I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 335 Young Tsunade: I learned my own strange power secretly, there is no shame in it

In front of the Hokage Building, the verbal dispute between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru ended quickly.

Orochimaru was well prepared. He took out the fake orders issued by the root ninjas, exposed the evidence of Kato Dan's traces to the Hidden Rain Village, hired bounty ninjas to attack Kato Dan, and even included the brain search intelligence of the three root ninjas.

Faced with overwhelming evidence, the Third Hokage could only shut up.

Finally, he said loudly to Orochimaru: "I already know about this matter, and I have already punished Danzo Shimura. As for the evidence you presented, I will have people investigate it carefully. As long as it is verified, I will punish him severely."

Tsunade stood up and shouted: "Sarutobi-sensei, you have no credibility in this matter!"

"When the rope tree was attacked five years ago, the root ninjas were also suspected. You also said that there would be an investigation and severe punishment. What was the result?"

"I have been waiting for five years. Not only was Shimura Danzo not punished, he also killed my lover again!"

"Today, Danzo Shimura must die!"

"You bastards!" Sarutobi Hiruzen roared, "What do you want to do? You are all lawless and dare to yell at me, the Hokage, do you want to become a traitorous ninja?"

Kato Dan sneered: "The Third Hokage, when you protect a rebellious ninja who murdered me, do you think you are still the Hokage?"

"The Hokage recognized by the Konoha ninja is the Hokage. If he cannot be recognized by the Konoha ninja, haha..."

Speaking of which, there is actually nothing more to say.

Sarutobi Hiruzen threw off the Hokage Haori and took off the Hokage hat, revealing a suit of armor from the Warring States Period and making a fighting stance.

"Orochimaru, Tsunade, you have disappointed me so much. If you want the power of the Hokage, come up and kill me, the Third Hokage, yourself. Don't let ordinary Konoha ninjas die in vain."

Orochimaru's eyes flashed with unprecedented sadness and disappointment, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

But he walked forward without hesitation and came to the open space in front of the Hokage Building.

Tsunade covered her heart with her right hand, as if her heart ached badly, and followed Orochimaru's footsteps as she walked over.

Jiraiya was already wilted. After hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, he opened his mouth wide and burst into tears, but it soon turned into raging anger.

Jiraiya took three steps at a time and caught up with the two classmates. He murmured: "This is not my teacher. My teacher is a great hero, not a vicious politician."

Orochimaru sighed: "People can change. I don't recognize this kind of Sarutobi-sensei. Let's send him away."

Tsunade clenched her fists and made a cracking sound: "Since he protects the murderous rope tree and Danzo, he is no longer my teacher."

The Third Hokage was in his prime. His short but strong body was fully stretched out by his armor, and he could hardly make much sound.

When he heard the words of his three disciples, the shame in his heart gradually disappeared, and his anger gradually grew stronger.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sneered and said: "As a disciple, I am very happy with your growth in strength, but I did not expect that you would dare not recognize me as your teacher and attack me instead. It is really disappointing."

"Let me use my strength to tell you that the teacher will always be your teacher. It's still early for you to rebel!"

The two sides slowly approached each other, speaking cruel words to each other, and the waves of chakra in their bodies became stronger and stronger.

But in this tense posture, under the endless anger in the eyes of the four people, there is hesitation, reluctance and confusion that cannot be hidden.

The master-disciple relationship between Sarutobi and Hiruzen is not fake, and their care and love for each other is not fake either. No one can really be cruel to each other.

As the distance between the two parties got closer, their steps became slower and slower, and their hesitation became more and more obvious.

At this awkward moment, a "big fierce" blonde kunoichi wearing a mask appeared behind Tsunade, and she pressed her hands on the shoulders of Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Subconsciously, Tsunade launched a counterattack with a strange power technique, but her strange power technique was countered by a more powerful strange force technique, completely negating her power.

Tsunade instantly understood who the person coming was. Although she was very suspicious in her heart, she stopped resisting and allowed the other party to use his strength to throw her back.

Jiraiya also activated the ninja technique Acupuncture Jizo to defend himself, but an indescribable force came from the hand on his shoulder.

The unbearable and huge force did not harm Jiraiya's body, but was cleverly transformed into a shock, making his whole body numb, and his hard and sharp hair was shaken like noodles, without any lethality or defense.

What surprised Jiraiya the most was that the feeling this power gave him was very familiar.

Yes, it was the beating he had received since he was a child. It came from the suffocating strange power of Tsunade's fist, but this power was obviously stronger than Tsunade and could be controlled more freely. It even softened all his hair and joints. But it didn't cause any substantial harm.

Jiraiya's ignorant mind guessed that this man had a deep relationship with Tsunade, so he obeyed and was left behind.

Orochimaru, a smart man, didn't need the fierce Tsunade to throw her away. At the same time she appeared, Orochimaru's body had already softened, and he retreated backwards with the two classmates.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly changed, and the opposing party was changed from the Sannin of Konoha to a kunoichi.

Although she wears a mask to cover her appearance, her tall figure, long golden ponytail, and a heart that makes women marvel, all prove that she is a great beauty.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care whether the other person was beautiful or not. He felt a huge threat and an extremely familiar feeling from the ninja opposite him.

He confirmed at the first moment that this should be the ninja he knew, but even though he searched his memory, no woman could match the number.

For some reason, Sarutobi Hiruzen intuitively believed that the person standing opposite was Tsunade, but how could this be possible?

He looked at Tsunade who stood up in the group of ninjas, shook his head, and rejected this correct answer.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is experienced and powerful, and his keen sense of combat has not yet been completely wiped out.

Coupled with the problem of perspective, he saw the movement trajectory of the murderous Tsunade, who jumped out from the group of ninjas who gathered at the end.

And several of those ninjas were familiar faces to him. They were the Senju clan that had dispersed and changed their surnames.

The reunification of the Senju clan is the biggest nightmare for the Third Hokage group, far more than the inherently evil Uchiha clan, because all of Naruto's power base belongs to the Senju clan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen became serious, his murderous aura became particularly sharp and no longer erratic.

Even Danzo Shimura, who was standing on the balcony, had his eyes firmly fixed on Tsunoshou, secretly calculating how to make a sneak attack.

The pair made the same judgment tacitly.

This kunoichi feels very much like Tsunade, and she comes from the Senju clan of ninjas. She is the leader of the Senju generation.

As a kunoichi of the Senju clan, she must be a relative of Tsunade, so it's not surprising to feel similar.

The outliner felt the momentum and murderous intent of Hiruzen Sarutobi on the opposite side. Compared with the Third Hokage she last saw, it was much more powerful.

[Looking at this changing trend, Sarutobi-sensei’s overall strength has been declining since he became Hokage. 】

[Information from the system mentioned that in some worlds, Sarutobi-sensei was still the Third Hokage in Konoha 60. Darling, I can’t imagine how weak he would be. 】

[Because I really couldn’t bear to attack Mr. Sarutobi, I missed the opportunity to beat the old man last time. This time, Hiruzen Sarutobi is not my teacher, and I will not be soft-hearted. 】

[The hatred of the rope tree, the hatred of the broken tree, someone has to take responsibility. You are unlucky, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. 】

[Borrow your body to let me vent the hatred in my heart. 】

The hatred in Tsunade's heart was gradually aroused. Facing the Third Hokage in this world, she found that she did not feel any signs of weakness, and her murderous aura broke out undisturbed.

Tsunade's murderous intent and Sarutobi Hiruzen's murderous intent came into direct contact and were closely intertwined. Now the battle between them was imminent and had to be launched.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't hesitate. He put his hands together and completed the seal in one second. At the same time, he also threw a shuriken.

Ninja Technique: Shuriken Clone Technique

The shurikens flying in the air rotated at high speed, split into two and then into four under the influence of ninjutsu. After that, they grew exponentially and turned into a group of shurikens flying all over the sky.

This is an A-level ninjutsu developed by Sarutobi Hiruzen based on the shadow clone jutsu developed by the Second Hokage.

It is his favorite and most commonly used starting ninjutsu. It is used to test the opponent's strength and is very effective in disrupting the opponent's rhythm.

It can even be used flexibly as a face-killing ninjutsu to clean up those weak genin.

As an A-level ninjutsu, it does not consume much chakra. As long as the control is good enough, the chakra consumed is even less than the C-level fire escape and high fire ball jutsu.

Tsunade was born with water and earth chakra, but she was no longer used to fighting with ninjutsu.

Looking at the shurikens flying in the sky, Tsunade just raised her fist and punched the air hard.

Surprisingly, the punch actually hit the target in the air.

Tsunade's fist hit the air. The air, which was ethereal and completely unforced, actually showed rigid characteristics under Tsunade's fist. It was like glass being hit by a cannonball, causing violent high-speed vibrations.

The high-speed vibrations of the air evolved into layers of superposition of fluctuations, which were as destructive as a sound barrier. The shurikens flying in the sky were broken into pieces and disappeared, and in the end there was only a twisted and shapeless hand. The sword fell to the ground with a crisp metallic sound.

After the air shock shattered the shuriken shadow clone, it gathered into a blast of sound waves and poured out in the direction of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The speed of sound waves is naturally the speed of sound, which far exceeds the throwing speed of kunai shurikens in a short distance. This forced the Third Hokage to give up the half-prepared water escape technique and instead used earth escape and earth wall techniques to resist the sonic attack.

Huge exclamations broke out among the Konoha ninjas. They did not expect that an unknown ninja could offset two of the Third Hokage's ninjutsu with one attack, putting him at a disadvantage.

This is Hokage. He should be the strongest ninja in Konoha Village. How could he be so weak?

In an instant, the reputation that the Third Hokage had spent nearly twenty years and put in countless hard work and effort was almost cut off in the middle.

In the final analysis, ninja is a fighting profession, and the essence of a ninja village is a militarized violent organization. As a shadow ninja, no matter how good he is, as long as he is weaker than others, it is original sin.

The third generation Hokage of Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who claimed to be the strongest Hokage in history, was beaten by an unknown kunoichi with a punch.

The Konoha ninja suddenly felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen was incompetent.

At that time, a commotion broke out in the Inuzuka clan. These naive ninjas subconsciously moved their positions and got closer to the group of ninjas who opposed Naruto.

Tsunade's eyes were bright in the crowd. She found that this familiar and strange ninja was simply her best mentor. Every move of the other person showed her the way to the future.

Especially the punch that hit the air simply opened the door to a new world, and a vast world appeared in front of Tsunade.

Orochimaru also discovered this, and he sighed with emotion: "Tsunade, you are so lucky. With this senior of the Senju clan as an example, your future path will be infinitely broad."

Jiraiya couldn't help but be jealous and said: "Ah, it's great to have a big family. You don't even have to study the future of Ninja by yourself. You just need to learn from your seniors and you will have everything... Ouch!"

Tsunade retracted her fist, laughed, and ignored Jiraiya to continue scolding him, and continued to focus on watching the battle between "him" and the teacher.

[Hmph, this girl is learning from me, what’s the point of being embarrassed? 】

The battle between Outrider and Sarutobi Hiruzen did not stop.

Hiruzen Sarutobi claimed that he was "the strongest Hokage in history", which was of course an exaggeration, but the nickname "Doctor of Ninjutsu" given to him by others was indeed worthy of his name.

The speed of forming seals with his hands was as fast as lightning, and his mouth was like an endless magical bag, spitting out thunder escape, earth escape, water escape, wind escape, and fire escape one after another.

But the outliner's response was very monotonous, just punching out one after another.

Whether it was lightning, whirlwinds, earth dragons, water pillars or fireballs, they were all turned into dregs under Tsuna's heavy punch, and finally returned to pure chakra.

Even the earth escape and earth flow river that created the environment, under the feet of Tsunade's pain, all the mud collapsed and turned into a big pit on the ground.

Tsunade, who was wielding a pair of iron fists that was invincible, was extremely excited. She did not make any dodges and chased and beat Sarutobi Hiruzen fiercely, forcing the old man who had not yet aged to jump up and down.

She even shouted happily: "The Third Hokage, you look like a big monkey now..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious, but the battle rhythm was forced to this point, and there was no way to change it in a short time. The more anxious he was to reverse the situation, the easier it was to make mistakes.

By accident, he was almost hit in the face by the outline's iron fist, and he instinctively used the substitute technique to deflect the damage.

Everyone was still marveling at the Third Hokage's proficiency in ninjutsu, but he himself felt an inexplicable shame for using such "low-level" ninjutsu.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was greatly shocked by this, and he completely put away his contempt, and regarded the masked kunoichi in front of him as an equal enemy, at least an enemy at the level of Kazekage and Mizukage.

As Sarutobi Hiruzen became serious, the battle between the two became more and more intense. Neither he nor Tsunade had any room to spare, and the scope of the battlefield began to expand uncontrollably.

Although the square in front of the Hokage Building was large, it could not accommodate the battle between the two Kage-level ninjas. The aftermath of the battle began to affect the surrounding buildings.

The nearest Hokage Building was the first to be affected. Decorations such as door and window glass were wiped away, and even the railings and decorative wall coverings began to peel off.

However, the Hokage Building was the earliest building in Konoha Village when it was first built. From the beginning, it was designed according to the fortress of ninja fighting, and the strength of the walls was extremely exaggerated.

The Third Hokage's ordinary ninjutsu can only scrape off a little of the wall.

Relatively speaking, the surrounding buildings are not so strong.

Under the violent vibrations and strikes from rock bombs, fire bombs, and lightning, the structures of each building were damaged, either falling down or leaning sideways.

The onlookers also retreated, not daring to approach the battlefield.

As the battle progressed, the Third Hokage understood that ordinary ninjutsu could not hurt the opponent at all, so under the cover of the shadow clone technique, he began to use his best combined ninjutsu.

Earth Dragon Flame Style and Thunder Water Dragon Bullet struck alternately, and the power of the combined ninjutsu exceeded the power of Tsunade's punch. Even several consecutive punches could not defeat the ninjutsu.

Finally, Tsunade was forced to dodge and could no longer maintain an aggressive offensive posture. The pressure on the Third Hokage suddenly eased.

Finally completing the comeback, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face looked better, and he had enough energy to notice the strangeness of his opponent.

Although the attack of the Outrider has long been its own system, but he has been taught by Hiruzen Sarutobi since he was a child. The Taijutsu of opening and closing are inevitably mixed with the Taijutsu that belongs to the Sarutobi clan.

It was a physical technique from the Diamond Ape Clan in Mount Kumgang. It was a combination of powerful attacks and flexible techniques.

These little skills are meaningless to other ninjas, but for Tsunade, who has developed strange power techniques since childhood, they are very crucial skills that can solve the shortcomings of excessive strength in strange power techniques.

After calming down, Sarutobi Hiruzen soon discovered that the Taishou's Taijutsu contained several practical tricks he had developed.

The Third Hokage was confused. Although the answer was too incredible, he still guessed that the masked kunoichi in front of him was his disciple Tsunade.

In this way, several incomprehensible questions in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind were answered.

It was Tsunade who rescued Naoki and Kato Dan, and it was she who secretly united the Senju clan, and then connected the various ninja clans, paving the way for Orochimaru.

Even...it was Tsunade who convinced the Uchiha clan.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen found it difficult to understand why the Uchiha clan would be persuaded by Tsunade, this was the most likely reason he could imagine.

The most important thing is that the Tsunade who did all this is not the Tsunade of today, but from the future.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Tsunade to suddenly grow up and possess such a powerful amount of chakra, such a complete tactical system, and such a proficient level of strange power.

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