I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 370 Zabuza: It’s time to send Gouju Yagura to die

Momochi Zabuza's reputation became even worse.

He accepted Cardo's employment at the gold exchange, but killed Cardo in full view of the public, and even robbed Cardo of his wealth.

Zabuza violated a taboo against ninjas. Not only was he no longer able to go to the gold exchange station to take on missions, he was even put on the hunt list by the gold exchange station, and an additional reward was added to his head.

Zabuza didn't care about this, so it didn't matter if he couldn't complete the mission. The money he got from looting Kado's treasure house was more than the bonus he got from completing 5,000 A-level missions.

5,000 A-level missions. No matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to complete them in this lifetime.

So, why bother thinking about doing tasks later?

Now that Mr. Buza is financially free, he will never do missions again!

As for the pursuit and bounty at the money exchange, Zabuza doesn't even care.

As a rebellious ninja from Kirigakure Village, he also has the pride of becoming a famous jounin in the five major ninja villages. What kind of amazing ninja can he find in exchange for just gold?

Could those hunters in the underground world still be able to defeat him, Uncle Zabuza?

Momochi Zabuza is very confident, even if a blind guy finds him, he will definitely become a dead soul under the beheading sword.

Zabuza in both time and space has no long-term experience as a rebel ninja, so they don't know that there are strong people in the underground world.

For example, Xuanyuan Zhong who almost killed the Fourth Raikage, and Kakuzu who was chasing the bounty.

In fact, at this time, Kakuzu had been attracted by Zabuza's high reward, and traveled thousands of miles to the Kingdom of Waves, searching everywhere for traces of Zabuza.

If Zabuza hadn't taken Haku out to sea, he would have been tracked by Kakuzu and died tragically at the hands of this veteran Kage-level ninja.

What protected Zabuza was the vast sea.

Kakuzu tracked from the country of Waves to the country of Yu, and even found the small port where Zabuza set sail. After searching the islands near the port to no avail, he reluctantly chose to give up.

He is a top tracking master, but what he is good at is tracking traces on land, and he is also good at mining clues from the memories of passers-by.

But facing the vast sea, Kakuzu is helpless. He knows nothing about the traces on the sea water, and it is impossible to dig clues from the brains of the fish.

Kakuzu could only sigh as he looked at the seven-digit amount on the bounty order, then put the bounty order away and turned to track other bounty targets.

He is an organized person now and cannot stubbornly wait at the beach for a long time for a single goal. After all, he now has a target for making money.

Kakuzu muttered: "Damn angel, you set some damn standards for me. I'm so exhausted now that I don't even have a sense of accomplishment in making money!"

After all, Kakuzu pulled out another reward notice and muttered: "Let's hunt down this one this time. Mikasa, the broken monk, is hiding in the country of Yu."

"The bounty is too small, only 160,000 taels."

"It would be great if there was a war. Contracting war is the fastest way to make money."

After thinking about it, Kakuzu's figure disappeared by the sea.

The ANBU of Konoha Village rescued Team 7 back to Konoha Village, which shocked the entire top management.

Hatake Kakashi was seriously injured, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki Uzumaki Naruto was seriously injured, and Uchiha Sasuke was seriously injured. Each of them made the Third Hokage frightened, and the secret passage was dangerous and dangerous.

Danzo Shimura came after hearing the news, and was furious at the Third Hokage, questioning his irresponsible move of letting the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki leave the village.

Of course, the talkative Danzo was no match for Hiruzen Sarutobi. He soon became frustrated and ran away angrily after performing the famous scenes of "you regret it" and "my shadow".

After Sarutobi Hiruzen left his old friend in anger, he continued to discuss with the remaining two classmates how to arrange Uzumaki Naruto, and finally decided to recall Jiraiya to serve as Naruto's teacher.

This decision is to some extent the consensus of all ninjas in Konoha Village.

The 60-year-old Third Hokage in Konoha is really too old, and the Sarutobi clan behind him has expanded too much and usurped too many interests.

As the saying goes, cutting off someone's financial path is like killing one's parents.

When half of the interests of Konoha Village were occupied by the Sarutobi clan, they naturally became the target of the entire Konoha Village's resentment.

Thanks to the miraculous operations of the Third Hokage for twenty years, Hatake Sakumo, Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina, and Uchiha Shisui died suddenly one after another. Orochimaru and Uchiha Itachi became traitorous ninjas, and Tsunade, Zi Come and leave one after another.

Almost all the shadow-level ninjas in Konoha Village were destroyed, leaving Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura as the only shadow-level ninjas in Konoha Village.

Danzo Shimura was even more unpopular than him, and everyone could only hold their noses and accept the rule of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

But when the aging of the Third Hokage cannot be concealed, his rule will naturally be in danger, and he himself understands that he must give way.

If possible, Hiruzen Sarutobi would certainly want Asuma Sarutobi to succeed him as Hokage.

But as we all know, although this bearded man has a great reputation and possesses weapons made of pure chakra metal, his strength is not considered top-notch, and he is at best middle-class among the jounin of Konoha.

Among the famous Jonin, except for Asuma's own girlfriend Kurenai, all of them are far more powerful than him.

As the leader of Konoha Village, a ninja who holds the position of Hokage must be at least a Kage-level ninja, so Asuma has no chance of becoming Hokage.

As a result, Jiraiya, the irresponsible prodigal, became a popular figure, and almost everyone wanted him to come back as the Fifth Hokage.

Ordinary ninjas like Jiraiya for his true nature, admire his great strength, and respect his meritorious service in the war.

The Konoha ninja clan hopes that someone can interrupt the Sarutobi clan's control of power and suppress the Sarutobi clan's expansion.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew his student's temperament well, and Jiraiya would never liquidate himself and the Sarutobi clan when he came to power.

No one had ever thought about whether Jiraiya himself wanted to become Hokage.

Let Jiraiya return to the village and serve as Naruto Uzumaki's teacher. When he re-establishes the bond, he can be promoted to the position of Hokage.

When the Third Hokage issued the order, everyone was happy.

But everyone ignored that in this incident in the Land of Waves, the third victim was Uchiha Sasuke, and the fourth victim was Haruno Sakura.

It doesn't matter if you ignore Haruno Sakura. This girl has not grown up yet. She is naive and has a simple love-mindedness. She has never played a positive role from the beginning to the end, and her future potential has not yet been realized.

But ignoring Uchiha Sasuke is a huge problem.

The reason why it was ignored was because Hatake Kakashi concealed Zabuza's last words, and Sasuke and Kakashi were patients who lived in the same room when they were treated for fractures in the hospital.

In the dead of night, I didn't know what they said. In short, Sasuke healed the fracture quietly, quietly learned ninjutsu from Kakashi, and didn't do anything extraordinary.

Even when the Four Purple Flame Formation was launched on the playing field, Uchiha Sasuke did not show any problems, and he and Uzumaki Naruto and other genin pursued the Jinchūriki of Sunagakure Village.

It wasn't until the third generation of Hokage was sent away by Orochimaru and the farce in Konoha Village settled that Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto realized that Uchiha Sasuke was missing.

In the waters of the Kingdom of Thunder, a fierce battle is going on on a remote uninhabited island.

The sound of breaking waves on the island was endless, and rows of big waves surrounded a huge octopus, trying to overturn it.

The octopus made a sharp scream and tried hard to keep its posture lying on the ground, but its six legs were desperately digging under its body, completely ignoring the instructions of its brain.

With the cooperation of the six octopus legs, Momochi Zabuza overturned the huge octopus in one go, revealing the eight octopus legs hidden under the body.

In addition to the six long and complete octopus legs, there were two other legs that were mostly short, all exposed to Zabuza's sight.

Zabuza looked at the two short octopus legs, saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he quickly formed seals with his hands.

Water Escape·Water Breaking Wave

As the ninjutsu was completed, Zabuza spat out a thin jet of ultra-high-pressure water from his mouth, which was like a sharp sword slicing through the severed legs of the huge octopus, cutting off a short and thick octopus leg.

The octopus was so painful that its head shrank into a ball, but its six intact octopus legs obviously relaxed. They worked together to hold up its huge head, and then ran towards the bay in the northwest corner of the island.

Zabuza did not stop the octopus from leaving, but instead pulled out the decapitating sword that had returned to its original state, inserted it into the fallen octopus's leg, carried it on his shoulder and walked towards the depths of the island.

He climbed over a low hill and entered an open grassland.

Bai has already lit a huge bonfire here and used ice escape to create a bracket that will not melt.

The two of them worked together to cut and clean the octopus legs, then greased them and grilled them, and soon the rich aroma spread.

Zabuza took a few deep breaths and laughed, "Uchiha Yuu is so disgusting, he actually covered up such a good thing so tightly."

"Hahaha, no matter how powerful he is, he can only stay in his hometown. I was assigned by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. Wouldn't he have been able to eat it in another time and space?"

Shiro asked curiously: "Mr. Zabuza, who is Yu Uchiha you are talking about? Aren't there only two people in the Uchiha clan?"

Zabuza said nonchalantly: "That is the Uchiha clan leader from another world. He is a very, very, very powerful monster. He defeated Iwagakure and Kumogakure villages by himself. The defeat of Sunagakure Village was also closely related to him." relation."

Bai said he couldn't understand the explanation of another world, but he was very open-minded. If he didn't understand, he would just forget about it and concentrate on grilling the octopus legs and carefully brushing them with various sauces.

Some of it is to be eaten right away, using the BBQ sauce from Yu no Kuni, but more of the meat is going to be smoked meat, using a salty sauce with more salt.

When the sauce is brushed on and mixed with the fat of the octopus legs, the rich aroma spreads in all directions like an explosion.

After smelling this overbearing fragrance, Zabuza couldn't wait any longer, so he directly picked up a piece of octopus meat, stuffed it into his mouth and started chewing it, regardless of whether it was cooked or not.

As the teeth cut into the elastic octopus meat, the delicious meat juice burst out, and the delicious taste instantly conquered the taste buds. Zabuza was immediately confused by the aroma, chewing quickly with his eyes closed.

Before finishing the meal, Zabuza picked up the second piece of barbecue and said to Bai Bai, "This meat is really delicious."

"Bai, don't just rush into the barbecue. Eat it now while it's hot. The aroma will dissipate a lot when it cools down. It's such a waste."

Bai agreed with a smile, took out a knife to cut the roast meat, laid it out piece by piece, and then ate it elegantly.

Although Shiro's movements were quiet, he ate at a very slow pace, and Zabuza's voracious eating method was even faster. It was two bites of one piece of meat.

The aroma of octopus meat spread to the sea surface, was quickly blown away by the sea breeze, and mixed with the slightly fishy wind, and soon became indistinguishable.

But the octopus can. It came out of the sea and smelled the fragrance of its own meat through its breathing holes. Its eyes were full of complex and contradictory expressions. The mixture of coveting its own flesh and the pain of being cut was really embarrassing for it.

Big tears flowed from his eyes, and the octopus whimpered and let out a low scream. After a long time, it reluctantly disappeared under the sea.

Zabuza and Haku were ninjas, both of them had amazing appetites, and it took them two hours to finish this feast.

After he was full, Bai continued to add firewood, grilled and dehydrated the remaining meat, and made sauce meat that could be stored for several days.

Zabuza sat down to rest and recover his strength, while feeling the chakra emitted by the octopus meat in his stomach. He had confirmed that it was the chakra of a certain tailed beast.

Fortunately, the concentration of chakra is relatively thin. Not only is there no harm after eating it, it can also effectively strengthen the body and increase the amount of chakra.

Feeling the slow growth of chakra, Zabuza sighed with regret. This body was not his, and he couldn't take the increased chakra back with him. What a pity.

He hoped that returning to Kirigakure Village would bring him satisfactory rewards. In addition to the magical skills as a reward for completing the mission, he also had the experience of fighting the Mizukage.

Zabuza suddenly asked: "Shiro, did you get any information on your shopping trip to Yu no Kuni this time?"

Shiro immediately replied: "Yes, Mr. Zabuza, I bought important information about Konoha Village."

Zabuza asked in surprise: "The third Hokage just died in Konoha Village, and something big happened again?"

"Well, it's a big deal." Shiro stopped what he was doing and recalled seriously: "Konoha's S-class rebel ninja Uchiha Itachi attacked Konoha Village and seriously injured Hatake Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai and the three jounin."

Zabuza nodded with satisfaction: "I moved Uchiha Sasuke and indeed attracted Uchiha Itachi to Konoha Village. I only seriously injured three Jonin. I don't know if Uchiha Itachi was acting."

Shiro shook his head and said: "No, Mr. Zabuza, Uchiha Itachi caused a lot of losses. In addition to three seriously injured Jonin, the Konoha Chuunin suffered very heavy losses. 34 people died in the battle alone."

"The fighting at that time was fierce and affected a large area. Several blocks were completely destroyed by the fighting, and many civilians in the Leaf Village died."

Zabuza took a breath: "So cruel, Uchiha Itachi and the Leaf Village are at odds?"

"How did it end?"

Shiro replied: "It was Jiraiya, the leader of the Sannin of Konoha, who drove away Uchiha Itachi and his companions, preventing the battle from further expanding."

"But Jiraiya didn't go after Uchiha Itachi."

Zabuza said matter-of-factly: "Jiraiya will definitely not pursue him. Only he can defeat Uchiha Itachi. If he ignores the pursuit, he will easily be killed."

"By the way, do you have any information about Uchiha Sasuke?"

Shiro nodded: "Well, after the death of the Third Hokage, Uchiha Sasuke disappeared. There is no new news until now, and we don't know whether he is dead or alive."

Zabuza suddenly realized, "That's no wonder. Uchiha Itachi, the younger brother, can't find his younger brother, so he must ask Konoha Village to give him an explanation."

He didn't know that revealing the truth about Uchiha's genocide in advance would lead to Uchiha Sasuke's early defection, which would lead to the collapse of trust between Uchiha Itachi and the Leaf Village.

The disappearance of Sasuke made Itachi Uchiha crazy. He thought he had been deceived by the Third Hokage. When he returned to the village to investigate for information, he saw Asuma Sarutobi and couldn't help but kill him.

If it weren't for Kakashi and Yuhi Kurenai's desperate rescue, Asuma would have died on the spot.

Uchiha Itachi's act of injuring Kakashi angered Emperor Kai. The truly strongest ninja in Konoha Village exploded on the spot, opened the six doors and crushed Uchiha Itachi and Migaki Kisame with a blast.

If the two men hadn't cleverly sneaked into the residential area, leaving Metkai unable to perform, they might have been seriously injured and dying before Jiraiya arrived.

Zabuza thought for a long time and finally made up his mind: "With this pervert entangled, Konoha Village must be in a state of chaos recently and can't care about anything."

"Konoha Village is in trouble. Kumogakure and Iwagakure will definitely be paying attention, and they will also be watching each other."

"So many people died in Sunagakure Village this time. Even the Fourth Kazekage was killed by Orochimaru. It can be said that he was completely disabled."

"In the next period of time, Kirigakure Village will be free from any external threats. This is a rare good opportunity."

He stood up and said: "I decided to take action in advance."

Bai calmly packed up the octopus meat and asked, "Are we going back to Kirigakure Village now?"

Zabuza nodded and said, "Let's set off early tomorrow morning and go back to Kirigakure Village."

He said with confidence: "Who else would it be than me to overthrow the Fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura and restore Kirigakure Village to normal!"

Two days later, Zabuza and Haku set foot on the land of Water Country.

The two did not go directly to Kirigakure Village. Shiro relied on vague memories and took Zabuza to find his childhood home, only to find that it was already an empty land.

The hut where they once lived has disappeared, and the ground is covered with weeds, covering up all traces.

Shiro stood there blankly for a long time, then turned to Zabuza and said, "Mr. Zabuza, I'm fine."

Zabuza asked, "Why don't you ask where your father went?"

Bai shook his head: "No, let's go."

"I will never come back again..."

Zabuza nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Returning to Kirigakure Village to assassinate the Fourth Mizukage is definitely the most difficult task in the ninja world. Although Zabuza has become a Kage-level ninja, he still cannot guarantee his own life.

Since they happened to pass by Bai's hometown, they took a look and settled their thoughts.

After leaving the village, Bai Cai asked: "Mr. Zabuza, do you want to go home and have a look?"

Zabuza smiled and said, "Haha, I don't have a home."

"Kirigakure ninjas have been killing each other since they were young. Their hearts have long since died. How can they have a family if they don't have a heart?"

"When I kill Goju Yagura, maybe Kirigakure Village will become my home."

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