I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 358 Yuu Uchiha: I want the broken pill to be reconstituted

Uchiha Yu built all the buildings in the kitchen, repaired all the furniture in the room, and planted spice plants in the valley around the building.

After finishing all this work, he said to Miwa Masashi: "There is actually another decisive reason why I transferred my main energy to soul travel."

"Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo and I established a cause and effect."

"Isn't this natural? You have fought face to face..."

Miwa Masashi stopped mid-sentence, she had realized something was wrong.

Why would Uchiha Yu deliberately say such stupid nonsense at this time?

She looked at the Taoist monk in surprise.

Uchiha Yu nodded: "Yes, it is the future Otsutsuki Hagoromo, who connects cause and effect to me through Senju Tobirama."

"We have this causal connection across time and space, which will have a great impact on both parties."

"I have been constantly inspired by the power of time recently, and I have made rapid progress in developing the soul sealing technique. I think the Otsutsuki Hagoromo opposite may also make great progress."

Miwa Masato frowned and said: "What Yuu means is that the Sage of Six Paths is indeed very strong, but is his talent so terrifying?"

"Sennin of the Six Paths has been the strongest in the ninja world for thousands of years. It only took Yu 20 years to catch up with him, and even defeated him in battle. His talent is completely incomparable to yours."

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "No, that battle cannot be counted."

"Although the conflict that broke out was unexpected for both parties, I had been plotting against the Immortal of Six Paths for a long time, and his understanding of me... was definitely superficial."

"I can win. The gap in intelligence is definitely the main reason. Otsutsuki Hagoromo is far stronger than me, otherwise I wouldn't be hiding after the battle."

"Besides, I think the Six Paths Sage's talent is very terrifying."

"Thousands of years ago, Tomamaru from Mt. Myoboku tempted him with senjutsu. As a result, he really quickly mastered senjutsu, and based on this, he stood at the same height as his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki."

"I don't know that Kaguya Otsutsuki was in her prime at that time. Even though the Sage of Six Paths mastered the celestial arts, he was still obviously one level behind her, but in the end it was the Sage of Six Paths who won."

"Later, the Six Paths Sage spread the power of chakra, simplified the Otsutsuki clan's divine arts into ninjutsu, and opened up a pure land to gain immortal power."

"Otsutsuki Hagoromo's talent cannot be underestimated. My current growth rate is standing on the shoulders of giants, and a large part of it comes from the Sage of Six Paths."

"So, after solving the problem of zero time talent with the help of causal connection, the Immortal of Six Paths may complete a breakthrough at any time and break out of the constraints of a single time and space."

"The greater the movement of time I initiate at this time, the easier it will be to stimulate the Immortal of Six Paths, making him more likely to break through in advance."

"That's why I chose to vigorously develop soul travel and complete intelligence collection through this method."

"Compared with physical time travel, which is particularly easy to distinguish, soul time travel is extremely concealed and is not easily discovered by the Immortals of Six Paths. It can well maintain the advantage of the enemy's light and our own."

Miwa Masashi asked disapprovingly: "Yu, why are you so careful, nya?"

"No matter how powerful the Sage of Six Paths is, he still hasn't broken through, nya. Even if he does, nya, there will definitely be a situation where you can only hit him but he can't fight back for a period of time, nya."

"As for being so afraid of meow?"

Uchiha Yu grinned and said, "How can you not be afraid of him?"

"You must know that in parallel time and space, every independent time and space has a Six Paths Immortal, but I do not exist."

Uchiha Yu pointed at his nose and said: "Although they are in different time and space, all Six Paths Sages are Six Paths Sages. As long as one of them has mastered the power of time and dragon veins, it will soon spread to all time and space."

"Rika-chan, imagine that a Sage of Six Paths jumped out of hundreds of parallel time and space, and hundreds of Otsutsuki Hagoromo came to us in a group to fight me..."

Black Naganao Loli shuddered: "Yu is right, you can't let the future Sage of Six Paths live, you must kill him and cut off the causal connection!"

"what should we do?"

Uchiha Yu revealed his plan: "Send a large number of time travelers to penetrate into every time period of that time and space, and master as much information as possible about that time and space."

"At the same time, I want to complete my own time travel as soon as possible, make up for my shortcomings in accumulation, and become a complete Blood Succession Snare Life."

"Then, I will go there myself and eliminate the root causes."

The project of transforming Loulan Secret Realm into Huaguo Mountain was quickly completed.

Standing in the Huaguo Mountain, everywhere you can see are green branches and cypresses, the sea of ​​clouds surrounds the mountains, and the peaks are looming. The nose is lingering with the fragrance of fruits and flowers, and the skin is soaked with spiritual energy and water.

Although it is the hottest summer, Huaguo Mountain is not affected by the heat and the temperature is cool and comfortable.

Senju Hashirama looked at his results with satisfaction and laughed happily: "Tobirama, this is the job I like. It's really a sense of accomplishment."

He looked at Uchiha Yu again: "Uchiha boy, the environment here is better than that of Shentei. Can you let me stay here for a longer time?"

Of course, Uchiha Yuu would not object, and immediately agreed to the First Hokage's request, and even agreed to let several other heroic spirits live here permanently.

Senju Hashirama was very satisfied, so he asked Senju Tobirama to use the art of earth reincarnation to revive Uzumaki Mito, Hatake Sakumo, Kato Dan, and Nezuki.

The heroic spirits of Konoha gathered together and happily enjoyed the feeling of "resurrection".

The Rope Tree is the liveliest one, shouting and being funny, making the atmosphere very lively.

Kato Danzhan trembled and carefully tried to please Uzumaki Mito.

After more than a year in the Hall of Heroes, he has completely understood that among Tsunade's natal family, the one who really makes the decision is the most low-key one.

Hatake Sakumo has a calm personality and likes a quiet environment.

He did not participate in the family gathering of the First Hokage, but stayed away from it and enjoyed the quiet time alone.

Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi did not participate either. They came to the gate of the world and began their first official soul crossing.

Momochi Zabuza was sweating profusely, but he still wielded the decapitating sword Pseudo with all his strength and engaged in a simulated battle with the imaginary enemy.

Although his movements were deformed, he refused to stop. Instead, he gritted his teeth and persisted in swinging the sword.

It wasn't until Zabuza squeezed out the last bit of his strength that the sword flew out of his hand, and he also fell to the ground without any strength. Then he stopped unwillingly and lay on the wet ground, breathing heavily.

This is certainly not Zabuza's daily training, because the training intensity is obviously excessive. Not only does it fail to improve his strength, it is even harmful to the body.

Zabuza was using this method to vent the madness in his heart.

He is a ninja who likes to fight, but he has not received a combat mission for half a year.

The current public security is really good. The Kingdom of Fire has wiped out bandits, bandits and wandering ninjas, and the Kingdom of Water has also wiped out all pirates.

The caravan will not be robbed even if it travels a long distance, and naturally there is no need to hire ninjas to protect its safety.

The tasks released by Kirigakure Village are very peaceful. They are either dirty work such as building roads, docks and building large ships, or hard work of providing power for high-speed ships, or boring tasks such as stationing on a certain island for a long time.

Zabuza hated these tasks illegally. Only the poor and hungry would have to take on such tasks.

He wanted to fight, to fight with powerful enemies, to kill the enemies with his sword, and to enjoy the pleasure of the enemies falling down with screams and blood splattering.

But there was no chance.

In the past month, the entire Kirigakure Village has only released two battle-related missions.

Excessive peace made Mochi Zabuza irritable, and he could only vent his anger through crazy training, but the effect was not good. He felt that if he continued like this, he would soon go crazy.

Momochi Zabuza, who was breathing heavily, suddenly felt in a trance, and then found himself in the divine court.

In the huge Shenting hall, there were only the lofty Emperor Celestial and Momochi Zabuza. Looking at the Celestial Emperor who was getting bigger and bigger, he immediately stood up and asked respectfully: "His Majesty the Celestial Emperor, what are your orders?"

The Emperor of Heaven said calmly: "There is a task for you. The task is very dangerous, and the reward is also very generous."

Dangerous mission! Generous rewards!

After Momochi Zabuza extracted the key words, he immediately became energetic and agreed without any hesitation.

"Yes, Your Majesty! I will complete the mission at all costs!"

The Emperor nodded slightly and said with satisfaction: "I will send you to another ninja world and come to you in the future. You need to complete the tasks assigned by me."

Mochi Zabuza was stunned: "..."

He heard the words of the Emperor of Heaven and could understand every word, but he had no idea what the whole sentence meant when put together.

The Emperor naturally knew that Zabuza did not understand, but the strong character of the strongest god did not allow him to explain in detail.

So the Emperor of Heaven spoke: "You go back first and pray to me in a safe place. You will know what happens next."

Zabuza's mind was filled with questions, but he didn't dare to ask the Emperor of Heaven, and he didn't dare to disobey the Emperor of Heaven's order. He immediately bowed and was sent back to his body.

Momochi Zabuza lives in Kirigakure Village. For him, home is the safest place.

So he quickly got up and went home, simply washed the dirt on his body with water escape ninjutsu, then went into the bedroom and lay down on the bed, and started chanting the Emperor's prayer.

"The descendant of the red flame god king and the yellow earth god king."

"The supreme master who inherits the great power of the dragon."

"The emperor of Xiangfu Tianshenting who opened up the path of immortal spirit and golden elixir."

"I am ready!"

After chanting three times, Zabuza closed his eyes and waited. Only then did he realize that his body was shaking.

Of course, the trembling is not because of weakness, nor because of fear, but because of excitement.

Zabuza believed that the Emperor would not give him an ordinary task, not to mention that He had said that the task would be difficult and the danger would be great.

Zabuza's last thought was: [Be able to fight with a real master and see blood, hehehehe. 】

Then Zabuza's soul was captured by the Emperor of Heaven. When captured, layers of seals against time and space were added, causing Zabuza to lose his awareness of time and thus not know what happened next.

Uchiha Yu took over the sealed soul, returned to the Flower and Fruit Mountain in the present world, and applied [System] to Zabuza.

They are both [systems], but the version loaded on the soul is far more difficult to operate than the version loaded on the body, much more so.

The soul version carrier of [System] is too fragile, so the load must be minimized during the loading process, otherwise the host's soul will be destroyed.

After the host soul is successfully possessed, the [system] must be deployed in time before the soul awakens, otherwise it will not be able to complete the integration with the soul and will be destroyed after being rejected by the body.

Uchiha Yu spent more than an hour to complete the loading of the [System], and then followed the thickest cause and effect line to find the time and space Senju Tobirama went to in the gate of the world, aiming at the node of Konoha's 60th year, and moved Taodi Zabuza's soul was launched.

The soul in the seal swayed forward under the wash of time. Thanks to Uchiha's precise calculations and the techniques trained in hundreds of experiments, it accurately reached the target and integrated into the time and space.

Then, the target space-time immediately expanded, and then began a terrifying oscillation.

But Uchiha Yuu did not immediately close the door to the world this time. Instead, he stared at the future time and space with wide eyes.

Because the source of the shock is in the future, it will take extra time for the time fluctuations caused to be transmitted.

According to the experimental records, it will take two or three weeks for Konoha's 60-year shock to be transmitted back.

Therefore, Uchiha Yu didn't panic at all, and continued to observe with peace of mind, muttering to himself: "Momochi Zabuza is not strong enough, so he shouldn't be able to tear apart time and space."

The final result was as he expected. The oscillation of time and space did not develop into a tear in time and space, but gradually subsided over time.

Even the expanded space-time volume is slowly shrinking, and it is expected that the expansion will completely disappear by around Konoha 64.

Uchiha Yu smiled, as expected it is not that easy to tear out a new time and space.

Hundreds of experimental products have been released before, not to mention causing shocks, and not many can even cause space-time expansion.

Uchiha Yu even once wondered whether it was because of the characteristics of this method of soul traveling that it could not cause space-time oscillations.

But Zabuza Momochi proved that it was just the lack of strength of the previous experiments. As long as the time traveler is strong enough, it can cause the expansion and oscillation of time and space, and may also create a new historical process.

Momochi Zabuza's time travel failed to tear apart time and space in the end, probably because his strength and background were not strong enough to change the situation of the entire ninja world.

Of course, the timing of his time travel may also be a problem. Konoha 60 is only 4 years away from the Fourth Ninja War. Whatever Zabuza can do, its influence will be wiped out in the end of the great reshuffle of the Ninja World. , the space-time expansion caused will be eliminated accordingly.

Ninjas like Tsunade and Senju Tobirama have strong enough strength and background, and sufficient information. They have the ability to stir up the situation in the ninja world, and only then can they tear apart a new parallel time and space.

Uchiha Yu watched the shock subside with his own eyes, and knew that Zabuza's time travel was over at this time, and he had already spent several years in the future time and space.

Either they unfortunately die in the future, or they are already in the process of returning.

It's just that his crossing point is in the future, and just like the time and space oscillations he caused, it will take several weeks to return to the current world.

Miwa Masato asked: "How many weeks will it be exactly?"

Uchiha Yuu replied: "At least two weeks, at most four weeks, any more... Zabuza probably won't be able to come back."

Miwa Masashi asked: "It's been a long time, nya. Are you going to continue arranging new people to travel through time, nya?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head: "No, two weeks is just enough time. I want to do something big."

"A big deal?" Little Loli became excited: "What's the big deal, meow? Do you want my help?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said, "Of course I need Rika-chan to help."

"I want the broken elixir to re-condensate. For a period of time after the golden elixir is broken, I will be in an absolutely weak state."

"If someone attacks me at that time, even if it's just a jounin from one of the five great ninja villages, they might take my life."

"So I need to be protected when I break the pill, and it must be protected by the person I trust the most."

Uchiha Yuu looked at the stunned Miwa Masashi and said seriously: "Rika-chan, the only person I can trust in the ninja world is you."

Ever since he heard "Broken Pill Recondensation", Miwa Masayo's mind had been buzzing, and he finally woke up after shivering.

She couldn't care less about being happy for Uchiha Yuu's trust, and asked hurriedly: "Why do you need to break the pill and reconstitute it, meow?"

The little Loli lost her composure in anxiety, and there was no way to hide the panic in her voice. Even her voice became hoarse because of the loudness.

Miwa Masayo was so worried that he couldn't help but check it. He groped up and down with his two small hands, and natural energy also tried to penetrate into Uchiha Yu's body, trying to find out what was wrong.

Uchiha Yu grabbed Miwa Masayo's little hand and comforted him: "There is nothing wrong with my body now, but there is something wrong with my immortal foundation, and I must formulate the pill again."

Hearing Uchiha Yu's explanation, the little Loli became even more anxious. She exclaimed in disbelief: "How could it be like this?"

"Yu, as you said, meow, you are an immortal walking on the golden elixir path. Once the golden elixir is broken, you will definitely die, meow!"

When the little Loli said this, she could no longer control her fear, and the tears in her watery eyes finally flowed down.

She asked with a tearful voice: "Yu, are you going to die, nya?"

Uchiha Yu quickly held the little Loli in his arms, wiped away her tears, and comforted her: "Don't cry, don't be afraid, I won't die. I am the immortal Uchiha Yu, the great Miwa Masashi." The immortal's Taoist companion is the Taoist companion who wants to be with you forever, how could I die?"

The little Loli raised her head. Her fear disappeared a lot, but her doubts also increased. She asked twitchingly: "But - hiccup - golden elixir - hiccup -"

Uchiha Yu explained: "If the immortals of the Golden Pill Avenue break the Golden Pill, they will indeed die, but they will not die on the spot, but they will lose their immortal lifespan and die of old age quickly within a hundred years."

"Especially since I have a plan to break the golden elixir and then re-condensate it in a better way, there will be no danger."

"As long as you can protect me while I am re-condensing the golden elixir..."

"I will protect Yu! No matter who comes, I will kill him, nya!"

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