I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 369 Telling Sasuke the truth will make his brother busy to death

The three-seal technique of Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu is extremely powerful. It can be said that it has raised the level of this Water Release Ninjutsu by more than one level.

If Zabuza had used this technique to fight a water dragon bullet against Kakashi Hatake in the last sudden encounter, Kakashi wouldn't have felt that he would have survived without any defense.

As the only jounin in the team, if he fainted due to serious injuries instead of exhaustion, Konoha Team 7 would definitely give up the mission and choose to retreat as soon as possible.

In Hatake Kakashi's view, Zabuza hid this technique two weeks ago and now suddenly used it on Naruto. It must be a trap deliberately designed based on the information he had in advance.

The only information related to Uzumaki Naruto is that Uzumaki Naruto is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Kakashi Hatake thought that the most confidential secret of Konoha Village had been leaked, and his scalp suddenly felt tight. The level of nervousness was far greater than the moment he was defeated.

He was defeated and could not die alone, but the secret of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki was revealed, which directly endangered the survival of Konoha Village.

Kakashi Hatake was heartbroken, but he was a Konoha ninja after all, and he had an inseparable feeling for Konoha Village.

Uzumaki Naruto also had an inseparable relationship with him, and Uchiha Sasuke was the only clan member of his dead best friend. He had to worry about the safety of these two children.

In the previous battle, Kakashi did not feel Zabuza's murderous intent. If the information about the Kyuubi had not been leaked, Zabuza would have injured at most three students instead of killing anyone.

In another 2 minutes, the ANBU team that had been following him would come to support him. Zabuza, who had no murderous intention, would never fight the established ANBU team.

Except for Kakashi, who is the most threatening to Zabuza, no one will die.

But if Zabuza knew this information in advance, and even came for Uzumaki Naruto, then he would probably kill people, including Haruno Sakura, who was unconscious early, and he would kill all the Konoha ninjas.

Because he expected that only he would die, Hatake Kakashi would let the two Kirigakure rebels catch him after losing the battle, instead of fighting to the death.

But when the danger of death affected everyone in Team 7, he could no longer sit back and wait for death with peace of mind.

Hatake Kakashi began to accumulate chakra, preparing to die with Zabuza.

Yes, he didn't consider any possibility of winning, he just simply wanted to drag Zabuza to die together. As long as he and Zabuza died together, there would be no more deaths at the scene.

Kakashi has long discovered that the Ice Release ninja around Zabuza is a completely good person, and has no intention of killing anyone at all. Even if he fights, he only fights to cooperate with Zabuza.

Kakashi had made up his mind and changed. His face was expressionless and blank, and his eyes were also filled with dead indifference.

Compared to the ferocity he showed when he fought Zabuza just now, this is Kakashi during a real war.

Indifferent to one's own life, not caring about the life and death of others, without the slightest emotional ups and downs, only the tasks that need to be completed and the goals that need to be achieved.

But no one could have imagined that Uzumaki Naruto, who was unscathed by the decapitating sword, fell down without resistance after being attacked by a water dragon bullet.

The most surprised person was of course Zabuza, he was so scared that his hands were shaking.

Although Uzumaki Naruto seems to be a down-and-out genin, he is very unpopular in Konoha Village and has not even laid a good foundation for ninjas.

But his identity is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, the son of the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village in this time and space, and the host body of the second son of the Sage of Six Paths.

No matter what the reason was for Naruto to be treated so harshly, when he really died, the big man who treated him harshly must jump out to avenge him as soon as possible.

Although Zabuza was not very sensitive to politics, he could guess that this person was the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Not only the Third Hokage must take action, but Shimura Danzo also has to express his views. Even all those in power who participated in abuse and neglect must stand up and avenge Uzumaki Naruto at any cost.

They must prove with actual actions that their previous harsh treatment and indifference were not abuse of the son of Hokage, but training and tests full of expectations.

Otherwise, the credibility of these people will be completely ruined, and no one will believe any of their words or promises. Not only will they no longer be qualified to hold power, but their lives will be in danger due to the omnipresent malice.

By then, Konoha Village, the number one ninja village in the ninja world, will be united as never before, forming an unprecedented ninja revenge army.

Faced with this huge force, not to mention Mochi Zabuza, the rebellious ninja, was unable to resist, even Kirigakure and Kumogakure villages were also unable to resist.

Fortunately, Uzumaki Naruto immediately struggled out of the water and shouted in anger, making everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Zabuza also discovered from various details that it was the Kyuubi that was disrupting Naruto's chakra and helping him increase the damage of his ninjutsu.

Zabuza was overjoyed, he understood that the Kyuubi had indeed heard his words and knew that he had no intention of killing, so it changed from helping Naruto resist the attack and stabbing secretly to disrupting Naruto's chakra.

While reducing Naruto's ability to resist Ninjutsu, Kyuubi also carefully protected the vital points of Naruto's head, chest and abdomen to prevent Zabuza from accidentally killing Naruto.

There was nothing to hesitate about. Zabuza used all his strength to extract chakra and used the Water Release and Water Dragon Bullet techniques continuously, beating Uzumaki Naruto to the point where he couldn't even stand up.

Although the power of Water Release is generally insufficient, Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu is a B-level ninjutsu, and its power is considerable even at the Jonin level.

No matter how special Uzumaki Naruto is, his physical strength is not difficult to withstand the attack of water dragon bullets, especially since Kyuubi is still secretly causing trouble, making him even more vulnerable to injury.

Finally, after being attacked by water dragon bullets 31 times in a row, Uzumaki Naruto's screams and curses disappeared, and he floated lifelessly on his back like a corpse.

Zabuza immediately stopped attacking and walked over to check Naruto Uzumaki's body. After confirming that his breathing was weak and steady, his heart beating fast and powerful, and that his life was not in danger, he laughed happily.

Because he has heard the voice of expectation:

【Ding--! 】

[Mission 2: Seriously injured Konoha Genin Uzumaki Naruto and Konoha Genin Uchiha Sasuke. 】

[Task status: Completed. 】

[Task 2 reward: Water Escape Ninjutsu x2. They are: Water Release·Water Breaking Wave, Water Release·Hard Vortex Water Blade. 】

[Task rewards begin to be distributed. 】

This time, Zabuza's trance lasted for a full five seconds, and the return to normal was not completed in an instant, but slowly restored his five senses.

This time, the memories added to Zabuza Momochi's mind were very complex, and the experience of using ninjutsu was even more exaggerated. Even as soon as he returned to normal, he found that his newly added memories and experiences were slowly being forgotten and lost.

[No, I must start practicing immediately to consolidate the experience of using ninjutsu, otherwise the value of the reward will be greatly reduced! 】

Without hesitation, Zabuza reached out to lift the unconscious Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, and joined Haku who had rescued Haruno Sakura.

Shiro froze an ice ship on the water, put all the members of Konoha's Team 7 inside, and then asked: "Mr. Zabuza, have you completed your mission?"

Zabuza replied: "Of course, by beating them like this, I must have completed the mission."

"Bai, help me check their bodies to see if there is any danger to their lives."

"Yes, Mr. Zabuza."

Shiro checked it carefully and said in surprise: "Mr. Zabuza is really amazing. Uzumaki Naruto's hands and feet have serious fractures, but his torso and head are not damaged at all. The control of ninjutsu is so precise. "

Zabuza laughed: "This is not my fault. I can't do it so finely by myself."

Bai was even more surprised: "Is there anyone secretly helping us just now?"

Zabuza looked at Uchiha Sasuke, who had regained consciousness, and Hatake Kakashi, who was staring at him nervously not far away, and smiled deliberately: "It is true that someone helped me, and he was the one who told me..."

Zabuza pointed at Uzumaki Naruto: "This performance is very eye-catching. The genin with mixed strength is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki of Konoha Village."

Uchiha Sasuke: Nine-tailed Jinchuuriki! !

Haruno Sakura: Kyuubi Jinchuuriki?

Hatake Kakashi: Someone leaked the secret! who is it?

Seeing that his purpose of deception was completely successful, Zabuza added with satisfaction: "So we must not kill anyone, otherwise the third Hokage of Konoha Village will fight us desperately."

"Maybe Jiraiya and Tsunade among the Konoha Sannin will hunt down the two of us. These are powerful ninjas who have long been famous. They are definitely not something you and I can handle."

Shiro nodded. He didn't care about the Sannin of Konoha. Zabuza and not killing people was the reason why he was happy.

Zabuza continued: "Not only Uzumaki Naruto cannot be killed, but Uchiha Sasuke cannot be killed either. He is Uchiha Itachi's biological brother."

Uchiha Itachi was Uchiha Sasuke's Achilles' heel. When he heard this name, he couldn't pretend anymore. He glared at a pair of blood-red Sharingan eyes and roared: "Kill if you want, don't mention this name in front of me! "

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Zabuza stared at Sasuke's eyes for a long time, then shook his head and said in surprise: "So you kid really doesn't know. I thought you two brothers were playing double acts?"

"It took a long time. In order to protect you and prevent you from being openly ostracized by Konoha Village, Itachi Uchiha actually took everything on himself. He is really a perverted brother-controlling brother."

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes were split with tears, and he asked in shock and anger: "Asshole! What on earth do you want to say?"

Sasuke didn't even realize that his voice had become softer, and there was no longer the crazy hatred and anger, only uncontrollable doubts and...expectations.

Zabuza, who had already been prepared in his heart, heard it. He explained with satisfaction: "Itachi Uchiha is very powerful, and I am no match for him."

"However, no matter how powerful he is, he is still a ninja. At best, he is a Kage-level ninja who is stronger than the Third Hokage. He is not a monster like the First Hokage. How can he single-handedly destroy the Uchiha, the number one ninja clan in the ninja world? "

"Uchiha Sasuke, don't you know that there are thousands of people in the Uchiha clan? What kind of monster can kill five or six thousand people in one night? There are hundreds of ninjas from the Uchiha clan, and more than 30 possessors. A jounin with three magatama sharingan eyes.”

"Do you know how strong the Uchiha clan is? Except for the five major ninja villages, the grass ninja village and the star ninja village, none of them dare to say that they can defeat the Uchiha clan. When will Uchiha Itachi be strong enough? Have you singled out a ninja village?"

Kakashi Hatake and Sasuke Uchiha were stunned. They were used to trusting the Hokage and never questioned this conclusion because it was said by the Third Hokage himself.

But after Momochi Zabuza told it in a disdainful tone, both of them could not help but be led to start thinking, and as soon as their brains started to work, they knew that there was something wrong with this matter.

Especially Kakashi, he has been on the battlefield and knows how strong the jounin and ninja of the Uchiha clan are.

With a little calculation in his mind, Kakashi knew that hundreds of Uchiha ninjas, led by 30 jounin with three Magatama Sharingan, were enough to surround and kill ninjas of the Five Kages' level.

In other words, even if the Third Hokage rushes into the Uchiha clan, he will only end up being surrounded and killed by the Uchiha clan.

Then, why could Itachi Uchiha destroy the entire Uchiha clan?

Kakashi was experienced and understood everything in an instant. He concluded that the Hokage's power was involved in the night when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, and he felt chill and disappointment in his heart.

Uchiha Sasuke does not have enough experience, and is somewhat stupid. He has now determined that the genocide is suspicious, but he has not yet been able to confirm that the Hokage was involved.

As a guy who supported the fire, Zabuza naturally didn't take it too seriously. He saw that Sasuke was still confused and immediately added: "I heard that the night when the Uchiha Itachi clan was exterminated, he didn't wait until thousands of people were killed. Discovered by the Leaf Village."

"Young Uchiha, if you kill thousands of people, hundreds of ninjas, and 30 jounin, don't you need to use ninjutsu?"

"I remember that the Uchiha clan's best ninjutsu are fire style and thunder style. They are both earth-shattering ninjutsus, which are very in line with the arrogant and domineering temperament of the Uchiha people."

"Haha, it turns out that one traitor can make hundreds of Uchiha unable to use a single ninjutsu. It's really ridiculous."

Speaking of this, there is actually no difference from what he said clearly. After all, Uchiha Sasuke is not Uzumaki Naruto. He still has the basic qualities and brains, so he naturally understands everything.

His teeth were squeaking, and if all his limbs hadn't been broken, he would have jumped up on the spot.

Momochi Zabuza's two tasks were completed, and he also successfully made Sasuke suspicious of Konohagakure and Uchiha Itachi, which was enough to distract the younger control.

So he told Shiro: "Shiro, my mission is completed. We can leave after defrosting Hatake Kakashi."

Shiro agreed without hesitation: "Yes, Mr. Zabuza."

After thawing, the kind-hearted Shiro expanded the ice ship he made and put everyone in Konoha's Team 7 inside.

Zabuza did not stop Haku's kind act. He picked up his beheading sword and waited patiently for Haku to finish everything before taking him away.

Shiro looked up at the tall Zabuza and asked, "Mr. Zabuza, where should we go next?"

Zabuza replied: "Let's go to Kado's company first. I think the ronin who ran away just now should be there to rob property."

"I'm going to take the money, and the garbage is used as materials for the restoration of the decapitation sword."

Bai nodded: "Then it will be taken care of soon, what's next?"

Zabuza looked to the east: "Next, we will go to the sea to a hidden island. I will practice there for a period of time and accumulate the gains from this mission into my own strength."

"It's time to return to Kirigakure Village after that."

Zabuza's eyes were filled with excitement: "The chaos in Kirigakure Village has lasted for too long. It's time for me, Zabuza, to end it!"

"And it's time for the Fourth Mizukage to retire."

Shiro has no sympathy or destiny for Kirigakure Village, but he also knows that his suffering and the death of his mother are all caused by Kirigakure Village's "Blood Mist Village" policy.

The person who promoted this bloody policy and destroyed the Snow Clan was the fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura.

He looked at Zabuza and said, "Mr. Zabuza, please allow me to help you in defeating the Fourth Mizukage."

Zabuza said matter-of-factly: "Haku, you are the person I trust the most, so of course you have to help me."

Bai took off his mask, showed a happy smile, and nodded vigorously: "Yes! I will do my best!"

"Mr. Zabuza, the East China Sea is within the sphere of influence of Kirigakure Village. The hidden island we are going to will not be discovered by Kirigakure ninjas, right?"

Zabuza replied: "Don't worry, that island is not within the influence of the Kingdom of Water. Strictly speaking, it should be the land belonging to the Kingdom of Thunder."

"The Kumogakure ninjas will regularly expel the Kirigakure ninjas, but they don't care about the island's surveillance, so the island is very safe."

He licked his tongue: "It is said that there is a special delicacy produced on that island. It is not only delicious but also enhances the strength of ninjas."

[In our time and space, it is occupied by the Uchiha clan. There are only various unreliable rumors, but no definite information has ever come out. 】

[There is no relevant information at all in this time and space, and no one should have discovered the secret of the island. 】

[No one will stop me from going to the island this time. I must find out what delicious food there is...]

Zabuza felt inexplicably excited at the thought of poaching Yuu Uchiha in this world.

He waved his hand: "Let's go, kill people and steal money!"

Zabuza Chuuji was so funny at this moment, it made Shiro laugh.

He covered his mouth with both hands, trying desperately to prevent himself from laughing out loud, and tried his best to cooperate with the shouting: "Grab the money and kill the people!"

A few days later, the fishermen of the Land of Waves were surprised to find that the minions of Caddo Shipping Company had not appeared for several days.

Then someone discovered that there was no one in the Cardo Building, so a bold guy sneaked in and found the bodies of the armed ronin, thugs and tax collectors of the Cardo Company.

These villains were all killed in the building. The scene was full of traces of battle, but there was no blood, and the corpses were horribly pale.

Moreover, Kado's famous treasure house was also looted, and money and treasures worth billions of taels disappeared, leaving only countless real estate title deeds, company stocks, loan bonds, and tax information.

The fishermen unceremoniously set fire to everything, completely getting rid of Cardo's shadow.

Even if the Daimyo of Wave Country comes back, he will not be able to immediately re-impose taxes.

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