I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 359 The Broken Golden Pill is much faster than expected

"Yu, why do you need to re-condensate the broken pill?"

After being calmed down, Miwa Masashi asked again.

After all, this involves Uchiha Yu's life, and she will never feel at ease unless she understands this issue.

Uchiha Yu indeed trusted Miwa Masashi the most. Except for information that he himself was not sure of, there was nothing to hide between the two.

He told his situation exactly as it was.

It turns out that Uchiha Yuu's golden elixir path was condensed and cultivated in the golden elixir, with the laws of the ninja world engraved as the skeleton and the carefully refined natural energy filled as flesh and blood.

He only needs to continuously increase the number of layers of golden elixirs to increase his strength exponentially.

Previously, he condensed the golden elixir with the Law of Cause and Effect as the core, and then blindly covered the second layer with the Law of Space and the Law of Five Spirits.

At that time, Uchiha Yu noticed the abnormal trembling of Jindan.

He thought that the core law of cause and effect was not sufficient, and the quality of natural energy was not pure enough, and the total amount was not sufficient, which resulted in the foundation of the golden elixir being shallow and insufficient to carry the second level of laws.

So over the years, Uchiha Yuu has worked hard to prepare for the third level of golden elixir.

He upholds the faith of the Kingdom of Ghosts and the Country of Sichuan, absorbs the power of faith and transforms it into divine power, and then uses divine power to refine natural energy, accumulating it bit by bit.

He also worked hard to understand the laws of the ninja world, and even made preparations for a grand retreat that spanned time to a thousand years ago.

But as Uchiha Yu traveled through time, his understanding of the laws of time became more and more profound. Because of the inseparable connection between the laws of time and space, he finally discovered the problem with the golden elixir.

The problem of insufficient fulfillment of the law of cause and effect and insufficient natural energy is real, but it is not the main problem.

The real core issue is the conflict between the Law of Space and the Law of Five Spirits.

Because these two laws are completely incompatible with each other, not only cannot they be combined with each other on the second level, but they have created a strong conflict.

Previously, due to insufficient natural energy, the conflict between the two laws was not sharp enough. Uchiha Yuu, a novice cultivator of immortals, had no understanding of the golden elixir and did not discover this.

It wasn't until he filled the golden elixir with enough natural energy that the conflict between the laws gradually became intense, and he began to notice this problem.

In the end, as the laws of time and space echoed, it was like a fuse ignited the conflict of laws, and only then did Uchiha Yuu confirm that this was a fatal problem.

But it was too late. The imprint of the law had become extremely deep over the years, and the filling of natural energy was as heavy as a mountain. It was not something that Uchiha Yuu could shake.

Unless a powerful golden immortal descends from the sky and is willing to erase the laws on the golden elixir, this golden elixir that has gone astray will be hopeless.

Uchiha Yuu was unable to save his golden elixir, but he had the courage to risk his life to break it and then condense it again.

Yes, recondensing the broken elixir is life-threatening, and it may be very dangerous. It is even more likely that the golden elixir will no longer be able to be condensed after the broken elixir is broken.

As the pioneer of the golden elixir path in the ninja world, Uchiha Yu has no experience in this kind of reverse operation and has no idea what difficulties and dangers he will face.

As for the previous confidence and comfort, he was just lying to Miwa Masashi.

Now to be honest, Uchiha Yu didn't know any definite information, so telling Miwa Masayo about the uncertain possibilities would have no positive effect at all except making her worry and worry in vain.

So this kind of white lie is the most correct response. Besides, it's not the first time he has deceived a kitten. This is a normal operation.

Uchiha Yuu, a habitual criminal, would not feel the least bit embarrassed.

When the Broken Pill is successfully reunited, what he said will no longer be a lie. If it fails, he will most likely die, and he won't be able to care about the shame.

Miwa Masashi figured out the problem and finally asked: "Yu, even if there is a problem with the golden elixir, will you be in danger if you don't do the re-condensation of the broken elixir?"

Uchiha Yu: "No, and it won't affect my lifespan."

Miwa Masashi asked cautiously: "Can Yu not want the Broken Pill? My intuition tells me that the Broken Pill is really dangerous."

Uchiha Yu shook his head firmly and said: "No."

"Unbreakable Pill, my path ends here."

"You know, Lihua-chan, I have said more than once, 'Anyone who blocks my path must be killed.' Today I want to say that I am also among those who can be killed."

"If you can't continue on the road, you'd better die!"

Feeling Uchiha Yu's firm will, Miwa Masayo was speechless: "I understand, Yu, since you have decided, I will not object."

The little loli showed a cute smile: "Don't worry, Yuu, Suitan, meow, I will protect you, meow."

【I will sacrifice my life at all costs. 】

Three days later, on Shining Squid Island in the East China Sea, Yuu Uchiha and Masayo Miwa completed a huge barrier.

This island is now occupied by the Uchiha clan, but it is usually an uninhabited desert island. Only when the shining squid gathers twice a year, the Uchiha ninjas will gather here to fish.

This place is very important to Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi, because this is the place where they first passed through the thunder tribulation.

This place also has special value. When they were struck by lightning, their own life breath also merged into the island with the lightning, which could help them at critical moments.

This was one of the secrets shared by the two of them after receiving the support of Uchiha Yuu's aura when Masato Miwa was going through the tribulation.

The barrier set up by Uchiha Yu not only includes a dome on the ground, but also a completely symmetrical hemisphere underground. The two hemispheres form a complete sphere.

The barrier has only one function, which is to restrain natural energy from dissipating.

The golden elixir is a combination of laws and natural energy, and the broken elixir is to break the laws and disperse the solidified natural energy.

The natural energy in the golden elixir was accumulated by Uchiha over the years. He was worried that after breaking the elixir, he would not be able to control it and let the carefully refined natural energy spread and be lost, so he built this barrier.

After the barrier was established, Yuu Uchiha sat cross-legged and practiced for another four hours at the request of Masayo Miwa, until he was fully energetic and ready to start breaking pills.

Masashi Miwa bit her paw and asked reluctantly: "You really can't watch meow close by?"

Uchiha Yuu replied: "Of course not. The release of natural energy after the broken pill is no less powerful than the explosion. I will be worried if you get close. What if a distraction leads to failure?"

Miwa Masayo was very embarrassed, but she had to accept it: "Meow...Okay, meow, I'm guarding meow outside the barrier."

Uchiha Yu smiled with satisfaction: "That's right."

The little Loli took a few steps, then turned back and added a reminder: "No matter what happens, you must call me meow in time. I will rush in immediately when I hear it."

Uchiha Yu waved his hand: "Don't worry, Rika-chan knows how scared I am of death, so I won't hold on and not shout for help."

Miwa Masayo suddenly realized: "That's right, nya, then I'll feel relieved."

When the black and straight little loli jumped out of the barrier, Uchiha Yu took a deep breath and entered the world of the Purple Mansion.

Because he didn't tell the truth, Miwa Masayo didn't know that the first step in breaking the pill was not to keep energy and natural energy abundant, but to consume as much natural energy and spirit as possible.

Uchiha Yu entered the world of Zifu to extract the natural energy from the Dantian and meridians.

Mental exhaustion was easier to deal with. He had prepared several major problems in advance. As long as he started the Phantom supercomputer and performed super calculations, he could quickly exhaust his energy.

The calculation power of the Demon is its own, but the energy consumed in the calculation process is exactly Uchiha Yu's mental power.

Uchiha Yuu wanted to take advantage of this flaw to quickly consume his energy, while also completing several protracted calculations.

Kill two birds with one stone.

The extraction began. As Yuu Uchiha's will sank and he devoted himself to controlling the golden elixir in his dantian, the sun in the Zifu world suddenly became extremely blazing.

The power of the Golden Sun was so powerful that everything in the Zifu world turned white, rivers and lakes quickly evaporated, vegetation and forests were quickly dried out, and fires broke out.

The billions of tree people on the earth also turned into huge torches, burning brightly and slowly turning into ashes.

The five heart-shaped shapes of Heart Monkey, Spleen Pig, Lung Civet, Kidney Kun, and Liver Clam screamed. They either burrowed into the mountains, dived underground, or ran around to avoid the terrifying sunlight.

Even the Fire Spirit's Heart Monkey couldn't bear the scorching sun and dived into the volcanic lava to escape.

The only one who is more comfortable is Shen Kun. It dives into the deepest part of the sea. Before the sea is evaporated, it is really not in any danger.

The only things that can really remain unchanged are the white clouds in the sky and the divine buildings in the clouds.

With the Divine Emperor as the center, the divine power is gathered into a sphere to protect these most vulnerable existences.

Uchiha Yu looked at the tragic scene in front of him and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Fortunately, several heroic spirits were reincarnated by the dirt and came to the Flower and Fruit Mountain, otherwise they would have suffered."

Soon, the natural energy in Uchiha Yu's meridians, dantian, and the surface of the golden elixir was evacuated, and there was no more natural energy dissipating in his body.

In the empty dantian, the golden elixir, which looked much darker, was spinning alone in the void.

Uchiha Yuya felt weak and his energy began to slump, just like he did twenty years ago when he stayed up several all-nighters in a row.

[The time has come, it’s time to break the pill. 】

Uchiha Yu took a deep breath and used the already slightly unfamiliar technique to squeeze chakra from the cells.

He absorbed chakra from his dantian, and woven all the chakra into Water Release Hard Vortex Water Blade, and then launched a fierce attack on the golden elixir.

Uchiha Yuu's chakra is so huge, and he squeezes even more out of it.

The Second Hokage Senju Tobirama's Water Release is famous for its speed and minimal consumption, so he has more than one Hard Vortex Water Blade.

Uchiha Yu created thousands of hard vortex water blades, arranged them in a row, and felt like a machine gun bullet chain, hitting the gold elixir with high density.

The continuous strikes were very precise, and the attacks of the hard vortex water blades were almost locked on the law nodes. The powerful water blades were smashed one by one, turning into clear water all over the ground.

Uchiha Yu's attacks were like waves hitting the rocks on the shore, hitting him again and again, and then falling back after being smashed every time.

But the rocks under the waves will eventually break. Uchiha Yu's golden elixir has not yet reached indestructibility, and its golden nature has not yet reached perfection, and it begins to vibrate under the continuous attacks.

In particular, the Law of Five Spirits and the Law of Space were not harmonious, and the vibration triggered a comprehensive conflict between the two laws, causing huge damage to the structure of the golden elixir.

Uchiha Yu discovered that his attack did not cause substantial damage, but only provided basic energy for the conflict between the two laws.

All of this was expected by Uchiha Yu. No matter how imperfect his golden elixir was, it was not something he could easily shake.

Only because the internal composition laws of the golden elixir are in conflict with each other, is it possible for the golden elixir to break so quickly.

After all, it is civil strife that is most destructive.

Uchiha Yu nodded with satisfaction, and then shook his head with a grimace. He beat himself with excellent results, so there was nothing to be happy about.

It's really not worth being happy about.

What's more, he was not only in pain, but also injured due to the broken golden elixir. He was already vomiting blood.

Fortunately, Miwa Masashi was on guard outside the barrier, otherwise she would have been doubly worried if she saw Uchiha Yuu in such miserable state.

Looking at the tendency of the golden elixir to vibrate and the conflict between the two laws, Uchiha Yu estimated that it would take another two to three hours before the strengths and weaknesses of the laws could be distinguished.

Only when one law breaks down and the balance of the second level of the golden elixir is completely broken will cracks appear in the golden elixir.

As for how long it will take for the golden elixir to break after it cracks, Uchiha Yu still doesn't know.

It seemed that it would take at least a day to complete the broken pill. Thinking of having to endure such a long time, Uchiha Yu couldn't help but grin.

Now he was in severe pain. He was vomiting blood because his lungs were injured by the shock of the golden elixir. After this kind of shock continued for a day, I really didn't know what serious consequences it would have.

But Uchiha Yuu had already begun to break the elixir, and the golden elixir had been damaged, and there was no turning back.

There is no other way, just endure it.

But what was unexpected was that just ten minutes later, he heard a soft "click".

This was the sound of the golden elixir breaking, but Uchiha Yu's expression had changed drastically before that. He saw with his own eyes that the Law of Five Spirits suddenly collapsed, as fast as a flash in the pan.

[Why did the Five Spirits Law suddenly collapse? 】

[It can only be that the law of space has crushed the law of five spirits, but this should not be the case. The five spirits are the splitting of natural energy and are the foundation of the world that is more basic than chakra. 】

[Of course a single natural energy attribute cannot be compared with the law of space, but the unity of five spirits should not be weaker than the law of space...ah! I see! 】

[Space is still space, but the five spirits are not the five elements. I forgot again that the ninja world is not a world of immortality. 】

【What a fool I am! 】

[Fortunately, I took the initiative to break the elixir. If there was an imbalance when imprinting the third layer of golden elixir, I would be dead. 】

[Now, I still have something to fight for. 】

Yuu Uchiha's path to immortality relied entirely on recklessness and intuition. He encountered countless unexpected changes along the way. Faced with the sudden cracking of the golden elixir, Yuu Uchiha did not panic.

He calmly maintained the Ninjutsu attack, while controlling the natural energy leaking from the cracks, and weaving the first layer of natural energy barrier within his body.

When the golden elixir cracked, there was a clear tinkling sound. Uchiha Yuu also adapted to the change. The natural energy barrier trapped the increasingly violent natural energy and continuously transformed it into a thicker and thicker barrier. .

At this time, Miwa Masayo outside the barrier also heard the sound of the golden elixir cracking.

Because Uchiha Yuu's body and the large barrier were separated, she couldn't hear clearly. At first, she thought it was an illusion, and the latter two even misunderstood it as the gentle ringing of wind chimes.

She was startled.

Because the little Loli couldn't find the source of the sound, she mistakenly thought it was a powerful ninja who had hidden her senses, sneaked into the island, and was using a wind chime to demonstrate to herself.

Fortunately, she quickly realized that this was not sound traveling in the air, but vibrations traveling in natural energy.

The crisp sound transmission method is very similar to the little game between Miwa Masashi and Uchiha Yuu, the kind of whisper that is transmitted through the interaction of natural energy.

Miwa Masashi understood that this was the sound of Uchiha Yujindan breaking.

"It started so quickly. Could there be an accident?"

Loli Kuronaga was worried, but she didn't dare to enter the barrier for fear of disturbing Uchiha Yuu's movements and causing him to fail to break the pill.

The anxious kitten was restless and walked around outside the barrier.

Claws popped out of her white and tender fingers. The grumpy little loli left deep claw marks on the stones and trees she passed by. Any upright thatch taller than three inches was cut off at the waist.

In just ten minutes, a circle of roads appeared outside the barrier, with a mess on both sides of the road.

When Miwa Masayo was completing the 17th circle, there was an explosion sound from within the barrier. The sound was very strange. It was dull and majestic, as if a mountain edge was collapsing, and at the same time, it was clear and distant, like a divine sword being unsheathed.

Then there was a long blast of sound like a steam whistle, as if a dam hundreds of meters away was opening its gates to release water, and the roaring sound shook everything.

There is no doubt that Uchiha Yu's golden elixir shattered, and unimaginable natural energy poured out.

The huge barrier covering the island was impacted, and a ring of bright light erupted from the impact location, making the outline of the barrier extremely clear.

In Miwa Masayo's eyes, the entire barrier swelled as if it was overwhelmed, trembling as fragile as a soap bubble, and could collapse at any time.

Miwa Masashi stretched out his hands and directly attached them to the outer membrane of the barrier, inputting his own natural energy into it in an attempt to increase the strength of the barrier.

She knew that the barrier was now filled with natural energy. Once the barrier was broken, the refined natural energy that had been accumulated for several years would be lost to the world and be polluted by nature.

By then, Uchiha Yuu's years of hard work will be in vain. Even if he re-forms the pill, he will not be able to re-imprint the second layer of the structure, and his strength will suffer a major decline.

Miwa Masashi shouted: "Don't be afraid, Yuu, I'm here!"

She went all out to infuse natural energy into the barrier, focusing on strengthening the centers of those apertures, and actively resisting the torrent of natural energy from within.

Miwa Masashi didn't want Uchiha Yu to be sad. She wanted to try her best to help the Taoist monk and increase his success rate a little bit.

No matter how small it is, it's always good.

The kitten tried her best.

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