many life and death disputes. In fact, no ninja has used magic to fight against others in a year.

Another potential force that is developing rapidly is the Akatsuki organization.

Nagato and Konan saw the changes in the ninja world, recognized the second ninja revolution led by Konoha Village, and took the initiative to transform Amegakure Village into the government of the Country of Rain.

In the three great ninja wars, the Kingdom of Rain was one of the core battlefields. It was the main battlefield where the three major ninja villages gathered. The aristocratic forces in the country had long been destroyed by the war.

Therefore, it was not difficult for the Amegakure Village led by Nagato to let go and rule the Kingdom of Rain. Then Konan and Kakuzu followed the practices of Konoha Village and organized the Amegakure ninjas to implement large-scale infrastructure construction in the Kingdom of Rain.

Thanks to the great power of many Kage-level ninjas, the Kingdom of Rain was soon built into a completely new look, with rain shelter roads running through the country and farmland with smooth drainage that would not be flooded.

When the production of the Kingdom of Earth resumed, the infrastructure of the Kingdom of Rain was also completed, and it was fully able to bear the skyrocketing logistics demand due to the rapid recovery of business.

As a result, Yuyin Village gained a lot of profits and developed rapidly.

Yuyin Village became rich, and the Akatsuki organization also had abundant funds and began to expand crazily.

A large number of ninjas who could not accept a stable environment joined the Akatsuki organization.

For example, almost all the seven ninja members of Kirigakure Village joined the Akatsuki organization and became core members after all of them defected. The Akatsuki organization suddenly became a powerful organization second only to Konoha Village in terms of combat power.

The growth of the Akatsuki organization naturally relies not only on Nagato and Konan, but more importantly, the thousand-year-old ghost Hei Zetsu is in charge, using his experience to help Nagato make decisions, help Konan implement it, and help Kakuzu manage accounts.

The reason why Black Zetsu was so proactive was because he saw the tremendous changes in the ninja world.

The transformation of the ninja world led by Konoha Village is full of vitality, and its strong vitality promotes the ninja world to move towards lasting peace.

In the past, Hei Zetsu was not afraid of peace, because peace could not stop his plan to save Kaguya Otsutsuki. The ninja who mastered the reincarnation eye would have more power than the sum of all the powers in the ninja world.

But now he no longer has such confidence. He was surprised to find that this round of peace was accompanied by a surge in the overall strength of the ninjas, and the growth momentum was getting stronger and stronger, with no tendency to slow down at all.

The current situation of the ninja world completely overturned Black Zetsu's cognition, making him understand that Konoha Village had broken the upper limit of the ninja world, and everything was different from the past thousand years.

If the plan is not accelerated and the situation is allowed to continue to develop, the ninja's power may exceed a certain limit.

At that time, even with the Rinnegan, Nagato was unable to suppress the ninja world. How could they collect the nine tailed beasts, resurrect the ten tails to create jinchūriki, and gather the minimum amount of chakra to help Kaguya Otsutsuki escape from trouble?

Therefore, Black Zetsu must take the initiative to accelerate the development of the Akatsuki organization and prepare sufficient strength to capture the tailed beasts.

But Hei Jue didn't know that his anxiety and panic didn't just come from his own heart, there was also a black hand quietly pushing him behind his back.

It was Otsutsuki Hagoromo, the Sage of Six Paths, who stretched out his hand in the pure land and pushed his younger brother, amplifying his anxiety hundreds of times and making him make a radical decision in an anxious mood.

If it weren't for the Six Paths Immortal's push, with the thousand-year-old Liu's urinary nature, he would definitely choose to continue to wait and see.

Especially after judging that there is no chance for the time being, Black Jue will most likely choose to recycle the Samsara Eye, and then lurk deeply, waiting for the next historical opportunity when the ninja world declines.

As the man who has observed the ninja world for thousands of years and secretly planned the creation of the Rinnegan, Black Zetsu's patience is unquestionable.

Especially since he has already obtained a pair of reincarnation eyes, the only condition left is to resurrect the Ten-Tails. Waiting for a few hundred more years is not a problem at all.

But Sage of the Six Paths couldn't wait any longer, and ever since he helped his younger brother Hamura's second coming, developing from infancy on the moon, he had noticed his growing uneasiness.

He knew that some great crisis was approaching him, but he didn't know what it was.

Maybe he came from the alien Otsutsuki clan, the same clan his mother came from.

Maybe it was the god who had fought a battle, the Divine Emperor who stood behind Uchiha Yu.

Maybe some other enemy or disaster that he's completely unaware of.

In short, the future crisis will be a major crisis that the Six Paths Immortal will face, and it will inevitably cost his life.

Before that, Otsutsuki Hagoromo needs to eliminate the hidden dangers he knows, such as his mother Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Mother's seal has experienced thousands of years of wear and tear, and no longer has the perfect characteristics of a thousand years ago. It is time to re-seal and strengthen it.

And the younger brother Hei Jue who was born a thousand years ago.

Over the past thousand years, he has jumped up and down, attacking the moon seal countless times. No matter how good the seal is, it cannot withstand such wear and tear day after day.

If it weren't for Black Zetsu's tireless efforts, such a big loophole should not have appeared in a thousand years, allowing the soul of Otsutsuki Kaguya to seep out and be resurrected in the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

This time, Hei Jue must be caught and sealed together with his mother's soul, preferably within the mother's heavenly space.

That way you no longer have to worry about the risk of being vandalized.

But whether it is the spread of the cultivating forces or the expansion of the Akatsuki organization, there are various reasons that require a lot of time to develop slowly.

Ninjas can quickly learn the immortal way with the help of the system, but their progress after that is extremely slow.

Uchiha Yuu got the big data of thousands of ninjas, and then he realized that the talents of himself, Miwa Masayo, and Uchiha Shisui were so incredible.

Even Ayumi Uchiha, whom he had disliked for a long time, could be considered a genius.

In fact, the ninjas who are hosts don't feel bad about themselves. They even feel that their training is progressing very quickly.

Especially those Jonin hosts, after just one year of practice after entry, they broke the bottleneck that troubled them, and their strength began to improve significantly.

They are really satisfied.

In view of the slow progress of ordinary ninjas in practicing immortality, Uchiha Yu could only suppress the anxiety in his heart and patiently wait for time to give back the results he wanted.

The situation of the Akatsuki organization is not ideal either. The Akatsuki organization has absorbed too many rebellious ninjas, leading to instability within the organization.

Even with the super strength of Nagato and Konan to suppress it, it will still take a long time to knead the Akatsuki organization that has expanded several times to form a strong fighting force.

Nagato will test the members, select the real core members through elimination, and then let his invincible strength be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people through repeated actions, thereby uniting the hearts of the Akatsuki organization.

After the Akatsuki organization received huge financial support, its next target was the nine tailed beasts, and spies needed to be arranged to investigate the specific information of the Jinchūriki and the tailed beasts.

Tailed beasts are the deterrent weapons of all major ninja villages. The gains and losses of any tailed beast are the focus of attention, and they are watched by countless ninjas.

As long as a tailed beast is captured or goes missing, it will inevitably cause a huge shock in the ninja world, thereby increasing the chance of the Akatsuki organization being exposed.

And the tailed beast that the Akatsuki organization wants to get is not one, nor a few tailed beasts, but all nine.

Because Uchiha Yu exists in Konoha Village, Nagato knows that he is not invincible in the ninja world.

Without knowing that Yuu Uchiha was facing the threat of the Sage of Six Paths and did not dare to show up casually, Nagato did not have the confidence to wipe out the ninja world as he had in history.

Therefore, the consensus of everyone in the Akatsuki organization is that the capture of the nine tailed beasts must be completed in a very short period of time, so that all the forces in the ninja world have no time to react and complete the world-destroying weapon.

After that, he can use the world-destroying weapons to help Nagato defeat Yu Uchiha and completely become the highest force in the ninja world. The Akatsuki organization can also replace Konoha Village and dominate the destiny of the ninja world.

"In order to create eternal peace, I have the patience to wait for the right time."

Nagato expressed his determination to Konan in this way.

Konan nodded in recognition of his close friend, and at the same time asked his own question: "If the Akatsuki organization replaces Konoha and controls the ninja world, it will inevitably have huge power."

"Nagato, I am not at ease with the current core members of the Akatsuki organization. They are all ninjas who have defected from major ninja villages. They are not idealists like you and me. I can conclude now that they will definitely become the most terrifying rotten people. .”

“What do we do with these members now?”

Nagato smiled and said: "Don't worry about them, they are just tools for us to realize our dreams. I will not let them live until after victory."

Konan was silent. She looked at the pensive Nagato blankly and asked with a slight hesitation: "They are all elite jounin, even shadow-level ninjas. Do you want to kill them?"

Nagato had obviously thought about dealing with this group of people for a long time. He answered Xiaonan's question directly: "First of all, some of them will be eliminated in the next screening."

"Then, during the hunt for the tailed beasts, they have to fight with the Kage-level ninjas from the major ninja villages, and they will inevitably lose a number of them."

Xiaonan frowned and said: "This is not enough. As long as our plan to hunt the tailed beasts succeeds, most of the core members will definitely survive."

Nagato shook his head and said: "Don't worry, the big head of death will be captured after the tailed beast is successfully captured."

"When we create the final weapon, the action of snatching the tailed beasts will inevitably be exposed. Before learning the power of the final weapon, Konoha Village will inevitably form an alliance with the major ninja villages and break out a war with the Akatsuki organization."

"As long as you and I are a little slower in this final battle, the current core members will inevitably suffer heavy casualties, or even all of them will be destroyed, clearing the way for eternal peace."

Xiaonan was stunned for a few seconds, and then nodded: "It's a very complete plan, although it is a bit cruel to them, but in order to achieve eternal peace in the ninja world, this is the price that must be paid."

But she immediately asked: "But I don't think this is Nagato's idea. Someone else told you?"

Nagato frowned and said, "No, I just came up with it myself, but..."

Konan saw Nagato frowning and frowned too, looking at Nagato waiting for the next words.

But Nagato hesitated and remained silent for a long time, and finally said: "It's nothing, I came up with it myself."

A suspicious look flashed in Xiaonan's eyes, but she didn't say anything and let this episode pass.

Nagato's original personality was gentle, shy and introverted, but due to Yahiko's death, he changed 180 degrees and became suspicious, sensitive, fierce and crazy.

But Konan knew that this was just a protective shell, and Nagato was still the gentle and kind boy at heart, but it was buried deep in his heart.

Nagato has indeed changed. He will take crazy revenge on the Amegakure ninjas and kill any enemy with cruel means.

But he has not changed. He will accept the innocent ninjas in the Hidden Rain Village and will fight tooth and nail to protect the ordinary people in the Land of Rain.

Regardless of whether a person is a ninja or not, as long as he does not directly block Nagato's pursuit of his dream, he will never be actively attacked by Nagato.

Konan knew Nagato so well that of course he could sense that something was wrong with Nagato's plan.

This murderous plan was very thorough and natural, but from the beginning it was full of malicious speculation, confirming that these core members would become a scourge of peace in the future.

Based on such malicious predictions, without considering the possibility of saving these members, without thinking about designing a system to prevent them from being corrupted, a plan was made to eliminate them on the eve of success.

This plan definitely didn't sound like Nagato's style.

Xiaonan was extremely sure.

【who is it? 】

[Who influenced Nagato’s thoughts and made him change like this? 】

Konan actually didn't care about the lives of the rebellious ninja from the major ninja villages. It didn't matter whether they died or not, but she cared about Nagato's changes very much.

She didn't know what kind of thoughts this person who was secretly influencing Nagato had towards Nagato.

If this person had malicious intentions, he would most likely try to trap Nagato.

Konan couldn't accept that Nagato was hurt. She had to find this person and figure out what his purpose was.

But she didn't know what to do.

The entire Akatsuki organization has no secrets about Konan, and Nagato has no secrets about Konan, but she doesn't know about this person's existence, so she has no idea how to investigate.

Xiaonan raised his head and looked at the dome of the house painted as a blue sky, thinking of a person in his mind.

[Uchiha Yuu, although our stance is hostile, he does not know this. 】

[Under the watchful eye of the Divine Emperor, he does not dare to deceive me. As long as my price is high enough, he will definitely give me appropriate advice. 】

In the past year, divine court meetings have also been held several times.

Because there are always just such a few members, after many transactions, each other has guessed everyone's identity, and the blur of the face and voice becomes redundant.

After soliciting everyone's opinions, the Emperor of Heaven canceled the ambiguity of the image and voice, and even the title was no longer forced to use code names.

He also announced at that time that if new members were added in the future, he would ask for the opinions of every new and old member and screen each person's identity individually.

After nightfall, Xiao Nan came to the most secret corner of Yuyin Village and prayed to the Emperor of Heaven.

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