I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 339 Uchiha Yuu and Otsutsuki Kaguya are a bit similar

Miwa Masayo's question left the living creature and Tsunade confused, and they asked in unison: "What is the Warm-Blooded Immortal Alliance?"

The little Loli scratched her head, and after getting Yu Chiha's consent, she explained what the Three Holy Lands were, what the Warm-Blooded Immortal Alliance was, and the antagonistic relationship between the two parties.

Tsunade was greatly surprised when she heard this: "Are the three holy places hostile to your Cat Castle, King Kong Mountain, and Chengfeng Cliff? Have you destroyed Ryūchi Cave?"

Tsunade and Slug: "Why didn't we know?"

Miwa Masashi looked confused: "Why don't you know that the confrontation between the two immortal alliances is about the Ryūchi Cave?"

Slug replied: "I don't know anything about the confrontation, and Ryuji Cave and Miaomu Mountain are not allies."

Tsunade said: "When was Ryūchi Cave destroyed? I have no idea at all."

Uchiha Yu suddenly burst out laughing: "So that's it, Miaomushan is also pulling the skin of a tiger."

"Miaomu Mountain promoted the concept of the Three Holy Lands through its own channels, and even did not hesitate to join forces with Ryuji Cave to use the Konoha Sannin to create evidence of the Three Holy Lands. It took a long time to do this, but it is a scam!"

"What a trick. Gamamaru didn't tell a single lie, so he made me misjudge that the three holy places were the same camp, and painstakingly organized the Warm-Blooded Immortal Alliance to fight against them."

"It turns out there is no need at all. As long as the Shiggou Forest doesn't get involved, what does Miaomu Mountain mean?"

Miwa Masayo reminded: "Yu, Toad Sage has more than one tiger skin, and there is also Six Paths Sage's cat."

Uchiha Yuu shook his head and said: "Don't worry about the Sage of Six Paths. After all, he is separated from the Ninja World by a life-and-death barrier. As long as there are no living Sage involved, the so-called three holy places are actually vulnerable."

“Longdi Cave is proof of that.”

Uchiha Yu looked at the messenger slug and said with a smile: "I dared to attack Ryūchi Cave at that time. Firstly, the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru was in charge, so I could catch White Snake Sage by surprise. Secondly, it was because Ryūchi Cave was an underground cave. No bigger than a living giant immortal, I am not afraid of your direct interference."

Tsunade suddenly clenched her fists: "Uchiha Yu, from what you said, does Orochimaru know about Ryūchi Cave?"

Uchiha Yu had no intention of helping Orochimaru cover up. He answered directly: "Of course, he was one of the direct participants at the time."

"And Ryuji Cave is now under the control of Konoha Village and is one of the secret training bases of the Snake Troops."

Tsunade became even more angry. It turned out that the matter of Ryūchi Cave was no longer a secret in Konoha Village, but she didn't know about it. It was really unreasonable!

You must find trouble with Orochimaru when you get back!

The Great Immortal of the Living Dragon moved his dull eyes and said, "I have nothing to do with Toadmaru and White Snake, and I don't care about what happens between you and them."

"Although I am stronger than the two of them, I have not made any progress in my cultivation of immortal arts for a long time, and I don't even know which direction to move forward in."

"As I continued to absorb natural energy, my body grew bigger and bigger, until I was trapped and died in the wet bone forest."

"It's been too long and I just want to find a way forward and do whatever it takes."

"Uchiha Yudai-sennin, what can I do to get your advice? Or what can I do to satisfy you and help me?"

Uchiha Yuu didn't answer the question, but asked instead: "You great immortal, the issue of price is not the key, the key is how should I trust you?"

The living creature couldn't help but be stunned: "Trust?"

Uchiha Yu said: "Yes, trust."

"Great Immortal Living Dragon, although you are in a state of embarrassment now and cannot even leave the Holy Land of Shigu Forest, your continuous accumulation will not be wasted."

"If, and I mean if, I find a way to solve the bottleneck of the Great Immortal, thousands of years of accumulation will push you to the level of life, and you will surpass me and Miwa Masashi in one fell swoop."

"If you suddenly say that you are allies with Gamamaru and White Snake at this time, wouldn't I be giving a big gift to the enemy?"

The Great Immortal of Living Dragon nodded: "Your concerns are very reasonable. I need to think about how I can prove that I have no ill intentions towards you."

Ten minutes later, under the expectant attention of Tsunade, Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masayo, the messenger slug said in frustration: "I can't think of a way..."

Miwa Masashi laughed meowly: "Great Immortal, you are so innocent, meow!"

"Yu is worried about you fighting with the toads in Mount Myoboku, so wouldn't it be great if you join us in destroying Mount Myoboku."

"Look, you helped us eliminate our enemies. This not only proves that you are an ally we can trust, but also made a huge contribution to us."

"This is killing two birds with one stone. You don't even need to take out anything else."

The messenger slug slowly turned to Uchiha Yu and asked: "Is what Miwa Masayo Sage said true?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and said, "Yes, Miwa Masayo's words are the best solution I can think of."

The Living Immortal didn't hesitate at all: "Then destroy Miaomu Mountain."


Uchiha Yu, Miwa Masashi and Tsunade all spoke up. No one could have imagined that the Great Immortal would make an immediate decision.

Immortal Living Dragon noticed everyone's doubts and kindly began to explain: "I said, I know about Toad Pill and White Snake, but I am not familiar with them."

"Because I couldn't find a future in celestial arts, I was forced to continue to accumulate body weight. I have been trapped in the Shimobone Forest for more than a thousand years. If I can break through the bottleneck by destroying Miaomu Mountain, I will never hesitate."

Uchiha Yuu was the first to react: "Yes, the so-called Three Holy Lands are not an alliance, but a term used by Gamamaru."

"Great Immortal Living Dragon, you are welcome to join us."

Miwa Masashi suddenly asked: "By the way, Sister Lively, do you know where Miaomu Mountain is?"

The living beetle was stunned for a moment: "I don't know where Miaomu Mountain is, and you don't know either?"

Uchiha Yu said awkwardly: "We... don't know yet."

The living creature was a little disappointed: "Really? That means I have to wait a little longer."

"Well, let's wait a little longer. I'm really anxious. I hope the waiting time this time won't exceed 100 years."

Uchiha Yu was speechless. For him, 100 years was really a big and shocking number. His two lifetimes combined would not reach this number.

Miwa Masashi was even more confused. She was only six years old and a real baby. What astronomical number was 100 years?

Uchiha said calmly: "Don't worry, the Great Immortal will definitely not be used in 100 years. I will feel that 10 years is too long."

Miwa Masashi murmured: "10 years is too long, Yuu. It's been less than 5 years since we first met, nya."

The messenger slug suddenly turned its head and looked at Miwa Masayo with invisible eyes: "Miwa Masayo sage, it only took you 5 years to become a sage from being a cat ninja?"

The messenger slug emitted strong Senjutsu chakra fluctuations and desperately searched for information about Miwa Masayo. The more she checked, the more surprised she became.

In the end, the messenger slug seemed to have been greatly frightened, and her voice was sharp and high-pitched: "Mishun Yashiren, you have actually transformed into a human form. Why do you have a natural energy core? You..."

"Have you surpassed me?"

Miwa Masashi grabbed a strand of his black hair and said, "It's okay. I think the three snakes in Ryūchi Cave can also turn into human beings, and the toads in Miaomu Mountain can also..."

"You are different from them!" The messenger slug made a loud voice: "They are just imitation, illusion, and deception!"

"As for Miwa Masayo Sennin, you are truly a humanoid. Your life level is already above mine. This is simply unbelievable!"

This is indeed incredible. Miwa Masayo is too young and has too little natural energy in her body to support her to achieve such a high level of life.

This is like a country with a population of less than 3 million, which is not qualified to start and complete the first industrial revolution. Without a population of over 100 million, it is not qualified to start the electrification revolution.


Suddenly, the messenger slug turned its tentacles towards Uchiha Yuu: "Unless you, Uchiha Yuu-sennin, support her with all your strength and include Miwa Masayo-sennin into your own cycle."

"Sure enough... you two are one. With your all-round radiation, Miwa Masashi Sennin has enough talent and hard work, her breakthrough is indeed a matter of course.

Although the messenger slug only has the ability to listen and speak, it has the strongest perception of natural energy.

The combat power, survivability and lifespan that the messenger slug gave up have all turned into the emission and perception of natural abilities. After all, it communicates with the body in the wet bone forest through natural energy.

At this time, the real living great immortal felt the natural bond between Miwa Masayo and Uchiha Yu through the messenger slug.

She was amazed to find that the two immortals had already merged into one body, just like the relationship between the ninja world and the sun.

At this moment, Slug Immortal was surprised to find that the natural energy controlled by Uchiha Yuu did not seem to be enough to support his advancement to the level of life.

This situation is not right. An immortal who is not qualified to advance to the level of life, not only successfully promoted, but also supported the promotion of another immortal. This is completely unreasonable.

The live dragon is not a human being and has no concept of politeness. When she has questions, she directly asks: "Why?"

Miwa Masayo shook her head. She had been imitating Uchiha Yu's practice from beginning to end. Even if there were any differences, it was carefully designed by Uchiha Yu.

From the civet cat to the black and straight little lolita, Miwa Masayo knows what is happening but does not know why.

She couldn't answer the living beast's question at all, so she looked at Yuu Uchiha.

Messenger Slug had already locked onto Yu Chiha, and was looking forward to his answer with all his attention.

As for Tsunade, she was completely confused at this time. At her level, she could not understand what the three immortals were discussing.

Her brain was as chaotic as paste, and the brain matter seemed to be converted into fat and stored where it should go. She could only subconsciously follow everyone's gaze and look at Uchiha Yu.

Uchiha Yu was surrounded by people, but he was thinking calmly. He was considering whether he should say something and to what extent he should say it.

The issue of the Living Slug Immortal is very critical. It is the biggest difference between the Holy Land Immortal and the Immortal Dao. He has to consider that if he talks too much, he may have to watch the terrible consequences of the Slug Immortal's promotion.

It's not that she is worried that she will turn her back and become Uchiha Yu's enemy, because once she tastes the sweetness, she will only stand closer with them.

Even if it is just to confirm and support each other in future practice, the living beast will not betray Uchiha Yu.

Do you know what a Taoist friend is?

The problem is, Uchiha Yuu knows that the body of the living dragon is comparable to a mountain range, and the amount of natural energy and chakra accumulated is extremely huge. Once it embarks on the path of immortality, it will inevitably lead to a violent thunder disaster.

Thunder Tribulation is not only a test for immortal cultivators, but also a baptism and essence of life.

Therefore, the power of thunder tribulation has a minimum lower limit, but the upper limit is related to the accumulation of people who have overcome the tribulation. The greater the accumulation, the greater the power of thunder tribulation.

Although the thunder catastrophes faced by Masayo Miwa and Yuu Uchiha in the past three years were terrifying, they were definitely not enough for the accumulation of living giant immortals.

Because Uchiha Yuu's accumulation was greater than that of Miwa Masayo, the scale of his thunder calamity also obviously exceeded that of Miwa Masayo. At that time, hundreds of miles of thunder clouds spread over the East China Sea, with hundreds of thousands of thunders.

The accumulation gap between him and the living dragon is completely beyond imagination, and a conservative estimate is that the gap is tens of thousands of times.

In other words, for the thunder catastrophe that Slug will face, the thunder clouds may spread out to thousands of miles, and the number of thunders will be billions. This will be a thunder catastrophe that will be watched by half of the ninja world.

When the scale of the thunder tribulation reaches such an exaggerated level, it is not just a thunder tribulation that affects the Great Immortal himself, but a catastrophe that affects the entire ninja world.

Although lightning and thunder will not hit other people's heads, this unimaginable thunder disaster is a disaster in itself.

The Heavenly Tribulation also has to talk about the basic principles. The energy of thunder will not be generated out of thin air, but will consume the power of nature. After a thunder tribulation of this scale, the entire ninja world will fall into weakness.

The ninja world with insufficient energy will definitely produce climate change, followed by various natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, and heavy rains.

Especially droughts and heavy rains will have the greatest impact on the ninja world.

In general, the amount of rainfall in the weak Ninja World will not decrease, but the weak atmospheric circulation will be unable to blow the water vapor from the sea to the land of rain, which will cause the rainfall belt to shift, thereby changing the rainfall distribution in the entire Ninja World.

Among them, the Kingdom of Rain will face a drought that will last for several years, while the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire will face unprecedented floods.

Facing a disaster that is completely unfamiliar to them, the losses suffered by the ninja world will be extremely exaggerated.

After a period of careful consideration, Uchiha Yu decided to tell some information.

Because the attitude of the Great Immortal was very sincere, Yuu Uchiha felt that he should respond.

At the same time, he believed that some of his performances in describing the immortal way would only make living immortals realize the advanced nature of the immortal way, and it would be impossible for them to break out of the shackles of immortality and embark on the grand road of immortality.

If Slug really had such talent and understanding, she should have made further progress over thousands of years, instead of being trapped in the wet bone forest by her infinitely proliferating body.

If he really told about the performance of Immortal Dao, Slug would be able to complete the breakthrough and cause a thunder disaster on the spot, and Uchiha Yuu would admit it.

It was God who destined him to bear endless sins. He deserved it, and he couldn't blame others.

After thinking about everything, Uchiha Yu took the initiative to walk up to the messenger slug and said: "Great Immortal Living Slug, you should be able to sense very subtle natural energy. Please expand your perception and feel my body and surroundings at the same time... "

Uchiha Yu gestured with his hands: "Carefully feel the natural energy in my body, the natural energy within about 300 meters around me, and the natural energy in a larger range. Feel what these three parts of natural energy have. What are the differences and what are the similarities?”

According to Uchiha Yuu's statement, the living beetle observed carefully.

As is the case with a lot of things, it's hard to notice a difference when there's no one to remind you of the aimless inspection.

But once you are prompted and focus on observation, it will be easier to find problems and differences.

Observations of slugs soon paid off.

She shouted in surprise: "I know, the natural energy in your body carries your breath, and the natural energy around you also has it, but it is thinner."

"And the natural energy further away... also has your breath!"

"This, this is incredible, how is this done?"

Miwa Masayo was shocked by the exclamation of the live beetle. She also imitated the live beetle and felt her Taoist companion carefully, but she found nothing and found nothing.

The little Loli was very disappointed. She was obviously closer to Yuu, and she had also advanced to a higher level of life. Why couldn't she discover what the living creature felt?

The Immortal Living Slug was completely stunned at this time, and even lost contact with the messenger slug because he was too focused.

In just ten seconds, this extremely specialized slug died. It died from the cessation of circulation of body fluids after losing its instincts.

But the living creature didn't care about this at all. Her mind was occupied by the physical state of Uchiha Yuu she felt.

The human stood there, absorbing natural energy all the time, and at the same time releasing the natural energy contaminated with his aura.

These natural energies with his breath spread to 300 meters away, suddenly attenuated, and instantly merged into the real nature, no longer feeling any difference.

But after careful observation and feeling on a larger scale, especially after comparing the natural energy of the Shiggou Forest, the living creature confirmed that Uchiha Yu's aura did not disappear, but spread to a larger area.

Yuu Uchiha, the natural energy controlled by this human immortal must not only be in the body, but also involve a spherical range with a diameter of nearly 600 meters centered on him.

To be honest, this size is already considerable, at least in line with Immortal Living Dragon's guess about high-level life.

But the living creature couldn't ignore the natural energy that spread over a wider area. There was an aura belonging to Uchiha Yuu in a range that she couldn't determine at all.

Maybe, just maybe, the natural energy that this human sage can control also includes all natural energy in this larger range?

The Great Immortal was frightened by her guess, but she soon thought of a being with similar feelings - Kaguya Otsutsuki, the goddess of Uma.

This goddess' control of chakra is very similar to Uchiha Yu's control of natural energy.

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