I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 357 The Samsara Eye shouldn’t be so weak

The soul traveling technology is perfect, but it is only perfect within the known information.

The success rate of the soul travel experiment is as high as 100%, and it was only achieved within a limited period of more than ten days.

Among other things, Uchiha Yuu personally caused three parallel space-time tears, causing violent shocks each time.

The terrifying power of the shock was unimaginable. Just by being transmitted to the real Ninja World through the World Gate, it blew up the entire Loulan Secret Realm.

When a soul protected by layers of seals encounters this kind of time shock, it will inevitably collapse and disappear in an instant.

In addition to this kind of huge disaster, Uchiha Yu also only knows a small part of what disasters there are in the long river of time.

In the early stages of the experiment, the loss rate of the souls used for the experiment was close to 100%. Only half of the causes of loss were found, but the specific reasons for the other half are still unknown.

Uchiha Yu knew that there must be situations that he had encountered at the time but had not encountered recently.

To be a soul traveler now is to risk your life.

Uchiha Yuu could keep his face straight when doing experiments, and even kicked the experimental supplies into the gate of the world, but his mood couldn't fluctuate at all, because they deserved to die.

But he couldn't send ordinary ninjas to die, even if there was only a chance of death.

Because they don't deserve to die.

After hearing about Uchiha Yuu's dilemma, Senju Tobirama suggested: "What's so difficult about this? Why don't you just find those ninjas who are willing to take risks?"

"I asked about the experimental materials. They are all Iwagakure ninjas who are fierce and brave and naturally bloodthirsty. They indulged themselves because the order of the Earth Kingdom was in chaos."

"When Iwagakure was doing well, their behavior was actually normal and they could control their desire to kill."

"Just follow the templates of these consumables and look for them from the ninjas in other ninja villages. Choose those who are warlike, like excitement, restless, but can control their desires."

"I think they are very depressed in this ninja world that is becoming more and more orderly and fighting is getting less and less. If they have the opportunity to indulge in other time and space, they are willing to risk their lives."

Senju Tobirama's proposal made Uchiha Yu suddenly enlightened. He praised with a smile: "He is indeed the wisest second generation Hokage in history. When you say that, I know who to look for."

[Yes, it’s you, I haven’t seen you for a long time—Momochi Zabuza! 】

But we can't be anxious about pulling Zabuza into a trap.

Because Zabuza is the first time traveler whose relationship is not close and cannot be silenced, Yuu Uchiha needs to make more disguises in the Loulan Secret Realm.

His goal was that Mochi Zabuza came to Loulan Secret Realm, but he didn't know how he came or where he went.

Decorating the Loulan Secret Realm into a completely different look requires more help. Miwa Masayo and Senju Tobirama combined are not enough. He needs the help of Senju Hashirama.

Miwa Masashi asked in confusion: "Why do you need the help of the First Hokage, nya?"

"Yu, either you can use that kind of wooden man technique, or there are a lot of cats with clay shells on their bodies, and they have been used in the country of ghosts."

Uchiha Yuu shook his head and said: "The Wood Release: Sea of ​​Trees is suitable for fighting or construction, but it is not suitable for turning Loulan Secret Realm into a holy place full of life."

Little Loli tilted her head and asked, "What's the difference?"

Senju Tobirama nodded: "I understand. What you need is a natural feeling full of vitality. That is indeed what my elder brother is good at."

"Uchiha Yu, what is the name of your fake holy land?"

Uchiha Yuu had already thought of the name of the holy land: "Dongsheng Shenzhou, Aolai Country, Huaguo Mountain."

He looked yearning: "It is a scenic spot where exotic flowers and grasses grow all year round, peaches, plums, melons and fruits are available all year round, green bamboo forests and seas are shrouded in clouds and mist, and green pines and cypresses are everlasting."

When Senju Tobirama and Miwa Masashi heard Uchiha Yu's description, they were unknowingly radiated by his soul, and a real holy land of the Immortal Family emerged in their hearts.

The two people's eyes were blurred, attracted by the wonders of this wonderland, and they could no longer say any objection or question.

Qianju Tobiran yearned for it: "It's a great place, and I'm sure big brother will like it too."

Miwa Masayo also liked such a holy place very much, but she always felt it was strange, but she couldn't express any objection.

[Strange, meow, the name Huaguo Mountain, as well as the beautiful scenery, seems to be more suitable for vegetarians to live in, meow, is it my misunderstanding, meow? 】

The reconstruction project of Huaguoshan in Loulan Secret Realm officially started after Qianjuzhujian was reincarnated by the dirty soil.

The two strongest wood escape ninjas joined forces and the efficiency of terrain transformation was exaggerated. The most basic work of covering the forest was completed in only half an hour.

But just the simple forest cover cannot be regarded as the scenic spot of Huaguo Mountain. The beautiful scenery that the four people each carefully cultivated is the main part of the entire work.

There are no construction drawings or pre-planning. It is all based on personal intuition and aesthetic feeling. A little bit of carving and modification gives the environment the most harmonious beauty.

Just like what Senju Tobirama said, Senju Hashirama has an unparalleled talent in this area. He can create the most harmonious beauty by picking it up seemingly at random, and you can feel the charm of nature when you look at it.

Miwa Masato can also create stunning scenery, and it is also a natural scenery full of wild characteristics.

However, the little Loli has not mastered the Wood Release, and the transformation efficiency is far less than that of Senju Hashirama.

Unexpectedly, Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Yuu held back. No matter how hard they tried, after being modified by the hands of these two guys, the scenery was full of rigid rules and without any natural interest.

They seem to be missing something in this regard. The harder they try to modify and adjust, the more stiff and ugly it feels.

In the end, the two had no choice but to give up and became assistants to Senju Hashirama and Miwa Masashi, following behind them to do menial work that required strength.

Miwa Masayo was puzzled by this and asked curiously: "Yu, are you really not good at it?"

Uchiha Yu didn't feel sad. He explained: "You have also seen the results of my efforts. It is getting worse and worse. It is indeed not good."

Little Loli couldn't understand: "Why is it like this?"

With a wave of her hand, she swept down several large trees, and then directed Uchiha Yu to attach moss and vines to the fallen tree trunks, and soon a beautiful woodland was formed.

Miwa Masashi nodded with satisfaction and said, "Isn't this very simple, nya?"

Uchiha Yu: "..., it's not simple at all."

The little Loli suddenly laughed: "Hehe, Yu is finally inferior to me, I'm so happy."

"It's strange, nya. The second generation Hokage and Yuu are obviously so smart, but why can't they do well in this area, nya?"

Uchiha Yu guessed: "Haha, maybe the second generation and I are too confused and cannot reflect and reflect the beauty of nature."

"It's a matter of talent, you can't force it."

In the world of the divine eagle, fighting with both hands is the most powerful bug skill. Simple-minded people like Guo Jing and Xiao Longnu can learn it after watching it once, but smart people like Huang Rong and Yang Guo can't learn it even if they are exhausted.

This is because talent does not allow it.

In 23 years of time travel, Uchiha Yu used the Q-style victory method for the first time to soothe his injured heart.

Miwa Masashi completed the construction of another scenery, and the final decoration work was handed over to Uchiha Yuu.

He randomly sowed the seeds of various fruit trees and stimulated the seeds with Wood Release Chakra. The seeds sprouted and grew rapidly, growing into ten-year-old fruit trees in just a few minutes.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Yuu's movements slowed down. He carefully controlled the fruit trees to bloom and bear fruit. Apples, pears, tangerines, oranges, and apricots ripened at the same time, and the mountains and fields were filled with overflowing fruit fragrance.

Miwa Masashi took a deep breath and sighed: "It smells so good, but it's a pity that it's not the smell of meat."

Uchiha smiled and said: "Rika-chan, you have become a great immortal, why are you still craving for meat every day like a kitten?"

Miwa Masashi puffed up his cheeks and said angrily: "Huh, I'm just a cat!"

Yuu Uchiha: "Even a kitten cannot smell the smell of meat all the time. The smell of meat only smells good when you are hungry. If you smell the same meat again after you are full, it will turn into a smell."

The little Loli thought for a moment, nodded and said, "It seems like that's true, meow."

Uchiha Yuu continued to explain: "Besides, the taste of meat itself can easily deteriorate and become sour. In a large environment, a floral aroma that alternates between fresh and rich is more suitable."

"We can find a place to build a kitchen and arrange a meat forest and a spice jungle in the kitchen. The combination of meat aroma and spices can definitely maximize the strengths and avoid weaknesses, and make it more intense."

Miwa Masato's eyes were shining, and his head was nodding like a chicken pecking at rice: "Okay, okay, this is a great idea, let's go build it right away."

The little Lolita was very excited, jumping around in the secret realm to pick a suitable place, and soon found a sunny mountain col, facing the sun and facing the water, with excellent Feng Shui.

What was built this time was not a natural scenery, but an artificial structure, so the main work belonged to Uchiha Yuu.

Miwa Masashi couldn't sit still after his free time, chatting with Uchiha Yuu.

Somehow, it came to the purpose of traveling through time.

Miwa Masashi asked: "I remember Yuu's goal is to personally travel to the distant past and accumulate strength over a long period of time, but is it useless to travel through souls?"

Uchiha Yu raised his palm and slowly lifted it up, and a large wooden house rose from the ground.

The house is a three-story, four-bay structure with complete doors and windows. The interior is fully equipped with stairs, tables, chairs, stoves and chopping boards. It is just the promised big kitchen.

It wasn't until the building was completely completed that Uchiha Yu answered the question: "Soul travel is helpful to me."

"Soul travel requires more precise operations, the need to perceive the time fluctuation environment, and the positioning accuracy are even more exaggerated."

"Performing soul travel will help me improve my perception of the long river of time and enhance the accuracy of time travel."

"Lihua Jiang, the time point I want to travel to must be a thousand years ago, and the accuracy requirements are much higher than the previous experiments."

Miwa Masashi understood. Although soul travel and long-term physical travel are not exactly the same, the requirements for operating technology and perception accuracy are similar, which helps Uchiha Yu to hone his skills.

Uchiha Yuu continued: "Also, I am now completely at odds with the Sage of Six Paths. Not only the Sage of Six Paths here, but also the Sage of Six Paths in the future are also hostile to me."

"This is already an unprecedented multi-dimensional space-time war. I must try to master as much information as possible, including information about all the normal time and space in the ninja world."

"This depends on the exploration of the soul travellers. They are like the sounding lead pendants that I extend to different time and space to detect the specific information of different time and space."

"Considering that my movements are getting bigger and bigger, I don't know when I will have a head-on confrontation with the Immortal of Six Paths, so I have to master the information of Immortal of Six Paths as much as possible, especially the specific information of the Samsara Eye."

Hearing this, the little loli jumped up and said, "Yu, we also have Rinneyan eyes here, you can just use the ones in Nagato's eyes to study them."

Uchiha Yu refused without hesitation: "No, I will never attack Nagato unless necessary."

"This is not pedantry, but a principle, a principle that is good for myself."

To be honest, Uchiha Yuu is now strong enough and can even crush Nagato.

As long as he wanted to, he could rush into Yuyin Village and directly seize the Samsara Eye.

The entire Akatsuki organization, Amegakure Village, and even Black Zetsu, all combined, could not stop Uchiha Yu's attack.

Even if the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, is stronger than Yu Uchiha, he cannot stop him because he is in the Pure Land.

Just like in the soul traveling experiment, Uchiha Yu only used those captured ninjas as experimental subjects, and they were all villains with blood on their hands.

No killing unless necessary.

This is not a moral obsession, but a last resort that Uchiha Yuu has set up to protect his own humanity.

As his strength grows and his life level rises, Uchiha Yu's soul also grows.

As we all know, the soul is embodied by will, and will is composed of divinity, demonic nature, and human heart. The most complex human nature is the foundation and the key to reconciling divinity and demonic nature.

Under the influence of the God's Vest, Uchiha Yu's divinity grew rapidly.

Under the influence of killings one after another, Yu Chiha's demonic nature is also growing rapidly.

Relatively speaking, his humanity, under the squeeze of the two, has a very limited growth rate, and its proportion in his will continues to decline.

This is a pretty dangerous sign.

When human nature continues to shrink, it will one day be destroyed by divinity and demonic nature. At that time, Uchiha Yu will completely split and form a new demon and god.

The Emperor Shenting and the God of Fire Zhu Rong are no longer vests, but representatives representing the polar thinking modes of gods and demons respectively.

By then, the memory of Uchiha Yu will continue among the gods and demons, but the person named Uchiha Yu is already dead.

Therefore, Uchiha Yu must protect his humanity. Only when humans, gods, and demons exist, and humanity is dominant, can he continue to exist as a human being.

He was able to resist not attacking Nagato because Uchiha Yuu was too powerful and he was not directly threatened.

Not only would it be fine if he was directly attacked by Nagato, but any other problems caused by Nagato would be within the scope of what he could bear.

In any case, Uchiha Yuu will not encounter any life danger here with Nagato, and his human moral bottom line is activated, preventing him from attacking and killing Nagato.

Uchiha Yuu said: "Since you don't want to snatch the Rinnegan Eye directly from Nagato, then go to the future and snatch it from Uchiha Obito or Uchiha Madara, or..."

His tone became deeper, and his eyes looked far away into the void: "...Go over there and take it from Otsutsuki Hagoromo, who is not dead yet."

"Uchiha Madara's pair, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's pair, plus my pair that were quickly conceived, it's almost enough to compare the differences in the Rinnegan, and to deduce what the complete Rinnegan looks like."

Miwa Masayo looked at her Taoist monk in surprise. She was not surprised that Uchiha Yuu wanted to rob the Six Paths Sage. He had always dared to speak big words in front of the kitten.

But Uchiha Yuu said that the reincarnation eyes of Nagato, Six Paths Sage and him were all incomplete, and there were even more powerful complete states, which little Loli couldn't understand.

She and Uchiha Yuu were never polite and asked directly: "How did Yuu decide that the Rinnegan has a more complete form, nya?"

Uchiha Yu pointed at his chest and then at his eyes: "I have said before that the body of the Uchiha clan can be called the Taiyin spirit body. The strongest ability of the Mangekyo Sharingan involves the gods. Susanoo."

"The reincarnation eye after the Sharingan is advanced, its abilities are repulsion and gravity, and the strongest eye technique is the reincarnation."

He asked: "Rika-chan, do you feel something is wrong with this development direction? That is, the reincarnation eye shouldn't be so weak."

The little Loli's face was dull and her head was dizzy.

She shook her head vigorously and said: "Nagato killed more than 40,000 ninjas in one breath with his Rinnegan. In the future, after Madara Uchiha is resurrected, he will wipe out the ninja world alone. You told me that."

"Where is the Samsara Eye weak? Is Yu stupid, nya?"

Uchiha chuckled and said: "How is the Rinnegan so strong? Killing tens of thousands of ninjas makes you strong? After Uchiha Madara was resurrected, he crushed the ninja world. He relied not on the Rinnegan, but on his strength as the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. strength."

"With the reincarnation eye alone, he can bully a bastard like Wuying."

"Reincarnation Eye! With such a ridiculous name, it can only resurrect a few people. It's really outrageous!"

Miwa Masashi was stunned: "The Rinnegan can resurrect more than a few people, that's hundreds of thousands of people in Konoha Village, nya!"

"Yu, you're floating now!"

"Tell me, what does the reincarnation eye look like in your mind?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "Of course the Samsara Eye should open the six paths on its own, control reincarnation, use itself as the hub, and use the law of life and death as the criterion to run the two worlds of this world and hell."

Miwa Masashi exclaimed: "Like the Six Paths Sage?"

Uchiha Yuu shook his head and said: "No, the Six Paths Sage's approach to opening up the Pure Land is excellent, but treating the Pure Land as a pure world of death is the wrong way to go."

"Reincarnation should be independent of the two realms of life and death. It is the right way to control and operate the life and death of sentient beings in the two realms, and then control the two realms."

Miwa Masayo couldn't understand the right way described by Uchiha Yu, but she understood another point: "No wonder Yu is so hostile to the Six Paths Sage, nya. It turns out that although he went the wrong way, he just happened to block your way, nya."

Uchiha Yu nodded: "Anyone who blocks my way will be killed."

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