I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 344 Shaping the sword light with the power of time and cutting the line of cause and effect

Senju Tobirama blurted out in surprise: "You want me to go to the future?"

He immediately thought of something, his eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief: "Do you know what happened in Konoha in 1964, and you actually mastered the ability to predict?"

Uchiha Yu said: "I don't know what will happen in our future. I only know what happened in Konoha 64 in the world you are going to."

Qianju Tobirama was silent, and then murmured: "It turns out it's not our future."

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "Yes, that is the future of another ninja world. In the long river of time, there has never been more than one ninja world, but there are countless parallel branches."

"Nidaime-sama, when it comes to time travel, the biggest principle is that history cannot be changed and the future cannot be determined."

Senju Tobirama couldn't understand: "But you are talking about Konoha 64, it is indeed the future..."

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "No, no, no, although the time is 15 years later, the 64 years of Konoha in the ninja world is already a certain history, not the future."

"I said that there is more than one ninja world in the long river of time, and the historical processes of different ninja worlds are not the same."

Uchiha Yu explained: "I cannot send people to the unknown future. The only thing that can be traveled through is the determined history."

Senju Tobirama thoughtfully said: "Only with a certain history can we locate, and only with accurate positioning can we travel through the past."

"Then with my past, will there be a new and uncertain future?"

Uchiha Yu sighed: "The Nidaime is right. As you travel through time, the future will no longer be certain from that point on."

"If your interference in the ninja world is not strong enough and history repeats itself over time, then nothing has happened."

"But if you exert strong interference on the ninja world and cause the direction of history to be greatly changed, a new parallel time and space will be created."

Uchiha Yu said seriously: "Nidaime, in the ninja world you are going to, a big thing happened in Konoha in 64 years."

"If there is no huge deviation, the five major ninja villages, the samurai of the Iron Country, the ninja villages of all small countries, and all free ninja organizations will unite to fight the terrible enemy in the Fourth Ninja World War."

"There should be reincarnation eyes appearing, Konoha Village being attacked or even destroyed, and many, many other things happening, but more specific information needs to be collected and brought back by you."

No matter how calm Senju Tobirama was, he was stunned when he heard Uchiha Yu's words. He smiled bitterly and said: "It's really a big deal. Just listening to you say it makes me feel a lot of pressure."

Uchiha Yuu raised his eyebrows: "That's why we need you, an almighty ninja, to go there. Others can't deal with such a chaotic situation."

"Nidaime, what you must pay attention to is that during the war, Kaguya Otsutsuki and Sage of Six Paths will appear and interfere powerfully in the ninja world."

"In those few days, the entire ninja world was a chessboard for this mother and son to play chess, and the level of danger was unparalleled."

"Please be careful, the second generation, and do not meet these two people directly. Otherwise, even with the protection of the time seal, you will not be able to come back."

Senju Tobirama nodded carefully, indicating that he understood.

Uchiha Yuu took out a few more pearls and handed them to Senju Tobirama: "Keep these chakra pearls away. If you encounter a situation where the chakra of the dirty earth body is insufficient, you can use it to replenish it."

"But you must keep two. When Kaguya Otsutsuki breaks away from the seal and seizes everyone's chakra, you will fill your body with these chakra pearls to ensure that you will not collapse immediately."

Senju Tobijo took the chakra pearl and after checking it, he couldn't see anything. It looked like ordinary pearls.

He naturally asked: "What does this pearl have to do with chakra? How do I use it?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "These are pearls I condensed with chakra. The chakra contained in each pearl is exactly the same as the capacity of your dirty earth body."

"The most important thing is that these chakras have been refined by me for several years. They have completely cleared Kaguya Otsutsuki's authority and will not be controlled by her."

Senju Tobirama froze while inspecting the pearl. He raised his head little by little and looked at Yuu Uchiha: "You are saying that the chakra belongs to Kaguya Otsutsuki. Could it be that she can control all the chakra?"

Uchiha Yu: "As expected of the second generation, your guess is so right."

"Kaguya Otsutsuki has the ownership of all chakra. All ninjas and immortals will have all their chakra drained away from her in an instant, leaving no room for resistance."

"Unless you can advance to the Sixth Path level, your control over your chakra will undergo a qualitative change, completely suppressing Kaguya Otsutsuki's control authority."

"Or, like me, you can spend great efforts to cleanse Kaguya Otsutsuki's authority in chakra, and use pure chakra as your own power."

"Only in this way can you be qualified to face the goddess of Mao."

In just a few minutes, Uchiha Yuu told him too much information, which made Senju Tobirama's mentality explode and his whole body was in bad shape.

The Second Hokage looked sideways at Uchiha Yu and complained: "The time travel you arranged is too difficult. It's really powerless."

Uchiha Yu responded with a smile: "Please Nidaime do your best."

"Actually, you don't really need to fight these enemies. You just need to obtain as much information as possible and try to survive until you return after the war."

Senju Tobirama snorted coldly. He already knew that he was going to collect information on Nagato, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara, Black Zetsu, Otsutsuki Kaguya and others in the Akatsuki organization.

But the battle between ninjas is a confrontation of intelligence. Who doesn't have counter-reconnaissance skills and experience? How big is the difference between collecting intelligence on these monsters and fighting them directly?

How weird these monsters are.

A pair of samsara eyes flowed in the eyes of the three people, the creation goddess Otsutsuki Kaguya, and the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagororomo, the source of Ninja.

Senju Tobirama had a headache thinking about these monsters, and he snorted coldly: "You have to pay more!"

Uchiha Yu was overjoyed: "Add! Must add!"

"When you come back, I will not only hand over all the information related to resurrection, but I will also directly work to find a way to revive the rope tree that died young."

Senju Tobirama was satisfied. He did not think about resurrecting himself and his brother, because in his opinion, one of him and his brother died of illness, and the other died in the war. Neither of them could be considered dead, so there was no need to resurrect them. .

The same goes for Uzumaki Mito.

It's such a pity for Hatake Sakumo.

However, after getting along with each other for these years, Senju Tobirama also knew that although Hatake Sakumo did not understand his death, he committed suicide because he was frustrated and did not want to be resurrected at all.

So the Resurrection Rope Tree is enough.

As for Kato Dan and others, Senju Tobirama doesn't care. If they want to be resurrected, they should find a way to get this Uchiha boy to agree.

After receiving Yu Uchiha's promise, Senju Tobirama asked a few more questions and confirmed that there was no more information, medicine or ninja tools for him, and he stepped into the gate of the world without hesitation and left the ninja world.

His movements were so fast and resolute, no, there was also an unconcealable fear, as if there was something dangerous behind him that made him afraid.

Uchiha Yu waited for Senju Tobirama to pass, and immediately closed the door to the world, allowing the natural flow of time to eliminate the connection between the two worlds.

After 100 seconds, Uchiha Yuu, who was still highly nervous, breathed a sigh of relief. It was great. There was no big shock, which proved that Senju Tobirama did not tear apart a new parallel time and space.

He nodded with satisfaction: "As expected of a veteran combat-oriented Hokage, he is calm and reliable in his actions."

Uchiha Yu flicked his index finger, popping a drop of blood from the tip of his thumb, and used the blood as a basis to unfold the psychic formation.

As the psychic technique was activated, a tabby cat appeared in front of him accompanied by white smoke. It was Miwa Masayo.

Uchiha Yu is very proficient in psychic arts. As early as three years ago, he channeled Miwa Masashi, so he no longer had to use his own blood as a source of support.

But this time Miwa Masashi was worried about the explosion, so he hid in the barrier lake of Sichuan Country. Not only was the distance thousands of miles away, but it was also blocked by the time-displacement barrier of Loulan Secret Realm.

Without relying on the strong connection of blood, Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi would not be able to communicate at all, and the psychic technique would not work.

Even if she relies on blood to complete the response, Miwa Masayo must maintain the smallest and most energy-saving form of a tabby cat, otherwise she will be bounced away by the time dislocation barrier.

After the civet cat appeared, it began to stretch its muscles and muscles, stretch its body muscles, and spread its claws into a plum blossom shape, making it look extremely cute.

As her movements became larger and larger, her size began to swell.

The cat's paws extended, the hair retracted into the body, and with the rattling of bones, Miwa Masayo transformed into a long, straight black lolita form.

Uchiha Yu immediately put on clothes for her and then combed her messy hair.

Miwa Masayo was a little tired after completing the transformation. She stuck out her pink tongue: "It's still comfortable to have a human body, but it's so uncomfortable to transform into a ninja cat's body. It's like being pressed on the bed by a hundred layers of quilts. It's so uncomfortable." Feel comfortable, meow.”

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "As a great immortal, Rika-chan has transformed into a human body. Although she can still transform into a tabby cat, she will definitely feel uncomfortable."

The little Loli said dullly: "Well, I've grown up, meow, and I'm no longer a kitten, meow."

The long, straight black loli's hair is very long, and it takes a long time to comb it. She is enjoying Uchiha Yu's service while observing the surrounding environment.

After discovering that everything was intact, the little Loli smiled: "It was really smooth this time, nothing happened."

Uchiha Yuu echoed: "After all, the time traveler this time is the Second Hokage. He is very powerful and knowledgeable. He is also very insidious and has a tolerant personality. He will not do anything casually."

Miwa Masashi said with a smile: "Oh, Yuu got it right. This time I guessed wrong, nya."

Uchiha Yu pulled the little Loli's head over, looked into her eyes and asked, "What next?"

After hearing this, the little Loli became frustrated and said gloomily: "Okay, meow, I lost, meow. I will eat a few less dried fish every day as promised."

Uchiha Yu nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, it's not like I won't let you eat. As a snack, five dried fish sticks a day are enough."

Little Loli complained: "You used to let me eat whatever you wanted, why do you want to restrict me so harshly now?"

Uchiha Yu patted her belly and said with a smile: "It's because you eat too much. If you eat dozens of sticks every day, your body can't digest it at all."

"Look at your belly. It's as bulging as a volleyball. As an immortal, where do you need to accumulate fat?"

Miwa Masato touched his belly and complained with a grin: "But I feel like I'm not full, nya. Shouldn't I be full when I'm hungry, nya?"

Uchiha Yu sneered: "That's your illusion!"

"Since you transformed into a human body, your thinking ability has been growing steadily, but your desires are as crazy as humans, completely overwhelming your instincts."

He freed his hand to scratch Miwa Masayo's upturned nose: "Since your transformation has been successful, your senses are no longer reliable, my little fool."

The little loli protested with bared teeth: "Meow, I'm not an idiot, meow!"

After all the fighting, Miwa Masayo's half-combed hair became messy again.

But whether it was Masayo Miwa or Yuu Uchiha, their moods became happy while playing around.

At the same time, during the fight, they naturally exchanged some of the natural energy that escaped. Not only did the two of them gain a slight enhancement, but their connection with each other became even closer.

I don’t know if this is the legendary dual cultivation.

Uchiha Yuu felt that it was not the case. It was not that there was a lack of in-depth communication with negative distance, but that the two of them had not yet reached the level of soul connection.

If soul communication can be achieved, Miwa Masayo will know that she actually won the gamble of this news, not Uchiha Yuu.

Yes, after the "stable" Senju Tobirama traveled through time, he also caused trouble in the future, and even caused big events, tearing up a new parallel time and space.

At this point, three time travels have created new parallel time and space, and Uchiha Yu has given up.

He gave up on finding a way to travel without causing changes in time and space. Next, he would study how to return safely and quickly after creating a new parallel time and space.

Uchiha Yu could clearly feel the shock coming from the future.

In his perception, the time shock from the future is huge, but the frequency of the shock is quite soothing.

Fortunately, the time shock impact from the future came very late. Uchiha Yuu had already completely closed the door to the world, and the shock impact could not be directly reflected in the reality of the ninja world.

But not only did the shock come late this time, but its power was obviously too small, so that without the focus of the World Gate, Miwa Masayo didn't notice any abnormalities at all.

Uchiha Yu guessed that the impact of this shock was very different from the previous two. It was because the explosion point of the shock was in the future and was affected by the forward flow of time, so it came slower and the power was greatly reduced.

This change is similar to that of a high-speed sports car. The sound it makes when approaching and moving away will change dramatically due to its own speed.

The most important thing is that what comes from the future parallel time and space this time is not only the shock of the new parallel time and space, but also a winding causal line.

Uchiha Yu smelled a familiar smell from this causal thread. A very similar causal thread was already wrapped around his body, and the other end was connected to the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

So he effortlessly determined that this causal line from the future belonged to the Six Paths Immortal of that new parallel time and space.

When Miwa Masayo was there, Uchiha Yu didn't say anything, and his expression didn't even change at all.

He just secretly gathered a trace of the power of time that he extracted from the dragon's veins, aimed at the extending line of cause and effect, and gently popped it out.

The power of time turned into a sword light. Under his control, the sword light hit accurately and cut off the line of cause and effect.

Looking at the thread of cause and effect that collapsed under the wash of time due to breakage, Uchiha Yuu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he and the Immortal of Six Paths across from him belong to two parallel time and spaces. Fortunately, he has mastered a bit of the power of time, otherwise he would be in big trouble this time.

Because the line of cause and effect is established by people in the process of interaction, it is a manifestation of factual results under rules, not a real physical existence.

In the same time and space, the line of cause and effect behaves like a stream. Even if Yuu Uchiha masters the power of time and space and can slightly touch the line of cause and effect, it will be as meaningless as cutting the stream with a knife.

Unless he can master a huge enough power of time, he can block the causal connection like a landslide.

But Uchiha Yuu thought to himself, if he really had such great power, he would directly find the poor guy opposite Karma and crush him to death with one finger, and that would be the end.

After all, when one of the parties of cause and effect dies, the unshakable line of cause and effect will be naturally disconnected. With such a simple solution, why bother to use the power of time to forcefully confront the law of cause and effect?

Uchiha Yu studied the time sword light just for this situation.

As an immortal who shapes golden elixirs based on the law of cause and effect, he has long expected that as he frequently initiates time travel, cause and effect will inevitably be established in other parallel times and spaces.

Yuu Uchiha understands the principle of "Bodhisattva fears cause", and he also understands that cause and effect, under the blessing of time alienation, may produce extremely terrifying changes, causing "results" that he cannot imagine.

Therefore, this line of cause and effect, which is blessed by time, must be cut off in time to avoid uncontrollable changes.

However, there are time barriers between different parallel time and spaces. Uchiha Yuu's body is too large, and it is difficult to resolve this cause and effect by traveling through the past and killing the guy on the opposite side.

And with his size, even if he successfully traveled through the past and concluded a cause and effect, it would inevitably be entangled in a larger and more complicated cause and effect connection.

This is like trying to put out a fire without much gain. In the end, you can only be entangled by countless causal lines, sinking in parallel time and space without freedom.

Since he can't use the simplest method to solve the cause and effect, Uchiha Yu needs to find other ways to cut off the cause and effect to avoid being entangled in the cause and effect lines of parallel time and space.

After careful consideration, Uchiha Yu thought of a way, which is to use the power of time to shape the sword light and cut the line of cause and effect in different time and space.

Therefore, a large amount of the natural energy of dragon veins is absorbed and purified, taking the opportunity to refine the power of time in it.

It took him several months of hard work to gain such a small amount of time. He was definitely lucky enough to be able to succeed in his first practice.

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