I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 336 It turns out that what the Uchiha said is true.

Sarutobi Hiruzen guessed the identity of the murderous Tsunade, but it was his guessing of Tsunade's identity that made him feel particularly desperate.

Many years later, Tsunade traveled through time and came to the present, but she did not hesitate to fight against the Third Hokage, and fought against herself resolutely and full of murderous intent.

The Third Hokage murmured: "What on earth did I do to make Tsunade attack me so decisively?"

Until now, he still didn't realize what it meant to Tsunade by allowing Shimura Danzo to kill Naoki and Kato Danzo.

Sarutobi Hiruzen always lives in his own world like this and has difficulty understanding the pain and sadness of others.

Uchiha Kagami is like this, Nezuki is like this, Kato Dan is like this, the future Hatake Sakumo is like this, and so is Namikaze Minato and his wife.

The most annoying thing about these incidents is that Sarutobi Hiruzen took it to the extreme to make people leave and cool their tea.

After Tsunade lost Naoki and Kato Dan, the only thing he did was not to pursue Tsunade for leaving her post without permission, and did not define her as a rebellious nin.

The compensation he claimed for Hatake Kakashi was to let this six-year-old child go to the battlefield to risk his life on impulse.

It wasn't until Hatake Kakashi made a name for himself on the battlefield with his talent and luck that Sarutobi Hiruzen paid attention to him again.

He attached great importance to this child who had value again, and arranged for Namikaze Minato to be Kakashi's teacher and accepted him into the Hokage line.

Hiruzen Sarutobi took care of the only son of Minato Namikaze and his wife by changing his surname to hide his origin, allowing rumors to slander him, allowing the villagers to bully him, and making him live like a dog in the abyss of pain.

In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen alone gave Naruto verbal sympathy and a little cheap verbal praise in exchange for Naruto's loyalty and favor.

His stinginess and ruthlessness made everyone who knew the specific situation feel that it was not worth it.

Moreover, Sarutobi Hiruzen is particularly greedy for power, so greedy that he leaves no room for others.

The fourth generation Hokage Namikaze Minato in history was completely ignored by Hiruzen Sarutobi after he became Hokage.

Apart from attending ceremonial events and fighting like a Jonin, Namikaze Minato could do nothing, and Sarutobi Hiruzen could even do so without a single document on the Fourth Hokage's desk.

What's even more exaggerated is that Namikaze Minato only had one subordinate under his command, his disciple Hatake Kakashi. You must know that the ANBU directly under the Hokage at that time had grown to nearly a thousand people.

Even Danzo Shimura, who had been protected unconditionally by Hiruzen Sarutobi for thirty years, was also tightly trapped by him. The dignified Shinobi was driven to death by money, and was actually forced to practice the unique skill of digging holes. .

Shimura Danzo is not only good at digging holes in the ground, he is also good at digging holes in expense reimbursements, and he is even better at digging holes in the foundation of Konoha. This is all forced by Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Even if Danzo had developed such a skill at cheating, and even if he had a deep relationship with Sarutobi Hiruzen, he still had the idea of ​​assassinating the Third Hokage more than once.

By the way, he actually put it into practice later.

Of course, Danzo Shimura's assassination plan for the Third Hokage was particularly funny.

Anyone with a brain would never think that a young Jonin like Hatake Kakashi could assassinate the Third Hokage.

Without him, the strength gap between the two sides is too big. Although the Third Hokage's claim to be the strongest Hokage in history is false, he is definitely a veteran Kage-level ninja, and one of the strongest even among the Five Kages.

No matter how you look at it, Shimura Danzo didn't really want to assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen. His behavior was more like a couple having an argument, with the woman wielding her small fists and hitting her boyfriend's broad chest.

In Danzo Shimura's opinion, Kakashi Hatake, a weak jounin, would definitely not be able to hurt Hiruzen Sarutobi with his soft little fists.

In short, the Third Hokage is destined to reach the point where everyone betrays his relatives and leaves, and the Leaf Village collectively bids him farewell.

But the third Hokage of this world would not.

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen was suspicious because he guessed Tsunade's identity, Tsunade also noticed something unusual about the Third Hokage.

After all, when a person is distracted, loopholes will appear in the attack, and the pressure on Tsunade will be reduced drastically.

He would get distracted during the battle and affect his own fighting rhythm. Sarutobi Hiruzen's combat quality has indeed declined a lot.

Tsunade, of course, felt it and asked in a low voice: "System, what's wrong with Mr. Sarutobi?"

[The most likely thing is that he guessed the identity of the host. 】

"You can affect the battle by guessing my identity. Is this the level of the Third Hokage?"

[According to the manufacturer's information, Sarutobi Hiruzen is an unconscious person with unrealistic confidence in his own kindness. He always thinks that everything he does is right, even if it causes painful harm to others. , and can also gain forgiveness and recognition from the victim. 】

"Huh? If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't have noticed it. Sarutobi-sensei is really like this."

[So, his disciples came from the future just to overthrow his rule. Sarutobi Hiruzen's confidence that everything will get better in the future collapsed. 】

The outliner clicked his tongue: "Really, I still wanted to wear a mask to reduce my influence, but now that the real owner has guessed it, wouldn't it be all in vain?"

She simply took off the mask and threw it away, openly revealing her true face.

Because of the Yin seal and more sophisticated medical technology, the face of the fierce Tsunade looks softer than that of the little Tsunade who has experienced battles, but the stability and maturity in her eyes are also extremely clear.

People who are familiar with Tsunade can confirm that she is Tsunade at just one glance, but she is not this Tsunade.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped the rhythm-breaking attack and asked in a low voice: "It's really Tsunade, it's really Tsunade from the future. What did I do in the future to let you come here to deal with me like this?" ?”

Tsunade snorted coldly: "You did do a lot of things in the future, but those things have nothing to do with me."

"There are only two things for me. The rope tree and Dan are both dead, and I am left alone in the world. Isn't it worth it for me to deal with you, teacher?"

Hearing Tsunade's words, little Tsunade's heart was tugged, and she subconsciously reached out to grab Naoki and Kato Dan, feeling the real touch on her hands, and then gradually relaxed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes widened and he defended: "I didn't kill Naoki and Kato Dan. I never ordered any Konoha ninja to be harmed!"

"Ha, Shimura Danzo killed Nasuki, you protected him without any punishment, and then he killed Danzo, and you haven't punished him yet."

"The benevolent Third Hokage did not take action himself." Tsunade's eyes were full of disappointment and hatred: "But if you protect Danzo, a guy who takes action directly, what is the difference between you and you instructing Danzo to kill people?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen defended: "No, Tsunade, I punished Danzo..."

"Ha, yes, I will be dismissed from my post and reflect."

The third Hokage's defense only angered Tsunade. She laughed angrily and said: "Removal and reflection! Time and time again, I have been dismissed and reflected, but whenever I ask, Shimura Danzo is the root leader, the Hokage's assistant, and everything." No change."

"No, I can't say that nothing has changed. The elite ninjas of Konoha Village are constantly dying at the hands of Danzo. After the break is Hatake Sakumo. After Hatake Sakumo...who is it?"

Tsunade thought for a moment before saying: "Oh, by the way, Danzo Shimura was killed, and then you had to go out yourself and illegally kill an Uchiha ninja."

Tsunade's face became strange, and she looked at the Third Hokage with contempt and pity: "Later, you were killed by the target of the robbery, and you were killed on the spot."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "..."

The Third Hokage's whole body was numb, and he was so stunned that he didn't know what to say.

But the next moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed fiercely: "Who is that Uchiha ninja?"

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, he doesn't exist in this ninja world at all."

"This is normal. Such a man who is not inferior to my grandfather is indeed not found in every world."

"If he was really in this ninja world, I wouldn't dare to do so many things so boldly. That guy is truly cruel."

At this point, Tsunade was done talking. She raised her hand and placed it on her forehead. Her index finger and middle finger gently touched the diamond-shaped emblem on her forehead, eliciting four facial lines from it.

Yin seal solution

A powerful chakra rose into the sky, and terrifying chakra fluctuations swept across the entire Konoha Village. Almost all the Hyuga ninjas screamed and covered their eyes.

But there were also some very old white-eyed ninjas who widened their eyes. This was a huge amount of chakra that they had not seen in many years. Although the foundation was unstable, it undoubtedly surpassed the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama and was close to it. The scale of the first Hokage.

Tsunade looked at the horrified Third Hokage and said with a smile: "Third Hokage, I think it's better to complete our purpose first and then we can communicate in peace."

Sarutobi Hiruzen no longer hesitated and used his psychic technique to summon the Vajra Ape: "Old man, we haven't fought side by side in ten years."

After the King Kong Ape appeared, he was also stunned: "Monkey, the enemy you want to deal with is Tsunade? What's going on?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked constipated: "Things are a bit complicated. I will explain it to you slowly after this battle is over."

The ape nodded: "Okay."

As he spoke, it was about to transform into a golden cudgel, but the voice that erupted in his heart stopped it.

[Monkey of King Kong Mountain, if you dare to participate in this battle, this system will unlock the restrictions and fully support the host in the battle. 】

The range of influence of the inner voice is very small, only Tsunade, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Kongo Ape heard it.

But the amount of information heard by the Vajra Ape is greater, because the noise mixed in the voice of the soul is the secret code of the Vajra Mountain.

This set of code words is not simple. It is the most secret communication language of the entire Mount Kumgang ape clan. It is also the special language for core inheritance such as the secret technique of transformation of Mount Kumgang.

The only people who can master this set of code words are the closest allies, except for the members of the ape clan of Mount Kong.

Hiruzen Sarutobi and the Sarutobi clan have concluded a psychic contract with Mount Kongo for decades, but they are still not among the closest allies, so he does not know that the [System] has had double communication with Mount Kongo.

The secret language of [System] is very simple. The main idea is: I am your ally. It is best for you not to participate in the war today.

After hearing the voice of the soul, the Vajra Monkey could not understand the meaningless words at all, but it could not help but believe in its closest ally. The conflicted monkey was in a dilemma and could only stand still.

The Vajra Monkey neither transformed nor spoke. Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally knew something was wrong, but there was nothing he could do. He could only wait for the monkey's response with uneasiness.

In the end, the Vajra Ape still chose to trust its allies. It turned its head one after another and said very apologetically: "Hiruzhan, I'm so sorry, but I can't fight side by side with you today."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ashamed monkey released his channeling and disappeared into a ball of white smoke.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart felt like it was falling into the abyss, but his anger also exploded. He put his hands together to form a seal, and used the shadow clone technique to create three additional shadow clones. Four Sarutobi Hiruzen began to form seals at the same time.

Combined Ninja Technique·Thunder Water Dragon

Combined Ninja Technique·Wind and Fire Tornado

Tsunade did not hesitate, her arms brought up layers of ripples in the air, and rushed towards Sarutobi Hiruzen like a halo.

Strange power·shaking the sky

The dual air ripples merged and brought out countless interference ripples, like a beautiful air wall, and collided with two huge chakra dragons.

Tsunade laughed and said: "Third Hokage, you are out of your mind. Although combined ninjutsu is your unique skill, how could I not have seen it before, and how could I not study it?"

She intertwined her fists and exploded with strange power in a cross-shaped pattern. She used her accumulated chakra to the limit that she could bear, and inspired a cross-shaped cyclone.

This move is called Cross Cut, and the prototype is the fierce physical technique called "Day Tiger" that [System] showed Tsunade.

But Tsunade soon discovered that Hirutora's ferocious burst was too powerful. It was a unique Taijutsu skill specifically designed for Gangken, and her strange power technique could not achieve that terrifying explosive power anyway.

As a last resort, Tsunade could only settle for the next best thing and developed a relatively soft cross-cutting method based on her actual situation.

The Baihao Technique, the Strange Power Technique, Air Shock, and the Cross Cut are the results of Tsunade's five years of dormancy in this world, and she did not waste her time.

Although the cross cut is not as powerful as Hirutora, its power and explosion are still very impressive. Faced with the two combined ninjutsu used by the Third Hokage out of anger, it can completely confront them head-on.

When the impact of the two chakra dragons was lost, they fell into the whirlpool caused by the cross-cutting uncontrollably. They did not know how to spin, and actually threw the two ninjutsu dragons in the direction of the Third Hokage. past.

Faced with this unexpected situation, the Third Hokage could only dodge.

Driven by the cross-cutting, the two ninjutsu dragons formed a huge whirlwind and slammed into the Hokage Building.

The Hokage Building has its own defensive barrier and warning barrier, but under the impact of the two ninjutsu dragons, the barrier collapsed like a soap bubble.

The collapse of the barrier also destroyed the two ninjutsu dragons. Under the agitation of the remaining cross-cutting, the wind, fire, thunder, and water chakras were mixed together, and a powerful explosion occurred.

The power of the explosion was so terrifying that the glass in half of the Konoha village was shattered, and the walls of nearby buildings even cracked. The Konoha ninjas who were watching all fell down, and screams came one after another.

The huge movement attracted the uninformed civilian ninjas, and it turned into a big gathering of ninjas in Konoha Village.

When the dust settled, the Konoha ninjas were surprised to find that the main building of the Hokage Building remained intact, with only the tiles on the roof and the wall covering peeling off cleanly.

As the wall peeled off, two huge patterns were revealed on the wall of the Hokage Building, with a dozen smaller patterns surrounding them, forming a circle.

An Uchiha ninja pointed to the huge pattern on the left and exclaimed: "That is, that is the emblem of our Uchiha!"

The ninjas of the Senju clan also shouted loudly: "There is also the emblem of our Senju clan!"

A Konoha Jounin in his thirties pointed to the surrounding patterns and said loudly: "Those small ones are also the emblems of the Ninja clan, including Hinata, Sarutobi, Aburame, Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Inuzuka... There are others I don’t know.”

A newly arrived ninja coughed twice, pointed at a pattern and said, "This is the emblem of our Kurama clan."

His voice was trembling a little, and he looked very weak, but he said with great pride: "These clan emblems are the first batch of ninja clan emblems to join when Konoha Village was founded!"

"Hahaha, our Shiranui clan is also among them. It turns out that we have also been rich before."

"Sorry, there is also a Hatake clan here."

"The Moonlight Clan, our Moonlight Clan are also here. It turns out we are also the original founders."


The Konoha ninjas looked at this huge pattern and naturally started talking about it, but slowly, the discussion became quieter and quieter, until it was silent.

People's eyes were all focused on the two most conspicuous huge clan emblems, but soon they were all focused on the Uchiha clan emblem.

After the Third Hokage truly came to power, Konoha F4 began brainwashing propaganda day after day, deeply implanting the concept of the Uchiha clan as bad guys into the hearts of the ninjas and villagers of Konoha Village.

As time went by, the relevant propaganda even affected the ninjas of the Uchiha clan. These naive ninjas did not understand the world and could only respond with anger and arrogance, as if they wanted to prove their pride and nobility.

But this style is undoubtedly very blunt, and if someone takes advantage of it, it will be twisted into "Uchiha is evil", and soon it will be transformed into the concept of "Uchiha is born evil".

The operation of Konoha F4 completely confirmed the words of the Second Hokage and completely ruined the reputation of the Uchiha clan. People will hate and alienate Uchiha ninjas.

With preconceived impressions, the complaints of Uchiha ninjas will be amplified.

Even if they say the fact that "we Uchiha are the founders of Konoha Village", they will be considered as lying and bragging, and they will hate Uchiha even more.

But lies repeated a thousand times cannot turn into truth. When the pattern with the Senju clan emblem and the Uchiha clan emblem as the core and the sixteen ninja clan closely surrounding appeared on the Hokage building, everyone understood that it turned out that What the Uchiha said is true.

The conflict between facts and perceptions makes Konoha ninjas deeply painful. No one will think that they are at fault. Someone must be deceiving us. So who is lying and deceiving us?

Pair after pair of eyes moved down from the Hokage Building and focused on the Third Hokage.

It's him, it can only be him.

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