I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 345 A new round of changes in the ninja world led by Konoha Village

After solving the thread of cause and effect, Uchiha Yu calmly left Loulan Secret Realm with Miwa Masashi and returned to Konoha Village.

He checked the training progress of Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Ayumi, cooked delicious food, held a banquet, and had a happy day.

When Miwa Masashi had eaten and drank enough, he got tired of staying in Konoha Village and ran away without a trace.

When Uchiha Yu finally sent Orochimaru away and was finally alone, he couldn't help but curse in his heart:

【Thousand-hand Tobirama! Your uncle's! 】

He is afraid.

That was ordinary space from the future, and the other end belonged to Otsutsuki Hagoromo's causal line.

Uchiha Yuu looked at the causal threads connected to his body, and soon found the one belonging to the Sage of Six Paths, and let out a long sigh.

They are also connected to the Six Paths Immortal, but he is not afraid of this cause and effect line at all, but he is particularly afraid of the Six Paths Immortal Cause and Effect from parallel time and space. Naturally, it is not because the Six Paths Immortal will be more powerful in the future.

In fact, for the Six Paths Immortal, his strength will not change in just a dozen years.

What Uchiha Yu is afraid of is the infinite possibilities of causal lines across time and space, especially the possibilities in time.

The most terrifying result is that the Sage of Six Paths relies on this causal connection to make up for his own lack of sensitivity to the power of time, and uses the dragon vein to enter parallel time and space like Yuu Uchiha.

Then, in countless parallel time and space, countless Otsutsuki Hagoromo began to connect with each other, gathering into the Bat Army like Bateman in the Marvel Universe, sweeping across the ordinary time and space of the ninja world.

He has determined that as a key figure in the history of the ninja world, there is a Sage of Six Paths in every parallel time and space, but he, Yuu Uchiha, only exists in the current time and space.

The numerical disadvantage in the parallel space-time sink is a flaw that Yuu Uchiha cannot make up for in any case.

If he really loses it, Uchiha Yu may face the encirclement and suppression of the Six Paths Sage, which will be an army composed of thousands of Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but feel afraid at the thought of being surrounded and kicked by thousands of Six Paths Sage.

Fortunately, he seized the only opportunity and successfully cut off the line of cause and effect. The probability of such a bad situation happening was still zero.

What a blessing.

But his own luck is no reason to forgive Senju Tobirama.

Before Senju Tobirama set off, he specifically reminded the other party not to meet the Sage of Six Paths directly, but in the end he still made such a big fuss.

In the year 64 of Konoha, the Fourth Ninja World War was inevitable. The stage of history had been completely set, and many chess pieces participating in the game were already in place.

Therefore, these chess pieces have completely become part of the general trend and have lost the possibility of influencing the direction of history.

For example, the fifth-generation Hokage Tsunade, the fourth-generation Raikage Ai, the third-generation Tsuchikage Onoki and other shadow-level ninjas, even Kabuto the Snake Sennin, Six Paths Obito, and Black Zetsu are all pawns. No matter how good they perform, they can only play for that period. History adds some color, but it cannot change the direction of the general trend.

The only exception is Uchiha Madara. As the largest and strongest free chess piece, he has a slight possibility of changing the direction of the war, but really not much.

The power to determine the direction of history is concentrated in the hands of the chess players, that is, in the hands of the mother and son Otsutsuki Kaguya and Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

Because Otsutsuki Kaguya has been sealed for a thousand years, Otsutsuki Hagoromo has absolute initiative, and he has become the most dangerous chess player.

It was with these things in mind that Yuu Uchiha specifically told Senju Tobirama not to meet Uchiha Madara, Sage of Six Paths, and Kaguya Otsutsuki directly.

As long as it does not appear in front of the three of them, history will not be significantly changed, and a new parallel time and space will not be torn apart.

Unfortunately, Senju Tobirama messed up, and he even caused the karma of the Sage of Six Paths for Uchiha Yuu.

It is conceivable that the Second Hokage was definitely caught by the Sage of Six Paths when he was causing trouble.

This matter is definitely a big deal.

With Senju Tobirama's strength, he would definitely not be able to run away if the Sage of Six Paths saw him. Moreover, he was still a reincarnated body from the dirty land, so it was impossible to keep the information in his mind in front of the Lord of the Pure Land.

The Six Paths Sage will at least know that there is more than one ninja world, and there is a guy from the Uchiha clan in other ninja worlds who will sneak into his territory through the dragon veins.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo will definitely be more vigilant, such as setting up a barrier in the ancient Loulan country for monitoring, or simply setting up a trap, opening a net and waiting for the rabbit.

In this way, Yuu Uchiha will not be able to go to this parallel time and space before he can completely defeat the Sage of Six Paths.

Although there are countless parallel time and spaces, this time and space is the backbone.

The loss is huge, very huge.

Uchiha Yu decided that when Senju Tobirama comes back, he must make him pay the price.

After sending Senju Tobirama away, Uchiha Yu returned to the most ordinary life.

He has now initially completed the communication between the internal and external world. He no longer needs to sit down to absorb natural energy. He can continue to accumulate natural energy as long as he keeps breathing.

The natural energy absorbed into the body will enter the meridians, and penetrate into the world of Meijifu in the circulation. After being cleaned and refined by divine power, the purest part of the natural energy becomes a part of his body, permanently integrated into Uchiha Yudai Sennin in the energy system.

Uchiha Yuu's current body is also continuing to change. His strength, agility, speed, reflexes, and defense are all steadily increasing, and there is no need for special physical training.

He doesn't even need to hone his seal skills and ninjutsu and senjutsu spell-casting skills. Such skill training is best carried out in the world of Zifu.

Not only does it not consume too much energy in the Zifu world, but a day of continuous practice only takes a moment in the outside world. It is really fast and economical.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, Uchiha Yuu lived a very comfortable and extremely lazy life.

Every day he would either find a place to lie down and bask in the sun (to understand the laws of the ninja world), or cook in the kitchen, and then he and Miwa Masashi would invite three or five friends to have a banquet.

But the more he does this, the more harmonious the atmosphere of Konoha Village becomes, the more at ease Orochimaru becomes, and the more prosperous Konoha Village becomes.

The fourth generation Hokage Orochimaru was a powerful Hokage. He ordered the Konoha ninja to attack with force and eliminate bandits, bandits and wandering ninjas.

Including the nobles of the Fire Country behind these thugs, they were all investigated by the Konoha ninjas and then cleaned up.

The Fourth Hokage showed no respect to the Fire Daimyo, which aroused unanimous condemnation from nobles at home and abroad.

They claimed that the Kingdom of Fire would inevitably fall into chaos and disorder without the management of the nobles.

The nobles indeed think so. After all, in the past thousands of years, only nobles have been able to manage the country, and there has never been a precedent of a martial sect being able to manage the country.

And the nobles didn't just talk, they also tried to use violence to create chaos themselves.

It's a pity that they don't have the power themselves, and the bandits, bandits and wandering ninjas they used to exchange for money have all been emptied by the Konoha ninjas.

The nobles of the Fire Country were unwilling to stop here. They asked foreign nobles for help and exchanged money for many thugs. However, they all became the record of the Konoha ninjas and evidence against the nobles for treason.

Orochimaru was not polite, and another large number of Fire Nation nobles were captured and killed.

He did not limit his actions to the Land of Fire. The nobles from various countries who had received money to provide thugs were also found by Konoha ninjas and arrested and killed.

This time, the heads of thousands of nobles fell to the ground, and the blood of the nobles flowed like rivers. Finally, the noise in the ninja world was completely suppressed.

Not to mention the nobles of various countries, even the four major ninja villages were frightened. Everyone shut up and wanted to see how the Fire Country would develop without the nobles.

After the Konoha ninja cleared the influence of the nobles, they directly controlled the administration and taxation of the Fire Country. The money that Orochimaru could control increased by a full forty times compared to when he first became Hokage.

There is really too much money, and it will become more and more as time goes by, which makes Orochimaru feel a little overwhelmed.

You must know that Konoha Village was very short of money during the Third Hokage era. Orochimaru had no money to do any research, so he had to cooperate with the "rich and wealthy" Shimura Danzo to get enough money.

Now Konoha Village is really rich, and Orochimaru, as Hokage, can spend money at will.

So the Fourth Hokage spent money and arranged all the research projects he wanted to carry out. He bought three copies of all the instruments he wanted, one for research, one as a backup, and finally he had to dismantle one for research to see if he could make it himself.

In addition to his own projects, Orochimaru also fully supports the expansion of various departments in Konoha Village.

The funding for medical ninja training will be increased tenfold, the enrollment of the ninja school will be increased tenfold, the security department will be expanded tenfold, the intelligence department will be expanded threefold, the barrier class and sealing class will be tripled, and the snake force will be doubled...

It can be said that all departments have been expanded and not even half of the money received has been used.

It's not that the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru doesn't want to continue spending money, but the ninja manpower in Konoha Village has reached its limit.

Even if they were forcibly brought from other ninja villages, those young outstanding graduates of ninja schools would be used, and the remaining money would not be spent.

So Orochimaru started large-scale infrastructure construction based on Uchiha Yu's suggestion, not only in Konoha Village, but also in road and water conservancy construction throughout the Fire Country.

These infrastructures produced a large number of tasks. With the restoration of order and the improvement of public security, the number of ninja tasks in the Land of Fire dropped rapidly, which just met the work needs of the task ninjas in Konoha Village.

These ninjas not only take on security and combat tasks, but also construction and construction tasks. Each of them is equivalent to a large construction machine, speeding up the progress of the project very quickly.

With the advancement of road and water conservancy construction, the Fire Country's economy has become more prosperous and food production has become more stable, so the income of Konoha Village has become higher.

Contrary to the expectations of nobles at home and abroad, Konoha Village began a positive cycle of vigorous development after clearing the power of the nobles.

Under the influence of peace and order, life in Konoha Village and the Country of Fire has become more stable, the advantages of rich products and convenient transportation have been brought into play, and the economy has flourished.

Even the lives of ordinary people in the Fire Country are prosperous, and they have begun to develop from being able to have enough to eat occasionally to being able to have enough to eat every day.

Konoha Village officially took over the power of the Country of Fire, squeezed the nobles out of the country's management system, achieved unprecedented success, and once again led the revolution in the ninja world.

The changes in the Fire Nation were so drastic and successful that other countries naturally noticed it.

The Raikage, Tsuchikage, Kazekage and the masters of the Kingdom of Water, just like 47 years ago, followed the model of Konoha Village and began to change, seizing the political power and financial power in the hands of the nobles.

Among them, Yunyin Village in the Kingdom of Thunder has completely suppressed the nobles, which is very close to the model of ninjas directly taking charge of national power.

It's just that the Raikage is limited by the history of the ninja world and doesn't know what to do next. He doesn't know how to run the country after ninjas take control of it. He's still struggling to figure it out.

With the Leaf Village as a model, Raikage copied the work without hesitation, almost following the footsteps of the Leaf Village, and completed the control of the Kingdom of Thunder.

The second one to complete the transformation was Kirigakure Village. Yuanshi completed the integration of Kirigakure Village without much effort and successfully took control of the political and financial power of the Kingdom of Water.

After the Fourth Mizukage was controlled by Madara Uchiha, the excessive internal fighting launched by Kirigakure Village seriously damaged the vitality of Kirigakure Village, but it also eliminated all opponents, and now it has formed a latecomer advantage.

If it weren't for the insufficient number of ninjas, which took a lot of time to replace the nobles, the changes in the Kingdom of Water might have been completed earlier than in the Kingdom of Thunder.

The third village to complete the transformation was Sunagakure Village. Their internal obstacles were broken by Uchiha Yuu's use of Wood Release and Tree World Rebirth, and the speed of integration was also very fast.

Among the defeated countries in the Third Ninja War, the village of Iwagakure had the best preserved strength. Tsuchikage Onoki was very proud of this and even secretly prepared for the Fourth Ninja War.

He never expected that Konoha Village would once again lead the revolution in the shinobi world. While Iwagakure Village retained its strong strength, it also retained a strong conservative opposition force.

As a result, the Tsuchikage's reform intentions encountered strong opposition, and internal integration failed to be completed for half a year, and the reform of the Tsuchikage regime could not begin at all.

Behind the Tsuchikage opposition in Iwagakure Village, the shadows of Konoha Village, Kumogakure Village, and Sunagakure Village loomed, and even Amegakure Village and Kusagakure Village had signs of interference.

Tsuchikage Onoki was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but he didn't dare to say anything, let alone take action against these enemies who were secretly attacking.

Because his changes intensified the internal conflicts in Yanyin Village, the strength of Yanyin Village suffered a serious decline, and there was even a tendency to split.

Iwagakure Village is already in danger of self-destruction, so how can it remain tough on the outside world?

Change will always trigger internal strife and division, which will inevitably lead to the decline of power, and then trigger the covetousness and attack of enemies. This is the risk of change and the reason why change always fails.

The three successful countries also face the same problem.

The Kingdom of Thunder was already exploring this kind of change, and was only one step away from success, so it followed the instructions of Konoha Village and got through the dangerous period in one step.

The Kingdom of Water was in civil strife, and the Kingdom of Wind was crippled by the Leaf Village. Under the pressure of the imminent survival crisis, the power to oppose change was unprecedentedly weak. In addition, they both had the protection of the natural environment, and they were all successfully completed. change.

Only the Earth Kingdom fell into a crisis of change, which then evolved into a crisis of national annihilation.

In such a bad situation, Onoki could only swallow his anger, grit his teeth and endure the bad breath, venting his anger on the opponents of Iwagakure Village.

In order to defeat the opponents as soon as possible and complete the integration of Iwagakure Village, Ohnoki did not hesitate to take action personally and massacred the opponents among the Iwagakure ninjas.

A Kage fights against the ninjas of his own village. No matter what the reason is, it means that the Kage has lost control of his ninja village.

According to the rules of Ninja Village from generation to generation, Ninja Village is one of the country's two jade. According to the rules of the new era, Ninja Village is the only central management core of the country.

It is normal for different political opinions and factional confrontations to occur in the center of the country, but it is completely different if the fighting continues to intensify, develops into chaos, and even evolves into armed internal fighting.

This is a standard prelude to the division of the country.

Ohnoki had no choice but to choose violence to solve the problem, but the final result proved that violence could not solve the problem of internal strife.

Onoki's killing instead frightened the Iwagakure ninjas, making the most numerous and silent neutral ninjas feel fear and despair, completely shaking the foundation of Iwagakure Village.

In the winter of Konoha 47, civil strife suddenly broke out in Iwagakure Village, and Iwagakure ninjas fled in large numbers.

The Iwagakure ninjas were scattered throughout the Earth Kingdom, forming groups of different sizes, and established small ninja villages, but they were all named Iwagakure Village.

The exact same naming represents the identification of the Iwagakure ninja with the Iwagakure village and their simply inability to accept Ohnoki's use of violence to deal with opponents.

The Third Tsuchikage finally became disheartened and resigned from his post. On the surface, the culprit who split the Iwagakure Village disappeared. Amid cheers, dozens of Iwagakure Villages, large and small, started a dialogue, trying to re-establish the relationship. Fusion into the Hidden Rock Village.

But how can a broken mirror be restored without recasting it at high temperatures?

The negotiations revealed the deep-seated conflicts that had been suppressed by the Third Tsuchikage. They were fundamental conflicts of interest that could not be resolved with words.

Although the Iwagakure ninjas all believed that Onoki's violence was a problem, all their attempts to solve the problem ended up being violent.

The civil war in the Earth Kingdom broke out naturally.

How terrible is a civil war after a country is divided?

As a neighboring country of Earth Country, Nagato of Amegakure Village was very concerned about the intelligence of Earth Country and was shocked after receiving the investigation report from the ninjas.

He said to Konan with emotion: "How can the internal war in the Earth Kingdom be so cruel and crazy, even more violent than the last ninja war?"

Xiaonan also read the report. The cruel words such as massacre and genocide described in it stung her eyes and directly brought back the bloody memories of her childhood.

But for some reason, the blue-haired female ninja didn't feel distressed. She said coldly: "Nagato, this has nothing to do with us."

Nagato thought for a while and agreed: "You are right, the power of the Akatsuki organization cannot be wasted, and the war in the Earth Kingdom is not worth our waste."

He closed the report, stuffed it into the archive folder casually, and said nonchalantly: "When we prepare everything and complete the strongest weapon, we can bring final peace to the entire ninja world. Naturally, the Kingdom of Earth will will be saved.”

Konan said "Yeah" and followed Nagato out. They still had a lot to do.

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