I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 371 Let’s get rid of Gouju Yagura today

Heavy rain poured down, and Kirigakure Village was shrouded in rain.

Although it was close to noon, it was as dark as late night under the dark clouds. It was almost impossible to see anything, and nothing could be seen a few meters away.

Zabuza, wearing a raincloth, entered the Kirigakure Village through the gap in the wall.

After crossing the wall, he turned around and looked at the gap in silence for a long time.

Shiro asked, "Mr. Zabuza, what's wrong with you?"

Zabuza sighed and said, "This is the location where I left Kirigakure Village after my last failed assassination attempt. This is the gap I dug with my own hands."

"But it wasn't that big at the time, and it was only big enough for me to pass alone."

"After so many years, not only has no one come to plug the gap, but it has expanded enough to allow vehicles to pass through."

Zabuza looked at the damaged features of the breach in the wall, as well as the footprints and ruts scattered around, and sighed: "Kirigakure Village can no longer even repair the wall... It is really in decline."

The disappointment and regret in his words gradually turned into determination: "The fourth Mizukage being controlled is really terrible. Although I knew he deserved to die, I never imagined that he could harm Kirigakure Village to this extent. Today I must Kill him."

"Bai, help me block the others when the time comes."

"Mr. Zabuza, please feel free to fight, I won't let others hinder you."

Shiro was still wearing white clothes today, which looked a bit dazzling in the dark rainstorm. Fortunately, the raincloth Zabuza carried was black and wrapped around his body.

After sighing, the two stopped and walked along a muddy road that was not obvious, towards the center of Kirigakure Village. After a weak chakra fluctuation, they completely disappeared into the dense rain curtain, as if they had melted. Same as in a strong rainstorm.

Ninja needs no introduction.

After successfully sneaking into the Mizukage building, Zabuza took Haku and rushed directly to the Mizukage office. After easily knocking down several Kirigakure ANBU, he opened the door of the Mizukage office with a knife.

Zabuza saw the Fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura. He had already picked up his coral staff and looked coldly at Zabuza in front of the door.

The Fourth Mizukage sneered: "So it's you, Zabuza."

"I haven't seen you in four years. You've grown taller, but your brain is still so stupid."

Zabuza smiled and said, "Yes, I haven't seen you for four years, the Fourth Mizukage-sama."

The Kirigakure Anbu in the office paid no attention to the conversation between the two. In accordance with their duties, they drew their respective weapons and rushed towards Zabuza.

This is the Mizukage office, full of barriers and precious documents. It is an occasion where ninjutsu cannot be used under any circumstances, so these six ninjas were selected to serve as guards.

Zabuza didn't want to wreak havoc here, but in such a small environment and surrounded by six Anbu who were proficient in Taijutsu and close combat, he didn't have any confidence without using Ninjutsu.

So he shouted softly: "White."

"I'm here, Mr. Zabuza."

A figure also wearing a white Anbu mask flashed out from behind Zabuza, stretched out his hand and pushed, and 12 ice picks ejected.

Each ice pick was accurately aimed at Kirigakure ANBU's heart and neck, forcing the ANBU to stop attacking and instead block and dodge.

But what shocked them was that the 12 ice picks could still turn in the air.

The 12 ice picks have a unique structure, with an obvious slender part at the tail that changes its trajectory by breaking itself.

The ice cone that changed its trajectory either bypassed the blocking weapon, or re-aimed at the evading ninja, and continued to point at the vital points of Kirigakure ANBU.

The Kirigakure Anbu launched a sudden attack, and hurriedly responded to the counterattack. They were no longer able to make a third response. They had no choice but to be penetrated by the ice pick and died on the spot.

The battle between ninjas is like this, between lightning and flint, the winner is decided, life and death are decided.

Whoever can make accurate predictions and responses will be the winner and survivor, otherwise it will be a dead end.

This is why intelligence is the number one factor that determines victory or defeat when a ninja fights.

Zabuza had learned the fighting methods of Kirigakure ANBU when he sneaked here to carry out the assassination four years ago.

That time, the Fourth Mizukage didn't take action at all. Just the Kirigakure ANBU defeated Zabuza in such a state of embarrassment that he could only run away.

But he also learned information about Kirigakure's Anbu and passed it on to Shiro.

After getting the information, Bai carefully designed tactics and succeeded in one fell swoop, eliminating all the ANBU guards without touching any barriers.

The Fourth Mizukage finally showed a surprised expression: "Bingdun? There is still a descendant of the Snow Clan who has slipped through the net."

"Haha, now that everything is delivered to me, I will accept your two lives without mercy."

Zabuza asked: "The Fourth Mizukage, your subordinates died in front of you, and you didn't care at all?"

Goji Yagura did not answer. The surprise in his eyes had completely disappeared and returned to a dull look. At the same time, he waved the coral staff in his hand.

But this weapon with a flower hook did not strike directly, but instead waved a wave of water.

Water escape·Water rush wave

Even with the help of ninja tools, the Muji Ninjutsu was so sharp. Mochi Zabuza and Haku were caught off guard and were hit by the Ninjutsu and were beaten alive.

The water wave even broke through the not-thick outer wall, forcing the two ninjas to the square outside the Mizukage Building.

But at the same time, the Mizukage Office also suffered a devastating blow. Almost all the barriers were triggered, and no one knew how many confidential documents and intelligence were flooded.

Arriving at the square, Bai used Ice Escape to create an ice wall to block the attack of water waves.

Zabuza stood behind Haku and said with emotion: "The Fourth Mizukage was indeed controlled by genjutsu. He didn't care about the death of his subordinates or the loss of Kirigakure Village."

"It seems that the person who controls him has a deep hatred for us in Kirigakure Village, and is carrying out destruction without concealment."

Shiro looked at the continuous impact of water waves and couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Mr. Zabuza, the Fourth Mizukage is very strong. Are you sure of winning?"

Zabuza chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I'm very confident now."

"Even though Goji Yagura's Muji Water Release is so powerful, he only has a large amount of chakra and has no control skills at all."

"If it were the Fourth Mizukage in a normal state, I would definitely not be able to defeat him, but the puppet controlled by genjutsu is different. The reaction speed is a beat slower, and the chakra has no control after using ninjutsu..."

"The Fourth Mizukage, who is so powerful but has fatal flaws, is my best prey."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zabuza jumped up with a maniacal smile, and the decapitating sword in his hand cut through the air and raindrops. The circular hole aroused a low whistle, and collided with the coral staff of the Fourth Mizukage who jumped out of the building.

Two weapons are rare in the ninja world, but the collision of heavy weapons, which is common in Kirigakure Village, aroused dazzling sparks and erupted with a crisp golden sound.

Goju Yagura turned the coral staff and once again activated Water Release and Water Rush Wave.

With the ground full of water, the sky full of raindrops, and the blessing of the three tails' chakra in his body, a huge wave like a big burst of water rushed towards Zabuza.

A stiff sneer appeared on Goju Yagura's boyish face: "A mere jounin dares to challenge a Mizukage like me. You really don't know how to live or die."

Zabuza also smiled. He held the decapitating sword under his arm and quickly formed seals with both hands. It only took three seals to complete the ninjutsu.

Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique

Compared with the water waves of big waves, the dragon-shaped water column created by the water dragon bullet technique is more powerful, and the water dragon bullet easily penetrates the water waves.

The water dragon bullet penetrated the waves so suddenly that it almost hit Goji Yagura, forcing him to roll and jump in an awkward manner, or even roll continuously to avoid the continuous water dragon bullet attacks.

The Fourth Mizukage said in shock: "The second Hokage of Konoha Village Senju Tobirama's technique!"

"Zabuza, you actually learned the enemy's jutsu. Do you still have the self-esteem of a Kirigakure ninja?"

Zabuza didn't care about the Fourth Mizukage's accusations, rolled his eyes and said: "You bastard who is standing behind the scenes to control the Fourth Mizukage, where did you come from, an idiot, to ask such a question."

"How come only Konoha ninjas are allowed to learn Kirigakure's jutsu, but they think it's embarrassing for me, the Kirigakure ninja, to learn Konoha's jutsu?"

"To ask such a mindless question, I really doubt your ability to use illusion to control the Fourth Mizukage. The intelligence gap is also too big."

Zabuza frowned and said, "Could it be that someone else defeated the fourth Mizukage and controlled him, and the person who controls the Mizukage now is just a fool who inherited the control?"

Uchiha Obito:......

Zabuza's words were like sharp arrows, especially the three words "idiot", "idiot" and "inherit", which hit the target of the person behind the scenes.

Hearing Zabuza's words, in just one second, the eyes of the Fourth Mizukage changed dramatically. First they were surprised, then struggled, then returned to pure indifference, and finally showed unusually flexible movements. .

The weird Fourth Mizukage asked: "How did you know that the Fourth Mizukage was controlled by genjutsu?"

Zabuza thought about it, but didn't know how to explain it, so he responded with Yuu Uchiha's words: "Ah, I have special information channels."

The weird Fourth Mizukage said: "Haha, if you don't want to say it, then cut off your head and then see what's in your head."

Zabuza sneered and said: "Kirigakure Village has long since lost its professional talents to explore the brain. Are you a ninja from Konoha Village or a ninja from Kumogakure Village?"

"Haha, I know, it's the Leaf Village."

"There are fewer rebellious ninjas in this village than in our Kirigakure village, and they are all very powerful guys."

When the Fourth Mizukage and Zabuza were fighting and bickering, more Kirigakure Anbu gathered around, but they were all stopped by Haku.

The outside of the square in front of the Mizukage Building has turned into a world of ice and snow. When the heavy rain falls on the ground, it freezes immediately, forming sharp ice bamboo shoots.

These ice bamboo shoots were like bamboo shoots after rain, growing taller visible to the naked eye, and then turned into ice picks, shooting out at the ANBU ninjas coming from all directions.

With the collapse of Kirigakure Village's Blood Mist Policy, Kirigakure ninjas suffered a large loss in internal fighting and missions, which has seriously affected the quantity and quality of ninjas.

By the 60th year of Konoha, years of losses had caused the Kirigakure Village's strength to plummet. Even the Kirigakure ANBU, which selected the best among the best, the strength of the ninjas was completely inadequate.

Under Shiro's simplest field control ninjutsu attack, these Kirigakure Anbu were unable to break through and were blocked at the edge of the square.

Because the water at the bottom was frozen, the water ninjutsu that the Kirigakure ninjas were best at was severely restrained. Not only could they not fight back effectively under the attack of the ice ninjutsu, they could not even get close by diving.

There were also some reckless ANBU ninjas who rushed forward desperately, but their protective water escape ninjutsu was shot out by the ice pick, and then they turned into ice pick hedgehogs, and finally turned into a blood-red ice sculpture.

Although Bai controlled the entire square, the sound of his battle was not loud.

The biggest news came from the Fourth Mizukage and Momochi Zabuza. Their Ninjutsu duel was upgraded alternately, and soon developed to the level of large-scale Ninjutsu duel.

Speaking of which, Zabuza was not willing to fight like this, but the reaction speed of the fourth Mizukage, who was becoming more and more like a puppet, was getting slower and slower. At the same time, he could not use the water escape ninjutsu well.

So Obito, who was manipulating him behind the scenes, gave up his ninjutsu skills and simply used large-scale water release ninjutsu, taking advantage of the jinchuriki's large amount of chakra to the extreme, trying to crush Zabuza with great force and a miracle.

Water Escape·Waterspout Technique

Water Escape·Great Waterfall Technique

Water Release·Hurricane Water Vortex Technique

It was like a tsunami erupted in front of the Mizukage Building. Two-story high waves crashed out one after another, directly turning the ice field in the square into the sea, and even half of the Kirigakure Village was submerged in the water.

The huge movement alarmed the entire Kirigakure Village. More and more Kirigakure ninjas appeared. Seeing that one of the parties in the battle was the Fourth Mizukage, they joined the battle.

But more Kirigakure ninjas did not go to war directly, but chose to wait and see.

These ninjas vaguely surrounded the two ninjas, and followed the instructions of the two ninjas to surround the Mizukage Square.

Among the two leaders, one is a beauty with long, thick reddish-brown curly hair, wearing a blue off-shoulder dress, and a pair of green eyes. She is the future Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei.

The other is an old man who has lost all his hair and has wrinkles as deep as a canyon. He is holding a snake-shaped crutch. He is the oldest ninja master in Kirigakure Village.

Terumi Mei looked at the fierce battle in front of her and couldn't help but sigh: "There is actually a ninja who has reached the level of a Kage-level ninja with water escape. Genshi-sama, do you know who this is?"

The Yuanshi's eyes hidden under his long white eyebrows were fixed on the outside, looking at the white figure preventing the Kirigakure ninja from entering the square, without even looking at the core of the fiercest battle.

Hearing Terumi Mei's question, Genshi replied absently: "I don't know, I don't have such a powerful ninja in my memory."

"If Kisame Inikaki hadn't defected and stayed in the village to hone his ninjutsu, he might have reached this level."

"However, the Water Release Ninja is very strong, but it cannot be the opponent of Gotachibana Yagura. Except for Kisame Akisaki, no one can compete with the fourth generation in terms of chakra volume."

Master Yuan raised his cane and pointed it in Bai's direction: "Compared to the water escape ninjas, the ice escape envoys of the Snow Clan have descendants, which is the real good news."

Terumi Mei looked at it, nodded and said: "It is indeed an ice escape ninja, and his strength has reached the level of a jounin. This is indeed good news."

"But compared to the ice escape ninja, adding a shadow-level ninja seems to be more important."

Master Yuan smiled disapprovingly: "I don't know who he is or what his position is. And whether there is this new guy or not, it won't affect our plan to overthrow the Fourth Mizukage."

"After all, Terumi Mei, your strength has surpassed that of the fourth generation. This is the confidence we have to bring order to the chaos."

"Even if this ninja doesn't show up today, we can solve the Fourth Generation next year and make you the Fifth Mizukage."

Yuanshi withdrew his gaze, half-closed his eyes and sighed: "I'm worried that his appearance will make Goju Yagura alert, and in the end we will lose the opportunity to implement the original plan."

Terumi Mei asked: "Master Genshi, are you taking action today?"

Master Yuan smiled fondly and said: "Haha, listen to your words, I can't hold myself back anymore."

Terumi Mei nodded and said, "Yes, I really can't help it. I've been waiting for too long, and I've turned from a little girl into an old woman."

Master Yuan laughed and scolded: "That's nonsense, you little girl is only 27 years old, you are still young."

Terumi Mei broke through her defense instantly: "Genshi-sama, isn't 27 turning 30 soon? I'm almost 30, and no one will want me soon!"

Terumi Mei wanted to grab Genshi's neck and said loudly: "Have you forgotten that my father was only 20 years old when he gave birth to me! 20 years old!"

"Old man!! Just because you are older, you can't think that 30 is not too old!"

"Ah?" Master Yuan started to pretend to be confused: "What did you say?"

Suddenly, a white bolt shot out from the center of the battlefield, and wherever it went, whether it was a solid house or a hard icicle, it was cut open like cheese.

Houses collapsed around Shuiying Square, icicles broke, and there was chaos.

The battle between Shiro and the Kirigakure ninjas could only be suspended. Terumi Mei and Genshi also stared at the core battlefield in the center of the square with wide eyes.

Just now, Zabuza showed a flaw and was caught by the Fourth Mizukage's water escape and water prison technique. He took advantage of the opportunity when both sides were unable to move and turned over his trump card to achieve success in one fell swoop.

Although he did not directly kill the Fourth Mizukage, his left arm was cut off, and together with the huge water ball, it was cut open by Water Release and Water Breaking Wave.

The severed limb caused the Fourth Mizukage's chakra to lose control and instantly burst out into a violent storm, driving away the heavy rain, fog, and water waves on the battlefield.

At this time, the heavy rain that lasted for several hours ended, and the dark clouds in the sky quickly dispersed, exposing the figures of the Fourth Mizukage and Zabuza to everyone.

Genshi was too old. Zabuza had grown so much in the past four years that he couldn't even recognize who he was.

But the young Kirigakure ninjas were deeply impressed by this guy and recognized his identity immediately.

"It's Kijin Zabuza!"

"Didn't Kito defect? ​​He actually came back and fought with the Fourth Mizukage."

"Has Zabuza become so powerful?"

"Damn it, no matter how bad the Fourth Mizukage is, there's no way a traitorous ninja can attack, right?"

"Hmph, I think it would be great if Zabuza could kill the Yondaime."

"Asshole, do you also want to defect and become a renegade ninja?"

"With a Mizukage like this and a Kirigakure like this, there's nothing wrong with being a rebellious nin."

When Genshi heard the sounds around him, he couldn't help but close his eyes and sighed: "It's Zabuza. We can only follow him when he makes trouble."

"Girl Ming, go ahead and get rid of Goju Yagura today."

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