I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 348 How could there be such unaware ninjas in the ninja world?

A dozen black balls appeared in the sky, and the huge gravity was centered on the black ball and spread out in all directions.

The huge gravitational force first acts on the air, creating a large vacuum area. As the surrounding air continues to fill in, a spiral storm is formed.

Soon the sand also floated under the influence of gravity, and the wind became stronger and stronger, rolling up the sand in mid-air, forming a sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun.

Under the pull of gravity, countless sands gathered to form yellow sand flows, which were continuously attracted by those black balls.

The spiral sand flow shows the gravitational pattern of the black ball, and the regular fish scale pattern looks so drifting and dangerous.

Because gravity offsets part of the gravity, the earth's crust slowly floats up under the huge pressure of the earth's core.

This is an unprecedented strong crustal movement. The accumulated stress begins to be released, and the rock slabs break to form a powerful earthquake.

Under the impact of round after round of seismic waves, the yellow sand in the entire desert was rolling, forming waves of yellow sand that swept outward like a tsunami in the ocean.

Uchiha Yuu floated in the air, using the 36 Immortal Techniques, Fire Spirit, and Zhurong Ring Technique, to open a flame to resist the shield, resist the attraction from the black ball, and at the same time melt the sand and rocks approaching him.

The power of the Earth Explosion Star is extremely terrifying. For ninjas without the ability to fly, there is no way to find a foothold to fight, so they can only be helplessly dragged into the black ball and eventually sealed by countless rocks.

But for Uchiha Yuu, who can fly at will, the gravitational strength of the Earth Blast Star is not very strong, so it is not a threat at all.

Moreover, he has completed three time travels, and his understanding of time and space has reached a whole new level.

After the emergence of these dozen gravitational sources, he was able to confirm with incomparable certainty that gravity is indeed not a force, but an expression of momentum after time is compressed in space.

After a simple attempt, he easily solved the gravity of the Earthburst Star from the perspective of time.

It can even use that gravitational force to float and fly more effortlessly.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but laugh. From now on, the most powerful sealing technique of the Rinnamsara Eye no longer poses any threat to him.

No matter how powerful the seal is, if the first step of gravity capture is ineffective, subsequent seals will naturally have no effect.

Uchiha Yuu was not affected by the Earth Blast Star, but the desert environment was severely damaged.

As the sand was quickly pulled away, the terrain beneath the sand in the great desert was exposed, and the truly hard earth began to crumble, and the rate of collapse became faster and faster.

Soon, large tracts of exposed land collapsed, turning into countless rocks and soil that quickly floated into the sky, spinning around a dozen black balls, and finally fell into the black balls.

As more and more matter falls into the black ball, the size of the black ball also becomes a little larger.

But soon the black ball's attractiveness dropped dramatically, and it was no longer able to swallow real matter.

After countless sand and rocks flew into the sky, they could only form small moons with the black ball as the center in the sky. This scene was extremely shocking!

The desert, which was originally a neatly arranged layer of sand dunes, was emptied of sand and turned into conical sunken potholes.

The most powerful sealing technique of the Samsara Eye is only a preparatory stage, but it has the power to change the terrain.

But this huge power has no effect on Uchiha Yu. As the Earth Blast Star's chakra is gradually exhausted, the intensity of gravity begins to decline sharply.

He couldn't help laughing and said to Nagato: "God? Nagato, is this the power of God?"

Nagato's expression was extremely ugly, and his raised hands were trembling slightly. This was his strongest technique. If it were stronger, it could only be used with all his strength, the Super Shinra Tensei, and the Heretic Demon, which could only be used at the cost of life.

But seeing how Yuu Uchiha easily dealt with the Earth Blast Star, can the last two ultimate moves really defeat him?

Nagato suddenly thought that he had another ninjutsu, which was an extremely powerful ninjutsu, a ninjutsu that could shatter a ninja's self-confidence and courage.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the Samsara Eye began to spread in a crazy circle, more chakra and pupil power swarmed out, and the already exhausted gravity became stronger again.

He looked at Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masayo lying behind Uchiha Yu, and roared: "I am Nagato! I am a god with the Eye of God!"

"There is absolutely no way I will lose to you as an Uchiha!"

Uchiha Yu didn't expect that Nagato would go crazy and desperately explode his chakra to promote a gravitational explosion.

Powerful gravitational waves swept across all directions, and even Miwa Masayo felt the strong tug. She asked meowly: "What can you do, meow? If you can't, I will fuck you, meow."

Uchiha Yuu: "Where did you learn this from, Rika-chan, how could you not be a man?"

However, the force of gravity is so strong that the compression of space is so strong that it cannot be completely eliminated by the power of time controlled by ordinary means.

Uchiha Yuu said: "The Samsara Eye is truly the Eye of God. An outsider can exert such power. This forces me to use the sealing technique."

After speaking, he stretched out his arms, opened his hands, and countless sealing runes expanded.

Boundary·Time Dislocation

Centered on Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi, the sealing runes formed a small barrier. This was a time-displacement barrier that relied on time errors to avoid the strong gravity.

But he and Miwa Masashi stayed in the time-displacement barrier, and they did not stabilize in the air, but slowly approached the black ball.

Uchiha Yuu was wrong in his estimation. The power of time can change or even eliminate the force of gravity, but the time dislocation barrier cannot completely shield the force of gravity.

The test drive dislocation barrier is a barrier that constructs inner worlds and secret realms. It can only distort and weaken gravity.

Seeing Uchiha Yuu's rare embarrassment, Miwa Masayo laughed unceremoniously: "It's really surprising, Yuu also makes mistakes, nya, do you want me to attack Nagato?"

"It looks like he has used all his strength, he must not be able to dodge my flame jump, nya. Just one strike will make him vomit blood, nya, and then he will definitely be unable to control the Earth Explosion Sky Star Ninjutsu, nya."


Uchiha Yuu bounced the black long straight little loli's head so hard that her brain collapsed, causing the little loli to meow in pain.

He pressed the little loli down, looked at the dozen black balls and complained: "Originally I just wanted to use tricks to subdue Nagato, but now it seems that it still doesn't work. In the end, I have to use violence."

Miwa Masashi asked: "Are you reluctant to leave meow?"

Uchiha Yu nodded: "It is not easy to make such a wooden clone. Of course, you cannot use it violently."

Of course, Uchiha Yuu is not his real body, but a specially made wooden clone. His strength is not inferior to that of Uchiha Yuu himself a year ago, and the manufacturing cost is not low.

But as the bearer of the Samsara Eye, Nagato is 100% in the sight of the Sage of Six Paths. He would not dare to appear carelessly in front of Nagato's eyes.

Uchiha Yu believes that if the Sage of Six Paths sees his true form again,

"Of course, after Nagato's wooden clone was cured by us, his strength increased beyond expectations, and the impact of fighting with all his strength will also exceed expectations."

He glanced very vaguely to the northwest: "This place is...too close to the Kingdom of Ghosts."

But compared to the possible impact on the Kingdom of Ghosts, it is more important to subdue Nagato.

In fact, Nagato is still a descendant of the Uzumaki clan. Although the amount of chakra is huge, the power of the Rinnegan is ultimately limited.

In the original history, Nagato's Super Shinra Tensei, which exploded with all his strength, completely destroyed Konoha Village. The land was scraped up by tens of meters, and the scope of impact was quite limited.

The battle between the Sage of Six Paths and Kaguya Otsutsuki lasted for several months. The battlefield covered the entire ninja world and even beat the entire world to pieces.

Although the Sage of Six Paths is far more powerful than Nagato, and Kaguya Otsutsuki is even more powerful, the fact that Nagato and the Rinnegan are not perfectly matched is definitely not a small problem.

Since Nagato lacks strength and has problems with the coordination of his body and eyes, Yuu Uchiha feels that even if he is just a wooden clone, he should be able to defeat him head-on.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and opened the Mangekyō Sharingan written on Kifen's body in order to better coordinate the chakra and natural energy.

Uchiha Yu finally decided to counterattack head-on, but Nagato launched the next attack faster.

At this time, the Earthburst Sky Star finally came to an end. A dozen black balls had gathered rocks and sand to form a dozen huge rock balls.

Nagato's Rinnegan flashed with lavender light, and the powerful eye power continued to instill, and he controlled a dozen rock balls to fuse together and turned into a huge spherical rock.

When the rock is completely fused and the repulsive force disappears, Nagato uses his samsara eye to exert strong suction and repulsion on the rock ball.

The powerful force is mainly used to accelerate the rock ball, and is also used to adjust the direction of its fall to ensure that the rock ball hits Uchiha Yuu in mid-air.


The huge rock ball squeezed the air, forming a high-pressure air area, dispelling the sand in the air, and rushed towards Uchiha Yuu with great force.

Nagato shouted: "Try the taste of shooting stars, arrogant Uchiha!"

But when Uchiha Yuu saw Nagato's operation and the rock ball with a diameter of more than two hundred meters in the sky, a smile appeared on his face.

He was not pretending, but he was truly relieved.

Uchiha Yu remembered that during the Fourth Ninja War, Madara Kudo also used this technique.

Madara is a real meteorite channeled from the sky. Not only is it a little bigger than the rock ball in front of you, but there are still three in number.

The power of the Tianzhen Zhenxing technique depends on the mass and speed of the meteorite. Through the calculations of the Jingshi, Yuu Uchiha instantly figured out the maximum power, and he couldn't help but laugh.

I have to say, it's really not very powerful.

In fact, it's not surprising at all. With the size of this rock ball and its fall height of less than a thousand meters, the damage it can cause is definitely limited.

You must know that the Tianzhi earthquake star used by Kudo Madara fell from a higher height. During the Fourth Ninja War, the five shadows cooperated and were able to block the first meteor with their own ninjutsu.

How powerful can such a meteorite be?

But such a big guy falling from the sky is indeed very powerful.

Xiaonan, Xie, and Jiao were all moving away frantically, fearing that they would be involved in the collision between heaven and earth after falling.

Even Nagato himself was confused by the meteor and shouted proudly: "Uchiha Yu, did you see it?"

"This is the power of God's Eyes, this is the power of God!"

"Haha, it's just a small skill, just a master's degree."

Uchiha Youhe sneered: "No, it should be said that you really don't know what to say."

Nagato said angrily: "You bastard, how dare you blaspheme God?"

"God? Just you?" Uchiha Yuu said disdainfully: "You are not worthy of the name of God. In my opinion, there is only one true god in the ninja world, and that is His Majesty the Divine Emperor!"

[Yes, that is my true self. 】

Nagato's face turned livid, he raised his hands high and then waved them downwards: "Go to hell!"

He was completely angered by Uchiha Yu. He no longer cared about Konoha Village or the strongest weapon plan. He just wanted to kill Uchiha Yu and maintain the dignity of his god.

The speed of the assembled meteorites suddenly accelerated, and the air that was subjected to severe friction began to emit high temperatures, and even the rocks appeared charred black.

Carrying a violent shock wave, the meteorite rushed towards Uchiha Yuu accurately.

As the truly strongest being, Uchiha Yuu had no fear at all when facing huge meteorites, and even Miwa Masayo didn't have the slightest worry.

This has nothing to do with Uchiha Yu being a wooden clone, not his true body.

Because they knew that they could deal with this meteorite with their own strength, so the two of them did not have the slightest fear.

Uchiha Yu even closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, mixed his own chakra with natural energy to form the most explosive senjutsu chakra, and then completed the technique.

Immortal Technique·Wild Hammer's Rock-Breaking Technique

Senjutsu Chakra was injected into the exposed ocher red rock. According to Uchiha Yuu's will, a rock pillar like a rusty iron pillar rose into the sky and accurately hit the rock ball falling at high speed.

With the blessing of immortal magic, the ocher red rock pillar is extremely strong, piercing the rock ball like an iron stick for stringing meatballs.

At the moment of the piercing, countless lateral thorns appeared on the rock pillar, which directly stopped the rock ball from continuing to fall and held it firmly in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Yu's magic chakra wrapped around it, and the huge meteorite softened into liquid, flowing along the rock pillars into the pits of the earth.

The liquid rock quickly hardened after entering the pit, not only filling the huge hole caused by the Earth Explosion Star, but also forming a small mountain peak.

Nagato was dumbfounded.

The technique that placed great expectations on him was not only blocked by the opponent's light blow, but also easily digested the huge meteorite.

Nagato had already exhausted all his strength, and the power of the Tianzhen Zhenxing reached the limit he could reach, but it failed to pose the slightest threat to Uchiha Yu.

If the battle continues, the only means Nagato can use are the Heretic Golems.

But Nagato didn't want to use this killer weapon, because once he used it, the pressure on him would increase dramatically, and it would even cause Nagato's body to become stiff and unable to move.

He was fighting Uchiha Yuzai. If he lost control of his body in front of this absolutely powerful opponent, even for just a moment, he would be completely defeated.

Even Nagato's life is in the palm of Uchiha Yuu's hands.

If it were just this little danger, Nagato wouldn't be able to solve it. More importantly, Nagato didn't want to use the Heretic Golem.

It has only been two years since the Heretic Golem stabilized, and there is still a long way to go before it can fully recover.

Nagato estimated that it would take at least five years for this big guy to completely recover if he used all his energy to nourish him with chakra.

If the Outer Golem is used at this time, even if it is just to channel the spirit without fighting, the huge consumption will cause the Outer Golem to suffer huge losses, and the time for complete recovery will be pushed back by two or three years.

It was difficult for Nagato to accept such a result, but he also didn't want to bow to Uchiha Yu. He just felt that he was in a dilemma and was hesitant.

Nagato has no ideals of his own, lacks a firm will, and has no decisive judgment. He has never been a close leader.

He is not even a qualified ninja. With the power of the Samsara Eye and his own massive amount of chakra, Nagato is definitely the strongest among the Six Paths.

Even if he is not good at fighting, he can crush and win all the way.

Ever since Nagato killed Hanzo to avenge Yahiko, he had never encountered an evenly matched opponent, or even an enemy that could come close to him.

But today, Nagato met Yu Uchiha, a guy who was stronger than him and whose combat experience was completely different. He easily blocked Nagato's attack.

But it was really weird that he could hesitate and be stunned because of this.

Just when he was hesitating, Uchiha Yu said: "Okay, I have a general understanding of the strength of this 'god', and do you know enough about me?"

Nagato nodded solemnly: "Uchiha Yu, you are strong enough to be my opponent."

Uchiha Yu: "..."

Miwa Masayo couldn't help but laugh: "Haha, after hitting this level, you don't know that you are weak. Yuu, how can there be such unaware ninjas in the ninja world?"

Uchiha Yu sighed: "It's probably because he is too strong and has too little combat experience."

"Obviously I've let myself off so obviously, but he's so stupid that he can't tell."

The conversation between Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masato was unobstructed, and Nagato heard everything clearly, and his face turned red to purple with anger.

Hanzo and Danzo conspired with the Akatsuki organization, resulting in Yahiko's death on the spot.

Nagato, who escaped with the help of the Samsara Eye and the heretic demon, felt extremely guilty. He blamed himself for the mistake, thinking that he was too weak and did not dare to take the initiative to kill people, which led Hanzo to dare to conspire against the Akatsuki organization and eventually killed Yahiko.

After recovering from his injuries, Nagato put on a shell for himself. He was so domineering that he would not allow anyone to oppose him, and he was so cruel that he could kill tens of thousands of ninjas in one fell swoop.

In short, no matter what Nagato does, he is the opposite of his former self.

He even claimed to be a god, "inherited" Yahiko's ideals, and firmly and unquestionably pursued peace in the shinobi world.

The basis of all that Nagato has done is that his strength is invincible, so he cannot tolerate Uchiha Yu's "belittlement".

Even if he uses the heretic demon, he still wants to maintain his reputation as the strongest in the ninja world.

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