I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 368 The Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki has a poor foundation in Ninjutsu

Kirigakure Village was established in the Kingdom of Water, and the foundation of the country was an archipelago. Naturally, the ninjutsu that the Kirigakure ninjas were best at was water escape.

However, the strong ones among the Kirigakure ninjas either rely on the blood succession limits of Ice Release, Melting Release, and Boiling Release to become strong, or they hone the qualitative transformation of water release to the extreme, approaching or even surpassing the blood succession limits, just like the Oni Lan clan. .

Both of these paths are not easy, and very few ninjas can successfully walk through them. This is one of the reasons why there are so few top Kage-level ninjas in Kirigakure Village.

Therefore, the Kirigakure ninjas developed unique ninja swords and developed ninja swords with different functions.

The reason why Kirigakure ninjas are so difficult is because Water Release has a fatal flaw, that is, the destructive power of Water Release is seriously insufficient. If you want to rely on Water Release to kill the enemy, you must rely on a huge amount of chakra to crush the enemy.

Because he was used to this situation, the Kirigakure ninja had no complaints about it, and kept accumulating chakra, practicing sword skills, and studying the qualitative transformation of water escape.

It wasn't until the second crooked Hokage appeared in Konoha Village that he used an explosive deformation and extreme water escape, and the beautiful Kirigakure ninja's face blossomed.

Since the First Ninja War, Kirigakure ninjas have had an extra direction to work on. Through their efforts in water transformation, they have developed many powerful ninjutsu.

For example, the shark dragon series water escape ninjutsu of the Makigaki clan is an excellent achievement in the direction of transformation.

The strongest water escaper in Kirigakure Village is the Fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura. He combines deformation, qualitative change and illusion to develop the Water Mirror Technique. Within the scope of his strength, he can copy the mirror image of any enemy. , can be called the most difficult technique.

But when it comes to the easy-to-use and powerful water escape ninjutsu, it is still a related ninjutsu developed by the second generation Hokage of Konoha Village. Thinking about it really makes the Kirigakure ninja feel discouraged.

Therefore, the two Water Release Ninjutsu, Water Release·Water Break Wave and Water Release·Hard Vortex Water Blade, which are rewarded by the mission, are temptations that Momochi Zabuza will never give up.

As for the copyright issue, that's it.

Ninjutsu is never just about hand seals, it also requires the coordination of the flow, operation, and output of chakra, so that the ninjutsu can be fully released.

The hand seals that can be seen with the eyes are just one of many links in ninjutsu, and they are of no use at all if they are learned.

The ninjas of each village and each clan are not guarding against being stolen on the battlefield, but to prevent others from stealing secrets.

Especially the Uchiha clan and the "copy ninja" Hatake Kakashi Juyu. Being able to learn ninjutsu at a glance on the battlefield will make people extremely jealous, but no one will hold them accountable for being pirated. question.

If Momochi Zabuza learns these two water escape techniques, he can use them openly, and Konoha Village will not trouble him for this.

When Orochimaru, the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, completed his self-examination and determined that his ninjutsu scrolls were not stolen and that no Konoha ninja taught ninjutsu to others, this matter was considered to be over.

Orochimaru will only lower the confidentiality level of Water Release, Water Break Wave and Water Release, Hard Vortex Water Blade, so that more Konoha ninjas have the opportunity to learn.

However, the situation in this time and space is different. When Zabuza publicly uses the Second Hokage's signature water escape, he doesn't know what the consequences will be.

Because the third generation Hokage of Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen, is the head here, and according to the original memory, Shimura Danzo, the great villain of Konoha Village, is also alive.

The two of them are extremely contradictory beings with weird ways of thinking.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo would despise any individual ninja, and at the same time be obedient to the ninja who represented a powerful ninja village.

Based on his original memory, Zabuza judged that if he used the Second Hokage's ninjutsu, he would probably be hunted down by the ANBU ninjas of Konoha Village.

But if he overthrows the Fourth Mizukage and becomes an important figure in Kirigakure Village, Konoha Village will immediately stop pursuing him.

He really wants to see the response to this extreme contradiction, it will definitely be fun.

Full of expectations for rewards and the humiliation of the third Hokage of Konoha Village, Zabuza completed the seal in a leisurely manner.

Water Release·Big Explosion Water Wave

From Zabuza's mouth, a long river spit out.

Because he was at the seaside, the power of Water Release was increased to the greatest extent, and the flood that broke out was as turbulent as a real long river, submerging everything in front of Zabuza.

As mentioned before, the biggest problem with Water Release and Big Explosive Water Wave is that it is not powerful enough, and it is not fast enough, making it easy to dodge.

This technique is usually not used to attack enemies, but is used by Kirigakure ninjas to create a water environment so that they can gain an increase when using Water Release Ninjutsu.

But when Zabuza used this technique at this time, he achieved unexpected results.

As the waves of the water crashed over, the people in the whirlpool screamed and made various evasive actions, but they were all hit by the waves or swept into the bottom by the current, turning into clouds of white smoke.

Bai was dumbfounded again, unable to believe that this guy who had fought so hard with him was so easily defeated by an impractical water escape.

Could it be that the big explosive water wave has some magical effects that he doesn't know about?

Momochi Zabuza explained: "Haku, it's not that the big blast of water is powerful, but that Uzumaki Naruto's combat experience is too poor."

"Of course, Shiro's experience is too thin, otherwise you would have noticed that Uzumaki Naruto actually only has two advantages: enough chakra, and the shadow clone's endurance is strong enough."

"And when you attacked Uzumaki Naruto, his shadow clone couldn't make any effective response at all. It was completely defeated easily."

Shiro thought about it for a moment and nodded in agreement with Zabuza's judgment: "Mr. Zabuza is right. Naruto-kun does not have the ability to resist, but the number of his shadow clones is too many. I..."

Zabuza interrupted Shiro: "So you panicked and kept using advanced ice escape ninjutsu, but you got yourself into trouble."

"Actually, defeating Uzumaki Naruto is very simple. Even if he uses a large-scale attack ninjutsu to cover it, he has no way to deal with it. He can only destroy all the shadow clones with the ninjutsu."

Zabuza couldn't refute it, because the dense white smoke exploding underwater was the strongest proof.

Shiro gasped, "Mr. Zabuza is really awesome, but why is this happening?"

Zabuza said: "It's very simple, Uzumaki Naruto is a true genius with enviable talents."

"But for some reason, his ninja foundation is almost zero, which not only greatly limits his ability to realize his talent, but also leaves huge flaws."

"Shiro, as long as you calm down, it won't be difficult to defeat Uzumaki Naruto."

"In any case, you are also a true jounin. A jounin who has mastered the limits of ice escape blood succession has an absolute advantage when facing a genin with a weak foundation."

Bai nodded seriously and secretly made up his mind to participate in as many battles as possible in the future and accumulate combat experience as soon as possible.

[It was my good luck today that I almost hindered Mr. Zabuza. This should not happen again in the future. 】

After Zabuza finished speaking, he concentrated on observing the battlefield.

Shiro turned around and straightened Kakashi Hatake, who was floating because his lower body was frozen, to prevent him from drowning in the water due to his head-down position.

After that, when Zabuza wasn't paying attention, Haku secretly looked at Zabuza's side face.

[Mr. Zabuza is so strange today. He said a lot and answered my questions seriously. The most important thing is...his tone today is so gentle...]

【That’s great. 】

The flood caused by the ninjutsu showed no sign of receding, and all obstacles were submerged below the water's surface. Naruto Uzumaki's remaining 12 shadow clones could only stand on the water.

As the 13th standing figure, with Uchiha Sasuke standing next to him, Uzumaki Naruto could no longer hide his presence.

Thousands of shadow clones were killed in an instant. Even Uzumaki Naruto felt an overwhelming sense of suffocation, and most of his chakra was consumed. At this time, he pointed angrily at Zabuza and cursed.

I have to say, Naruto, this kid, has a bad mouth.

The experience of being targeted by the entire Konoha Village since he was a child made him malnourished, stunted, autistic and low on self-esteem, and he also passively learned all the curse words.

In just a few words, Zabuza, who had been using his fists to deal with troubles since he was a child, was able to break through the defense. Although his face was covered and his expression could not be seen, the bulging veins on his forehead showed that he was very angry.

Zabuza held the broken beheading sword in his hand and stared at Naruto with murderous eyes: "You bad-mouthed golden-haired boy, you really need to be dealt with."

"Let me see which one is stronger, your bad mouth or my decapitating sword."

"What kind of beheading sword is just a broken piece..."

With a bang, Zabuza appeared next to Naruto. He used the broken decapitation sword as a fly swatter and swatted Uzumaki Naruto away.

Zabuza's attack not only attacked Uzumaki Naruto, but Uchiha Sasuke and the other 12 shadow clones beside him were also attacked by ninja swords and turned into white smoke almost at the same time.

Uchiha Sasuke's recovery was very poor. Although he saw the attack trajectory of the decapitating sword, his body was unable to dodge and could only bend his arms and curl up to reduce the damage.

But the majestic power from the ninja sword easily defeated Sasuke's defensive posture, causing him to be stunned and flew away far away.

【Ding--! 】

[Mission 2 Progress 1/2: Under your attack, Uchiha Sasuke suffered a fracture in his left arm, left leg femur, and three rib fractures, meeting the conditions for serious injuries. 】

Zabuza was stunned when he heard this, he didn't expect Sasuke to be so fragile.

His first attack was Uzumaki Naruto. The opponent withstood the blow of the decapitating sword without any protection. He was still full of energy and continued to curse in mid-air, as if he had not been harmed.

So Zabuza misjudged his own strength. After clearing the shadow clone, he used all his strength to attack Uchiha Sasuke. As a result, he not only defeated the opponent's defense, but also caused serious injuries in one fell swoop.

This actually made Zabuza break into a cold sweat. If he accidentally killed Uchiha Sasuke, wouldn't he get into big trouble with Uchiha Itachi?

[System] has reminded him that Uchiha Itachi is an incorrigible disciple, a lunatic with awkward thinking and logic.

He can cooperate with others to kill the whole family, massacre the old and weak of the whole clan, and he can also use the strongest illusion on his favorite brother, which tortures Sasuke to the point of death.

But he couldn't accept others hurting Sasuke, let alone anyone killing Sasuke.

No matter who hurts Sasuke, he will be remembered by this pervert. If he gets the chance, he will kill someone to vent his anger, but he will not abandon everything and take the initiative to pursue him.

But if anyone dares to kill Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi will go completely crazy and abandon everything to chase the murderer.

Momochi Zabuza is not afraid of Uchiha Itachi. He is even looking forward to a high-end fight where he risks his life. After all, as a time traveler, he will not die in this time and space.

The only one who can die is the unlucky guy he possessed.

(26-year-old Zabuza's original form:...)

But Zabuza didn't want to face Uchiha Itachi so soon, because he still had unfinished tasks.

Injuring Uchiha Sasuke is the most suitable situation. Uchiha Itachi will not come to chase Zabuza immediately. He has enough time to complete the mission of Kirigakure Village.

At the same time, Uchiha Itachi would not be so crazy as to kill innocent people indiscriminately. After killing Zabuza, he would not kill Byakuya together.

That's good.


The heartbreaking shout interrupted Zabuza's thinking and drew his attention to Uzumaki Naruto in the distance.

Uzumaki Naruto ran wildly on the water, running towards Sasuke who was falling softly, as if he was preparing to catch his companion. His movements were so quick, as if the heavy blow just now was harmless.

Zabuza suddenly disappeared from the water, and he swung the decapitating sword again, slashing at Naruto Uzumaki's defenseless ribs with all his strength.

Naruto was unprepared and was slashed by the ninja sword. He was hit like a ball and flew out, hitting the water several times before falling into the water.

But he quickly climbed up from the water, and despite grinning and covering his wound, he started running at full speed again.

This time it was Zabuza's turn to be stunned. He had to admit that it wasn't that he was too gentle, but that Uzumaki Naruto was too resistant to being beaten.

The beheading sword slashed his defenseless ribs with its blade, but it only cut through his clothes without even bleeding. This was simply unreasonable.

If ninjas had such strong defense, the style of Ninja War would have been completely different.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Zabuza's mind, and he discovered a situation. It seemed that when the decapitating sword struck Naruto Uzumaki's body, an orange light flashed under his torn clothes.

[Is that the Kyuubi’s chakra? Is Kyuubi taking the initiative to help the Jinchuriki defend? 】

Zabuza's expression became serious. He didn't care about the special genin. No matter how special Naruto was, his strength was very limited.

But a jinchuriki who can get help from a tailed beast is completely different. He must not be treated as a genin, but should be treated as a very powerful jonin and fight with all his strength.

Zabuza took a deep breath, licked his tongue excitedly, then bent down while returning the book, ready to sprint.

[I'm really lucky this time. I can fight a Jinchuriki before returning to Kirigakure Village, and gain experience in fighting Jinchuriki in advance. 】

[Even if this jinchuriki is weak, it is the strongest tailed beast, the nine-tailed jinchuriki. There is no telling what kind of power it will have. 】

Zabuza disappeared, and before Uzumaki Naruto caught Uchiha Sasuke, he struck Naruto on the wrist with a knife.

This time he really went all out. Not only did he use all his strength, but he also used the speed of the teleportation technique to accurately chop at the fragile wrist bones.

Although the neck is the most vulnerable part of the human body, the power of a horizontal slash is far different from that of a vertical slash. The attack method Zabuza chose has the highest overall power.

The violent chop knocked Naruto underwater, causing a huge splash.

But Zabuza was very sure that even though he was chopping with all his strength, Uzumaki Naruto still didn't draw any blood.

But he finally saw clearly that the orange light that emerged from Naruto's wrist at that moment was an ominous chakra that made people deeply uneasy and fearful.

Just seeing it made Zabuza feel very uncomfortable, so he was sure that the light was the chakra that had been condensed to the limit and thus revealed, and it was the chakra belonging to the tailed beast Nine Tails.

This was the first time for Zabuza to see the chakra of a tailed beast. If he hadn't gotten the information from the [System], he wouldn't be sure at all, and might even ignore this fleeting orange light.

The battle information between ninjas takes priority. If Zabuza does not know the information about the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, he will definitely be deeply confused that his slashing cannot break the defense, and the next battle will be difficult.

If he wasn't careful, he might even capsize in the ditch and be defeated by the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

As a rebellious ninja from Kirigakure Village, there is only one outcome for defeat, and that is death.

Of course everything is different now.

Zabuza sneered and thought:

[It seems that the active help provided by Nine Tails is limited, otherwise it would not last for such a short period of time. I remember that the tailed beast's information included the so-called "tailed beast clothing" to provide defense. 】

[According to the intelligence analysis related to the "Tailed Beast Clothing", it should be that the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki is too young and cannot withstand the stronger tailed beast chakra, so he chooses to provide instant defense. 】

[Haha, it looks like I was wrong just now. 】

[The Kyuubi and its jinchuriki did not get along well, but they were worried that the jinchuriki's death would take it with it, so he had to take the initiative to provide help]

As soon as Zabuza changed his mind, he had an idea in mind.

He yelled: "What the hell, why can't even the beheading sword move?"

"Damn Konoha genin, you are forcing me to use ninjutsu!"

"You Konoha genin are really unlucky. My mission is to seriously injure you rather than kill you. I originally thought that I could use the ninja sword to control the power and damage so that you would not die in vain, but since I am forced to use ninjutsu, then Just wish yourself good luck!”

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

With just three hand seals, the water around Zabuza condensed into a dragon shape and attacked Naruto who climbed out of the water.

Seeing that Zabuza only had three seals, Hatake Kakashi's eyes widened instantly. He recognized that this was a technique developed by the Second Hokage, and it was also an advanced ninjutsu technique that the Sharingan could not replicate.

Although this is neither a forbidden jutsu nor a high-security ninjutsu, it is still a very advanced ninjutsu technique that few people in Konoha Village have mastered.

At least, Kakashi Hatake wouldn't.

But compared to the leak of advanced water release ninjutsu skills, Kakashi was more worried about why Zabuza would use such advanced skills against Uzumaki Naruto at this time.

Has the secret that Naruto is the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi revealed?

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