I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 318 Uchiha Yu opens the door to the world

Baizu didn't have the slightest worry about the changes in front of him.

In his opinion, it was completely meaningless for Namikaze Minato to temporarily learn new ninjutsu from Konoha genin.

Perhaps the addition of such a destructive ninjutsu would cause him to lose hundreds more puppets, but it would never change his destined victory.

In the final analysis, Baizu is just a chuunin, still far from a jounin, and unable to understand the key difference between a jounin and a shadow-level ninja.

Only Ye Gura at the scene understood what kind of qualitative change would occur when the Rasengan jutsu was combined with the teleportation ninjutsu performed by Namikaze Minato.

Before that, Namikaze Minato was a standard Kage-level ninja, but after that, he became one of the top Kage-level ninjas.

Ye Cang himself no longer had the confidence to defeat him.

Also paying attention to this change are Uchiha Yu's wooden clones. They understand better that the real "golden flash" is about to appear in its complete body.

However, Uchiha Yuu was more concerned about Uzumaki Naruto. This son of destiny brought him too many surprises today.

Under the stimulation of Baizu, he took out the nine-tailed chakra and took the opportunity to practice Miaomushan Xianjutsu, creating an indelible time knot in the long river of time.

Through this knot, Uchiha Yu even touched the truth of time, and was only one step away from a key node.

But unfortunately, as Uzumaki Naruto's changes stabilized, the changes in time ripples also stabilized, causing Uchiha Yu's gains to begin to decrease sharply.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath and murmured: "It turns out that the strength of the ripples of time does not depend on the size of the force or the scale of the change. The key is the growth trend of change and connection."

"No matter how big the change is, as long as it becomes stable, the time ripples caused by it will subside."

"Come on, Uzumaki Naruto, make some more changes, I'm just a little bit closer, and help me create a little more time ripples, so that I can break through the key and achieve the most important goal I envisioned!"

"Naruto Uzumaki, if you can help me achieve my goal, I will definitely reward you. It will be a reward that will definitely satisfy you!"

Uchiha Yu looked at Uzumaki Naruto with anticipation, hoping that this ninja who was the most unexpected could bring him greater gains.

Namikaze Minato had many thoughts about the Rasengan.

Not only changing the name, but also taking inspiration from Naruto, injecting chakra with properties, causing the properties of the Rasengan to change qualitatively, and even transforming the chakra again to create a double-deformed Super Rasengan.

However, during the battle, Namikaze Minato's hands and feet moved faster.

In just an instant, Namikaze Minato planned his next strategy.

He scattered 16 Swords of Ninja Love with a wave of his hand. These special kunai followed their own trajectories and surrounded the round centipede.

The next moment, Namikaze Minato appeared next to almost every Ninja Love Sword.

While Minato threw up the Sword of Ninja Love again, he also took out a Rasengan in his other hand and hit Baizu's body unceremoniously.

As a powerful Kage-level ninja, Namikaze Minato entered his peak period as an adult and was far more powerful than Uzumaki Naruto.

It was also a Rasengan, and when Minato used it, it caused far more damage than Uzumaki Naruto, directly creating a huge spherical wound on Baizu's body.

The clay in the wound turned into dust almost instantly, causing the recovery speed to become extremely slow.

The powerful impact of the Rasengan spreads along the body, creating hidden wounds in a wider range, greatly reducing the defense strength.

The most terrifying thing is that Namikaze Minato's attack speed is beyond imagination.

In the blink of an eye, Namikaze Minato launched 64 attacks, creating 64 large holes with a diameter of nearly one meter.

With such a terrifying damage efficiency, Baizu's recovery speed cannot be repaired anyway.

Moreover, after Baizu received so many blows in an instant, he was so stunned that he didn't realize that he was being attacked. He just felt that his body was swollen and suddenly stopped obeying his orders.

Namikaze Minato's attack did not end after attacking dozens of times. He possesses abundant physical energy and chakra. Enough to support him in maintaining continuous attacks.

I saw that the huge spherical clay puppet was beaten into a honeycomb shape in the blink of an eye, and then it was torn and damaged on a large scale. The long whip tail was broken first, and then dozens of foot knives were also broken one by one.

Before Centipede could scream, half of its head disappeared.

He could no longer scream.

Before anyone could react, Minato destroyed most of the giant puppets and dug out Centipede's human puppet core.

A huge puppet that has lost its core control is like a monster without eyes and ears, or even like an octopus that has lost its brain. Not only can it not heal the damage it has suffered, it cannot even maintain its own image.

The huge dragon vein puppet turned from a strange earth puppet into a mud monster struggling on the ground.

Namikaze Minato who lived in Konoha for 46 years was far younger and more energetic than the one who lived in Konoha for 48 years in another time and space, and his character was even sharper. Once he caught the enemy's flaw, he would deal a fatal blow without hesitation.

He never thought that he would cooperate with Uzumaki Naruto and have a Tai Chi Rasengan match between father and son.

Even with the centipede puppet core in his hand, Namikaze Minato only made final confirmation before destroying it with the Rasengan, ending the battle completely.

With the death of Baizu, the power of the dragon vein and tens of thousands of puppets lost control and began to go berserk. Screams came from all directions.

At this time, the complete Kakashi team after joining Lin, protected Queen Loulan and came to the royal court.

Namikaze Minato said to the queen: "Please take back the ownership of the dragon veins as soon as possible and cut off the source of Baizu's power."

Queen Loulan asked in surprise: "An Lu... no, Bai Zu is not dead yet?"

"Not really." Namikaze Minato pointed to the pile of wood at his feet.

Moisturized by the natural energy of the dragon's veins, these broken pieces of wood are slowly recovering. At this time, the amazing fine structure can be seen.

Namikaze Minato stepped on the wood with his feet, breaking up its structure again, and then said: "Hibizu transformed himself into a human puppet, but for some reason, not even a piece of flesh and blood was left, and he became a puppet that relied entirely on dragon veins. A real puppet born.”

"Although he has become a completely incapable puppet, a wretch whose life and death depend on the dragon's veins, if his connection with the dragon's veins is not severed, he will really be an unkillable monster."

"Hibizu's current state is very similar to that of the tailed beast."

Minato looked at Queen Loulan and said, "So if you want Baizu to truly die, you, Queen, must deprive him of his connection with the dragon vein."

"Your Majesty the Queen, I would like to remind you that your people may be being hunted because the puppet is out of control. Please cut off the puppet as soon as possible."

"Every minute that passes now, many people from Loulan Kingdom will be killed."

Queen Loulan calmed down, stood in the center of the royal court, stepped on the crawling clay, and began to sing the sacrificial song passed down by the royal family to this day.

As her clear singing voice resonated with the dragon's veins, the clay under her feet gradually lost its natural energy supply and fell into silence.

The wood chips at the feet of Namikaze Minato no longer recovered, even like wood that had been sleeping for thousands of years when it encountered fresh oxygen, it visibly lost its color and entered a state of rapid decomposition.

Right in front of everyone, the pile of wood that was once the core mechanism of the Centipede puppet weathered into dust in a few breaths, without even a trace left.

Baizu was finally completely dead.

The exclamations and screams all over Loulan Kingdom quickly subsided, and it was obvious that the puppets had also lost their activity.

Uzumaki Naruto breathed a long sigh of relief and smiled: "It's all over."

Ye Cang and Hao looked at each other and relaxed.

After eating a mouthful of dog food, Jing curled her lips in dissatisfaction, but said nothing.

Lin and Hatake Kakashi also smiled and relaxed, and Metkai raised his hands in the air and cheered loudly.

This is the first A-level mission Kai has completed after joining Team Hatake, and it is such a big scene that it will definitely become his most profound memory.

Even Namikaze Minato, who was always cautious, showed a relaxed smile.

But at this moment, natural energy erupted from Queen Loulan's feet again, even sending the Queen herself flying ten meters high.

If Namikaze Minato hadn't reacted quickly enough and caught her with the Flying Thunder God Technique, the queen would have definitely fallen to death.

Even with Minato's rescue, the Queen still broke her legs.

That was the damage caused by the impact of the dragon's veins. Even with Namikaze Minato's reaction speed, there was no time to rescue him.

Immediately afterwards, a larger-scale eruption began. Natural energy mixed with powerful earth escape chakra rose into the sky like a volcanic eruption, and cracks as dense as spider webs appeared on the ground of Wangting.

The earth was shaking, and the earthquake caused the newly built high-rise buildings to crumble and collapse. The people living in them screamed in surprise, but they were covered up by the earthquake.

The violent earthquake made it difficult to stand still. The ninjas all concentrated their chakra on their feet and firmly adhered themselves to the ground in order to maintain stability.

Uzumaki Naruto loudly exclaimed: "What is going on? Why will the situation be worse if we kill this enemy?"

Namikaze Minato looked at the earth-colored Queen Loulan and asked loudly: "Do you know what is going on? What can we do to solve this disaster?"

Queen Loulan replied loudly: "It's Baizu. He destroyed the seal inherited from the Loulan royal family. He destroyed the stability of the dragon vein. He made himself the key to maintaining stability."

"Now the dragon vein is at its climax, and the energy of the entire earth's veins is concentrating on Loulan. If it cannot be suppressed, the entire Loulan Congress will be completely destroyed, and the entire country will sink into the ground in an unimaginable earthquake, and there will no longer be a living person. .”

"Minato Jounin, do you know the sealing technique?"

"Only by sealing the dragon veins here in the royal court can it be possible to suppress the climax of the earth veins and save the most Loulan citizens."

Namikaze Minato didn't speak, but teleported directly to the place where Queen Loulan had just stood, which was also the core location of the natural energy eruption.

He endured the pain of being washed away from his body, quickly formed seals with his hands, and used the sealing technique he learned from Kushina, which was also his best, the Four Elephant Seal.

This is also the sealing technique with the strongest seal stability among the vortex sealing techniques, even far superior to the Bagua seal.

Only this sealing technique with the simplest structure can maintain stability under the impact of earth vein energy.

However, the power of the dragon vein is completely different from the dragon vein two years later in history. The power of the dragon vein in the rising tide greatly exceeded the limit of Namikaze Minato.

Even if I try my best and apply layers of sealing techniques, I can't suppress the growing natural energy.

Minato's sealing technique was like throwing huge rocks at an erupting volcano, and could only temporarily suppress the magma that started to erupt.

Not only does his seal fail to solve the problem of dragon veins, but it is actually brewing a greater crisis.

The sudden crisis surprised Uchiha Yudu. After a little hesitation, he decided to help Minato complete the seal.

Although he hoped that Naruto Uzumaki could make another unexpected move and cause a bigger ripple in time, allowing him to complete his most important work.

But the surge in Dragon Veins was an event completely beyond his expectation. If not handled well, it would be a catastrophe similar to the Yellowstone supervolcano eruption.

Although people in Loulan Kingdom will definitely die, there are definitely not just that many people who will die in the end.

With the Loulan Kingdom as the center, most of the Wind Kingdom, and the Sichuan Kingdom in the southeast, tens of millions of people will become direct victims of the eruption.

An eruption of this scale will definitely disrupt the climate in the next few years.

Extreme cold disasters, extreme droughts, storms at sea, and even locust plagues may occur repeatedly.

Under such a series of disasters, it is unknown how many people will die.

Although Uchiha Yuu is very hard-hearted, he cannot sit back and watch such a large-scale disaster break out, and he is also afraid of such a huge cause and effect. If he can prevent the disaster from breaking out, he will never stand idly by.

Moreover, after such a large-scale explosion, Dragon Vein is very likely to undergo huge changes in the future, and it will no longer be able to travel through time for a few years or more.

If there is no longer the ability to travel through time, that would be the most costly thing.

Due to emotion, reason and heart, Uchiha Yuu has to take action.

But just when he took action, a pair of slightly immature hands pressed on Namikaze Minato's hand.

The Senjutsu Chakra, which is a mixture of Nine-Tails Chakra and natural energy, is injected into the sealing technique like the Yangtze River, forcibly suppressing the dragon vein energy that is about to explode.

It turned out that Uzumaki Naruto stood up and tried desperately to prevent the disaster that he could not understand, regardless of Kyuubi's dissuasion.

At this moment, the Nine-Tails Chakra from another world was injected into the Four Elephants Seal.

Senjutsu Chakra is a mixture of Nine-Tails Chakra and natural energy. With the help of the medium of natural energy, Nine-Tails Chakra merges with Dragon Veins for the first time.

This is an unprecedented change, and the ripples of time rise again, producing dizzying fluctuations.

As each of the gained wooden clones disbands, a massive amount of information converges on the distant body. Different perspectives bring about the cross-collision of information, thus inspiring inspiration.

When more than 100 wooden clones were disbanded, Uchiha Yu finally saw the key information he wanted and grasped the core law of time conversion.

In the mountains of Kawanoguni, he used complex hand seals and sealing techniques to simulate the phenomenon of Uzumaki Naruto, and finally a door with a diameter no larger than the cross-section of a hair opened.

[Successful, the gate of time that passes through the dragon veins, no, this should be the gate of the world! 】

[My journey to becoming a god has begun! 】

Uchiha Yuu was inexplicably excited and could no longer hide his existence. He said to Miwa Masashi: "Rika-chan, let's go!"

The tabby cat, which was exercising its tail, asked strangely: "Where are you going, meow?"

Uchiha Yuu replied proudly: "Go and receive Loulan and Dragon Veins."

The civet cat asked in surprise: "Meow? But there is a lot of commotion in Loulan Kingdom now. Aren't you afraid that the Immortal of Six Paths will stop you, meow?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "No, now I feel that the Sage of Six Paths does not know about Loulan."

"Maybe the Otsutsuki clan doesn't understand time as well as space. They may not be able to detect the time power of Loulan Dragon Veins."

"You know, my clones in the East China Sea have already felt the ripples of time, but neither the Six Paths Sage nor the Otsutsuki Ishiki hidden in the ninja world showed any sign of coming out to take a look."

"The power of time in the dragon vein is probably my most powerful weapon against the Otsutsuki clan."

"And now it has been proven that Dragon Vein is a key help on my path, and I am bound to win it."

Uchiha Yu clenched his fists and said firmly: "Anyone who blocks my path will have sworn hatred."

"Even if the Immortal of Six Paths is really ambushing nearby, I will use all my strength to blast him, no matter the cost."

Miwa Masato laughed: "Okay, meow, I don't want to hide for a long time, meow, I'll blast the six paths immortal meow!"

Uchiha Yuu shook his head helplessly and said: "Actually, I am really no match for Otsutsuki Hagoromo, but today is a special situation. If he really comes out, I can only fight with him."

"I still hope that the Immortal of Six Paths doesn't discover Loulan, and we can make a fortune silently."

"Yu, you're getting softer and softer, nya, I'm really unhappy, nya."

Miwa Masayo scolded dissatisfiedly: "Although you were very timid in the past and avoided Danzo Shimura and the Third Hokage, but if they had subordinates who were harmful to you, you would immediately and resolutely fight back. "

"Yu, do the math for yourself. How many root ninja cats did you kill before you fell out with Danzo?"

Uchiha Yu reluctantly defended: "Rika-chan, the Third Hokage and the Six Paths Sage are different."

"The Third Hokage is generally soft-hearted, and he still has a lot of scruples. Even if he knows that I am an enemy, he will not dare to take action for various reasons."

"But Sage of Six Paths is a truly ruthless person full of idealism. As long as he determines that an enemy must be eliminated, he can kill even his own mother and son."

"He is truly a ruthless person."

"I'm scared of this guy from the bottom of my heart."

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