I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 325 Miwa Masayo is a straight black lolita

"It hurts so much, meow!"

Miwa Masayo screamed in pain. She thought she was ready. With the ability of the Thunder Spirit Tail, she could completely withstand lightning.

The civet cat had been experimented with by Uchiha Yu. No matter how strong the lightning attracted by the magic was, it would not be able to affect the tail of the thunder spirit and would only become the energy supply for the civet cat.

Therefore, Miwa Masato was sitting on the rock, arrogantly staring at the clouds of thunder and calamity, but before the lightning fell, he suddenly lay down on the rock, with his two tails tightly attached to his belly, and only the tail of the thunder spirit stood up high. , like a lightning rod.

As expected, Thunder Spirit Tail successfully attracted the lightning, and a massive amount of natural energy poured into the body in the dazzling lightning.

Thanks to the characteristics of the Thunder Spirit Tail, what Miwa Masayo felt was not the burning, pain and tearing of lightning strikes, but the relief after a full meal, just like swallowing a mixture of sugar and oil, which comes from genes. satisfy.

She praised with a smile on her face: "Meow, it's delicious, meow."

Uchiha Yuu, who secretly watched on the island, smiled. He finally knew the purpose of Miwa Masayo asking him to attract lightning and train the tail of the thunder spirit.

He smiled and said: "You little fool, Lihuajiang, the lightning I summoned simulates nature, how can it be compared with the lightning of thunder and calamity?"

"The poor little cutie is going to suffer."

"However, thunder tribulation is not a complete disadvantage. If you don't take dozens of blows and be cleansed and baptized by the cardinals of heaven and earth, how can you quickly shed your original body and achieve the power of transformation?"

"Different from Longdi Cave's transformation that combines transformation with illusion, Immortal's transformation is not a simple transformation, but is compatible with two life mentality and can freely switch between the two."

"After the disaster of transformation, Rika-chan is no longer a cat, but a fairy at a higher level of life, standing at the same height as me and the Six Paths Sage."

"How can such a crucial promotion be done without paying a price?"

"Kaguya Otsutsuki, as a slave, used her weak strength to attack her superiors. She desperately killed Otsutsuki's moves and monopolized the fruit of the sacred tree, so she was promoted."

"Otsutsuki Hagoromo also worked hard to overthrow his mother, control the entire sacred tree, dismantle the Ten-Tails, spread chakra in exchange for faith, and spent hundreds of years brewing before he was promoted."

There was a trace of fear in Uchiha Yuu's eyes: "What about me? As a pioneer of the Immortal Way, I have experienced two thunder tribulations and three tribulations of heaven, earth and man, and the power is not bad at all."

"I also shed several layers of skin, and my whole body turned into charcoal and grew again. Only then did I condense the golden elixir and jump to the level of life."

"Lihua Jiang, at the critical moment when your life level rises, any little tricks will not affect the overall situation."

"You will know right away that everything still depends on your own foundation and strength."

When Uchiha Yu helped her do the test, he summoned lightning one after another. Even the highest stress test was only 12 lightning bolts per second.

This was the data that Miwa Masayo kept in mind when he watched Uchiha Yuu resist the thunder calamity two years ago on this rock and on the top of the mountain.

Miwa Masayo's Thunder Spirit Tail was indeed effective, but she ignored one problem.

That is, heaven and earth themselves are not eternal.

The power of the thunder calamity of heaven and earth depends on the ninja world itself, and the ninja world has undergone unknown but huge changes after Uchiha Yuu was successfully promoted.

After Yuu Uchiha was promoted, he created the Vest of Two Gods and used the power of faith to sort out the natural energy he absorbed. All he needed was a small part of the purest natural energy that was branded with his own.

But the natural energy he discarded like worn-out shoes is extremely precious to the nature of the ninja world, enough to enhance the order between heaven and earth to a higher level.

In other words, while Uchiha Yu is self-interested, he is also re-ordering the world.

The enhancement of order makes the power of the ninja world more orderly and able to exert stronger power.

The power of heaven and earth will first be reflected in the catastrophe.

Now, Miwa Masashi is very lucky to fall into the pit dug by the shit shovel.

The density of thunder and lightning soon exceeded 12 lines per second, and after breaking through this limit, it reached 36 lines per second almost in the blink of an eye.

Miwa Masayo's Thunder Spirit Tail was also very powerful. He ate most of it without force. The remaining dozen or so lightning bolts hit his body and were absorbed by the Thunder Spirit Tail before they could cause any damage.

The civet cat was not injured, but her fur accumulated a large amount of electric charge, and each hair stood straight up. The fluffy hair made her look three times fatter.

Miwa Masayo looked at his hair that was twinkling with lightning, his face full of disbelief: "It shouldn't be like this, how can you be so strong?"

A trace of natural energy passed through the lightning and landed on the body of the civet cat without causing the slightest change in the calamity.

Uchiha Yu's voice reached Masashi Miwa's heart with the help of natural energy.

[Lihua Jiang, why do you think of hiding alone to survive the tribulation? 】

[Meow, you still found me, meow... I want to give Yu a surprise, meow. 】

【What surprise? It's because you are worried that the result of your transformation will not be ideal, and you don't want me to see you looking unattractive. 】

[Damn it, meow, how did Yuu know about it, meow? 】

[You didn’t hide anything from me in the past, right? 】

[Idiot Lihua Jiang, in your heart, am I the kind of person who dislikes you just because you are not good-looking? 】

[Hmph, don’t try to lie to me, meow! You said it yourself, Meow, you are a complete and utter Yan Party, a bastard Meow who follows the five senses in his outlook on life! 】

[I remember the first time you came to the Cat Castle, the way you disliked Tiano and the others. They were also very healthy cow cats, but because of a few tufts of black hair that were out of place, they all cried when you disliked them. 】

[Tsk, it’s been more than five years, why do you still remember it? 】

[That wasn’t the first time we met. It was the first time that I didn’t understand the character of Ninja Cat. Of course, I could only look at the hair and appearance. You can’t blame me for that. 】

[Besides, Tianno, right? He only has a small patch of black hair on the top of his head and under his nose. His image is really too bad. 】

【Meow? 】

[Oh, after all, you and I have been together for five years, and we have established our relationship as Taoist couples. No matter how ugly you become, I will not dislike you. 】

[How can the relationship and feelings between us be affected by mere appearance? 】

【Really meow? 】

【of course it's true! 】

[Besides, Rika-chan, you underestimate the immortal way too much. 】

[Immortalism values ​​life, so all the pursuits of immortality are in compliance with the rules, and the appearance of the rules must be beautiful. 】

[As long as Lihua Jiang can successfully survive the catastrophe of transformation, your appearance will only differ between being too beautiful to be human and being too beautiful to be like a fairy. 】

【Really meow? I believe it, meow! 】

[Really, you have to believe in your Taoist companion! 】

[Be careful to overcome the tribulation, carefully control the changes in your body, and make sure you don’t make any mistakes. 】

[I know, meow, don’t talk, meow, I have to concentrate, meow. 】

【well. 】

The thunder and lightning became more and more dense, and finally they could no longer be separated into thin branches, completely merging into a thunder pillar that was so thick that no one could even touch it.

The power of the disaster was so exaggerated that even Uchiha Yuu didn't expect it, and he couldn't help but take half a step back.

He was not afraid that he would be affected, but that it would affect Miwa Masayo's ability to overcome the tribulation.

You must know that the natural energy line between him and Miwa Masashi was still well maintained by him. It was neither destroyed by lightning nor conflicted with lightning.

Now Uchiha Yuu has been able to attach his lightning immunity to the threads of natural energy, and can even move freely in lightning.

Following the line of natural energy, he could clearly hear the civet cat's inner voice.

Miwa Masayo was having a hard time. The power of the calamity exceeded her expectations, which made her very sad, but she could still barely block it.

But when the thunderbolts merged to form the Thunder Pillar, the civet cat could no longer bear it. The power of lightning invaded its body, and the kitten meowed in pain.

At this time, the original effect of the strongest defensive thunder spirit tail was reversed. Because the endurance capacity exceeded the limit, this tail instead became the largest entrance for thunder to penetrate the body.

The lightning poured in from the root of its tail, first sweeping away the meridians of Sanwa Masayo, almost dispersing the natural energy accumulated by the civet cat.

The lightning then strikes the nerve, causing a constant, excruciating pain that never produces a numbing effect.

Afterwards, the lightning also attacked the muscles and internal organs. The impact of the electric current caused the protein to deteriorate. Miwa Masashi felt that his body was emitting an alluring fragrance.

In the end, the lightning shattered her bones, not only the limbs and ribs, but also the skull and spine, all of which were shattered into pieces.

By this time, Miwa Masayo finally felt scared, and she began to feel lucky that her shit shovel came over and was by her side.

Although the civet cat's body is out of control and she can't speak at all, she has a natural energy connection with Uchiha Yuu and can transmit her inner voice.

Miwa Masayo pitifully asked for help:

[Yu, help me, my bones are broken, meow. 】

Uchiha Yu's unhappy answer came immediately:

[What to save, Lihuajiang, you little stupid cat, you are going through a tribulation now. 】

[I have already felt the vitality in the thunder. You are about to usher in the most critical transformation. Hold on! 】

【Really meow? Yuu didn’t lie to me, nya? 】

Miwa Masashi's voice was filled with tears:

[My bones are broken and my whole body is filled with the smell of burning. Is this really okay? 】

[Don’t worry, it’s really okay. 】

Uchiha Yuu tried hard to cheer up the civet cat.

[Lihua Jiang, haven’t you noticed that although you are in pain, you don’t feel the sense of danger of dying in your gut? 】

【Meow? Really, then I will endure it a little longer. 】

[Come on, Lihuajiang. 】

[According to my estimation, you still have two levels to pass. 】

【Meow? Yuu, please speak clearly, I'm afraid of Meowth! 】

[Your meridians are broken now, your body is broken, and your bones are shattered, but I think the real transformation requires crushing the genes, and then regenerating from cells to cells bit by bit, and obtaining a brand new body before it is complete. 】

【Meow! Yuu, you said lightning is coming, meow. You should have said it earlier, meow! 】

I don't know when, the thunderclouds in the sky turned into a spiral shape, and a bolt of lightning with a purple halo was inspired from the center of the thunderclouds, accurately striking the civet cat paralyzed on the rocks.

The purple lightning that was able to connect from the clouds to the reef was impressive, but it instantly disappeared from the body of the civet cat. There was no dazzling electric light or deafening roar of thunder.

Even Miwa Masayo, who was as limp as mud, only shook slightly, and then there was no reaction at all.

But in the connection of natural energy, Miwa Masayo's screams resounded through Uchiha Yu's heart.

[It hurts, it hurts, it hurts so much, meow, I’m going to die, meow! 】

[Don't talk nonsense, you won't die, your life will explode. 】

[Meow, meow, meow, I’m itchy again, it hurts and itches, meow, it’s worse than death, meow. 】

[Yu, is there any way you can help me, nya? 】

[How can I help at this critical moment? Come on, Lihuajiang, grit your teeth and get through it! 】

Uchiha Yu really didn't dare to interfere now. The bird that was pulled out of its shell would definitely die, and the emerging bug couldn't even be touched.

Miwa Masayo is now at the critical moment of becoming an immortal, and Uchiha Yuu has sensed the changes taking place in Miwa Masayo's body.

At this time, the overall shape of the tabby cat has completely disappeared, just like a pack of cat skin wrapped in a ball of mucus, and it also looks very much like a slime with tabby cat fur.

The change first occurred in the limp front paws, plum blossom-shaped paws. The shaky sharp claws suddenly fell off, the white fur cracked and faded to both sides, and a pair of slender hands were revealed from the cracks.

The slender jade hands were followed by the arms, then the upper arms, and the round and white shoulders were also exposed.

The originally limp cat's head filled up again, and quickly expanded to the size of a human head. Then the center line of the cat's head cracked, and a white and tender head came out.

Although there is no hair or eyebrows, the eyes are closed, the lips are pale, and the skin is slightly wrinkled, the stunning color can still be seen on the childish face.

In her mind, Miwa Masayo has become completely silent.

Uchiha Yu could feel that the spirit of the tabby cat had entered a wonderful state, merging with the lightning and thunder of heaven and earth. This may be the so-called epiphany.

Although Uchiha Yu had an epiphany more than once and even had a lucid dream, it was the first time for him to see an epiphany from the outside and feel the wonderful rhythm around the emerging Miwa Masayo. He also gained a lot.

Uchiha Yu murmured: "The process of life promotion turns out to be so wonderful. It's great to be able to see it."

"The most amazing thing is that although Lihua Jiang's body only has arms, shoulders, neck and head, it is several times larger than the previous cat body. Where did so much material come from?"

"It's amazing."

The process of feathering is still going on. After the cat's head is split open, the plain chest under the neck, the abdomen with obvious waistline, straight curved thighs, calves as slender as a deer, until the last pair of white and tender feet that can enchant people, calmly Lifted gracefully from the shriveled cat skin.

A white lolita slowly rose from the cat's body, suspended in the air as if it was not affected by gravity.

Lightning surrounded her, but it could no longer directly touch the white and tender skin. Instead, it evaporated all the mucus on her body.

The cat skin under Loli's feet was not so lucky. The moment after she came out, it turned into fly ash in the dense thunder and lightning, and dissipated with the wind.

In fact, Thunder no longer has the same energy as before, the density of lightning is also rapidly decreasing, and its power is declining even more.

I don't know when, Bai Loli's head grew hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, especially the black and shiny hair, and the growth rate was extremely exaggerated, almost as fast as Jiraiya's ninjutsu.

In the blink of an eye, black hair fell from the top of her head to her calves. The smooth and shiny black hair was like a piece of soft silk, draped over Bai Loli's body, blocking everything that should not be seen.

Miwa Masayo, it turns out to be a straight black lolita.

Just when her hair had finished growing and started to flutter slightly in the wind, Loli's eyes trembled, and her eyelashes like small fans slowly raised, revealing a pair of blue-based pupils with bright starlight.

Uchiha Yuu saw these eyes at a glance through the streaks of lightning. They were the starlight eyes that Miwa Masayo suddenly possessed after his first breakthrough.

He showed a bright smile: "The thunder tribulation of transformation has been successfully passed. Congratulations to fellow Taoist Sanlun Yashi for becoming an immortal!"

Miwa Masayo seemed a little confused. She blinked and looked at Uchiha Yuu and recalled it for a while before she suddenly remembered who he was.

The little loli's eyes were crooked, the corners of her mouth were raised, and she smiled happily: "Yu, long time no see, meow."

Uchiha Yu slightly said in surprise: "Long time no see? It seems that the epiphany just now took a long time for Rika-chan."

The little loli floated over skillfully without touching the ground, and suddenly threw herself into Uchiha Yuu's arms.

She took a few deep breaths and said with emotion: "This is the smell, meow. I haven't smelled it for a long time. It really makes me miss meow."

Uchiha Yu asked: "How long have you been in the dream, Rika-chan?"

Miwa Masato replied in a low voice: "Ten years, nya, I spent ten years in a dream. When I knew it was a dream, I woke up."

"This dream is so real. I can remember every minute and every second of the past ten years. I can also remember everything I have experienced, as well as everyone and cats I have met."

"I just saw Yu, and I don't even remember what you look like. I have to smell it to confirm it's you."

Uchiha Yu nodded: "It turned out to be a lucid dream. Rika-chan is very lucky. It seems that she will gain a lot."

Miwa Masashi hummed, "I learned how to use chopsticks, get dressed and take a shower. I also learned how to cook, but it's not as delicious as Yuu's."

Uchiha Yu: "..."

Miwa Masashi kept chattering for a long time, basically talking about the life skills she had learned, even if it was sewing and mending clothes, she could talk happily for a long time.

Finally, Uchiha Yuu asked her about her strength, and then said: "I learned levitating and flying, as well as the art of transformation."

"It's not a ninjutsu transformation technique, but a real physical change, nya."

Miwa Masashi suddenly became excited and left Uchiha Yuu's arms excitedly, jumping up and down and talking about how powerful he was.

She raised three fingers on her right hand and said, "I can now change between three forms: human, half-human and cat."

"As a human, I am the strongest in celestial arts, and as a half-human, I am the strongest in physical arts, but in the form of a cat, I am the strongest, nya."

"Yu, let me demonstrate it to you, nya."

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