I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 346 Although it doesn’t go as planned, it’s time to annex the Earth Kingdom

The Country of Rain is very small, and the Hidden Rain Village is also very weak.

No matter how powerful Nagato is, he knows that he cannot solve the civil war in a country as big as Earth Country with his own strength.

He is not an absolute idealist like Yahiko. After considering the pros and cons, he wisely chose to stay out of the matter.

Xiaonan certainly had no objection to Nagato's decision.

The core members of the Akatsuki organization, Black Zetsu, Kakuzu, and Scorpion, all thought it didn't matter, and the old ninjas of Amegakure Village also had no objections.

But they were wrong.

Earth Country is one of the five major countries in the ninja world. Its population is very large, and the degree of chaos caused by the civil war is far beyond the imagination of the members of the Akatsuki organization.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Earth is different from the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Water. There are no natural barriers between the southern part of the country and the Kingdom of Rain, and the southeastern part of the country and the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Taki.

Within this long range, even ordinary people can walk across it with their own two heads, so the chaos within the Kingdom of Earth cannot be limited to the Kingdom of Earth.

This is the spillover effect of a big country. Whether it is the economic prosperity of the Fire Country or the disaster spillover of the Earth Country, it is not something that the Rain Country, a small country with a small population, can imagine.

Not all the core members of the Akatsuki organization are from small countries. The Scorpion of Red Sand is the grandson of Chiyo of Sunagakure Village, and was once a rising star favored by the Third Kazekage.

If the Red Sand Scorpion stayed in the Kingdom of Wind for a few more years and received education from the leaders of the Third Kazekage and Chiyo, he would be able to know this knowledge.

Unfortunately, he was too anxious. He murdered the Third Kazekage early and became a rebellious ninja of Sunagakure Village, so he didn't know this advanced knowledge.

Soon after, the disaster caused by the civil war in the Land of Earth spread to the Land of Rain, the Land of Grass, and the Land of Taki, using refugees and rebels as carriers, and even spread to the Land of Fields and the Land of Iron through these three neighboring countries. Small and medium-sized countries such as the country, the country of bears, and the country of soup.

Chaos spread to half the world.

It was in this chaos that Nagato discovered his weakness, which was his inability to do anything at the same time.

Even if he has the ability to fly, even if he has six puppets whose control range is almost infinite, and even if he can master the shadow clone technique, it is still not enough to intercept the refugees and rebel ninjas from the Earth Kingdom on the entire border.

When the Rain Hidden Village realized that the disaster in the Land of Earth had emerged, the northern part of the Land of Rain had already fallen into chaos.

The biggest characteristic of refugees and rebel ninjas is that they are unorganized and their actions are completely unpredictable. The Amegakure ninjas can only search inch by inch to find and capture the source of these chaos.

Moreover, the refugees and rebel ninjas had no organization, and there was no command center that could kill them all with one blow. No matter how powerful Nagato was, he could only patiently solve problems one by one.

It was completely impossible for him to use the devastating Rinnegan Ninjutsu to end the war by killing tens of thousands of ninjas in one fell swoop like he did two years ago.

The defensive operation of the Rain Hidden Village lasted for ten days and ended with the failure of the Rain Hidden Ninjas and the Akatsuki organization. No one's energy is unlimited, especially when they are mentally depressed.

The Amegakure ninjas had no choice but to retreat, gathering the people from the Country of Rain to a few strongholds, and allowing the refugees and rebel ninjas from Wuyang and Wuyang to pass through the Country of Rain.

Because the living environment in the Country of Rain is too harsh, refugees cannot survive in this terrible country. They can only pass through the Country of Rain and enter the Country of Bear, Country of Wind or Country of Fire to survive.

The failure shocked Nagato and Konan greatly.

Nagato therefore began to doubt himself: "I can't even protect the small Rain Country, so why should I save the vast ninja world?"

"My power is so powerful, but it cannot deter the rebellious ninjas and refugees from Earth Country. Can the strongest weapon really bring peace to the ninja world?"

Konan also discovered the problem: "Nagato's power is definitely far greater than that of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama. Why was the first Hokage able to end the chaos in the Land of Fire and even change the entire ninja world, but we tried our best to fail? Why can’t we prevent the chaos in the Earth Kingdom from spreading in the Rain Kingdom?”

No one in the Kingdom of Rain or the Akatsuki Organization could answer this question. The two ignorant guys could only figure it out for themselves.

The chaos in the Earth Kingdom spread outwards, causing uncontrollable turmoil in a small part of the ninja world. It seemed that a chaotic world without the participation of the ninja village was about to come.

But this is just an illusion of the small country and the small ninja village. There is still enough power in the ninja world to suppress the civil war in the land of earth and the resulting chaos.

This is the Cloud Hidden Village and Sunagakure Village. The reason why the Fourth Raikage and the Fourth Kazekage did not take any action is because there is a force in the ninja world that is more powerful than them combined, staring at them from behind.

That is Konoha Village under the leadership of the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru.

After several years of rapid development, Konoha Village, managed by the Fourth Generation Hokage, has been transformed into a super power with 84,570 active ninjas.

Among the more than 80,000 ninjas in Konoha Village, there are also more than 20,000 bureaucratic ninjas. They are not the strongest, but they have rich administrative capabilities, as well as discipline and quality that far exceed those of the nobles.

Under the governance of bureaucratic ninjas, the Fire Country and Konoha Village have been integrated and flourishing.

At the same time, the huge number of more than 60,000 combat ninjas and mission ninjas were so intimidating that the two major ninja villages did not dare to move, for fear of causing a misunderstanding in Konoha Village and causing a tragedy of annihilation of the village.

Uchiha Yu handed Orochimaru a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Why should the Fourth Hokage decide this matter by himself? Why do you have to come to me specially?"

Orochimaru drank the tea in small sips, enjoying the comforting and nourishing power of the tea.

While enjoying it with his eyes closed, he said: "Yu-kun, annexing the Kingdom of Earth is not a trivial matter. I have to get your consent no matter what!"

"Without your guarantee, I wouldn't have the confidence to do such an unprecedented thing."

Uchiha Yu laughed and said: "You are joking again, Yondaime, how can you not have any confidence in your heart?"

"Konoha Village now has more than 60,000 ninjas dedicated to combat and missions, enough to suppress both Kumogakure and Sunagakure Villages at the same time."

"Although it is inconsistent with our plan to eliminate Sand Hidden Village first, reality proves that the time is ripe to completely eliminate Iwagakure Village and annex the Earth Country."

"No matter what, Konoha Village still has me to take care of it, Yondaime, just go ahead and do it boldly!"

After receiving Uchiha Yu's assurance, Orochimaru's worries were eliminated, but he was still a little worried: "This is the annexation of the Earth Country. I can't go back after giving this order. Will it really go smoothly? ?”

Uchiha Yu: "Don't worry. I didn't agree to unify the ninja world before, not because the combat power of Konoha Village was insufficient, but because the management capabilities of Konoha Village were insufficient. Now..."

"With the efforts of the fourth generation, the situation in Konoha Village has been completely different."

"Not only do we have more force than the four major ninja villages, but most importantly, we also have more than 20,000 bureaucratic ninjas. This is what gives me confidence."

"Furthermore, the number of officials tolerated by bureaucrats is already excessive. Half of them are deputies specially created according to my suggestions."

"Withdrawing these deputy administrative ninjas, we will have a complete government system that is fully capable of taking over the Earth Kingdom, a country as large as the Fire Kingdom."

"As long as the control of the Earth Kingdom is completed, two-fifths of the land and three-quarters of the population of the Ninja World will be under the control of Konoha Village, and the unification of the Ninja World will become an irreversible trend. ."

Hearing Uchiha Yu's impassioned words, Orochimaru raised his eyebrows, narrowed his eyes into a straight line, and said with a smile: "You are absolutely right, Yu-kun. Although annexing Earth Country is not in line with our previous plans, I We are confident that we can solve all the problems of the Earth Kingdom.”

"But there is a problem that I can't solve, so I can only ask Yu-kun."

Orochimaru's sudden change of expression surprised Uchiha Yu. He then realized that he had accidentally fallen into the trap carefully designed by Orochimaru.

Of course, this won't be some dangerous fatal trap, but a verbal trap that will make him work hard.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

Recently, his attention has been completely attracted by time travel. He doesn't know much about what is happening in the ninja world, and he has never thought about it in depth. It is really normal for him to be cheated by Orochimaru.

Uchiha Yu thought about the conversation between the two for half a minute, and then he knew what Orochimaru wanted to do.

He looked at Orochimaru and asked in a positive tone: "Nagato of the Rain Hidden Village in the Land of Rain?"

Orochimaru heard that Uchiha Yu was not angry and had no intention of resisting this task, so he smiled and confirmed: "Yes, it's Nagato."

"Between the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Rain is the hub with the shortest distance and the most convenient transportation."

"After annexing the Earth Kingdom, if the Nagato of Amegakure Village cannot be taken care of, the Earth Kingdom will only be an enclave and cannot be managed effectively at all."

"So to annex the Kingdom of Earth, we can only annex the Kingdom of Rain at the same time."

Orochimaru spread his hands: "You know, I made up my mind to betray Sarutobi-sensei because Nagato single-handedly defeated the combined ninja armies of Konoha Village, Sunagakure Village and Iwagakure Village."

He thought of Nagato's specific information, and his greedy research heart grew like weeds.

Thinking of the excitement, Orochimaru stuck out his long tongue and licked his cheek. At the same time, he sighed: "Those Rinnegan Eyes are truly the first of the three major pupil techniques. They are really not something a Hokage like me can deal with."

"Nagato..." Uchiha Yu hesitated, and asked Orochimaru: "What's Jiraiya's attitude?"

Orochimaru waved his hand: "Ignore him, this guy is soaking in wine bottles and soup pools now. He is either drunk or groggy every day. It is useless to ask."

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said, "Let's ask. Anyway, Jiraiya is also your classmate, and Nagato and Konan are his students."

"It seems he doesn't care much now, but sometimes people don't even know what they want."

"If I kill someone after I take action, Jiraiya will most likely feel unhappy. If he impulsively runs to Miaomu Mountain, it won't be worth it."

"Whether it's a relationship problem between you and Jiraiya, or it causes disharmony between you and me, it's not appropriate."

Orochimaru thought about it carefully, and finally nodded: "What Yu-kun said makes sense. I really need to ask specifically. I can't save trouble now and leave huge trouble in the future."

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "Remember to bring Tsunade with you. Jiraiya is not afraid of anything except Tsunade's fist."

"As long as Tsunade is here, I won't be afraid of Jiraiya pretending to be stupid."

Orochimaru also laughed: "Yes, Jiraiya is most afraid of Tsunade."

"Opposition, ever since Tsunade traveled through time from you, she has untied the knot in her heart. Not only has she worked very hard, her obedience has also become very good."

"Do you think that if Jiraiya also travels through time, his problems can be cured?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and rejected Orochimaru's proposal: "It's different. Tsunade and Jiraiya's problems are completely different. Traveling through time can help Tsunade resolve her knot, but it's impossible to break Jiraiya's blind faith. ."

"To be honest, there's nothing wrong with Jiraiya being so decadent. It's better than him running around in the Ninja world abandoning everything just for a toad's nonsense."

Orochimaru frowned and said, "Yu-kun, if Jiraiya continues to work for Mt. Myoboku, will the final result be..."

He took a deep breath and asked, "Will he die?"

"Yes, he will die." Yuu Uchiha did not hide anything: "In fact, there is nothing bad about death. As a ninja, if you can die neatly, it is not a bad ending."

"I'm more worried that Jiraiya will be deceived by Gamamaru and end up on the enemy side of mankind. In the end, he will die as a traitor to the ninja world. That is not worth it."

Orochimaru left with a serious expression.

A few days later, when Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi were enjoying dinner, Orochimaru sent an ANBU ninja to send a message to Uchiha Yu.

He said: "Tsunade solved Jiraiya's problem, as long as she didn't kill Nagato."

After seeing off the ANBU who had sent the message, Yuu Uchiha smiled at Masashi Miwa and said, "Don't you want to kill Nagato?"

"Really, it turns out that the impression I left on Orochimaru in the past was that he was so cruel."

Miwa Masayo was also laughing: "You can't blame the Fourth Hokage for this, nya. You don't have much contact with him, nya."

"And I remember that every time you met Orochimaru, you planned it carefully, nya. Either you plotted against Orochimaru, or you killed him in front of him."

"Orochimaru will think that you are more bloodthirsty than him. This is not normal, nya."

Uchiha Yu recalled it for a while, and then sighed: "Although I am not such a person, the impression I left on the Fourth Generation seems to be like this."

"Forget it, such a wrong impression is not a bad thing, it is still very worry-free."

Miwa Masashi asked: "Yu means you won't kill Nagato and Konan-nya?"


"Why don't you kill them Meow?"

Uchiha Yu explained: "Because Nagato and Konan are normal people who can communicate and persuade, and have generally normal logic in their minds."

"Completely different from the inhumane bastards like Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi, Nagato and Konan can definitely serve me."

"You see, Xiaonan is already my subordinate, and she still owes me a lot of money. No matter what task is given to her, this girl always completes it without compromise."

"Nagato can definitely turn into this."

Miwa Masashi sneered: "Isn't it because Yuu wants to get the Rinnegan Nyan?"

"It's really not the case." Uchiha Yuu nodded at the corner of his eyes: "I am an Uchiha who awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan without relying on negative emotions. I also awakened the Wood Release Blood Successor Limit myself and gathered together the Awakening Samsara Eye. conditions of."

"So, since I can awaken the Rinnegan Eye myself and will have the original product soon, there is no need to snatch Uchiha Madara's eyes."

Miwa Masashi suddenly realized: "I understand, nya, what you want is Nagato!"

"That's right, Nya, Nagato is too simple and easy to deceive. He also inherited the dream of peace in the world from Yahiko."

"After all, Nagato is the best subordinate, nya!"

Uchiha Yu: "..."

Although the words of the little Lolita Kuronaga were harsh and unpleasant, the truth behind them was irrefutable. Yuu Uchiha really thought so.

So it wasn't because he was forced to do so, but Uchiha Yuu was really unwilling to kill Nagato.

Miwa Masashi ate his rice with a slurp. He reached out rudely to wipe the grease from the corner of his mouth and asked loudly: "When are you leaving, nya?"

Uchiha Yu took out a towel and patiently wiped away the oil from the corners of the little loli's mouth and hands.

He said: "Don't worry, before I go to find Nagato, I have to find a suitable battlefield first."

Little Loli asked in surprise: "If you don't mean not to kill people, why are you preparing for the battlefield?"

"Just because we don't want to kill anyone, we have to prepare another battlefield."

Uchiha Yu explained: "Although Nagato's brain is not suitable and he can be easily deceived and persuaded, this guy is particularly arrogant."

"I have to give Nagato a good beating so that he will have the patience to listen to me, and then I will have a chance to convince him."

Miwa Masayo was puzzled and curled his lips and said: "Anyway, it's just a beating. If you fuck him in Amegakure Village, it's over."

Uchiha Yu explained: "If I want to accept Nagato, I can't beat him in Amegakure Village."

"Beating Nagato in front of the Amegakure ninjas would damage his prestige too much, and it is not in my interest."

"And the battle between me and Nagato was too loud. If we fight in Amegakure Village, just the aftermath of the battle would be enough to destroy the ninjas in Amegakure Village."

"If everyone in the Hidden Rain Village is killed because of me, the feud between Nagato and me will never be resolved. I don't have the protagonist's mouth-escape ability."

The power of the Samsara Eye is quite dangerous. Uchiha Yu carefully went to several uninhabited areas and selected three of them as the scheduled battlefields.

The vast desert in the northwest of the Kingdom of Wind, the rolling snow-capped mountains in the northeast of the Kingdom of Earth, and an isolated iceberg in the North Sea. These three places are the farthest no-man's land in the shinobi world from human habitation. Even if he and Nagato fight with all their strength, It will not cause casualties to other people.

Memorizing the coordinates of the three battlefields, Yuu Uchiha and Masashi Miwa headed to the Land of Rain.

This time when he entered the Kingdom of Rain, he did not make any cover-up and radiated his power without any concealment.

The powerful momentum and power soared into the sky, forming an aura pillar like wolf smoke.

The pillar of air was so powerful that it was not only noticed by Nagato from a distance, but also broke through the rain clouds that never dispersed in the Land of Rain. As Yuu Uchiha advanced, a blue clear sky opened in the sky. .

Like a miracle.

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