I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 340 If you follow the rules, you will become an adult; if you go against the rules, you will

In his impression, the foreign woman with horns suddenly became powerful and could control the chakra of the entire ninja world.

All the chakra is under the control of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

At that time, the so-called three holy places could only use natural energy. The sizes of toads and snakes were very limited. Everyone carefully hid in their respective nests to avoid being discovered by Otsutsuki.

Three families, including Slug, were all Goudao masters, and all the clans discovered by Otsutsuki died.

Otsutsuki Kaguya's methods are very violent. She will regard the discovered tribes and their nests as a single target and directly destroy everything instead of chasing down the enemies one by one.

In that most dangerous era, three things impressed Kaguya Otsutsuki most deeply: her despairing strength, her chilling coldness, and her unpreventable chakra infiltration.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the strength. So many groups of immortals and so many sects of gods were beaten to pieces by Otsutsuki Kaguya, and almost all of them were exterminated.

Kaguya's coldness also impressed the living creature. It was a coldness that contained no malice at all.

Otsutsuki Kaguya's discovery of the immortal tribe or gods was like a farmer discovering weeds growing in the farmland, and she just removed them as a matter of course and casually.

No farmer would bear any ill will towards weeds in their fields, as weeds are completely harmless and therefore unnecessary.

Fortunately, Kaguya was like a not-so-hard-working woman who didn't clean up in time, leaving the remnants of the three holy places behind.

But combined with great strength and cold cruelty, there is no ubiquitous chakra that can make living snakes afraid.

No one knew at first that the chakra was spread by Kaguya Otsutsuki and that the ownership belonged to her.

Different from the later method of first mastering chakra and then absorbing natural energy, the immortal group who mastered natural energy can safely produce powerful celestial chakra as long as they come into contact with chakra.

For many immortals, chakra, which can increase their strength without any cost or difficulty, is an irresistible temptation. They actively absorb chakra and try to fight against Otsutsuki Kaguya with their soaring strength.

Then, they are gone.

Because all chakra belongs to Kaguya, the traces of the immortals who master the senjutsu chakra are completely exposed, and once they stand in front of Kaguya, they will be controlled by the chakra in their bodies.

Not to mention resisting, these immortals couldn't even escape. They directly became Kaguya's puppets and were made into the first and strongest group of White Zetsu.

After knowing the dangers of Chakra, the immortals began to find ways to stop Chakra.

However, the characteristics of Chakra are too domineering, and its penetration is extremely terrifying. Air, fire, water, wind, animals, plants, everything can become the carrier of Chakra.

The immortals cannot completely isolate themselves from the world, so no matter how hard they try, they cannot prevent the penetration of chakra.

If Otsutsuki Kaguya hadn't suddenly given birth to two sons, which dispersed the control of chakra, Miaomu Mountain, Ryuji Cave, and Shiggou Forest would not have been the last survivors.

The penetration of chakra brought great despair to the slug, so when she realized that Yu Uchiha had added his own aura to the natural energy and established a third-level control, she felt a huge shock and uncontrollable fear.

Back then, the living dragon successfully evaded Kaguya Otsutsuki's search because he was cautious enough and rejected the convenient and powerful chakra.

But natural energy is the basis of the power of living creatures. If Yuu Uchiha seizes control of natural energy, just like Kaguya Otsutsuki mastered chakra, how should she deal with the threat of Yuu Uchiha?

The living dragon may be innocent, but after all, she has lived for thousands of years and understands that no allies can be reliable.

She couldn't help but consider the threat from Uchiha Yu.

But that will happen a long time later, so there is no need to worry about it now. It is more important to obtain the knowledge of immortality from the other party.

Soon, the living slug and Tsunade communicated, and a messenger slug was channeled again, continuing the unfinished conversation.

Uchiha Yuu saw the death of the messenger slug, and of course he knew how shocked the living slug was. He immediately guessed that what scared the living slug was his own way of controlling natural energy.

But why the live snake was frightened, Yu Chiha couldn't guess.

However, he didn't care about these details and continued to explain the special characteristics of his immortal way as if nothing had happened.

"Refine and purify your own natural energy, separate natural energy and chakra, and perfect your own little world."

The living creature asked in surprise: "My own little world?"

Uchiha Yuu nodded and said: "Yes, in my opinion, the ninja world is a vast world, but within my own body it is also a small world of its own."

"Of course, this small world is not perfect. Not only does it have gaps that cannot be ignored, but there are also various flaws, big and small. This is normal, because we are part of the big world of the ninja world and should not be perfect by nature."

"Just like the cells and bacteria in our body, they must obey the overall system of our living body and try their best to exert their own functions. There should not be perfect cells."

"If perfect independent cells really appear in the body, it can only mean that there is something wrong with the human body, either because it has a fatal cancer or... it is pregnant."

The two immortals, Huo Li and Miwa Masashi, listened with great interest, but they could hardly understand the last metaphor.

Little Loli complained: "What cells, what pregnancy, Yuu, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

The living creature couldn't understand it. She was a different kind of being. She could divide and merge at will. Of course, the cells in her body were also different.

Live: "The cells in my body? They are all the same, and they can all be independent..."

On the contrary, Tsunade, who was confused about the immortal part, could understand the description of this part of the human body, and then she was amused by the questions of the two immortals.

When he saw the confused Aoi and Miwa Masato, as well as the laughing Tsunade, Yuu Uchiha knew that he had used the wrong metaphor.

He shook his head and smiled mockingly, and continued nonchalantly: "In short, my philosophy is: if you follow the rules, you will become a human being, if you go against the rules, you will become an immortal."

"The goal of spiritual practice is to repair these flaws in ourselves, control all gaps in external connections, make up for our own deficient functions, and completely improve our own small world."

"When your own small world gets closer to perfection, it will become independent from the big world of ninja. At this point, I think you have become a sage."

The eyes of the messenger slug are blind and look gray, but the excitement of the live slug makes the blind eyes look sparkling.

Lively: "Uchiha Yudai-sennin, have you become independent from the ninja world?"

Uchiha Yu nodded: "Yes, I have become independent from the ninja world."

Miwa Masashi raised his right hand and showed off with a smile: "I have also broken through, nya, but it still takes time to become completely independent, nya."

Tsunade and Slug admired heartily together: "Miwa Masashi Sage is really amazing."

The compliments of one person and one slug were very sincere, and the little lolita's competitive spirit was very satisfied, and she smiled triumphantly.

Huobi carefully observed Miwa Masayo and confirmed that the natural energy she controlled was far inferior to his own. However, the vigorous state and the activity level of natural energy also proved that her life level was steadily improving.

Even though he has lived for thousands of years, he is still extremely calm in the face of life and death. At this time, he can't help but feel envious.

The living creature couldn't help but ask: "Uchiha Yudai-sennin, is independence the key for you and Miwa Masayo to complete the improvement of the essence of life?"

Uchiha Yu nodded: "The Great Immortal is right, independence is the key to how Miwa Masayo and I can complete the promotion of life levels with less power."

"Actually, the advancement of life does not require so much energy, because we are part of the ninja world. When we advance, we not only have to support our own growth, but also break through the limitations of the world itself, which is why it is so difficult."

Tsunade asked: "According to you, if it is an independent life from the beginning, it will be easier to complete the promotion of life?"

"Of course not." Uchiha Yu denied without hesitation: "Before a life grows to a certain height, it is like an embryo in the mother's womb. It does not have the ability to survive and grow independently. Being independent from the beginning is like miscarriage and death. is the only result.”

"Life is independent from the world, just like the world giving birth to a fetus. This involves a great crisis of life and death, great fortune, and great opportunities. It must be carried out at the right time."

The living beetle continued to ask: "Uchiha Yudai-sennin, if you achieve independence from the ninja world in your way, what level in the chakra system is it equivalent to?"

Uchiha Yu didn't hide anything: "The upper and lower limits of the Sage after complete independence are very large, and the lower limit is equivalent to the level of the Six Paths Sage before his death."

"The upper limit is equivalent to the Blood Successor Snare, which is the state of Otsutsuki Kaguya before she was sealed. Today's Six Paths Sage is also at this level."

Tsunade clicked her tongue in surprise when she heard the names of Six Paths Sage and Otsutsuki Kaguya, but the living slug was shocked and lost contact again. The messenger slug suffocated to death again and turned into a puddle of slime.

After some fiddling, Tsunade channeled the third messenger slug.

After the contact was restored, the living creature immediately took out the psychic contract scroll: "Uchiha Yudai-sennin, I think we need to establish a more direct connection."

Tsunade suddenly became jealous: "Sister, you want to get rid of me and contact Uchiha Yuu alone?"

The living beetle explained: "Little Tsunade, this is necessary."

"As you can see, messenger slugs are very fragile and can easily collapse and die. This third one is my last messenger slug. Once something happens to it, I will not be able to contact Uchiha Yudai-sensei for a short time."

Tsunade said angrily: "How is it possible that we can't contact you? Even if there is no messenger slug, I can directly channel you."

"You know, I'm so powerful now that I can channel you as big as a mountain!"

The living beetle, Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi all laughed. The laughter made Tsunade even more angry, but she didn't dare to get angry at the three great immortals, and her face turned red.

The relationship between the living beetle and Tsunade became even closer, and he quickly explained: "Don't be angry, little Tsunade, you have also seen my body, and although the clone you can channel is already very big, it can't carry my body yet." Main consciousness.”

"It is very important to discuss with Uchiha Yudai-sennin. My clone cannot bear the required memory and thinking ability."

Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi nodded. They were both great immortals and understood the meaning of the living beast's words through personal experience.

As their strength grows, the immortals' perception, knowledge, and accumulated knowledge increase rapidly, and thinking and memory become a huge burden on the body.

In order to alleviate this burden, they invariably choose to increase their thinking "capacity".

Because of its own life characteristics and the problem of too much accumulated natural energy, the living dragon chose to multiply its body indefinitely and eventually grew into a real mountain.

Uchiha Yu chose to digest and control natural energy, and weave corresponding thinking and memory structures into it, which serves as an extension of his brain and a channel for him to communicate with the world.

Miwa Masayo's choice was two paths in parallel. In addition to learning from Yu Uchiha to digest natural energy for her own use, she also used the tiger sister form and the colorful tiger form as her own memory and thinking carrier in a demon-body-compatible way.

Making memory and thinking carriers "bigger" is a problem that all great immortals have to face.

Tsunade, who had no personal experience, could not understand the reasons explained by the living snake, but she was still soothed by the sweet voice of the living snake.

Through the attitude of the Great Immortal, Tsunade completely understood one thing. The strength and status of Uchiha Yuu and Miwa Masayo were extremely high, far exceeding what she had guessed.

After appeasing Tsunade, the living creature handed the psychic contract scroll to Uchiha Yu, but Uchiha Yu refused.

He explained to the living beast: "I have already signed a psychic contract with Miwa Masashi of Cat Castle, and I don't want to add any more psychic contracts."

Uchiha Yuu and Miwa Masashi looked at each other and smiled, and then continued: "Actually, after Tsunade-senpai used channeling in front of me, I mastered the location of Shiggou Forest."

"For me, once I know the location, I can go to Shigu Forest at any time. I don't need the medium of necromancy to meet the Living Serpent Immortal."

The living beetle is quite envious of the relationship between Miwa Masayo and Uchiha Yuu, but he is even more surprised by Uchiha Yuu's ability.

Through other people's channeling, you can grasp the location of the channeled target and go there at any time. What an exaggerated spatial ability this is.

This kind of spatial ability is definitely not something that can be achieved by Ninjutsu, nor is it something that Holy Land Senjutsu can achieve, not even Otsutsuki Kaguya can do it.

Because this kind of spatial ability is so powerful, it is so powerful that the once mysterious holy land is no longer mysterious, and the biggest factor in protecting the safety of the immortal tribe is completely lost.

If Otsutsuki Kaguya had this ability back then, Mt. Myoboku and Ryuji Cave would never have survived the era of the Six Paths Sage spreading chakra.

The living beetle believes that Yuu Uchiha has just mastered this exaggerated spatial ability. Otherwise, after the destruction of Ryūchi Cave, Miaomu Mountain would never have been able to survive so safely for so long.

But from the moment Uchiha Yuu mastered such powerful spatial abilities, Miaomu Mountain's demise was already doomed.

As long as the toads dare to contact the outside world, including responding to the psychic contract, their location will soon be exposed to Uchiha Yu.

Then, Myoboku Mountain will be completely destroyed like Ryūchi Cave.

The living snake also knew that if he hadn't reminded him in parallel time and space that he had not conducted this communication in time, which showed that he and Toad Orochi were not the same thing, Shigulin might have been destroyed earlier than Miaomu Mountain.

The living creature was filled with joy and put away the contract, and asked again: "Uchiha Yudai-sennin, you use the birth of a baby as a metaphor for independence, and as far as I know, a baby after delivery cannot survive on its own strength."

"If your metaphor is correct, does it mean that there is still a way forward for immortals after independence?"

Uchiha Yuu's eyes narrowed, and after hesitating for a while, he confirmed: "Yes."

"I use childbirth to describe the independence of the immortals from the world. It is indeed inspired by my feelings. The strength of the newly independent immortals is too weak to break away from the ninja world. Facing the harsh environment of the big world alone cannot be regarded as complete independence. "

"So after becoming independent immortals, we still need to reorganize our communication with the Ninja world, reintegrate into the Ninja world, reintegrate into the world as an independent identity, and become part of the world again."

"The process of reintegration is not a return to the mother's womb, but an upgraded integration, similar to the process of a baby's development, growth, maturity, and integration into society."

"In this process, the Immortal seeks not only natural energy and chakra, but also a solid relationship with the rules of the world."

"After this operation of independence and reintegration, when the immortal becomes a part of the world again, it will show the characteristics of both integration and independence."

"At this time, the immortal who maintains strong independence is closely connected with the ninja world and can use the power of the entire world according to his own will."

"As for the ultimate goal, it is to build a brand new 'world' with oneself as the core, and to master powerful power and become completely independent."

Uchiha Yuu thought for a moment and said metaphorically: "The second integration is like a baby growing up and integrating into human society, while the second independence is like humans establishing a huge military organization, splitting the soil and sealing off borders, and establishing a new independent country."

The living slug listened with fascination, and the messenger slug nodded involuntarily, having a clear and clear understanding of the immortal's future path.

Of course, Uchiha Yuu didn't tell you the specific method. How to do the first independence, how to integrate the second time, and how to achieve the second independence. The living creature has no idea at all.

She knew very well that Yuu Uchiha would never tell her before she helped to eliminate Myobokuyama and completely prove her sincerity and position.

The living creature's heart was filled with heat, and for the first time in thousands of years, he felt impatient.

She said to Uchiha Yu: "Uchiha Yudaisen, if you find Myoboku Mountain, please inform me as soon as possible."

"I will prove to you that I am worthy of your trust."

Uchiha Yu nodded with satisfaction: "No problem, I will do it as soon as possible."

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