I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 338 Slug: Please point me to the direction of immortality

The candidate for the time traveler was quickly selected, and he was Hao from the Snow Clan.

Now the Snow Clan has joined the Loulan Secret Realm as a whole, becoming the first force directly controlled by Uchiha Yu.

As the Loulan Secret Realm became increasingly stable over the past few months, and the time dislocation accumulated for more than 30 seconds, Yuu Uchiha began to look for the residents of the Loulan Secret Realm.

Just like the large and small toads in Miaomu Mountain, the many snakes in Ryūchi Cave, and the small slugs in the wet bone forest all over the mountains and plains, a holy place of natural energy requires more than just a core, but also a large number of creatures that absorb and operate natural energy.

In addition, there must be corresponding enchantment assistance and external contact.

Only by gathering together the four elements of monarch, minister and assistant can we get a well-functioning and healthy natural energy sanctuary.

The kings of the Loulan Secret Realm are Yuu Uchiha and Masashi Miwa, but their connection with the Loulan Dragon Vein is not stable. After all, they did it with the help of the blood of the Loulan royal family.

The creatures that serve as ministers are sages or sage seeds who practice Uchiha Yusendo.

There are not many sources of immortal seeds. First, they are the ninja cats of the Cat Castle, then the immortal cultivators of the Uchiha clan, and other immortal practitioners.

But Cat Castle is now the core of the Warm-Blooded Immortal Alliance, and it is very eye-catching. To rashly include them as a whole before Loulan is stable will only leak the information about Loulan's secret realm to the Six Paths Immortals.

Although the Immortal of Six Paths is relatively weak in the power of time, once too much information is exposed to him, he may get into trouble.

Any life that reaches the level of the Blood Succession Snare is a miraculous existence. As long as you find the other party and work hard, you will definitely achieve great achievements.

So, Cat Castle is ruled out for now.

The Uchiha clan is also more eye-catching, but only at the ninja level. With the birth of Indra's host, it will become the dark place under the lamp of the Sage of Six Paths, so he is a very suitable candidate.

The problem is that the Uchiha clan's Taiyin spirit body is too strong, which affects their feeling of natural energy, and it is too difficult to embark on the path of cultivating immortals.

Uchiha Yu has been carefully training for so long, and so far there are only two successful examples, Shisui and Ayumi.

This situation should improve when children under ten years old grow up.

Because cultivating immortals is not only a matter of talent, but also a matter of cultural identity. Like Shisui, these children have received Uchiha education since childhood, and their recognition of the culture of cultivating immortals must be higher than that of older children.

But before that, the Uchiha clan is not suitable to be the vassals of the Loulan Secret Realm, but they are suitable to be the managers of the Loulan Kingdom.

So the Snow Clan living in the Snow Village near Loulan came into Uchiha Yuu's sight.

These Snow Clan are all teenagers. Their talents are undoubted, and their personalities are cold and quiet due to the influence of ice escape. They are very suitable for practicing immortality.

So he informed Ying in the Hall of Heroes about the existence of the Loulan Secret Realm, and decided with him to incorporate the Snow Clan into the Loulan Secret Realm and integrate it into the future Loulan Holy Land system.

Of course Ying would not object to this. On the contrary, he was really happy.

Compared with the hundreds of years of inheritance of the Ninja clan, the inheritance of the three holy places for thousands of years is obviously more stable, and it can also stay away from the chaos of the Ninja world.

Especially since there are not many remaining members of the Snow Clan, and they are all children.

Although they are all children with outstanding talents, and one-fifth of them have even awakened the ice escape blood inheritance limit, their age limits their strength. Not to mention that the five great ninja villages discovered the Snow Clan, even the Kagakure Village in the Land of Sichuan coveted the Snow Clan, and the children did not have the ability to defend themselves.

At present, the Snow Clan is able to live a stable life in the Snow Country entirely due to the protection of Uchiha Yu. When the protector makes a request for better protection, they certainly cannot refuse and have no reason to refuse.

After getting Ying's consent, Uchiha Yu passed the vest Zhurong and successfully incorporated the Snow Clan into the Loulan Secret Realm system.

Even Zhuo Dun Ye Cang and her disciple Juan who lived in Xuexiang were included in the Loulan Secret Realm.

A connection has also been established between the Loulan Time Displacement Barrier and the Xuexiang Faith Barrier, opening up a time and space channel to facilitate the people of the Snow Clan to travel directly between the two places.

Therefore, when Uchiha Yuu is looking for a new time traveler, he will naturally look for it among the Snow Clan first.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the news was announced, Hao, the leader of the Snow Clan, actively signed up to become the next time traveler.

Uchiha Yu asked curiously: "Hao, you are only 12 years old. Do you have irreparable regrets in the past?"

Hao nodded: "Yes, Master You."

Uchiha Yu guessed: "Are you going to seek revenge on the Fourth Mizukage who destroyed the Snow Clan?"

Hao replied: "No, Goju Yagura is dead, the hatred is over, and I can't beat the Fourth Mizukage."

"I just want to find the lost ice escape secrets of the Snow Clan, especially the part of the ice escape secrets that the leader Ying has not memorized."

"Since the Snow Clan has survived, as the leader, I should work hard for the revival of the Snow Clan. There is nothing more important than retrieving the secret technique of ice escape."

Hao smiled and thanked: "Thank you, Master Yu, for providing me with the opportunity to travel through time to seek help from the people before the genocide. It is much easier than breaking into the Hidden Mist Village and looting the secret warehouse."

Uchiha Yu nodded and agreed to the child's request.

Although Hao's goal will not cause obvious historical changes, nor is it likely to create a new parallel time and space, his safety is high enough, and the success rate of achieving his goal is also high.

It never hurts to do some less difficult crossing experiments if you can afford it.

Of course, Masayo Miwa had no objection to Uchiha Yu's decision.

So Hao soon became the second time traveler, jumping into the gate of the world. The time ripples he caused were very slight, and through the ripples, he could even see the world on the other side of time.

Miwa Masashi said in surprise: "It's the sea, Yuu, can you accurately locate space on the other side of time?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and replied: "Thanks to Tsunade's contribution, I can perform imprecise positioning. The farther away from Loulan, the worse the positioning accuracy, but it can help Hao save thousands of kilometers."

Uchiha Yu said while quickly performing operations related to closing the door to the world.

The little Loli tilted her head and asked: "Yu, this time travel is very close, and Hao's purpose is also very simple. You shouldn't have to close the door to the world so carefully."

Uchiha Yu didn't dare to be careless. The movements of his hands did not stop at all, and at the same time he explained: "It's never a mistake to be careful, Rika-chan."

"As long as we are human, we have unlimited possibilities. No matter how safe it seems, the safety operations we have summarized cannot be ignored."

Miwa Masashi scratched his hair and nodded helplessly: "Okay, at most it's just a waste of time, nya."

But as soon as she finished speaking, abnormal ripples appeared at the gate of the world. The ripples were huge and clear. It was obviously the oscillation of time on the gate of the world.

Fortunately, Uchiha Yu had already started the closing operation, and the World Gate had shrunk to the size of a volleyball in his hands.

Uchiha Yuu's reaction speed was also fast enough. After noticing the abnormal vibration in his palm, he did not hesitate at all, and instantly burst out with all his strength, crushing the world gate with brute force.

The gate to the world collapsed instantly, and the power of time and space lost control, turning into fragments of time and space, flying around with Uchiha Yu's hands as the center.

Space-time fragments have sharp cutting properties that exceed physical rules. No matter what they come into contact with, the cutting force of time and space can easily cut through it.

Except for someone like Uchiha Yuu, whose whole body is protected by a space-time defense barrier, he can only consume the energy of space-time fragments through the electromagnetic force between molecules.

In the blink of an eye, the entire hall was cut into pieces by time and space fragments. The thin roof at the top fell off piece by piece. Even the thick floor with the time and space sealing pattern engraved on it was cut into fluffy residue.

The space-time sealing array was completely destroyed, and the wooden building hall was basically scrapped, but the losses ended there.

Miwa Masashi immediately hid behind Uchiha Yuu and used his body to protect her from the attack. She did not carefully reveal her head until everything was over.

The little Loli looked at the messy hall and said with fear: "Why is the power of time and space out of control again? It's so unreasonable, meow. Fortunately, you are careful enough, otherwise we will have to rebuild Loulan Secret Realm again, meow."

Uchiha Yuu was also very frightened. This time the shock broke out very suddenly. There was no prelude to the ripples brewing last time. It felt like a straight slap.

This feeling is like a bomb exploding close to the face. The power may not be great, but the damage is exaggerated.

But no matter what, this must be a shock that tears apart time and space.

Miwa Masashi suddenly cursed: "This boy Hao, he looks soft and quiet, he looks more like a little girl than me, how can he cause trouble so much?"

"I just moved my things back in, and I almost lost them all again. These are the treasures I saved for four months!"

"I'm scared to death and so angry, meow!"

"When this kid comes back, I will scold him severely!"

In Miwa Masato hums

Uchiha Yu's heartbeat gradually returned to normal. As the actual controller, he could be said to have faced this wave of space-time shocks head-on.

From his perspective, that kind of huge disaster with the world as a reference was so grand that it shocked people's hearts, making him unable to calm down for a long time.

At that moment, he saw the great tide of time, rolling in the regular distortion and fluctuation of space, which was a grand expression of time and space.

Although it was only a moment, Uchiha Yuu had already gained a lot.

As his understanding of time and space increased, he suddenly felt that the flying thunder god technique was too cumbersome.

There is no need for any space-time mark created by the sealing technique. The response distance is too short. At least three responses as a guarantee are also very redundant.

Uchiha Yu discovered that his current sense of time and space is very powerful. As long as a precise and specific coordinate system is established, he can jump through space at will.

No prior induction is required, no pre-arranged markers are required, and no advance glance is even required.

With just a thought, he can reach any coordinate at will.

Just do it as he thought, Uchiha Yu tried several times in succession, and sure enough he found that he could travel through space as he pleased, and he could even detect some small nodules in the space.

Uchiha Yu is very satisfied:

[Now even if Obito is not dead, he has nothing to do in front of me. 】

[However, this ability will not be wasted. Kaguya Otsutsuki is also a space master. If you are going against her, space ability is definitely an indispensable basic ability. 】

[The key is that the flying thunder god technique is of no use at all in front of the goddess of Mao, and any skills supported by chakra are useless. 】

Uchiha Yuu, who had gained a huge harvest, was in a great mood. He put his hand on the black long straight loli's head and helped her comb her long hair to comfort the angry Miwa Masashi.

Although the Cat Immortal has completely transformed into a human body, she still retains most of her cat habits. Brushing her hair can make her instinctively happy.

Soon Miwa Masayo narrowed her eyes comfortably, relaxed and curled up into Uchiha Yuu's arms, enjoying the service of the Taoist companion.

As for the frightened thing, she had forgotten about it and didn't care at all. In the end, there was no real loss this time.

The reason why Miwa Masayo hit Tsunade was because she suffered too much from Tsunade that time, including the treasures she had accumulated over the years and the commemorative gifts she received when she was a child. There were many good memories in them. As for the treasure, it was Miwa Masayo's most precious treasure, but all of it was lost.

If it weren't for this reason, Miwa Masashi would probably forget about the loss and these unpleasant things after eating a small dried fish.

Just like now, with Uchiha Yu combing his hair, he felt so comfortable that he forgot to be angry.

However, Miwa Masayo did not forget Hao. She closed her eyes and asked, "Hao probably didn't want to do anything big, and he is not as wanton as Tsunade. Such a big change must not have been his own intention..." "

Uchiha Yu agreed: "You are right, this boy Hao must have encountered an accident, but the specific accident can only be known when he comes back."

Miwa Masashi nodded and asked with concern: "Is this child in danger, nya?"

Uchiha Yu carefully checked the causal line and said, "It's okay. The causal relationship between him and me is very stable and there is no life-threatening danger."

"It's just that there's a lot of movement this time, and it's hard to determine when he will come back."

Miwa Masayo was already feeling comfortable and began to feel confused, murmuring: "I hope Hao can return safely, I quite like him."

Hao from the Snow Clan has not returned for more than a month. This is of course expected by the two immortals. After all, a new parallel time and space has been torn apart, so it is natural that the return time will be delayed.

But what they didn't expect was that Tsunade would come to their door again.

After getting Tsunade's request, Uchiha Yu specially brought Miwa Masashi to meet her in the ancient country of Loulan.

As soon as they met, Miwa Masato and Tsunade started glaring at each other and even almost started fighting.

Tsunade was very dissatisfied with being knocked unconscious by the little loli punch last time, while Masayo Miwa felt that she had not had enough revenge.

Fortunately, Uchiha Yuu effectively calmed the little loli, and Tsunade was persuaded by the slug on her shoulder, so she didn't really fight.

At the invitation of Uchiha Yu, they entered the new Loulan Kingdom.

After nearly half a year of work, the Uchiha ninjas knocked down all the high-rise buildings and transformed Loulan Kingdom into a castle garden.

Within the tall and thick walls, there are water channels, fountains, big trees and flowers everywhere, which looks particularly pleasing to the eye.

The water veins that were broken in the earthquake were not repaired, but the ninjas used water escape to create new water sources, and combined with the sealing technique to achieve a perfect circulation of water resources, ensuring that not a drop of water could evaporate from Loulan.

If Loulan in the past was a prosperous city supported by the power of dragon veins, Loulan now is a secluded fortress operating with the support of chakra.

Looking at all this, Tsunade marveled: "It's completely different from the Mudun Forest I saw last time. Why don't you invite me into that secret realm this time?"

Uchiha Yuya concealed it, pointing to the slug on Tsunade's shoulder and said: "You brought a live slug Great Immortal here. How unreasonable must I be to allow you to bring an Great Immortal into my secret realm?"

Tsunade was stunned and smiled awkwardly.

This time, Tsunade also came with a messenger slug. This is a special slug that has no intelligence at all and all its abilities are transformed into shared thoughts. It can even interact with the living slug Great Immortal of the Shimogun Forest anywhere in the ninja world. connect.

Because of too much emphasis on mind sharing, this kind of slug has lost its ability to move and see, it has also lost its ability to absorb chakra and natural energy, and it has even lost the possibility of returning to the slug itself.

In other words, this is not a messenger, but a disposable mouth and ears sent by the Great Immortal.

In a way, the messenger slug is the great living slug himself.

No wonder that with Tsunade's temper, she was calmed down by the slug with just one word. No wonder that such a small slug called Tsunade "little Tsunade."

This was all because it was not the little slug that spoke to persuade Tsunade, but the great living slug behind it.

Therefore, Uchiha Yu absolutely cannot tolerate it entering the Loulan Secret Realm, just like a sovereign country cannot tolerate Tesla entering a military base.

But he also respected this immortal very much. She was the leader of the Cold-Blooded Three Holy Lands and a super being who had lived from the time of Otsutsuki Kaguya to today.

The Great Immortal was very surprised that Uchiha Yuu could call out her real name. She forgot her purpose for a moment and asked: "Uchiha Yuusennin, how do you know my name?"

Uchiha Yu replied respectfully: "Great Immortal, I have special information channels, and they are secrets that I cannot tell you."

Lively: "It turns out it's a secret, so I won't ask."

"I took the liberty of visiting you this time because I heard about your deeds from Tsunade-chan."

"Through little Tsunade's description, I discovered that you are actually a great sage who has advanced to a higher level of life through the way of natural energy, standing at the same height as Kaguya Otsutsuki."

"I hope to get some guidance from you and show me the way forward for immortal magic."

Before Uchiha Yuu could say anything, Miwa Masayo was surprised and asked first: "Living Great Immortal, you are responsible for the strength of the Three Holy Lands. Is it really okay to contact our Warm-Blooded Immortal Alliance like this?"

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