I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 317 Namikaze Minato learned the Spiral Flash Super Roar Zero (Rasengan)

A few breaths after Namikaze Minato disappeared, Lin and the two Loulan royals heard the movement in the direction of the royal court.

The noise coming was obviously the sound of battle, and Lin, who had keen hearing, could even hear Centipede's loud scream.

Obviously, this is Namikaze Minato beating up Hyakuzu.

Lin listened to such a voice and smiled on her face.

[The teacher is worthy of being the successor that the Fourth Hokage favors. He is so strong. 】

[If the teacher hadn't needed to protect me and the two mission publishers, he would have killed this enemy long ago. In the end, he was just a chunin-level puppet master. 】

But what surprised Lin was that the sound of the battle was rising and falling, Baizu's screams were getting louder and louder, but the battle never ended.

She began to feel worried.

In fact, Lin's worries were not excessive.

Namikaze Minato's fight was not easy, and Baizu's attack was really indifferent, and there was no trace of the "golden flash" at all.

But Baizu's huge body has also brought huge trouble to everyone. Even if he attacks with all his strength, he can only peel off a few layers of defense and cannot touch the core.

After Ye Cang's attack that almost killed him, Baizu completely gave up on the centipede mentality with stronger attack power, and instead adopted the form of a round and thick clay doll, with countless layers of clay defense.

What's even more terrible is that here in Loulan Palace, the power of the dragon vein has reached its maximum, and the recovery speed of Baizu's puppet body has increased by more than ten times.

The wounds inflicted by Namikaze Minato healed quickly before he could hit him a second time, and were further strengthened.

Baizu looks more and more like a ball. He can only rely on the bladed feet all over his body to fight back. He can only attack with the whip knife dragged behind him. The efficiency of the attack is getting lower and lower.

But his defensive power is indeed getting stronger and stronger. This is not a strength that is getting higher and higher, but a strength that is getting thicker and thicker.

The fighting styles of Namikaze Minato and his student Kakashi Hatake are consistent. This kind of meat bullet defense is a target they are not good at dealing with.

Every attack of Namikaze Minato can cause a lot of damage to Baizu, but he can recover instantly without even a chance to accumulate damage.

As for Hyakuzu, whose defense was getting stronger and stronger, he paid the price of becoming slower and slower. He was almost beaten in the face by Namikaze Minato, and all his counterattacks could only hit him.

The battle progressed to such a passive situation, Baizu was so angry that he screamed, but there was nothing he could do.

Because he would never dare to lower his defense, otherwise he might be killed instantly by Minato.

The battle between the two reached a stalemate.

The initiative is completely in the hands of Namikaze Minato. He can even withdraw from the Loulan Palace when his physical strength is exhausted and continue fighting until his physical strength recovers.

It's not that Baizu has never tried to rush out to chase Minato, but as long as he leaves the royal court, his recovery speed will slow down significantly.

Namikaze Minato seized the opportunity and launched a series of attacks, resisting Hyakuzu's recovery, breaking through at least sixteen layers of defense, and almost digging out his core.

Baizu is also an experienced ninja who has fought two wars. He knows that he cannot focus on increasing his defense, but facing Namikaze Minato, if he does not increase it, he will die immediately.

No matter how passive you are, you are not in danger of being killed. This is a last resort.

After Kaedani's attempts, Namikaze Minato no longer even entered the royal court, but stayed outside to think about problems, and only occasionally entered the royal court to test whether his ideas were correct through battle.

Baizu knew very well that the enemy was looking for his weaknesses. If he was trapped in the Loulan Palace like this, he would eventually die.

Maybe Namikaze Minato's attack power is not strong enough, but there are so many ninjas in Konoha Village and Sunagakure Village, and there are always ninjutsu suitable for attacking him.

As long as Minato figured out Baizu's information and knew that the core of his power was Earth Release, he could call in a few Thunderbolt ninjas and kill Baizu easily.

"Can't do this, I can't die like this!"

Baizu shouted crazily: "I still have an army of puppets. I want the army of puppets to be activated to kill and destroy. Konoha Jonin Namikaze Minato, what will you do?"

"If you don't care about the people in Loulan, I will let the puppet army attack the Country of Fire and attack Konoha Village!"

"The number of dragon vein puppets is unlimited. Even if a hundred puppets change the life of one Konoha genin, I will win the final victory. What can you do?"

"Hahaha, I am invincible, you can't stop me from winning the war or becoming the king of the ninja world!"

Suddenly a gust of wind blew by, and a large number of ice crystals appeared on the huge puppet. Baizu's movements were suddenly stuck.

A cool voice shouted: "Now, come on!"

Ye Cang's slender body suddenly appeared behind Baizu, and three huge orange fireballs in his hands poured into Baizu's body one after another, evaporating a large amount of water vapor.

The ensuing explosion exploded a large amount of debris and dry dust, all of which were sprayed outward from the small breach.

Burning Escape·Over-steaming Kill

This kind of blood inheritance limit, which has special effects on the human body, is also very effective on earth puppets, and its destructive power almost entirely acts on the inside.

Screaming in agony, he rolled with satisfaction and threw Ye Cang off his body.

The screams of the tumbling Baizu soon turned into laughter: "Ye Cang, I am completely different now from just now. I am invincible now!"

"Don't talk about you, even the Namikaze Minato Jounin of Konoha Village can't do anything to me!"

The round puppet turned over and stood up, swinging its whip tail like a tail, and attacked Hao, interrupting his ice escape ninjutsu.

Faced with a steady stream of ice escape, Baizu actually used the method of molting to shed the frozen shell layer by layer to prevent herself from being frozen.

Seeing that everyone's attacks were solved by him, Baizu laughed crazily: "Sure enough, the combination of me and the dragon vein is invincible!"

As an order from the Five Elements spread, more puppets moved closer to the royal court.

The densely packed puppets connected their hands and feet with each other, forming high walls that surrounded the royal court and trapped all the ninjas to death.

Baizu smiled ferociously: "The power of dragon veins is infinite, but the power of ninjas is limited. No matter how powerful you are, you will die here!"

Namikaze Minato, Hao, Akira, and Hayakura were all indifferent to the trapped situation, and they even turned a deaf ear to Momoko's words and ignored them completely.

In the final analysis, Baizu was just a chuunin, the kind of chuunin who was not taken seriously and never took charge of his own role.

His knowledge and experience are obviously lacking, and he cannot be compared with Kage-level ninjas like Namikaze Minato and Hayakura.

In the eyes of Baizu, the impenetrable siege was nothing more than a minor trouble that was full of loopholes and could break out of the encirclement at any time in the eyes of the two top ninjas.

As for Hao and Jing, although they are very young, they have also experienced the pursuit of four generations of Mizukage under the leadership of the previous clan leader Ying, and their psychological quality is absolutely extremely tough.

Namikaze Minato looked at Hagura and greeted with a smile: "It turns out to be Hagura, the burning escape hero of Sunagakure Village. Sunagakure Village said that you have been killed by them, so it turned out that they showed mercy?"

Ye Cang snorted coldly: "I have been killed by Sand Hidden Village, but I was lucky enough to be rescued from hell and have nothing to do with them anymore."

Namikaze Minato confirmed Ye Cang's eyes, and then looked at Hao: "It seems that the one who saved Ye Cang was the Snow Clan. From the information I know, you should also have been exterminated by the Kirigakure Village. It turns out that you were killed in the Wind Clan." Are you going to live in seclusion?"

Hao and Akira looked at each other and smiled at the same time: "Namikaze Jonin, if you can't report it, the Snow Clan will still disappear from the ninja world."

Namikaze Minato smiled and replied: "As a ninja, it is not a good moral character to conceal something, but I think you can trust the wisdom of the Fourth Hokage, Lord Orochimaru, and he will accept your request."

Hao smiled and said: "Okay, I believe in the wisdom and decision-making of the Fourth Hokage, Lord Orochimaru."

Hao's smile was so bright and confident that it made Minato's heart skip a beat.

[This is not a smile that entrusts hope to others, but a smile of confidence and peace of mind. Is there a powerful force behind the Snow Clan? 】

【It’s incredible. 】

Hao and Akira are not as strong as Hao Cang and Namikaze Minato, and their psychological quality is indeed much worse, but they do have confidence in their hearts.

Uchiha Yu is guiding them through this crisis as Zhu Rong.

When teenagers and girls know that there is an "adult" behind them, they will naturally feel safe and not worry about their lives at all.

After coordinating their respective positions, several ninjas present began to think of ways to deal with Baizu.

Namikaze Minato was the first to speak without hesitation: "Mobizu's puppet is not difficult to deal with. The problem is that he is now deeply bound to the power of the dragon's veins and has gained incredible resilience. He cannot be killed at all."

"The key to solving him is to cut off the power of the dragon vein, but this is the key location, and it is also firmly occupied by him. Queen Loulan can't get in at all."

Ye Cang said: "In other words, we can only defeat him first before Queen Loulan can come in and deal with him completely."

Minato nodded and said, "That's true, but my attacks can't keep up with his recovery speed, so I can't do anything to him."

Ye Cang also gritted his teeth and said, "I tried just now, but I couldn't do it either."

Hao and Jing shook their heads together and said: "Our ice escape is incapable of reaching home, its attack power is very poor, and there is no way to completely suppress the puppet's recovery speed."

Namikaze Minato said with a smile: "Then let the four of us join forces and pool our strength to see if we can make the destructive power exceed Hyakuzu's recovery power."

Everyone agreed.

First, Hao and Akira teamed up to perform the powerful Ninjutsu of Ice Release.

Ice Escape·Blizzard

The strong wind mixed with snowflakes and ice blades blocked Baizu's sight and made his puppet body stiff and brittle, making it easier to destroy.

Namikaze Minato used the teleportation technique, and the afterimages rotated around Baizu. The ninja sword waved out a bright light, cutting neat traces on Baizu's body.

Along the traces of these Tianzi grids, large pieces of clay peeled off, revealing more clay inside.

Ye Cang appeared at the deepest gap in time and drove the burning fireball in his hand into Baizu's body.

The fierce explosion shattered the cracked shell, peeling off several thick layers at once.

Baizu's wild laughter disappeared, and he let out a scream of fear, calling for the surrounding puppets to come in for support.

At the same time, the puppets around him jumped directly on Baizu's body. These puppets not only turned into clay to repair the defects on his body, but also directly supplemented his strength, making him stronger.

A cold light flashed in Hao's eyes, and four ice walls stood up from the ground, blocking the crazy influx of clay puppets and preventing Baizu from obtaining more body materials.

Jingze created large blocks of ice on the floor, even stacking them to a thickness of more than ten centimeters, slowing down the penetration of dragon vein power and minimizing the speed at which Baizu could repair himself.

The cooperation of the four ninjas had obvious results. Baizu's huge and round body was peeled off layer by layer, and soon became in pieces and in a miserable state.

His screams and curses were endless, showing endless fear and despair.

Just when everyone thought they had a chance to win, Baizu suddenly laughed loudly again: "Hahaha, you fell into the trap. This is the place where I have lived for four years, and it is also the battlefield that I have prepared for four years!"

Suddenly, the ice on the ground bulged high, like a monster's back arching from below.

As the ice cracked, a powerful energy shot into the sky.

This natural energy was so powerful that it evaporated the thick ice on the ground in an instant, but Hao, Akira and Hayakura didn't feel it at all. Only Namikaze Minato felt it vaguely.

As the ice evaporated, the ice wall blocking the entrance and exit lost its foundation and collapsed under the push of many puppets. A large group of clay puppets poured into the royal court like a flood.

The situation turned around in an instant, and the four ninjas couldn't help but frown. They had no idea why this happened.

Baizu laughed loudly: "Dragon Vein is the energy flow of the earth, but it has the power of tides similar to the sea, echoing the movement of the sun and moon in the sky."

"After I discovered this tidal phenomenon, I figured out the timing of the tidal operation through two years of records. Today, I also calculated the time accurately before I fight you here to the death."

"When the dragon vein tide rises, my resilience and combat effectiveness will be strengthened several times. I will..."

Just as Baizu was proclaiming his power, a figure jumped up from the tide of puppets, holding a huge energy ball in his hand.

Wind Release·Rasengan

The Rasengan, as big as a volleyball, with a spiral wind cut, hit hard behind the laughing Baizu, and the thick clay defense was shattered like dry sand.

A huge penetrating wound was struck on Hyakuzu's huge body, which could even allow the attacking Uzumaki Naruto to pass through and fall headfirst in front of Namikaze Minato.

Minato's eyes were shining brightly, and he asked in surprise: "Naruto, what kind of technique is this?"

Uzumaki Naruto rubbed his confused brain and replied subconsciously: "This is the Rasengan, the A-level Muji Ninjutsu developed by the Fourth Hokage. It took me seven days to learn it."

Minato continued to ask: "Is the Rasengan a wind release ninjutsu? Does it require the use of wind release chakra to activate it? But I feel that most of the chakra does not have any attributes. Is it a ninjutsu without attributes?"

Uzumaki Naruto replied: "Ah, you are right, the Rasengan is a ninjutsu without attributes. I am trying to add the Wind Release Chakra to increase the destructive power of the Rasengan."

Suddenly he asked a little confused: "The Fourth Hokage, didn't you develop the Rasengan?"

Namikaze Minato shook his head and smiled: "Maybe, but I am definitely not a developer standing here, but a learner."

He raised his hand, and his five fingers formed claws. The attributeless chakra gathered in the palm of his hand, forming tiny drill bits that rotated misaligned. As the chakra rotated faster and faster, it actually emitted a dazzling light under the extremely high speed of friction. .

In just the first attempt, the non-attribute Rasengan appeared in Namikaze Minato's palm.

He threw the Sword of Ninja Love casually, and he instantly appeared behind a clay puppet. The Rasengan in his hand pressed on the puppet's back, instantly shattering it into pieces on the ground.

Namikaze Minato was very satisfied with the power of the Rasengan. He smiled and said: "It is indeed a ninjutsu that is very suitable for me. This can be regarded as making up for my major shortcoming of lack of attack power."

"Thank you, Naruto."

Uzumaki Naruto stared blankly at Namikaze Minato who completed the Rasengan in one fell swoop, his heart filled with doubts.

[Why did the Fourth Hokage thank me? 】

Namikaze Minato was extremely excited. His tactical system was very simple, with only two elements: high speed and precise destruction.

As he obtained the Flying Thunder God Technique from the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru, his speed increased to a whole new level, causing the attacks of kunai and ninja swords to seem unable to keep up.

He had long wanted to get a new way of attacking, and even set his sights on his wife, and personally observed Kushina using the Nine-Tailed Tailed Beast Jade several times.

Namikaze Minato's idea was to develop a new Muji Ninjutsu by simulating the Tailed Beast Jade, and use it with the teleportation Flying Thunder God Jutsu to deal a devastating blow to the enemy.

However, there are always countless difficulties that need to be overcome from the idea to the implementation of a ninjutsu.

In particular, what Minato wanted was Muji's Ninjutsu. Only Ninjutsu that could be cast instantly could match his Flying Thunder God Jutsu, otherwise it would be a waste.

Therefore, the development of Rasengan is extremely difficult, and there is still no obvious progress until today.

But after directly seeing Uzumaki Naruto using the Rasengan, Namikaze Minato seemed to have seen the formula to solve the problem, and all the problems were clear to him.

Therefore, he didn't need to make any preparations, he just stretched out his hand and completed the Rasengan.

The only problem was that Namikaze Minato wasn't happy with the name Rasengan.

[It’s too simple, the name is too simple, Rasengan doesn’t sound domineering at all. 】

[According to the characteristics of this ninjutsu and the name of the real developer, the Spiral Flash Super Shout Zero Type is pretty good. Well, maybe a Zero Type can be added to mean that this is the basic mode. 】

[When I add the Wind Release Chakra, it will be renamed the Spiral Flash Chakra Dance Roar Three Styles. 】

[Such a majestic name, as long as I read it out loud, the enemy will be surprised and frightened! 】

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