I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 337 Bodhisattva’s fear of causes is just pretense, what they fear is the consequences

"I just said that we Uchiha are the biggest contributors to the creation of Konoha Village. Why don't you believe us?"

"That's right, we took out our clan land and built it into Konoha Village. The entire village was once my land! We own the most land in Konoha Village. It's not the result of plundering!"

"Since the beginning of the first ninja war, we Uchiha have been on the front line regardless of our lives. Whether it is the number of enemies killed or the number of sacrifices, we are the most!"

"We strictly manage the order in the village, but we all follow the orders of the Third Hokage. We are not willing to do it ourselves, let alone being a gangster!"

The Uchiha ninjas vented their grievances loudly, speaking out one by one the facts that people in the past did not want to believe or even listen to.

The surrounding Konoha ninjas listened to the Uchiha's words carefully with a bit of embarrassment.

They suddenly discovered that the Uchiha clan had made huge sacrifices, handed over huge benefits, and shouldered heavy burdens for the Leaf Village, but got nothing.

Oh, no, they were reviled, doubted, hostile and looked down upon. It makes me feel aggrieved just thinking about it.

Although the ninja is a fighting profession, when the ninja world is dominated by ninjas, all the elites will become ninjas, and naturally there are a lot of smart people among them.

The smart Konoha ninja looked at the crying Uchiha, but he had more on his mind.

The efforts of the Third Hokage not only ruined the reputation of Uchiha, but also forced the strongest ninja clan in Konoha Village to the opposite side of Konoha Village.

This is the biggest hidden danger in Konoha Village.

If the Uchiha clan were a normal ninja clan, instead of a ninja clan full of love in their hearts, they would have rebelled long ago.

The Uchiha clan is huge, and the Uchiha ninjas who have awakened the Sharingan have extremely exaggerated combat power and are by no means a good target.

If the Uchiha clan chooses to rebel during the war, Konoha Village will inevitably be destroyed by the war.

The Third Hokage and his friends never realized that they were frantically seeking death on the verge of destruction.

If it weren't for the luck of Konoha Village being strong enough, the foundation laid by the first two generations of Hokage being solid enough, and the Uchiha clan being naive enough...

I am afraid that Konoha Village has long been torn apart in the rebellion, each ninja clan will be forced to become puppets of foreign countries, and the Fire Country is destined to be carved up.

The Kingdom of Fire will replace the Kingdom of Rain and become the core battlefield of the war between the four major ninja villages in the ninja world. In the never-ending war, it will change from the rich paradise that everyone yearns for to one that far surpasses the Kingdom of Rain. Purgatory on earth.

However, no ninja present could have imagined these things. Only the [System] quietly showed it to Tsunade, letting her understand the crisis in Konoha Village.

[Actually, this is just the most dangerous speculation. According to the current situation of Konoha Village, as long as the Uchiha clan does not rebel, there is actually no danger of destruction. 】

After hearing [System]'s analysis, Tsunade felt relieved.

Although the ninjas of Konoha Village were unaware of the crisis, they could see the exposed clan emblem and hear the Uchiha clan's aggrieved complaints.

When Uchiha's grievances were heard in their hearts, they knew that they had been deceived by the Third Hokage in the past.

By this time, the Third Hokage's abdication was a foregone conclusion, and the only variable was time. As long as a Konoha ninja defeated him, everyone would acquiesce that he was no longer Hokage.

Although everyone doesn't look at Sarutobi Hiruzen now and has many complaints about him, he is the Hokage after all, theoretically the strongest ninja in the Leaf Village.

Only by defeating him can the handover between the old and the new be completed as quickly as possible.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was confused in big matters, but his sense of power was very sharp and accurate.

When he saw the huge clan emblem that his teacher had deliberately hidden, he knew that his time as Hokage had begun to count down.

In just an instant, Sarutobi Hiruzen understood that he had to win the battle in front of him and delay the countdown as long as possible.

Because once he is no longer the Hokage, it will not only be him who will fall, but also the entire Sarutobi family.

Ever since Hiruzen Sarutobi took real power, the Sarutobi clan has begun to expand. So far, the population has increased five times, and their income has increased forty times.

The problem is that the increased income relies heavily on power. Once power is lost, it will shrink sharply, even worse than during the Second Hokage period.

Because the income that relies on privileges is too rich and too simple, their traditional business projects have long been abandoned. The ninjas of the Sarutobi clan will not even accept tasks for income.

Moreover, although the number of ninjas in the Sarutobi clan has increased a lot, they still do not have much real power in Konoha Village. Only the eldest son of Sarutobi Hiruzen serves as the squadron leader in the Anbu.

There is no way. The Sarutobi clan fifteen years ago was only a middle-level ninja clan. The number of clan members and ninjas was smaller than that of the Inuzuka clan and the Aburame clan. The number of jounin in the family was even smaller, including retired ninjas. Less than ten.

Without the strength of a Jonin, there is no way he could be in charge of the real power department, not even the son of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Therefore, if Hiruzen Sarutobi loses the position of Hokage, it means that all the privileges of the Sarutobi clan are lost, and the newly expanded Sarutobi clan will collapse.

He must hold on and delay as much time as possible to give the Sarutobi clan time to adapt and build a new economic foundation.

He will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were extremely cold, and he stared at the outline hand. His right hand was hidden behind his back, and he made a gesture silently.

Just at this time, Shimura Danzo emerged from the Hokage Building. He saw the gesture of his old classmate, and immediately understood it and hid it again.

The tacit understanding between the two is very secret, but in front of the extremely self-disciplined [System], all this is clearly visible, and there is no secret at all.

The [System] even directly decoded the information exchanged between the two and displayed it to the host.

"Cooperate with me and kill her!"

The murderous Tsunade felt a chill in her heart, and the remaining little reflected emotions dissipated, and her eyes became extremely cold.

The facial lines on Tsunade's face also extended, gradually extending to the entire cheek and even the entire upper body.

Yin Seal·Resolution·The Technique of Baihao

Ninja Technique·Five Escape·Dalian Bullet Technique

Under the crazy momentum of the collision, all the Konoha ninjas were unable to bear it. They subconsciously retreated to avoid the impending collision.

No matter whether it was Sarutobi Hiruzen or Tsunade, they no longer left any room for anything. They went all out to kill the other party and launched the most violent attack with their strongest means.

At the same time, Shimura Danzo hiding in the shadows is ready to make a move, and a storm is brewing in his hand. It is the vacuum series ninjutsu that he is proud of.

It's just that his target is not just the evil Tsunade, but also two Kage-level ninjas in the battle.

Uchiha Yu handed a cup of tea to Tsunade who said she was thirsty. The warm tea was just enough to quench her thirst.

Tsunade picked up the tea, drank it like a glass of fine wine, and then let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Tsunade finished her tea, but muttered regretfully that this was not wine, and then continued to talk about her adventures in the past, until she showed off her power in front of the Hokage Building and defeated the joint attack of the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo.

Uchiha Yu asked in surprise: "Not bad, Tsunade-senpai, you can actually defeat the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo by yourself. They were very strong when they were young."

Tsunade raised her right hand, pointed at the seal pattern on the back of her hand and praised: "This is all thanks to you. The system you gave me pointed out the direction and method of cultivation during the five years of dormancy, allowing me to The strength has been greatly improved."

Uchiha Yu smiled and nodded, and asked: "As long as the system can help you, now that time travel is over, do you still want the system?"

Upon hearing this, Tsunade immediately retracted her right hand and covered the seal pattern with her left hand.

She replied loudly: "Yes! I definitely want it. Only a fool would not want such a good system."

Uchiha Yu shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Then just take it with you."

Seeing Uchiha Yu's indifferent attitude, Tsunade relaxed.

This is actually not Tsunade's fault. When Uchiha Yu created the [System], he mainly referred to the functions of smartphones and made it very convenient.

It doesn't matter when there is no [system], but once you get used to the convenience of [the system], you will develop an irresistible dependence and even become an indispensable part of your life.

Seeing that Yuu Uchiha had no idea of ​​recycling the system, Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief and continued to proudly tell how she beat Shimura Danzo violently and how she plucked out the third generation old man's beard.

Listening to Tsunade's unreasonable bragging, Miwa Masayo, who was concerned about the cause of the big explosion in time and space, became anxious.

She simply asked directly: "Then...you killed Sarutobi Hiji, nya?"

"No, not really."

Tsunade wiped the tea stains from the corner of her mouth and sighed regretfully: "No, when I faced Danzo who attacked me unexpectedly, I was able to fight off serious injuries and beat him into a pulp."

"But facing Hiruzen Sarutobi who injured me, after I saw his old face covered with blood... I couldn't kill him no matter what."

"So?" Uchiha Yu asked, holding back his laughter, "You beat him up and then left him alone?"

Tsunade scratched her head and replied sheepishly: "That's it. You told me to try not to interfere with the historical process of the past..."

Uchiha Yu: "..., I think your understanding of the word 'interference' is hugely different from mine."

"Tsunade, have you ever thought about the possibility that you exposed the lies that the Third Hokage had been telling for twenty years in public, then you blasted Danzo Shimura, and then defeated the Third Hokage? The extent of your interference was far greater. Much more than you revealing your identity?"



Miwa Masayo nodded and said: "It caused great changes in the history of the ninja world, tore out a new parallel time and space, triggered unprecedented time and space shocks, and finally blew up our secret realm. It turns out it was all your fault, nya!"

The little Loli was furious, jumping on her feet and shouting: "You pay for my little fish cat, you pay for my octopus-legged cat, steel thunder pill, chakra metal cat..."

The little Loli became more and more painful as she talked. She covered her heart and cried, "So many things were lost in the big explosion of time and space. Oh, oh, oh, oh, I feel so bad. Meow."

Tsunade was beaten by Masayo Miwa who was furious.

Tsunade saw that the little loli was cute with her small arms and legs, so she turned around with a smile and let the white and tender little fists hit her back.

But as the small fist hit Tsunade's back, a thumping sound like a war drum sounded. Tsunade, known as the Sannin of Konoha, did not feel any pain. She only felt that her vision went dark, and then she knew nothing.

The damage came so violently, and in an extremely gentle way, without even causing substantial damage. Tsunade was beaten unconscious before even the Yin Seal could be triggered.

Miwa Masashi snorted coldly: "I've ruined so many good things for me, so I'll give you a beating and give you an advantage."

Uchiha Yuu knew that the little loli was very restrained and did not injure Tsunade, but just made her fall into a coma, so he sat on the chair and watched Miwa Masayo's torture.

Miwa Masato moved the unconscious Tsunade out and settled her down, then jumped back and asked: "Yu, how was the harvest, nya?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and replied: "After paying such a heavy price, of course the rewards are great."

The little Loli jumped up excitedly: "That's great, tell me meow!"

Uchiha Yu nodded and replied: "Tsunade-senpai has done something big. Not only did she stay for five years, she also took revenge on the past three generations of Hokages, completely changing the direction of history and creating A new parallel time and space.”

"Thanks to her major actions, the space-time vibrations were huge and extremely long-lasting, allowing me to obtain very valuable data."

Uchiha Yu told Miwa Masashi about this harvest.

First of all, a new parallel time and space was really torn apart. The strong space-time shock blew up the Loulan Secret Realm, but the continuous shock waves that followed also painted the shape of their ninja world.

Uchiha Yu took the opportunity to figure out the situation around his own ninja world, and even figured out that there were several parallel time and spaces around him.

He thus learned that the past where he sent Tsunade was not the time and space he was in, but a parallel time and space that was almost parallel to each other.

In addition, Tsunade stayed in the past for a full five years before changing history on a large scale and tearing apart time and space, but the shock came back not long after.

After Tsunade defeated the Third Hokage, she wasted little time before she tore up the space-time defense seal, disappeared in front of thousands of Konoha ninjas, and returned here.

However, the time she returned to the ninja world was a full four months after the explosion in Loulan Secret Realm.

All this is inconsistent with what Uchiha Yu knows, that Uzumaki Naruto comes and goes in an instant.

He speculated that the flow speed of time may be closely related to the distance between space and time.

Uzumaki Naruto jumps in this time and space when he comes and goes, and there is no error in the flow of time at all.

When Tsunade went to the past, she had actually changed time and space, but the two time and spaces were almost completely juxtaposed, and the distance was very small. If she didn't cause trouble on her own, it could be regarded as one time and space.

Therefore, she stayed for five years after saving the rope tree, but only a short time passed in this time and space.

On the contrary, she openly overthrew the rule of the Third Hokage, changed the direction of history on a large scale and violently, and caused a huge shock in an instant, tearing apart a new parallel time and space that was very far away.

The result was that although she immediately chose to return, and felt that she regretted it instantly, several months had passed with Yuu Uchiha.

The long return process showed Uchiha Yu more

Miwa Masayo was stunned, and then asked: "So, you can fuck meow a few more times in the future?"

"Yes, try to do it as many times as possible."

Uchiha Yuu answered with certainty.

This huge change in time and space is like a nuclear test. The larger the explosion, the more powerful the explosion, and the more real and accurate the data that can be obtained.

In particular, Uchiha Yu's ultimate goal is to personally go to the upper reaches of time to buy himself time to accumulate strength.

Given that he is too strong, the difficulty and impact of time travel will be unprecedentedly great, so he needs as accurate time travel data as possible, the more the better.

Therefore, of course, the more physical time travel experiments like Tsunade's, the better.

A few days after sending Tsunade away, the plan to continue sending people through the past had to be suspended.

"It's risky."

Not long after Tsunade left, Uchiha Yu saw a brand new line of cause and effect, which was clearer and thicker than ever before.

This line of cause and effect seems to be composed of countless causes and effects, coming from the endless void, and connected through Tsunade and Uchiha Yu.

Uchiha Yu soon discovered that this line of cause and effect was not only wrapped around him, but also tightly wrapped around Miwa Masayo.

And when he looked along the causal lines, he couldn't see clearly the specific situation on the other side. He only knew that it was composed of countless causal lines, and the number was still increasing.

Uchiha Yu guessed that this line of cause and effect was connected to an individual, but was regarded as a whole by the law of cause and effect, which meant that the opposite side was the ninja world of parallel time and space that was torn apart by Tsunade.

The weight of this line of cause and effect was so heavy that Uchiha Yu felt as if a mountain was tied to his body, and it was still shaking, making him unable to keep his mind steady.

This is a truly big cause and effect, the kind that can kill you if you are not careful.

"Bodhisattvas are afraid of causes, and sentient beings are afraid of consequences, bah!" Uchiha Yu snorted: "Budhisattvas are afraid of causes. In the final analysis, they are still afraid of consequences. It's just that Bodhisattvas live long enough and are strong enough, so they can see terrifying consequences. That’s all.”

As the newly promoted Great Sage, Miwa Masayo was one of the planners who sent Tsunade to travel through time. At this time, she could also feel the heavy cause and effect.

Little Loli has lost her appetite in the past two days. She asked worriedly: "Yu, this burden is too heavy. If it happens a few more times, will we be crushed to death by cause and effect?"

Uchiha Yuu replied helplessly: "I don't know either, but no matter what, we can't give up eating because of choking. We still have to do what we should do."

"Only by better understanding this kind of big cause and effect in space and time, can we get rid of the shackles of causal lines, and even use these causes and effects in turn."

"This big cause and effect problem must be solved, otherwise we will all be in mortal danger." Miwa Masayo felt the shaking of his soul and said firmly: "Since it must be done, let's start the next time travel as soon as possible."

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