I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 347 Let’s compete somewhere else

The aura of Uchiha Yuu's complete release was too strong, and the special effects of the aura's smoke splitting the sky were even more exaggerated. I don't know how many ninjas from the Land of Rain were frightened.

As for the ordinary people in the Kingdom of Rain along the way, they felt as if they were seeing gods. Facing the sunlight that was falling like a curtain from the sky, they were dazzled, trembling all over and bowing to the ground, making a posture of prostrating themselves to the ground.

But these citizens of the Kingdom of Rain, who could not stand up at all, raised their heads high one by one, staring closely at the golden sunlight leaking from the sky, with expressions of excitement and admiration that were exactly the same.

The movement that Uchiha Yuu deliberately created was so huge that Nagato could see it with his eyes without the need for Yutora's free-spirited technique.

He clearly felt Uchiha Yu's momentum when the two sides were dozens of kilometers away.

Nagato's expression was more serious than ever before, because this was the first time he clearly felt that there was an existence that could completely rival him.

If he hadn't felt Uchiha Yuu's peaceful aura at the same time, and the chakra he exuded didn't have murderous intent, Nagato would have let Konan retreat first.

Then he rushed over to stop the other party and buy Xiaonan time to escape.

It's not that Nagato feels that he is inferior to the opponent, but that he knows that once he fights with the opponent, the aftermath of the battle will be exaggerated, and he will have no way to protect the person he wants to protect.

But precisely because he didn't know what the other party was going to do, Nagato didn't know how to deal with it, so he subconsciously walked to the gate of Amegakure Village.

The ninjas of the Hidden Rain Village could not withstand the pressure and could not follow in Nagato's footsteps. The only ones following Nagato were Konan and the two core members of the Akatsuki organization: the Red Sand Scorpion and Kakuzu.

Unaffected by anything, Uchiha Yuu continued to approach Amegakure Village until Konan noticed and distinguished Uchiha Yuu's aura, and she exclaimed: "It's Uchiha Yuu!"

Black Zetsu emerged from the shadows in the corner of the door, looked at Uchiha Yu with gritted teeth, and said to himself bitterly: "It is indeed him, Yu Uchiha of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village. What does he want?" What to do?"

"Is he coming to see the Akatsuki organization, or... is he coming to see me?"

Xie looked blankly at the golden road in the sky and murmured: "If I can get his body, I will definitely be able to make a better puppet."

"No, this puppet must be the best, the strongest puppet in the ninja world!"

The Red Sand Scorpion's mind was very excited, but his body was trembling involuntarily. During the violent shaking, the Fei Liuhu he wore around his body became obviously loose.

The noise caused by the shaking attracted everyone's attention, and they soon discovered that it was not Xie who was shaking in fear, but the violent shaking caused by the interference of the puppet string he controlled the puppet.

Kakuzu chuckled: "This is the first time I discovered that the puppet master has such a weakness. It's really eye-opening."

"No wonder Puppet Master is a profession developed by the Second Kazekage. Maybe it's because the First Hokage died that your Sunagakure Village dared to play with such expensive toys."

Black Zetsu appeared behind Nagato silently and whispered: "Chief, we can't let Uchiha Yuu come here like this. We must show him how powerful he is, otherwise it will be difficult for us!"

Nagato didn't speak, but the circles in his eyes turned rapidly, and a powerful momentum shot up into the sky, which also opened a big hole in the rain clouds in the sky.

The hole opened by Nagato was larger than Yuu Uchiha's sky path. It was like a huge lake, pouring bright sunlight downwards, making the raindrops scattered in the sky shine extremely brightly.

Nagato's sudden outburst showed a stronger momentum, which surprised Kakuzu and other core members of the Akatsuki organization, but also doubled their confidence.

[It turns out that our leader is so powerful, he is well-deserved as the strongest ninja in the ninja world. 】

Only the red sand scorpion suffered a serious crime. He was too close to Nagato. Under the impact of the powerful samsara eye power, Hirauko was completely paralyzed, turning from a powerful weapon into a useless burden.

Under the mocking gazes of Kakuzu and others, Xia had to take off Hirauko like a crab taking off its shell, revealing his handsome human puppet true form.

This appearance of Xie and the ugly Fei Liuhu were completely opposite. Xiaonan, who originally had a bad impression of him, saw her favorability instantly increase by dozens of percentage points after seeing Xie's appearance.

Even an old bastard like Hei Jue couldn't help but take a second look at the Red Sand Scorpion.

But Hei Jue's power level was indeed high enough. It only took him a few seconds to confirm that Scorpion's body was also a puppet.

For this brand new human puppet, Hei Jue was only slightly surprised but didn't take it to heart.

It's just a puppet technique. The lower limit of this kind of tricky ninjutsu is indeed far higher than that of genin, but the upper limit is really very limited.

Even a human puppet made from a shadow-level ninja will greatly weaken the original ninja's combat power, and it can reach the mid-range of the shadow-level.

The combat power of a mere shadow level is just a chess piece with black eyes, and it is not a remarkable existence.

Black Jue looked down on it, but Nagato was very surprised. He couldn't help but take a few more glances, and his evaluation of the Red Sand Scorpion improved a lot.

Kakuzu is also a veteran ninja who has witnessed the emergence and development of the puppet technique. After looking up and down, he also recognized the essence of the human puppet.

He was amazed: "Xiao, I really misjudged you in the past, and you were able to be so cruel to me. You are such a cruel person!"

The Red Sand Scorpion was in a bad mood. He lost control of the puppet during Nagato's outburst and was forced to take off the disguise he had worn for several years.

Scorpio felt like someone suddenly pulled off his pants on the street, revealing his painted elephant fur pants. He was frightened and at the same time felt extremely ashamed.

But Nagato proved how strong he was with his actual actions. He didn't even need to attack Scorpion. He just burst out with momentum to fight against the unknown enemy, which made Scorpion lose the battle.

No matter how ashamed and angry he felt, the Red Sand Scorpion would not be dissatisfied at all with Nagato.

Even at this time, because his body had become a puppet, he had begun to feel that he had no hope of life, and even had a desire to die.

But after all, the Red Sand Scorpion has just been transformed into a puppet, and still retains a strong desire for survival and thirst for knowledge. Only after more than ten years of killing will it completely lose its humanity and show the same desperate state of death when fighting Chiyo.

The Red Sand Scorpion doesn't want to die yet, so he definitely doesn't dare to anger Nagato.

But for Kakuzu, he doesn't have so many scruples.

Now he couldn't control any puppets outside his body. He could only raise his body's hand, and a dozen blue poisonous Senbon suddenly shot out from his fingertips, all of which were nailed to Kakuzu's body.

Kakuzu was not angry, he reached out and pulled out these thousand books, and the wounds disappeared with a touch of his hand.

How could the undead ninja Kakuzu be afraid of Senbon's attack? Even if it was smeared with blue poison, it would only cause part of his body to dissolve and rot.

Kakuzu threw away Senbon with an expressionless face and picked up his weapon. Scorpion, who found that the attack was ineffective, also entered a fighting form.

But Nagato had already noticed their conflict. When he glanced over, the two Kage-level ninjas all froze under the impact of the Rinnegan's power and completely lost control of their bodies.

Their conflict naturally ended.

Nagato snorted coldly: "Okay, internal fighting is prohibited among members of the Akatsuki organization. If anyone attacks a companion, I will impose sanctions."

After stopping the conflict between Xia and Kakuzu, Nagato no longer looked at them: "The invitation signal has been sent from the other side. Black Zetsu, Kakuzu, Xia, you guys are waiting here for my return."

He looked at Xiaonan behind him: "Xiaonan, come with me to meet them for a while."

After saying that, Nagato floated up, and Konan also opened his white paper wings and flew into the air after him.

They flew into the air at an extremely fast speed, and in the sky where the sunlight fell like a curtain, two ethereal figures with fairy spirit were suspended in the air.

The tall one among them was none other than Yuu Uchiha, who exuded a powerful aura. Just now, he branched off a branch of his aura, focused it on everyone in the Akatsuki organization, and greeted everyone with a fierce impact.

His aura was so fierce, not to mention the Red Sand Scorpion and Jiao felt uncomfortable, even Hei Jue, who was hiding in the shadows, felt panicked.

Only Nagato ignored Uchiha Yu's aura impact, and Konan, who stood behind him, also relied on his body to turn into paper, making him immune to the negative effects.

That's why Nagato took Konan to greet him.

Uchiha Yu looked at Nagato approaching and said with a smile: "Finally we meet, Nagato from the Akatsuki Amegakure organization."

"Also...Long time no see, Xiaonan."

Konan had no expression on his face, but responded politely: "Long time no see, Uchiha Yu."

There were no surprises in the conversation between Konan and Uchiha Yu, Nagato and Miwa Masato. They all knew about the existence of the Divine Court Conference and knew that Konan and Uchiha Yu were connected.

At this time, the two parties facing each other in the air have an absolute trusting companionship, and they are inseparable relationships.

Nagato said: "Uchiha Yuu, the leader of the Uchiha clan of Konoha Village, why did you invade the Amegakure Village in such a big way?"

Uchiha Yu didn't hide anything and said directly: "I am here to discuss with you the issue of opening the passage to the Land of Rain."

Nagato frowned and asked, "Open the passage to the Land of Rain?"

Uchiha Yu: "In order to stabilize the entire ninja world and end the chaos in the Earth Kingdom, Konoha Village must directly control the Earth Kingdom. Therefore, the Kingdom of Rain needs to open up the passage so that Konoha ninjas can freely enter the Earth Kingdom."

The history of the ninja world is very long, but without the tradition of recording history, their level of civilization is not high, and their cultural heritage is very shallow.

In the thousands of years of history of the ninja world, I don't know if there is any false way to defeat Guo, but there is definitely no similar allusion.

So Nagato didn't know what Uchiha Yu meant by "borrowing the path".

But Nagato sensed the danger by instinct and refused without hesitation: "Impossible, it is impossible for the Rain Country to let Konoha ninjas pass through at will."

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "Don't be so harsh, Nagato, I'm here just to let you know that nothing is absolute in the ninja world."

Nagato sneered: "I know what you are going to say. Isn't it what you great nation ninjas say every day, that you must have enough respect in the face of strength?"

He opened his narrowed eyes wide, stared at Uchiha Yuu with his lavender Rinnegan eyes, and said loudly: "Unfortunately, I am the one who has the strongest power now. You must also maintain enough respect in the face of power!"

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "You are right, dignity only lies on the edge of the sword."

He raised his right index finger and swung it from side to side, smiling and saying, "But that's not the truth I want to say."

"What I want to say is, Nagato, the power you have is not the strongest."

Uchiha Yu pointed his index finger at his nose: "I am the strongest."

Nagato was furious, the chakra in his body was surging, and he was about to teach Uchiha Yu a lesson.

But Uchiha Yu immediately raised his hand and stopped Nagato's actions: "Nagato, are you sure you want to fight me here?"

"You and I are only a hundred meters away from the gate of Yuyin Village. We are afraid that a single mistake will turn Yuyin Village into ruins."

At this moment, the gate of Amegakure Village broke its shaft under the impact of Nagato's chakra. The crashing door proved that Uchiha Yu's words were true.

Nagato looked back at the muddy water splashed by the fallen gate. The boiling chakra in his body quickly calmed down, and he obviously listened to the words.

After a long time, he turned around and asked: "Uchiha Yu, are you forcing me to go to Konoha Village to fight you?"

Uchiha Yu waved his hands repeatedly: "I didn't mean that. I came here to let you know the fact that I am better than you. I didn't come to make enemies with you."

Because behind him was the Hidden Rain Village, Nagato, who was really worried, was so angry that even the veins on his forehead bulged, but he could only growl: "Asshole!"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "Don't be so angry, let's compete in another place completely."

Nagato was shocked when he heard this, but before he could do anything, he found that everything in front of him was distorting. The long stretching and weird compression tore everything apart, and the world looked so bizarre.

Nagato tried to struggle, but found that his body was completely unable to move. Except for the Rinnegan, he could not move even a finger.

In addition to being unable to move his body, he also found that Xiaonan behind him, Jiaodu and Xie on the ground were all distorted, but the degree of distortion was not as severe as the environment.

But Nagato himself maintained normal proportions and was completely unaffected by environmental distortions.

Those who can maintain their normal existence include Nagato, Yuu Uchiha, and Masashi Miwa behind him.

Nagato knew that his strength was far beyond the scope of Kage, and Yuu Uchiha was at least equal to him, which infers that Miwa Masayo also has power comparable to them.

No, there is one person who is not distorted. At the gate of Yuyin Village, which has completely lost its shape, there is a black shadow that maintains a normal human form.

That's Black Zetsu.

Nagato's heart moved, and he realized at this moment that Black Zetsu's power was not simple.

Nagato could also see through the Samsara Eye that everyone was being displaced from the environment, which meant that all of them were moving rapidly in an indescribable direction.

The source of power that drags everyone along is Uchiha Yuu.

This is not because his body is imprisoned or out of control, but because there is no concept of time now, it is naturally impossible to give the body the ability to move.

There was no concept of time, only the distortion, stretching and movement of space as a whole. Nagato looked at everything around him in shock, but gradually he saw something.

He found that under the gaze of the Samsara Eye, he seemed to know something. It was obviously something that could not be explained, but it was condensed into a ninjutsu, a space ninjutsu.

Suddenly, everything returned to normal. The distortions of Xiaonan, Red Sand Scorpion, and Kakuzu disappeared, but the surrounding environment also changed, from the water town of Zeguo with continuous heavy rain to the boundless golden desert.

The Red Sand Scorpion was stunned, his small nose twitched a few times, and he smelled an extremely familiar smell. He immediately knew where this was.

"The Kingdom of Wind." Xie couldn't help shouting: "We have arrived in the northwest of the Kingdom of Wind, which is the most desolate no-man's land in the Kingdom of Wind!"

Everyone in Kakuzu was dumbfounded. This was a time and space ninjutsu. But how could there be such a time and space ninjutsu that teleported together without touching oneself?

This makes absolutely no sense.

Konan was also very surprised, but she believed that Uchiha Yu would not hurt her, and Nagato was right next to her, so she didn't feel scared.

After the transmission, Black Zetsu appeared in mid-air, his dark body completely exposed, including his head with only eyes and mouth, which could be clearly seen by Uchiha Yu.

For Hei Jue, the exposure of his true identity was more terrifying than the scorpion taking off its shell. He immediately got into the shadow under the sand and hid in the shadow interface after the space was restored.

Uchiha Yuu smiled and said: "The Red Sand Scorpion is right. This is the northwest of the Kingdom of Wind, the farthest no-man's land from human habitation."

"We are fighting here. We don't have to worry about affecting innocent people. Nagato, you can feel free to use your full strength boldly."

Nagato took a deep breath and said, "It seems that you are very confident, Uchiha Yu."

"I admit that your time and space ninjutsu is very impressive, but a mere ninjutsu is nothing."

"I will let you know that with the Eye of God, I am the strongest in the ninja world."

Samsara Eye·Shenra Tianzheng

Endless repulsive force erupted with Nagato's eyes as the center, spreading outward in a spherical shape, and the countless sand pushed spread in all directions like a tide.

Under the control of Nagato, the powerful repulsion accurately bypassed Konan, Kakuzu and Scorpion, and struck towards Uchiha Yuu.

Immortal Technique·Five-Colored Halo

Uchiha Yuu stretched out his right hand, and the natural energy of the five spirits gathered into a five-color halo. The halo bloomed quietly, opening a large hole in the repulsion surface, just enough to protect him and Miwa Masayo from the impact of the repulsion.

The strange thing is that Nagato didn't feel that his repulsive force was offset.

The hole that protected Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masato from the repulsive force was actually intact in his perception.

Seeing Nagato's scalp numb, Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "The power of the Rinnegan is indeed very strong, but Nagato's control over the Rinnegan is quite poor."

"If your level is just like this, this competition will be very boring."

Faced with this straightforward provocation, Nagato became furious and said angrily: "Stupid Yuu Uchiha, you are provoking God, and the consequences are definitely not something you can bear!"

He waved his hand to push the other members of the Akatsuki organization away, then raised his hands high, huge chakra surged out and gathered in the sky together with the power of the Rinnegan.

Samsara Eye·Earth Explosion Star

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