I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 324 System maturity is the key to the expansion of Immortal Dao

Uchiha Yu said seriously: "The danger not only comes from losing control during the promotion process, but also is related to the bloodline of our Uchiha clan."

"When we cross two stages in a row, we, the Uchiha clan, are very likely to be stimulated and trigger the promotion of our body's bloodline."

"Even if it turns out that you already have the Three Magatama Sharingan, there is still a high chance that you will awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan."

Uchiha Ayumi was overjoyed: "Huh? Will he awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan? This, this is great!"

Uchiha Shisui also widened his eyes. He had experienced Sharingan promotion and had no doubts about Uchiha Yu's statement.

But Shisui never thought that this method could be used to break through the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Uchiha Ayumi jumped up even more excitedly. He no longer looked as calm as before. He shouted forgetfully, fully expressing his yearning for the Mangekyou Sharingan.

This angered Yuu Uchiha, who unceremoniously knocked Aushi on the forehead, causing Aushi to scream.

Uchiha Yu scolded: "Do you think I said this for a benefit?"

"This is a big bad thing, idiot!"

"Ah?" Uchiha Ayumi hugged the big bump on his forehead and asked in confusion: "Brother Yuu, that's the Mangekyō Sharingan, the Mangekyō!"

Uchiha Yuu said: "The Mangekyō Sharingan is of course a good thing. With your current physical fitness, once you awaken the Mangekyō, you will definitely get the same Mangekyō as the old patriarch Fugaku."

Uchiha Ayumi said loudly: "Chief Fugaku's eyes are also very powerful, Susanoo is so handsome!"

Uchiha Shisui also nodded desperately, his eyes shining with yearning.

"Haha, two silly brothers." Uchiha Yu sneered: "Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan is very strong, and Susanoo is also very powerful, but unfortunately his Sharingan is incomplete and will fail every time he uses it. It’s a step toward blindness.”

"In particular, Susanoo is the strongest ability of the Mangekyō Sharingan. Every time it is used, the vision of the Mangekyō Sharingan will be significantly reduced."

Uchiha Yu looked at his two younger brothers and asked, "Do you want to go blind?"

The two brothers shook their heads together, turning their heads like rattles.

Even Uchiha Ayumi was still a young man under 20 years old, and he was a terminally ill pervert like Uchiha Itachi. No one wanted to become blind.

No matter how miraculous the Mangekyō Sharingan is, it is still an eye. In most cases, as the eyes become blind, all the abilities that reside in the Sharingan will be lost.

Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Ayumi were very young, and they could not imagine how they would spend the next few decades after losing their eyes.

Thinking of the risk of blindness, Uchiha Ayumi's face turned pale.

He looked at Uchiha Yu pitifully and asked: "Brother Yu, what should I do? I don't want to become blind!"

Uchiha Yu said helplessly: "Try to exercise restraint. Now it only depends on your efforts and your life."

"It's best to suppress the physical conflict and not awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan."

"Take me as an example. When the three breakthroughs in the foundation period are completed, while condensing the golden elixir and awakening the Mangekyō, you will get the perfect Mangekyō Sharingan in one step."

He looked at Ayumi Uchiha, who was so desperate that he almost turned to ashes. He could only comfort him: "Even if you fail to suppress it, don't despair. There is always a way to prevent you from becoming blind."

Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Ayumi asked at the same time: "Really?"

Uchiha Yuu replied firmly: "Really, and there is more than one way."

Uchiha Shisui asked curiously: "Brother Yu, what are they?"

Uchiha Yuu thought for a while and replied: "If you awaken the clan leader's mangekyō, the best way is to take your brother's mangekyō sharingan and fuse it with your own mangekyō sharingan."

"When two pairs of kaleidoscopes connected by blood merge into one, they can learn from each other's strengths and resolve their original flaws."

"Not only will you not go blind when you use power at will, but you can also go one step further in power. This kind of kaleidoscope is called the 'Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan'."

"The clan leader before Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Madara, who co-founded the Leaf Village with the first Hokage, used this method."

Uchiha Ayumi and Uchiha Shisui looked at each other and shook their heads in disappointment.

Ayushi said: "Neither Shisui nor I have brothers. In fact, there are many brothers in the family, but it is too difficult for two brothers to awaken the Mangekyō."

Zhisui said: "The key is that one of the brothers has to be sacrificed. This method is too cruel."

Uchiha Yu said: "Don't be dissatisfied, this is actually the most correct solution, and the Eternal Eye still has the potential to continue to advance."

Uchiha Shisui shook his head and said: "Brother Yuu, if you can't do something, no matter how great your potential is, it doesn't make sense to me and Aushige. Is there any other way?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "There are two very similar methods. The first is to transplant Hashirama cells, which is to inject the active cells of the first generation Hokage into the body. As long as the balance of Kaleidoscope and Hashirama cells is maintained, the energy will be With constant eye treatment, there is no danger of becoming blind again.”

He smiled and said: "And you can also obtain the Mudun Blood Succession Limit. It can be said that the effect is very good."

Uchiha Ayumi breathed a sigh of relief: "This method is good, I think it is completely acceptable."

Uchiha Yu smiled and scolded: "You are such an unsatisfactory brother, but it is quite easy to be satisfied."

"I said, everything is not only beneficial. Fusion of Hashirama cells will put your life at risk. Even with the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, it is not 100% able to suppress Hashirama cells."

"Once the pupil force suppression fails, it will be swallowed by Hashirama cells and eventually turn into a vibrant tree."

"The relatively safe method is to fuse a White Zetsu. The effect is very similar to fusing Hashirama cells. You can also obtain the Wood Release Blood Succession Limit."

"The price of safety is that Shiro is not easy to obtain, the recovery speed is not fast enough, the Mangekyō Sharingan must be used with restraint, and finally, the awakened Wood Release Blood Succession Limit is not strong enough."

Uchiha Yu raised his index finger and said seriously: "But in my opinion, the biggest problem with these two methods is that they will destroy the integrity of the body, causing the fusion to exhaust all its potential and never be able to go further."

"Unless you can plunder someone else's eternal eye, or even a stronger reincarnation eye, and place it in your own eye socket, you can further enhance your power with the help of other people's power."

Uchiha Shisui was very smart, and he immediately understood the meaning of Uchiha Yu's words.

Shisui asked in surprise: "Brother Yu, what you mean is that the Samsara Eye among the three major pupil techniques has something to do with our Uchiha clan?"

In the surprised eyes of Ayumi and Shisui, Uchiha Yuu nodded and said: "Yes, based on the Eternal Eye and the integration of the blood inheritance limit of the Senju clan, the power of the universe will be born, giving birth to the Samsara Eye. "

"So we, the Uchiha clan, can use the Rinnegan."

Uchiha Shisui is a disciple of the fourth generation Hokage Orochimaru. He follows the Hokage and knows many secrets that ordinary ninjas are completely unaware of.

He immediately thought of a person, the leader of Amegakure Village, the strongest ninja in the world who once killed nearly 40,000 ninjas of Konohagakure, Sunagakure, and Iwagakure villages with one person - Nagato.

It is said that he is a student of Jiraiya, the Sannin of Konoha. The reason why he is so powerful is because he is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan and has the Rinnegan Eye.

Shisui said blankly: "Can it be that in addition to our Uchiha clan, the Uzumaki clan can also give birth to the Rinnegan Eye?"

"No." Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "The Uzumaki clan's talents are sealing techniques and chakra power. Of course they cannot breed any eye techniques."

"As for the eyes in Nagato's sockets, I can only say that they are not Uzumaki's, but belong to an Uchiha."

Uchiha Ayumi frowned and thought, but Shisui already knew who it was. He mouthed a name to Uchiha Yuu silently: Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Yu nodded, agreeing with Shisui's guess. His approval made Shisui take a breath.

Uchiha Shisui has been trained by Uchiha Yuu since he was very young, not only in ninjutsu and immortality, but also in part of the knowledge of dragon slaying.

That knowledge was just memorized by force before, and Uchiha Shisui didn't understand what it meant at all.

When he became a disciple of the Fourth Hokage and came into contact with the high-level government affairs of Konoha Village, the combination of rigid theories and practical situations allowed Uchiha Shisui to understand many things at once and mature quickly.

When Uchiha Ayumi was still confused, Uchiha Shisui not only guessed the truth, but also understood the seriousness of the problem.

Without Uchiha Yu's reminder, Shisui shut up on his own and said nothing, leaving Uchiha Ayumi suspicious.

However, Ayumi's attention soon shifted to how to restrain the urge to advance the Sharingan, and listened carefully to Uchiha Yuu's experience and the various techniques he had summarized.

Because there are no brothers, Ayumi and Shisui cannot choose the path of the Eternal Eye, so they naturally hope to follow the path of Uchiha Yuu.

When the physical fitness reaches the standard and is enough to carry the Mangekyo Sharingan, with the help of the progress of immortal cultivation, he can break through the bottleneck of the Mangekyo Sharingan in one fell swoop and obtain the Sharingan of his ancestor Indra in one step.

The Eye of Indra, even above the Eye of Eternity, also has the potential to further advance the Eye of Samsara. It is definitely the Mangekyo Sharingan worth looking forward to.

Both brothers put their hope in Uchiha Yu's method and path, so they listened very carefully. If it weren't for the Sharingan's photographic memory, they would definitely take out their notebooks to record.

After explaining everything, Uchiha Yu finally added: "Every word I said today can be regarded as a secret. You two must keep it in your heart, but you cannot tell it to anyone."

Shisui and Ayumi looked at each other and replied at the same time: "We understand, Brother Yu, we will definitely keep the secret."

Uchiha Yu nodded and explained briefly: "Especially the secret method I taught you today was specially designed for you two based on my own experience and understanding of you."

"You should have discovered just now that the things I teach are all different, so they can never be taught to others. If other people use your two exclusive secret skills to practice, not only will it be useless, but they may also kill others. .”

Uchiha Ayumi couldn't help but ask: "Brother Yuu, the practice of immortality is so difficult. It needs to be tailored to each person. How can this be passed down?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "Inheritance? Why can't it be inherited?"

"You two need to know that my immortal way is completely different from Chakra's Ninja way. Successful practitioners will have a long life."

"The long lifespan I am talking about is definitely not a lifespan of a hundred years, but a lifespan of up to a thousand years, like the great immortals in the three holy places."

"With enough time, you can always meet a disciple suitable for inheritance, so you don't have to worry about inheritance."

"Thousands, a thousand years of life..."

Uchiha Ayumi and Uchiha Shisui were both dumbfounded. They had never imagined that a person could live for a hundred years, let alone a life span of thousands of years.

For a moment, both brothers were stunned.

Because the three views were not influenced by the Yanhuang civilization, they have no attachment to immortality, they just find it incredible and instinctively like it.

It was Miwa Masayo, the cat sage, who was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night when he first switched to the path of immortality. He yearned for immortality from the bottom of his heart.

After checking the cultivation progress of the two younger brothers, the system was adjusted again based on the information recorded in their systems.

The system on the two younger brothers is the most important system created by Uchiha Yu, whose purpose is to assist the host in practicing immortality.

Now the system has evolved to the point where it can monitor the physical and mental health of the host at all times, remind the host of problems, key points, and hidden dangers in cultivation at any time, as well as display the percentage of cultivation progress.

This kind of display similar to the game experience bar is very important to Uchiha Ayumi. It allows him to know that he is actually making progress when he is unable to experience progress, and that all his efforts are useless.

Without the support of the system, he might not have been able to persist until now, and would have sadly chosen to give up before seeing the light of day.

The Immortal System is the key to Uchiha Yu spreading the Immortal inheritance.

As a pioneer of the Immortal Way in the ninja world, he extremely hopes that more people will practice the Immortal Way, and gather everyone's inspiration and insights to help him continue to move forward on the unknown Immortal Way.

"Soon, the day is coming when my word will be fully spread."

Just when Uchiha Yuu was happily calculating when to promote the system, he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart. His intuition told him that his life was not in danger, but he might lose an extremely important existence.

Uchiha Yu was shocked, because the intuitive feeling was so strong, second only to the feeling when he encountered a life and death crisis.

He murmured: "The most important existence next to life, what do I have that is so important but is on the verge of being lost?"

Uchiha Yuu worked his brain crazily, checking the important items around him one by one, including memories, and there was no possibility of them being lost.

But the intuitive feeling of danger has not weakened at all, and has even become stronger.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Uchiha Yu's mind, and he knew what was second only to his own life.

It's Masato Miwa.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but cursed himself: "Damn it, how could I forget that the disaster of Miwa Masayo's transformation is just these days, and it seems that it has been advanced for some reason."

"Really, what do I want to do with this? The most important thing now is to find the civet cat."

Uchiha Yuu began to quickly check all the places where Miwa Masayo might go, including the home in Konoha Village, the newly built villa on the bank of the Nanga River, the Cat Castle, the Kawanoguni Barrier Lake, the Nanhai Volcanic Island, and the Ryūchi Cave.

These nests built by Uchiha Yuu were the places where he and Miwa Masato visited most often, but no trace of the civet cat was found.

This can't help but make Uchiha Yuxin panic, because his intuition tells him that the risk of losing Miwa Masashi is increasing.

Fortunately, he stabilized his mind and thought of a new way to search.

What puts Miwa Masayo in danger is her transformation calamity. This calamity must be in the form of calamity thunder. Only through the cleansing of calamity thunder can bones, muscles, fascia and meridians be reconstructed.

The most important thing is to correct the genes in the cells.

Only by modifying genes in this way can the human body after the transformation not gradually lose the metabolism of body cells as time goes by.

Therefore, now, the power of Thunder Tribulation must have begun to gather around Miwa Masayo, and it must also be accompanied by the accumulation of massive natural energy of Thunder Spirits.

Uchiha Yu began to feel the thunderstorms in nature wholeheartedly, trying to find the location of Miwa Masashi.

Next, Uchiha Yuu traveled to and from the center of various thunderstorms at high speed, looking for poor Rika-chan.

He thought Miwa Masashi was not far away from him, but he didn't expect to find anything around Konoha Village, so he had to look for them one by one along the center of the thunderstorm.

Yuu Uchiha searched farther and farther, and it was not until he arrived at the Land of Waves three days later that he felt the natural energy of the three spirits of wind, fire, and thunder in the air, which belonged to Miwa Masashi.

Following the breath of natural energy, Uchiha Yu came to the island where he first encountered lightning disaster. On the rock where he was struck by lightning, he found Miwa Masashi sitting upright.

The civet cat sat upright, with its head raised high, staring at the gray swirling clouds in the sky, its eyes shining with expectation.

There is also a fear of the unknown and lightning.

Although Miwa Masayo has not experienced thunder tribulation, she has seen with her own eyes how Uchiha Yu survived the tribulation.

Two years ago, on this island, Uchiha Yuu was chased by hundreds of lightning bolts, hitting him from the rocks on the seaside to the main peak of the island.

That time, when the lightning ended, Masato Miwa went up the mountain to retrieve his shovel, which had almost turned into a thick piece of coke.

Miwa Masashi murmured: "Yu was beaten so badly that he gained a constitution that is immune to lightning."

"And I'm about to be chased and beaten by lightning. I don't know if I can bear it. And I'm really curious about what abilities I will eventually acquire."

Before Miwa Masayo finished speaking, a thick bolt of lightning struck from the depths of the spiral thundercloud and directly hit the civet cat on the reef.

The Transformation Thunder Tribulation has officially begun.

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