I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 341 Miaomu Mountain can’t be hidden for long

Changes in the situation are always surprising.

Once upon a time, the Three Holy Lands were huge forces that Yuu Uchiha and Masato Miwa needed to look up to and treat with caution.

In order to deal with these three holy places whose strength and intimidation far exceed those of the five great shinobi villages, Yu Uchiha proposed to unite the Diamond Mountain Ape Clan and the Chengfeng Cliff Eagle Clan to establish a three-family alliance of warm-blooded immortals to compete with the three holy lands. .

In Uchiha Yu's conception, the Warm-Blooded Immortal Alliance and the Three Holy Lands will compete for a long time, and they will even have to go through three stages of confrontation: defense, stalemate, and counterattack before they can reverse the strength of both sides and finally defeat and destroy the Three Holy Lands.

Who would have known that before the Warm-Blooded Immortal Alliance was established, Uchiha Yuu would break through one after another, and his strength would grow rapidly, reaching the point where one person could fight against a holy land.

After defeating the four major ninja villages in Konoha Village one by one, he teamed up with Orochimaru to destroy the Ryūchi Cave and proved to Orochimaru how strong he was.

But Uchiha Yu knew that Orochimaru was not generally brave, and he could not be subdued by pure violence, even if the power gap was huge.

In the original history, Orochimaru0 dared to make secret plans even when facing Nagato with the Rinnegan Eye.

He also generously let go of the management rights of Ryūchi Cave. After completing the power reform of the Uchiha clan, he faded out of the management of the Uchiha clan and the management of the Konoha Security Department.

Uchiha Yuu used his own strength to destroy the impulse of the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru, and proved that he had no excessive intentions towards Konoha Village by delegating power and agreeing to choose Namikaze Minato as the Fifth Hokage.

This was in exchange for the stability of Konoha Village, Uchiha Shisui's qualification as the Sixth Hokage, and Uchiha Yu's power to move freely.

He was even able to mobilize the ninjas of the Uchiha clan to perform various services for him without Orochimaru's approval.

For example, construction on the ruins of Loulan Kingdom to build a park-type fortress in the desert, regular fishing in the barrier lake of Kawano Country, regular leg trimming of octopuses at Octopus Island in the East China Sea, regular fishing of luminous squid in Squid Bay...

These resources are continuously gathered into Konoha Village, and under the control and distribution of Uchiha Yu, they have become an important income for Uchiha.

Part of it became a nutritious meal for the young children of the Uchiha clan, laying the foundation for the future of Uchiha.

Some of them were sold as Uchiha specialties in exchange for a lot of money.

As for some of the most essential resources, Uchiha Yuu made them into delicacies such as dried fish, squid on the iron plate, and octopus pot, or they were put into the alchemy furnace to refine pills such as barrier-breaking pills and metal pills.

It is precisely with the support of abundant resources that the cultivation of Miwa Masashi, Uchiha Shisui, and Uchiha Ayumu can progress so quickly. I don't know how much water grinding time has been saved.

But after Uchiha Yuu finished all this, the owner of the Holy Land Shigulin Forest, which he was most worried about, came to visit. The Great Immortal of the Living Dragon used the most sincere attitude to show that he and Myobokuyama were not a family, or even an ally.

Not only that, she also expressed her willingness to join Uchiha's army to attack and destroy Mt. Myoki.

To be honest, this change almost made Yu Uchiha break his defense. The enemy he had carefully calculated and guarded against actually actively wanted to join his camp and charge into battle for him as his younger brother.

The turn was so sudden that he almost doubled over.

But this is a good thing after all. Of course, Uchiha Yuu will not refuse stupidly. He actively gives corresponding feedback and uses part of his knowledge of immortality to seduce the living creature and firmly take out the contract scroll.

After some exchanges, the cooperation plan between the two parties was determined. Uchiha Yuu determined the coordinates of Mt. Myoboku and was responsible for sending the main body of the live dragon into Mt. Myoboku. The live dragon did the rest.

The Great Living Toad Immortal said without any emotion: "Whether it's a Toad Pill or an Iwajuku Giant Toad, it doesn't matter, just leave it to me."

She even blessed Tsunade and said: "Little Tsunade, please don't get involved in this matter. The destruction of Mt. Miaomu is also a big blow to little Jirai. If you also participate, the relationship between you will be very serious." Big question.”

Tsunade is a sensible ninja. She nodded without pretentiousness: "Don't worry, I will pretend that I don't know anything."

"It's just that the Ryūchi Cave has been destroyed, and if something happens to Mount Myoboku, it will do a lot of harm to the reputation of the Sannin of Konoha, and I don't know what other effects it will have."

Uchiha Yu smiled: "Don't worry, as long as I don't die and Orochimaru doesn't abdicate, there will be no problem with the influence of Konoha Village."

"If anyone dares to come forward to question and provoke, this is actually a good thing."

"In this way, I can clean it up again openly, so that these unreasonable guys can see blood and have a long memory."

"If we can come here a few more times, the time for the official unification of the ninja world can be greatly advanced."

When Tsunade heard Uchiha Yu's words, she remembered the majesty of Konoha Village when her grandfather was still alive.

After the first meeting of the Five Kages, the Kages of the Four Great Ninja Villages were all trembling with fear. No one dared to come to see the First Hokage for fear of being detained by the Leaf Village and never being able to return to their village.

At the same time, they were afraid that they would dissatisfy the First Hokage by not going to Konoha Village and bring disaster to their village, so they had to write letters to explain.

Tsunade read those letters, and the cautious feeling between the lines came to her face. The flattering words without any concealment came one after another, and she didn't care about her own dignity at all.

Perhaps in the hearts of these four First Kages, there is no shame in flattering the First Hokage.

Thinking about this guy Uchiha Yuu again, he has the strength of the first generation Hokage, and also has a personality and behavior completely similar to Uchiha Madara.

Kumogakure, Sunagakure, Iwagakure, and Kirigakure, the four major ninja villages were all visited by Uchiha Yu, and Sunagakure and Kumogakure were even demolished.

His intimidating power may not have reached the level that the first Hokage took for granted, but for today's Five Kage, the feeling is more intuitive.

Especially the Fourth Raikage, I am afraid that his left hand will hurt just by thinking of Uchiha Yuu.

Tsunade nodded and said: "I won't tell Jiraiya about this, but as far as I know, Mount Miaomu has cut off all contractual ties, and even Jiraiya cannot channel any toad. .”

She looked at Uchiha Yu: "Will this affect your plan?"

Uchiha Yu said indifferently: "Of course there is an impact, but it's not a big deal."

"Gamamaru of Mt. Myoboku has influenced the direction of the ninja world for many years. He will never be willing to be a coward. This is not in line with his character."

"Furthermore, I think the psychic contract is very important to Miaomu Mountain. Interrupting the contract is by no means insignificant to Miaomu Mountain. They must have suffered huge losses."

Tsunade was stunned when she heard this, and asked: "Loss? What kind of loss will there be to Myobokuyama by cutting off the contract? Will there be any loss in terms of reputation?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "How can it be just a loss of reputation? What does reputation mean?"

"I dug Longdi Cave. Through the investigation of Longdi Cave, I found that the psychic contract is very important to the snakes in Longdi Cave."

"Channeling is just the icing on the cake for ninjas, but for the ninja snakes in Ryūchi Cave, it is a crucial element of spiritual stimulation."

"Without the contractual connection of human ninjas, among the massive snakes in Ryūchi Cave, the number of ninja snakes capable of awakening wisdom will be greatly reduced, or even completely eliminated."

"The ninja snakes in Ryūchi Cave are like this, and the toads in Miaomu Mountain should be like this too."

Uchiha Yuu said with a smile: "In short, I am not in a hurry now, and neither is the Immortal Living Dragon. The one who is anxious is Miaomushan."

"For me, the worst case scenario is that after ten or eight years, Myobokuyama will eventually be able to restore contact with the ninja world."

"At that time, they will expose themselves to me."

The living slug said through the messenger slug: "Ten years may not be enough. When Otsutsuki Kaguya was still there, Miaomu Mountain did not sign a contract for hundreds of years."

Uchiha Yu was surprised: "Hundreds of years in a row? How patient is Gamamaru?"

Miwa Masato couldn't help but stick out her tongue: "What a terrible patient, nya. It's hard to imagine that you can endure it for hundreds of years, nya."

Tsunade also clicked her tongue: "Ten years and eight years of waiting are scary enough. Hundreds of years...Tsk, I don't think you, Uchiha Yuu, have such a long life."

Messenger Slug and Uchiha Yuu laughed together, the laughter full of condescension and lightheartedness towards the children's lack of understanding.

Huobi has a simple personality. She just thought it was funny, so she didn't say anything extra except laughing.

But Uchiha Yuu put his hand on Miwa Masayo's head and rubbed it vigorously, making the little loli's hair a mess.

When she was a cat, Miwa Masato loved having her head rubbed by her cat. No matter how messy her fur was, she didn't feel uncomfortable.

But now she has transformed into a human body, and the changes in her body have brought about many changes in her habits. Naturally, she began to like the look of smooth hair.

The little loli liked having her hair brushed by Uchiha Yu, but hated having her hair ruffled, so she meowed angrily.

Uchiha Yuu laughed while avoiding the little loli's cat punch: "Haha, how could Miwa Masayo forget that we have both crossed the threshold, and there is no upper limit to our lifespan. A mere hundred years is only a blink of an eye."

But the little loli couldn't agree with Uchiha Yu: "Meow, that's a hundred years, how can I think that a hundred years is a moment?"

"Yu, you're a big idiot, I'm only six years old, nya!"

Hearing Miwa Masayo's complaint, Uchiha Yu himself was stunned, and then burst into laughter.

He had indeed forgotten that Masato Miwa was only six years old, and his perceptual perception of time was too short. Even ten years would feel like a long time. It was indeed difficult to imagine the immortal person's feeling of a hundred years in a blink.

From the perspective of Slug, who is also an immortal, the young Masayo Miwa cannot understand that immortality is normal. On the contrary, the 21-year-old Yuu Uchiha can treat a hundred years so naturally and calmly. This is very abnormal.

The living creature couldn't understand it because she didn't know that Uchiha Yuu's life span was more than 21 years.

As a time traveler, this guy's two lifetimes totaled nearly 70 years, which was almost 12 times as long as Masayo Miwa's life. His concepts were certainly much stronger than those of the little Lolita.

People are different. Uchiha Yuu was born in a civilization that spans thousands of years in his previous life, and the civilizational cognition he accepted has inherent vicissitudes that are difficult to erase.

As a history buff, Uchiha Yuu's vision can always cover thousands of magnificent waves, and his understanding of time is very close to that of an immortal.

Moreover, time and time are different. The more than forty years of Uchiha Yuu's previous life happened to cover the forty years of the renaissance and rise of a great civilization.

The changes in the country he has experienced in his lifetime are comparable to the four hundred years of any other country.

The country's experience is complex and changeable, bringing more hardships and experiences to the people. Uchiha Yuu's knowledge will naturally be richer than others.

Uchiha Yuu and Miwa Masayo had a rough fight, and when the little loli's anger subsided, he held her in his arms and happily combed her long hair.

Tsunade looked at the pair of immortals, horrified by their infinite lifespan, but also unconsciously showing a bit of envy.

But only a little envious.

Immortality, in the ninja culture of the ninja world, is not a great temptation.

If the Chinese people with profound culture heard that the pair in front of them had achieved immortality, they would have grabbed the ground with their heads and shouted: "Master is above, please accept my disciple's worship!"

This is the difference in cultural depth, and it is also the reason why Westerners lament that "immortality is the most terrifying curse."

In the final analysis, it is because their culture is not thick enough. They don't know what else people can do if they live for more than a hundred years.

However, although Uchiha Yuu is adapted to immortality, he cannot accept that he has to wait a hundred years in order to deal with the mere Myoboku Mountain.

It’s not that it takes too long, but it’s not cost-effective.

Uchiha Yuu combed the little Loli's long hair, tied it into a ponytail with a white ribbon, and comforted Miwa Masashi.

Then, he said to the living beast: "Mt. Miaomu a thousand years ago can endure hundreds of years, but I am convinced that Mt. Miaomu today cannot endure ten years."

"Because it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality."

The living beetle asked: "Uchiha Yudai-sennin, what do you mean by this sentence?"

"Literally." Uchiha Yu asked back: "Living Great Sage, what was the population of the ninja world a thousand years ago?"

The living creature thought for a while and replied: "Maybe they are similar to the people from the Kingdom of Wind."

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "It's almost as I guessed. With such a small number of people, life will definitely be very difficult. Not having enough to eat is normal. Naturally, there are no resources to support many outstanding talents."

"I dare say that the quality of the people contracted by the Three Holy Lands at that time was definitely not very good, and the feedback they received was not much better."

"But now the ninja world has a large population, and heroes have emerged from generation to generation. Miaomu Mountain must have benefited greatly from this. And the giant toads must have adapted to this kind of luxurious life."

"For a street child who often suffers from hunger, it is normal to go without food for three days. He can definitely endure it without changing his expression."

"But for a rich kid who has three meals a day, if he doesn't have three meals a day, he will definitely cry with hunger. If he goes hungry for nine meals in three days, he will even starve to death..."

The living beetle nodded and said: "I understand, Uchiha Yudai-sennin, you are absolutely right. The Toadmaru of Miaomu Mountain will definitely not be able to endure it for ten years."

Uchiha Yuu continued: "To deal with Toadmaru from Myoboku Mountain, even if it takes ten years, it is somewhat worthless."

"Let me think about it, what else can I do..."

Suddenly, he clapped his hands: "I thought of it! Miaomu Mountain is no longer a completely independent force. There are six immortals behind the toads."

"I will find a way to cut off the other tentacles of the Sage of Six Paths and let him force Gamamaru to emerge to obtain information about the ninja world. Then there will naturally be a chance."

"Huh?" Tsunade, the living dragon, and Miwa Masayo all asked in surprise: "Can the Sage of Six Paths control Mt. Myoboku?"

Fukasaku Sage said with a sad face: "None of the tadpoles born this year have awakened to wisdom. Big Toad Sage, how long do we have to wait?"

Gamamaru's mouth was slightly open, as if he was doing a heavy task, and his breathing became louder and louder.

It heard Fukasaku's complaints, but didn't pay it any mind.

It’s just a year without spiritually awakened descendants. What kind of problem is this?

Thinking back to the time when Otsutsuki Kaguya swept away the entire ninja world, Mount Myoki was suppressed and did not dare to contact the outside world. For a hundred years, no descendants awakened to spirituality, and they finally survived.

It chuckled and said: "Fukasaku, you are still too young. If you don't have it this year, you won't have it. This will not affect the survival of Miaomu Mountain."

"In fact, let alone one year, even 5, 10, or even 20 years will not affect the inheritance and continuation of Miaomu Mountain."

"We can afford to wait. Even if Uchiha Yuu, the scourge, dies, it will not be a fatal injury to us."

Fukasaku Sennin curled his lips: "It's not impossible to wait, but what about those damn big snakes?"

"The White Snake Immortal can't control its descendants at all. These snakes are digging holes everywhere in the ground. Little toads disappear almost every day. It must be these damn snakes."

The relationship between slugs, toads, and snakes is very subtle. Snakes eat toads, toads eat slugs, and slugs eat snakes. The three of them are natural enemies of each other.

However, the Great Immortal Slug is too powerful and has no descendants. All the slugs are herself, interrupting the cyclical game between the three.

This puts the toad into a situation of being eaten by the snake unilaterally, which makes him feel very aggrieved.

Now Miaomu Mountain has shown great mercy and accepted the group of snakes from Ryuji Cave like bereaved dogs. However, these snakes are eating toads in Miaomu Mountain. Of course Fukasaku Sennin is very angry.

Not to mention Fukasaku Sennin being angry, even Gamamaru felt uncomfortable.

All the toads in Miaomu Mountain are its descendants. He has accepted his allies to take shelter in his own home, but his allies secretly eat his descendants. This makes me feel uncomfortable no matter how much I think about it.

Gamamaru opened his eyes slightly and sighed: "I will talk to White Snake again and give it a stern warning for the last time. If there are still little toads missing, the snake responsible will be killed directly."

Fukasaku Sennin complained dissatisfiedly: "Caught and executed? This is too cheap for Ryuji Cave."

"Moreover, Miaomu Mountain is so big that we can't even take care of it. This is tantamount to letting these smelly snakes run wild!"

Gamamaru opened his eyes, stared at Fukasaku and said, "The lesser of two evils, Fukasaku!"

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