I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 326 Miwa Masayo This cat can be eaten three times

Faced with Miwa Masayo's excited explanation, Uchiha Yuu smiled bitterly, pulled out a few pieces of his own clothes, and said to the Taoist companion: "Rika-chan, you'd better get dressed first."

It turned out that the excited Miwa Masashi couldn't help but dance and even jump on the ground.

Under the intense movements, the long satin-like hair could no longer cover his fair body, making Uchiha Yuu's eyebrows jump.

Miwa Masayo was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and suddenly said: "Oh, yes, nya, I want to wear clothes as a human being, nya."

She took over the clothes that Uchiha Yuu brought with him without hesitation, and dressed them neatly and skillfully in front of Uchiha Yuu.

Because they were Yuu Uchiha's clothes, they looked a bit too big for Masashi Miwa. The sleeves and pants were rolled up, making her even more petite.

Fair skin, long shiny black hair, petite figure, stunning face.

Miwa Masayo, this long black and straight lolita, poked part of Uchiha Yuu's aesthetics. Of course, only if it is a long-legged lady with long black straight legs, it can be considered a complete poke.

The main thing is that she has a good-looking face.

Miwa Masato chuckled, tugged on his clothes, tied his belt tighter, and then soaked it with his own natural energy of thunder spirit.

Under Uchiha Yu's surprised gaze, the ill-fitting clothes slowly deformed and shrank, and soon turned into a very fitting style.

"Hehe, this is also the ability I got, nya, it's very useful nya."

Miwa Masato smiled proudly: "Only in this way can I use the transformation technique better. Otherwise, I have to lose a whole set of clothes every time I transform. It is really a waste."

"Let you see my half-human form."

As Miwa Masayo's body changed, her hair shortened to ear length, and her height grew rapidly, from 140 to 176 in one fell swoop.

Miwa Masayo's arms and legs not only became longer, but also became much stronger, with obvious muscle lines, making him look very powerful.

The plump rear lights, tall and steep front headlights, and exquisite curves perfectly match the royal temperament of 176.

In Uchiha Yu's eyes, except for the disappointing short hair, this half-human Miwa Masayo is simply perfect.

In particular, Miwa Masayo's ears not only moved from the sides of her head to the top of her head, but also turned into furry triangular ears.

Suddenly, four furry tails emerged from behind, dangling flexibly, and tightly grabbed Uchiha Yu's eyes.

At the end of the transformation, Masayo Miwa popped out the cat claws on her ten fingers and exposed the sharp tiger teeth in her mouth. It was obvious at a glance that she was good at physical arts.

Uchiha Yuu felt happy. Although there were some regrets in each form, such a distinctive look was better.

Miwa Masayo is not only a black and straight little lolita, but she can also turn into a royal lady with cat ears.

This is one cat eating two.


He applauded and praised: "It's great, it's a perfect transformation, it's all the way I like it."

Miwa Masayo looked over strangely, and Uchiha Yu quickly changed his words: "What I mean is that such Miwa Masayo can cope with different fighting modes near and far. If it can make the transformation faster, that would be perfect. ”

Miwa Masayo suddenly said: "Yu is right, but this is the fastest speed I can transform. Maybe as my practice improves, the speed will become faster."

Uchiha Yu said curiously: "Rika-chan, you said that you are the most powerful in cat form. Can you show it to me?"

"I'm very curious how a cat weighing more than ten kilograms can become your strongest fighting form."

Miwa Masato scratched his ears and said, "Of course, but my cat form is not a cat that weighs more than ten pounds."

Black and white cat hair grew on her cheeks, and even the clothes she wore were transforming into hair, and tiger stripes were soon visible.

Sister Dayu's arms quickly became thick and powerful, her fingers curled up and fused, growing soft flesh pads, and her whole body quickly transformed into a cat form.

But what surprised Uchiha Yuu the most was that during the process of transforming into a cat, Miwa Masayo's size did not shrink, but grew crazily.

The shadow cast by the big cat grew larger and larger, until it completely enveloped Uchiha Yu, causing his head to keep rising until it was completely raised.

Uchiha Yu murmured: "Wow, no wonder Miwa Masayo is the most powerful in cat form. This body shape is really convincing."

The cat form that Miwa Masashi spoke of turned out to be a giant cat about the same size as Gamabunta.

No, apart from the triangular ears, there is a hint of cat in her appearance. She is clearly a colorful black and white tiger.

As a force of ninja cats, Cat Castle has three shortcomings in becoming a holy land: it lacks a great immortal comparable to Gamamaru, it lacks giant combat power like Gamabunta and Orochi Shinya, and it lacks a safe and secretive base.

Now, Masashi Miwa has made up for two of the three shortcomings in one breath.

Miwa Masayo, who had completed the catastrophe of transformation, had already stepped onto the level of the Blood Successor Snare, even far surpassing Tomamaru and White Snake Sennin.

And her colorful tiger form has the combat power to crush Buntai and Xinya, forming a huge advantage in terms of giant combat power.

Cat Castle is only one piece of real spiritual land away from becoming a holy place.

The balance in Uchiha Yuu's heart has tilted. Originally, he had monopolized the secret realm of Loulan as a cultivator of immortality, but now he found that due to the influence of culture, it was very difficult for the spread of immortality.

It even forced Uchiha Yu to develop a system for practicing immortality in order to have the confidence to promote immortality.

Seeing Miwa Masayo's appearance after his breakthrough, he suddenly felt that maybe he shouldn't stick to his previous ideas. It might be a good idea to incorporate the entire Cat Castle into his immortal system, and even eat the warm-blooded immortal alliance.

He murmured: "It is not necessary for all members to practice immortality. The immortality system is not unusable. At least it is still very qualified as a bottom-level force."

“The sea does not shy away from water, so it can become as big as it does; the mountain does not shy away from dust, so it can become as high as it is.”

"I am still poor and have nothing. I only have two disciples and one Taoist companion. How can I be qualified to despise the immortal arts system?"

The colorful tiger began to shrink in size. In this transformation, Miwa Masayo did not go through the half-human sister form, but shrank directly into the long black lolita form.

What's amazing is that the hair on her body automatically transforms into suitable clothing, wrapping her body just right.

Miwa Masayo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This is the most comfortable way, and it is also the smoothest to practice."

Uchiha Yu stretched out his hand, grabbed a handful of black hair, and gently combed it, feeling the smoothness of the black hair.

"After passing the catastrophe of transformation, the state you directly transform into is the state that is most suitable for you. Since you feel comfortable, you should maintain it for a long time and don't change into the other two forms casually."

Miwa Masayo felt that her hair was combed very comfortably. She narrowed her eyes and said softly: "Okay, nya, as long as I don't fight in the future, I will use this look."

After Uchiha Yuu combed her hair a few times, Miwa Masayo yawned loudly, and then let out a charming snoring sound from her throat with sleepy eyes.

She reluctantly opened her eyes and said, "Yu, I suddenly feel so tired and sleepy."

Uchiha Yu smiled and said, "Go to sleep when you feel sleepy."

"You have just survived the thunder catastrophe of transformation. Normally you should hold on and practice hard to consolidate your realm so as not to retreat."

"But my pear blossom jam was lucky. She had a lucid dream just after she transformed, and she had an epiphany in her dream for ten years."

"Not only did you stabilize your realm in one fell swoop, you also realized many abilities and three-form changes, but the mental toll was also extremely huge."

"So now you should have a good rest."

Kuronaga Nao Loli suddenly relaxed after hearing Uchiha Yuu's words, and said in a daze: "I listened to Yuu, I fell asleep, nya."

After saying that, she floated up, curled her hands and feet into a ball in her arms, and then flew into Yu Uchiha's arms. She turned a few times to find the most comfortable position, and fell asleep deeply.

Uchiha Yu didn't waste any time, and immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned directly to Loulan Secret Realm.

Miwa Masayo slept for seven full days.

When she woke up refreshed, Uchiha Yu had already prepared sumptuous food for her in advance.

Charcoal-grilled giant octopus legs, mountains of colorful squid piled on iron plates, and elixirs refined into pills are all high-energy foods that will satisfy Miwaken Yashi.

But during the feast, she discovered a problem and asked doubtfully: "Yu, am I broken?"

Uchiha Yuu was startled and carefully examined the whole body of the black long straight loli. The body was full of vitality, the spirit and soul were stable and strong, the combination of spirit and body was perfect, and the rhythm of synchronous development was extremely harmonious, giving people an unusually lively feeling. a feeling of.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his Taoist companion, he still did not dare to relax.

You must know that Masayo Miwa has just survived the catastrophe of transformation. This is also the first time in the ninja world. Even if the kitten himself has made no mistakes, how can he be sure that there is no problem in the world of ninja?

Both he and Miwa Masayo have advanced to the level of life of the Blood Successor Snare and have become high-level beings independent of the ninja world.

But now they are like newborn babies. Although they no longer need the direct blood transfusion and care of the mother of the ninja world, they are still too young to be separated from the support of the ninja world.

They still need time to grow and develop, and they must at least reach the strength of Kaguya Otsutsuki before they can escape the cradle of the ninja world.

But what Uchiha Yuu is most worried about is that there is something wrong with the ninja world itself, because before him, there was only one foreign predator, the goddess Uno, who had successfully reached the level of the Blood Successor Snare.

The second successful person to be promoted to the Six Paths Sage not only inherited a large amount of resources from his mother, but also completely completed his promotion after his soul fell to the Pure Land.

According to the theory of immortality, Otsutsuki Hagoromo took the path of ghosts and immortals. This is not the straight path of immortality, but a crooked and evil way.

At the same time, Otsutsuki Hagoromo is not a native of the ninja world. To a certain extent, he is the special Otsutsuki clan accidentally born after the combination of Otsutsuki Kaguya and the power of the sacred tree.

Apart from these two aliens, the only ones who have climbed the highest in the level of life are the three great immortals of the Three Holy Lands: Toadmaru, White Snake, and Living Dragon.

Among them, only the Living Immortal has not been exposed to, and its realm is elusive.

Because he had fought with two Toad Sage and understood the plot, Uchiha Yuu could roughly deduce the realm of Toadamaru, which was basically a six-path level that was half-dead due to too many fates.

He had directly dealt with the White Snake Immortal, and even cut off half of the snake's tail with his own hands. It was certain that its strength had not been promoted to the Sixth Path level.

However, the White Snake Immortal also has a unique advantage. With its strong physique, powerful magical skills, and profound accumulation, it is invincible below the Sixth Path level.

In the past so many years, in the extraordinary world of ninja world, Yu Uchiha was actually the first being to climb to the level of Blood Successor Snare.

So Uchiha Yu naturally wondered if there was something wrong with the ninja world, otherwise how could he be the first?

In two lifetimes combined, this is the first time he has become number one.

So Miwa Masashi said that it was broken. After checking it, Uchiha Yu confirmed that there was no problem, but he was still not completely sure.

So he asked: "What exactly makes you feel uncomfortable? Please try your best to describe it to me."

Miwa Masashi was a little embarrassed. After hesitating for a moment, he picked up the pure steel plate holding the iron plate.

Little Loli blushed and said hesitantly: "I, I don't know what's wrong, I really want to eat this thing."

"Yu, am I broken, nya?"

Uchiha Yuya was quite surprised. Before this, he was the only one who would want to eat some strange things for no reason. This behavior lasted throughout his entire cultivation period.

Those strange things that cause appetite have become an indispensable key part of his practice. Almost every breakthrough he has has something to do with eating.

Now something interesting happened. Miwa Masayo actually suffered from pica. The key was that her target was too simple. What the hell was this steel plate she bought casually in Konoha Village?

With their own precedent, neither Yuu Uchiha nor Masato Miwa suspected that it was an illusion. They were just worried that the little loli's feelings would be wrong and something would go wrong in the end.

Uchiha Yu carefully checked it several times to confirm that there was no problem. Then he saw the drool that Miwa Masayo unconsciously drooled, and finally gave up his doubts.

He suggested in a low voice: "Why don't you take a bite and try it first, and I'll see how you react after eating it?"

"Okay, ow."

As soon as Uchiha Yuu let go, Miwa Masayo couldn't wait to take a bite. Her row of snow-white teeth bit the stainless steel plate without making any sound of metal collision.

The extremely hard steel plate was cut open by the teeth like a cloud cake, then chewed between the teeth, and finally swallowed.

Uchiha Yuu was sure that the steel showed no signs of softening at all, and Miwa Masayo relied on the sharpness of his teeth to bite and grind it hard.

The next change was incomprehensible to Uchiha Yu. A large piece of steel entered his stomach, was digested in the blink of an eye, and then disappeared without a trace.

Based on the changes in Kuronaga Nao Loli's body data, Yuu Uchiha determined that her energy and blood had increased a little, in other words, her blood had been replenished.

Iron is indeed one of the key elements for replenishing blood, but how does this raw method of replenishing iron replenish blood?

Uchiha Yuu was puzzled.

In any case, he also figured out that Miwa Masayo was only interested in iron for the time being, and she could really eat steel, which would also benefit her body after eating it.

What else can we do? We can only let Miwa Masashi eat it casually.

From then on, Uchiha Yuu lost a tabby cat and gained a long black straight lolita. Moreover, he was a strange lolita who would take out a kunai or weight-bearing steel plate at any time and chew it as he pleased.

The ninjas of Konoha Village soon knew that this loli was the former civet cat. The cat immortal of the Cat Castle had successfully practiced and transformed into a human form.

Suddenly, the number of ninjas contracted with ninja cats in the Uchiha clan skyrocketed, completely overwhelming the Crow faction and becoming the absolute mainstream in the family.

There's nothing I can do about it, Masayo Miwa, this loli, is so beautiful.

The teenagers of the Uchiha clan are saying that they don’t want to play with girls, but why don’t they want to get a soft and fragrant little loli?

Even Uchiha Shisui sometimes resisted holding Yaeko in his arms and asked softly: "Yeko, will you also become a human like Miwa Masashi-sama?"

Yaeko answered blankly every time: "Shisui-sama, Miwa Masashi-san is a cat sage, how can I compare with her?"

The popularity of ninja cats has led to the decline of the ninja crow style, and Uchiha Itachi, who naturally likes crows, feels very hurt.

This boy with an indifferent nature couldn't play with his peers, and he didn't even talk on the same channel.

Now that all his friends of the same age have become cat gangsters, he, a crow gangster, has become even more lonely.

Uchiha Itachi's mind is also very strange. He often gets caught up in some problems that are not suitable for his age, and seriously thinks about major issues such as life, Konoha Village, and peace in the ninja world.

The reason why he thinks about these questions lies in his father, Uchiha Fugaku.

The former leader of the Uchiha clan, who had gone from having great power to an ordinary jounin without power, was naturally not in a good mood.

In the beginning, Uchiha Fugaku was quite honest. Intimidated by Uchiha Yu's power, he acted very cautiously, listened to orders carefully, and concentrated on performing tasks.

Regarding Uchiha Yu's policies such as dismantling the security department and attracting Konoha ninjas and ordinary villagers to join, he also kept silent and did not dare to have the slightest opinion.

Under the control of Uchiha Yu, the originally endangered family quickly integrated into Konoha Village and prospered rapidly.

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't understand Uchiha Yu's operations, but he was so shocked that he didn't dare to speak casually.

But everything has its limits.

As Uchiha Fugaku played a key role in several wars and showed the power of Susanoo in front of the Konoha ninja army, his reputation suddenly became more famous, far exceeding the period when he served as the leader of the Uchiha clan.

As his reputation skyrocketed, the restlessness in his heart also sprouted and gradually grew.

If your heart is restless, your mouth will have complaints.

A group of down-and-out old men in their forties gathered together to discuss state affairs, drink some alcoholic drinks, and dare to make any unreasonable complaints.

The complaints of Uchiha Fugaku and his old guys just entered Uchiha Itachi's ears and left a deep imprint on his young and ignorant mind.

This child with limited knowledge but over-sensitivity has grown crookedly.

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