I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 334 Tsunade: This opportunity to beat Sarutobi-sensei is mine.

Tsunade, like many others, had acquiesced in her heart that the relationship between the Hokage clan of Konoha Village and the Uchiha clan was inherently hostile.

But today, according to Uchiha Yu's plan, the Uchiha clan was successfully dealt with, and after careful observation of the six Uchiha elders.

Tsunade was 100% sure that her past impression was wrong.

In fact, since the founding of Konoha Village, only the third generation of Hokage has completely rejected the Uchiha clan.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara wish they could wear a pair of pants. Their relationship is so good that even Uzumaki Mito can't help but feel jealous.

Senju Tobirama had various plots against the Uchiha clan, but he also tried hard to win over and appease them, and even specially accepted a disciple. It could be said that he was both beating and pulling.

In a future unknown to Tsunade, both the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato and the Sixth Hokage Hatake Kakashi are disciples of the Uchiha clan.

When it comes to the strongest seventh generation Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto, he is simply a replica of the first generation Hokage.

In short, the Hokage clan and the Uchiha clan are very close.

The only exception is the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, this political idiot and his F4 idiot combination.

The problem is that this combination is too viable. The third generation of Hokage has been in power for more than thirty years, and almost two generations were born and raised when he was Hokage.

With his longevity and stupidity, he created a wrong impression, and completed the final conclusion by annihilating the Uchiha clan.

But it hasn't been long now, and this stereotype has not yet solidified.

Neither Orochimaru nor Jiraiya would object to the condition of accepting an Uchiha child as a disciple, and even the little Tsunade in this world would not find it a problem.

After all, there was a precedent in the past. The Second Hokage Senju Tobirama had a disciple named Uchiha Kagami, and his name had not been deliberately obliterated.

The day after Tsunade took down the Uchiha clan, Orochimaru also took down all the ninja clans, completely isolating the Sarutobi clan, the Shimura clan, the Mitomon clan and the Tenden clan.

The time has come.

At sunrise on the seventh day after Orochimaru left the front line, Sarutobi Hiruzen stayed up all night again. The all-night paperwork made him deeply exhausted.

So after washing his face with a hot towel, he opened the balcony door of his office and walked to the balcony to enjoy the sunrise and cheer up.

But the moment he walked to the balcony, Sarutobi Hiruzen was confused. He rubbed his eyes and looked carefully, but he still felt that he might be dazzled or he opened the balcony in the wrong way.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen walked back to the office, closed the balcony door, took a deep breath, opened the door forcefully, and strode to the balcony.

Well, he wasn't dazzled, it was actually true!

Thousands of ninjas stood outside the range of the Third Hokage's perception, and just in the blind spot of the telescope's observation range.

In the open space in front of the Hokage Building, the tree canopy, and the rooftops, the figures of Konoha ninjas blocked everything, as if everything was covered with a layer of people.

Under the rising sun, the dewy figures of the ninjas reflected the orange-red light, unexpectedly showing a shining golden feeling, as if they were figures made of gold.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart felt cold. These ninjas were all Konoha ninjas. He had recognized many of them and remembered several of them who should be ninjas on the front line.

This was large-scale disobedience, the biggest crisis for a ninja village, and it was only a window away from the outbreak of a coup.

The person who arranged the position of the Konoha ninja knew Sarutobi Hiruzen very well and accurately knew his sensing distance and the observation blind spots of the telescope technique.

In addition, Sarutobi Hiruzen also judged from the dew on the Konoha ninja that this person had also defeated the ANBU ninja and the Uchiha ninja of the Security Department.

The gathering of superior ninjas is not a trivial matter. Even in the middle of the night, it is absolutely impossible to hide it from the ANBU. The ANBU, which has expanded to hundreds of ninjas, monitors all key buildings. It is impossible to turn a blind eye to the thousands of ninjas surrounding the Hokage building.

Similarly, thousands of ninjas cannot hide from the Uchiha ninjas who patrol regularly.

The more Sarutobi Hiruzen thought about it, the more terrifying he felt. He stepped back into the office step by step and said, "Come, everyone!"

Four ANBU ninjas stood out from the four corners of the office. The door opened and four ANBU ninjas filed in. A hole was opened in the ceiling, and two ANBU ninjas on duty jumped down.

With a slight sliding sound, a secret door opened on the wall, and three ANBU ninjas came out.

A total of 13 ANBU ninjas knelt on the ground and shouted in unison: "Hokage-sama."

Seeing these ANBU ninjas and confirming that not all ANBU ninjas had betrayed him, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally breathed a sigh of relief and ordered: "There is a rebellion in Konoha Village, please immediately notify Danzo Shimura, Koharu and Mito The three Hokage assistants, Menyan, come to me immediately."

"Let Shimura Danzo mobilize the root ninja and mobilize with all his might!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi thought of the problem of the Uchiha clan and ordered: "Let Danzo detach a group of root ninjas to monitor the Uchiha clan. The security department and the prison should also monitor them."

"In addition, notify the Aburame Clan, Nara Clan, Yamanaka Clan, Akimichi Clan, Inuzuka Clan, and Hyuga Clan to mobilize and surround the rebels outside the Hokage Building!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath: "Immediately convey my order. If you encounter any obstruction, you will be killed without mercy!"

The ANBU ninjas accepted the order in unison: "Yes!"

Among them, 9 ninjas used the teleportation technique to leave, and 4 ninjas once again launched defense and realm.

What surprised Sarutobi Hiruzen was that all nine Anbu left safely. Thousands of Konoha ninjas who surrounded the Hokage Building did not stop them.

Sarutobi Hiruzen then ordered the ANBU to assemble, which confirmed his suspicion about the ANBU's rebellion.

Of the nearly 600 ninjas in the entire ANBU, less than 30 were gathered together. Including the 9 ninjas who left, there were only 37 ninjas in the ANBU who still obeyed the orders of him, the Hokage.

This was such a shame and humiliation. Sarutobi Hiruzen felt so ashamed that even the ANBU directly under him had betrayed him. Such a Hokage was simply embarrassed.

Even if this rebellion is resolved next, Sarutobi Hiruzen's authority will suffer a fatal blow, and the situation will be even worse than when he first took power.

But the most important question now is to figure out who is against him. Who is hiding so deeply that he unknowingly gave him the fatal blow to Hiruzen Sarutobi?

The ninja's actions were very efficient. It didn't take long for Danzo Shimura to show up. After disappearing for a few minutes, he rushed over with a large number of root ninjas and confronted the ninjas besieging the Hokage building.

It's not that Danzo cherishes the lives of root ninjas, nor does he care about the lives of Konoha ninjas, it's that he cherishes his own life.

As soon as Danzo showed up and before he could say a few words, he was surrounded by the Sannin of Konoha.

Facing the smiling but murderous Orochimaru, Danzo immediately shut his mouth and gave up the attack very well.

Then he was told that he could enter the Hokage's office freely and the Sannin of Konoha would not stop him.

Mito Kadeni and Koharu who came later also passed through the crowd. The two of them were not as sensible as Shimura Danzo, so they entered the Hokage Building in a daze.

The Third Hokage standing on the balcony saw all this clearly, and knew that it was his three disciples who were working against him. While his heart ached, he felt much relieved.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew his disciples very well and knew that they would never want to kill him, at least his life was not in danger.

At the same time, he was also in great pain. He was not surprised at all that the Uchiha clan opposed him, but why did his disciples take the lead in the rebellion?

Moreover, there were thousands of Konoha ninjas following him. The most outrageous thing was that most of the ANBU ninjas rebelled. What did he do wrong to deserve such humiliation?

Yes, this is a humiliation, and it is a great shame!

Danzo Shimura pushed the door open and said, "Hiruzen, what's going on with your disciples? How dare they threaten and besiege me, the Hokage's assistant?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo and asked, "What did they say?"

Danzo was furious: "They want me dead, especially the damn one Naoki, and the damned one Kato Dan. They said they must kill me this time, and even you can't save me."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked gloomy and asked, "If they wanted you to die, why would they let you go and let you enter the Hokage Building?"

Danzo said: "It's Orochimaru. He said that he must make me die this time. He will let me die on the Hokage's execution order. Hiruzen, your disciple is so shameless!"

Koharu happened to come in when it was time to go to bed, and she also echoed: "It's so outrageous. Tsunade actually pointed at my nose and called me a waste. It's really outrageous. Hiruzen, you must punish Tsunade severely."

Instead, the last F4 member to arrive, Mito Kadoen, worriedly said: "What do you two care about saying? Is now the time to hold Hiruzen's disciples accountable?"

"They have openly rebelled, and what we should be thinking about now is how to suppress the rebellion."

Mito Kadoyan thought for a while and continued: "It would be best to suppress them without using force. There are too many people behind them. If they are suppressed by force, it will be an unbearable loss for Konoha Village."

Danzo Shimura couldn't accept it: "No, the traitor must die!"

"No matter how many there are, they must all be executed, otherwise the order of Konoha Village and the authority of the Hokage will be completely destroyed. Without order and authority, there is no way for the Ninja Village to exist."

"For the sake of Konoha Village, we must suppress it with force!"

Koharu turned to bed and asked, "How can we suppress them? Orochimaru and his group have more people now, and they seem to be more powerful."

Shimura Danzo sneered: "As long as Hiruzen issues orders in the name of Hokage, they will definitely be flustered, and then you can leave it to me."

"My root ninja is not a vegetarian. I will definitely be able to defeat these damn rebellious ninjas."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was angry: "Duanzo, you still have the nerve to talk about your roots as ninjas. Thousands of Konoha ninjas came back from the front line and gathered in front of the Hokage Building. This is by no means a matter of a day or two. Your roots actually have no information. None were found.”

"You have assured me more than once that Nebu's responsibility is not only to train Anbu, but also to ensure that he can monitor the actions of Anbu ninjas, complete tasks that Anbu cannot complete, and monitor any abnormalities in Konoha Village."

"Now something happened to the Anbu, and you don't know about it. Something happened on the front line, and you don't know about it either. Thousands of ninjas have entered Konoha Village, and the Uchiha clan's security department is hiding the facts. You still don't know."

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked angrily: "You have done nothing, but you dare to promise here with empty teeth that you can suppress thousands of Konoha ninjas. How can you expect me to believe your promise?"

He sneered and said: "Okay, I will issue an order now, Danzo, you go and destroy these rebellious ninjas!"

Danzo Shimura snorted, closed his mouth, and said nothing.

Of course, there is no problem for him to brag, but it is not okay for him to fight against the Sannin of Konoha.

Danzo had already tried, he alone was no match for the Sannin of Konoha.

And there is Kato Dan over there. When Danzo is restrained, Kato Dan's spiritual transformation technique can kill Danzo at any time.

Danzo didn't want to die. He hadn't become Hokage yet, and he hadn't led the Leaf Village to defeat the four great ninja villages.

However, Shimura Danzo's shrinking made the atmosphere in the Hokage's office extremely awkward. Mito Kabuto stood up and said: "The number of root ninjas is too small. It's better to wait until all the ninjas from each clan have gathered." Gather together, and then suppress the rebellious nin with great strength."

"Hiruzen, you can't hesitate any longer. Orochimaru and the others led a team to besiege the Hokage Building. This is an out-and-out act of rebellion. You must make up your mind."

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not have the confidence of Mito Kado. He smiled bitterly and said: "Yan, Orochimaru has Tsunade and Naoki beside him. I am really worried that other ninjas from the ninja clan will come and will not stand by us. On one side..."

When Koharu went to bed, he was stunned when he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, but he accidentally told the truth: "No way, if these ninjas also choose to rebel, wouldn't we become rebel ninjas?"

Shimura Danzo was furious: "Koharu, what are you talking about? Naruto is everything in Konoha Village. As long as anyone who opposes Naruto is a traitor, how can Naruto become a traitor?"

When Koharu went to bed, she was frightened by Danzo's fierce gaze, and she was speechless.

At this time, Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Aburame, Hinata, Inuzuka and other ninjas came to the Hokage Building, but as the Third Hokage was most worried about, there was no conflict with Orochimaru.

These ninjas from the ninja clan gathered together, maintained a neutral stance, and vaguely surrounded the root ninjas.

Among them, the Aburame clan directly joined Orochimaru's team and merged into thousands of Konoha ninjas.

A few minutes later, the Uchiha clan also arrived. Unsurprisingly, they remained neutral and surrounded the root ninja more openly. Many Uchiha ninjas were eager to attack the root ninja.

Orochimaru waited patiently for another ten minutes, but did not see the four ninja families of Sarutobi, Shimura, Mitomon, and Tenjin appear. Apparently they chose to wait and see.

At this point, the Third Hokage's side can be described as betrayal and separation.

Except for more than thirty Anbu ninjas from the Sarutobi clan and nearly a thousand root ninjas, there was no Konoha ninja to support the Third Hokage.

Orochimaru commanded thousands of ninjas and loudly shouted their demands: "Danzo Shimura is punishable by death for murdering the Konoha ninjas!"

Thousands of people gathered together in unison, and after being strengthened by chakra, they formed a shocking roar that could be heard clearly by F4 in the Hokage's office.

Mito Kadoyan and Koharu who moved to bed breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that this rebellion was aimed at Danzo, so that's good.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo looked livid as they openly shouted out their demands.

Orochimaru was completely torn apart. He wanted not only Shimura Danzo's life, but also Sarutobi Hiruzen's authority.

As long as Sarutobi Hiruzen agrees to Orochimaru's request and executes Shimura Danzo today, from the moment he agrees, he will become Orochimaru's political puppet.

This is absolutely impossible to accept.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is a very self-disciplined ninja. He only has three hobbies: being a teacher, making profits for his family, and having power.

Power is particularly important. This is the lifeblood of Sarutobi Hiruzen. In order to maintain his power, he can do anything and sacrifice anyone.

The Konoha ninja shouted three times in a row, and the Third Hokage felt that the relationship between himself and Orochimaru's master and disciple quickly disappeared, and murderous intentions arose in his heart.

Sarutobi Hiruzen no longer hesitated, pushed open the balcony door, walked to the balcony and faced thousands of Konoha ninjas, looking around majestically.

"Konoha ninjas, your demands are too much! Danzo Shimura is the assistant to the Hokage of Konoha Village and your superior. As a Konoha ninja, he intimidated the Hokage to kill the top leaders of Konoha. What do you want to do?"

"As the Hokage of Konoha Village, I will never tolerate Konoha ninjas attacking Konoha ninjas. Considering how hard you have fought for Konoha Village, if you retreat immediately, I will forget about it!"

"Otherwise, I will declare you to be traitors!"

Following the anger and threats of the Third Hokage, the Konoha ninjas present closed their mouths, but no one left. They just looked at the Hokage quietly and waited without saying a word.

"Sarutobi-sensei." Orochimaru walked out from the group of ninjas: "You said you would never tolerate Konoha ninjas attacking Konoha ninjas. You said it well. This is great."

He waved his hand and asked Kato Dan to take out the captured root ninja and other evidence and throw them into the open space between the two sides.

"Shimura Danzo ordered the root ninja to murder Konoha Jonin Kato Dan. The evidence is conclusive. Please order Shimura Danzo to be executed now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly turned his head and stared at Shimura Danzo fiercely: "You actually left so much evidence?"

Shimura Danzo's eyes tightened, and then he argued forcefully: "It has nothing to do with me, it was Orochimaru's frame."

"Don't treat me like a fool!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very angry, but he had to defend Shimura Danzo: "The Roots are an important department of Konoha and will never attack Konoha ninja innocently. There must be some misunderstanding here."

"Orochimaru, how can you use such uncertain evidence to slander the top brass of Konoha?"

"You really disappoint me."

Orochimaru chuckled: "Sarutobi-sensei, you let me down."

I don't know when, groups of Konoha ninjas gathered. They stood quietly behind the ninjas brought by Orochimaru, clearly stating their position.

The big murderer Tsunade who was among them laughed and said: "Sarutobi-sensei is starting to act rogue. It seems that he is determined to attack Orochimaru."

"It just so happens that my Sarutobi-sensei was killed by someone else. I won't miss this opportunity to beat Sarutobi-sensei who is not my teacher."

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