I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 319 Loulan Kingdom’s demise is doomed

Miwa Masayo couldn't understand what Uchiha Yu said.

She asked curiously: "Six Paths Immortal is of course very strong, but you say he is ruthless? How ruthless can he be?"

Uchiha said quietly: "Thousands of years ago, when the Sage of Six Paths dealt with his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki, he reduced the entire ninja world to ruins."

"According to his own words, it took him hundreds of years to repair the world after the war."

"It was obviously to protect the human beings in the world that he fell out with his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki, but in order to defeat his mother, he did not hesitate to destroy the world into ruins."

"The whole world has been reduced to rubble, so you can only imagine what the fate of the people living in this world will be like."

Miwa Masayo looked confused and said, "It's so cruel, meow...but I can't figure it out, meow."

"He fought with his mother to save humanity, but in order to defeat his mother, he did not hesitate to fight many humans with casualties. Maybe he killed many more people in the aftermath of the battle than his mother killed."

"What on earth is the Sage of Six Paths thinking about?"

Uchiha Yu spread his hands and replied helplessly: "That's why I say Sage of Six Paths is a ruthless man. What he is thinking in his heart is beyond the imagination of a normal person like me."

"Anyway, if the Sage of Six Paths feels that he must get rid of me, I think he can really attack the entire ninja world."

At this time, Miwa Masashi didn't think that the shovel's caution was wrong. She asked curiously: "Yu, do you know what the Six Paths Sage would do if he attacked the ninja world?"

"You can't just jump out of the pure land and destroy the ninja world inch by inch, nya?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "It shouldn't be the case. Such a stupid method would lose too many points, and the Sage of Six Paths would never accept it."

"An expert like Otsutsuki Hagoromo must pay attention to his style. There is no problem in doing it himself, but killing people directly with his own hands would be too bloody. He would never do it so directly."

He raised his finger and pointed to the sky and said: "For example, letting the moon directly hit the ninja world is in line with the Six Paths Sage's qualifications, and the scene looks grand without the slightest smell of blood."

"Just like the defeat of Kaguya Otsutsuki a thousand years ago, no matter how many casualties the aftermath caused, it was not the original intention of the Sage of Six Paths, it was just 'collateral damage'."

Listening to Uchiha Yuu's words, the civet cat felt cold in his heart, the fur all over his body stood up, and his three tails were as stiff as a rolling pin.

"It's so scary, meow, it's so scary, meow, he treats people like ants, meow!"

"It's like this for humans, and it must be like this for ninja cats, too. Even the cat castle is just a large ant nest, meow."

Miwa Masashi murmured: "The Sage of Six Paths is too scary. What you did is so right, Yuu, but you can't keep going like this, nya."

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "It really can't always be like this, so I have to control the dragon veins, use the power of the dragon veins to make up for the accumulated gaps caused by a long time, and quickly strengthen myself."

"Then let the Sage of Six Paths retreat just like we did to the Third Hokage."

Miwa Masashi nodded repeatedly: "Okay, meow, that's it, meow, I will help you, meow."

"For the safety of the ninja world, for the safety of Cat City Pot, and for all the creatures in the ninja world, we must overthrow the evil rule of the Six Paths Sage!"

"Okay, you and I will encourage each other."

Uchiha Yuu smiled and stretched out his hand, high-fiving Miwa Masayo's little paw.

Of course, after defeating the Sage of Six Paths, whether Uchiha Yudaisen wants to "replace him" is another matter.

Namikaze Minato received the support of Uzumaki Naruto, and with the support of the powerful Nine-tailed Senjutsu Chakra, he completed multiple four-image seals, and connected these seals with the Flying Thunder God Seal as the core, forming a system that could cover the entire royal court. The huge sealing formation on the ground.

In the end, Minato used his own Sword of Ninja Love as a bolt and inserted it into the center of the sealing formation.

He has discovered that the power of dragon veins is strangely corrosive, and the Four Symbols Sealing Technique cannot last long at all. Instead, the Flying Thunder God Seal used to connect them can resist the erosion of dragon veins by virtue of its space-time seal properties.

Therefore, this sealing array uses the Flying Thunder God as the base to isolate the corrosiveness of the dragon veins, and uses the Four Elephant Seals as the backbone to suppress the impact of the dragon veins. The final door latch can only use the Flying Thunder God seal.

When the Sword of Ninja Love was inserted, the counterattack force of Ryuumai was so strong that Namikaze Minato's hands, which were not good at strength, could not suppress it at all.

So Naruto, the nearest Uzumaki, rushed forward and pressed his hands on Minato's hands, followed by Metkai, Hatake Kakashi, and Lin.

But this small pile of people couldn't be suppressed. Instead, it was slowly pushed up.

So Ye Cang, Hao, and Jing also stretched out their hands one after another, gathering their own chakra into it to fight against the power of the rising tide of the dragon's veins.

In the end, even the powerless Queen Loulan and Princess Sara rushed forward.

Surprisingly, although the two Loulan royals had no power, their auras made the power of the dragon veins shrink, and Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Naruto who were at the front felt much better.

But there is still no change in the confrontation of power. So many people still can't suppress the sword of forbearance, and the blade inserted into it is pushed up slightly.

Namikaze Minato's expression worsened little by little. He keenly felt the power of the dragon vein. Although he could not clearly know how powerful it was, once it broke out, everyone present would be dead.

So he began to think about whether he could use the flying thunder god's technique to take away everyone in front of him before the big explosion.

As for the life and death of Loulan citizens further away, Namikaze Minato had no time to think about it.

Just as the ground gradually arched, half of the blade of the Ninja Love Sword was pushed out, and Minato Namikaze began to communicate with the Flying Thunder God mark in the distance, a hand pressed on top of everyone's hands.

This hand was slender and white, with well-proportioned joints and no calluses, but it looked full of an indescribable sense of strength.

Before Minato Namikaze could say anything, a cat paw with a flowery arm and a white glove fell down, followed by three other paws, and a beautiful and soft tabby cat squatted on everyone's hands.

Namikaze Minato's hand didn't feel any force pressing it down, but suddenly he felt that the force of his hand pushing upward suddenly decreased.

The ground of the Loulan Palace returned to levelness at some point, and the Sword of Endurance began to penetrate downwards steadily.

Hatake Kakashi's stiff body suddenly softened, and he even blurted out: "Great, I'm finally saved."

Namikaze Minato immediately recognized who the person was and thanked him: "Thank you for your support, Uchiha Clan Leader."

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "You're welcome. I came here for my own purpose. I didn't come here specifically to save you, so you should be grateful to your luck."

Minato heard that Uchiha Yu was joking, and responded with a smile: "You are joking, luck will not stretch out a hand to save his life."

While the two were talking, Uzumaki Naruto suddenly exclaimed: "Why, how did I become transparent?"

Everyone turned their heads and looked over, and sure enough they saw Uzumaki Naruto's body becoming transparent, and also wrapped in a white halo, and the whole person slowly floated up.

Namikaze Minato already knew for sure that this was his son, at least a son from another world, so he naturally cared about him very much.

Seeing Uzumaki Naruto's abnormality, Minato stepped over in one step, stretched out his hand to grab, but missed.

Even with Namikaze Minato's composure, he couldn't help but be so startled that his back was sweating. He quickly turned back to look at Uchiha Yu and asked, "Yu-senpai, what's wrong with Naruto?"

Uchiha Yu already knew what had happened.

Because he had collected a large amount of time ripple data before, figured out the core mechanism of time and space, and even opened the door to the world with his own hands, in Yu Chiha's eyes, he saw not only Uzumaki Naruto, but also several kilometers away. Yamato, the secretly sneaking wood escape ninja.

Moreover, Uchiha Yu also saw another ninja world, which was in the future. Without him, Yu Chiha, the Uchiha family had perished, and the ninja world in the normal course of history.

In that strange yet familiar ninja world, Uchiha Obito is still alive, while Uchiha Shisui, Namikaze Minato, and Lin are all dead.

[Tsk, it’s such an uncomfortable world. If I have a chance, I have to go there. 】

[Then, I will kill whatever needs to be killed and resurrect whatever needs to be resurrected, just to make me feel happy. 】

Uchiha Yuu stared at Uzumaki Naruto, and at the same time reached out to catch Minato back, and at the same time shook the others away, leaving enough space around Uzumaki Naruto.

Then, using his fingers as a brush and chakra as ink, he drew a circle on the ground.

This circle is the dragon vein of the ninja world in another time and space, shaking time and space to recall the scope of influence of Naruto Uzumaki.

After doing all this, Uchiha Yucai explained: "This blond boy is not a ninja in our world. He was pushed here by the dragon vein of another ninja world. Now that the error in maintaining the power of the dragon vein has been eliminated, he should also return to My own world has gone."

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Judging from the power fluctuations of this dragon vein, he shouldn't be able to retain all the memories here when he goes back."

Uchiha Yu pointed to the circle on the ground and continued: "But you have to be careful not to cross this line on the ground, otherwise it may lead to unpredictable results."

Then he said to Uzumaki Naruto: "Don't be afraid, you will return to the world you are familiar with soon."

"Naruto Uzumaki, although you don't know that you have done a big thing, I have benefited a lot from what you did, so I want to reward you."

"Because the two worlds are separated by the barrier of time and space, you can't take away any material from our world, and you may not even be able to keep the memory."

"So, the reward I can give you can only be information, or a system. Maybe it can help you survive disasters in the future and protect the people you want to protect."

[Of course, you can also provide me with a suitable coordinate. 】

[At a certain moment of excitement of fate, the ripples of time will be transmitted back through the system and become a help to guide me to that ninja world. 】

Uchiha Yu opened a pair of Mangekyo Sharingan, and at the same time stretched out his finger to gently tap on Uzumaki Naruto's eyebrows. As the Sharingan rotated at high speed, countless runes flowed into Uzumaki Naruto's eyebrows.

The runes penetrated through the thick forehead bones, penetrated deep into the brain, and entered the pineal gland, which looked like a shrunken eyeball.

The first wave of runes carried powerful vitality, activating this dormant organ, causing it to quickly fill up and return to its full spherical shape.

The second wave of runes were based on the pineal gland, engraved with a complex three-dimensional rune array, establishing and activating the system. At the same time, the runes also communicated with Uzumaki Naruto's five senses and connected to the relevant nervous system.

The third wave of runes was temporarily developed by Uchiha Yu. Based on the Flying Thunder God runes, a time and space defense array was constructed to protect the pineal gland from being affected by the external time environment for a period of time. .

This layer of protection will allow the system to survive the time back when it returns and will not be wiped out like the brain's memory.

But whether it can be done, Uchiha Yu doesn't know. After all, he has never actually verified it, and there is no way to ensure the effectiveness of the time and space defense array.

Although the process is complicated to describe, the installation process is instant.

Because both the human brain and the Sharingan are far more powerful than so-called computers, and the system developed by Uchiha Yuu is at most a functional APP, not a soul-level operating system.

The system put into Uzumaki Naruto's body is the model of Uchiha Shisui's system. After several months of practice and adjustment, it has become a complete system that is standard for time travellers.

After all, behind this system is the Miracle supercomputer, and Uchiha Yu himself is always paying attention, making adjustments and responding accordingly.

Even in order to adapt to Uzumaki Naruto's return to the original ninja world, Uchiha Yu specially adjusted the system to a stand-alone version. With the stored data of Uchiha Shisui, it was enough to meet the needs of this child of destiny.

Hopefully Naruto Uzumaki will like this reward.

Uchiha Yuu watched with a smile as he watched Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Naruto having their final conversation while thinking about it.

Under the comfort of Minato's smile and words, Uzumaki Naruto's panic calmed down, and finally he showed a smile as bright as the sun, which was completely transparent in the white light and disappeared.

When seeing this smile, all Konoha ninjas were extremely sure that Uzumaki Naruto was the child of Namikaze Minato. There would never be another smile as warm as the sun in the entire ninja world.

To Uchiha Yuu's surprise, Namikaze Minato hinted at his identity in his words, but in the end he refrained from directly revealing it.

He couldn't help but ask: "I said that after Naruto Uzumaki goes back, he will lose the memory of this world due to the backward time. There will be no time paradox at all. Why don't you tell him his identity?"

Namikaze Minato sighed: "Because I found that this child knows my name but doesn't know who his parents are. This is very abnormal."

"Although I don't know what happened specifically, I feel that telling the truth now may be a harm to Naruto."

Minato paused and sighed again: "Even if we go back in time, some injuries will not really leave no trace."

Uchiha Yu was greatly surprised. He patted Minato on the shoulder and praised, "You guy, your intuition is actually more accurate than that of a woman. Your guess is absolutely correct."

Hearing this comment, whether it was a compliment or a sarcastic comment, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but laugh or cry for a moment.

In fact, it was not Namikaze Minato's strong intuition, but his sense of responsibility as a father that made him have far-reaching plans for his children, and he was unwilling to let his children take even slight risks.

Next, Namikaze Minato directed Kakashi's team to clean up the battlefield, and cooperated with the Queen of Loulan to devote themselves to the work of saving the people of Loulan.

Uchiha Yuu, on the other hand, performed secondary processing on the dragon vein seal and modified it openly.

He even pulled Queen Loulan without hesitation, borrowed her blood to trigger the response of the dragon's veins, and gradually simulated his own method of controlling the dragon's veins.

Queen Loulan did not resist this at all, because she saw the traces of the Loulan Kingdom's earth line that Uchiha Yu had detected and showed to her.

The rising tide of the dragon's veins caused the energy to detonate due to Baidu's tossing in it, resulting in a huge earthquake. Not only did houses collapse in Loulan Kingdom, but even the underground water veins experienced huge changes.

Although it has only been a few days since the high tide of Dragon Vein, the water source in Loulan Kingdom has already begun to run out, and it cannot meet the drinking needs of 100,000 people.

Queen Loulan knew that Loulan Kingdom could no longer exist and a great migration was inevitable.

Although Loulan Country is a small country, it still has a population of one hundred thousand, so large-scale migration is a big project.

No matter the final destination, the route chosen, or even the resting place during migration, they all need the protection of powerful people.

And Uchiha Yu is the most suitable candidate. In the eyes of Queen Loulan, it is even more suitable for him to come forward to protect the people of Loulan Kingdom than the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru.

First of all, the Uchiha clan is rich and powerful, and they still have land in the Land of Fire.

The land used by the Uchiha clan to build the Leaf Village was only the core and most fertile land of the family. They also had hundreds of large and small plots of land distributed throughout the Fire Country.

After Uchiha Yu killed his ancestor Uchiha Madara, the property he snatched back included a lot of land titles.

With just one word from Yuu Uchiha, he could come up with land that could meet the needs of Loulan's 100,000 residents.

The Uchiha clan also controls huge market resources, which can meet all the living and production needs of Loulan residents in the process of rebuilding their homes.

And Uchiha's reputation can also intimidate all parties, making the nobles and ninjas of the Fire Country stop their efforts and not dare to take advantage of the residents of Loulan.

As for those incompetent villains, Loulan Country is a country after all, and it has a certain amount of force to protect itself.

These problems can also be solved by the fourth generation Hokage Orochimaru, but the Hokage's identity determines that any action he takes will inevitably bring about huge disturbances.

This will expose the Loulan Kingdom to the entire ninja world, and the risks it may face in the future will be countless times greater.

Moreover, the Hokage does not directly control the resources. He still has to make specific arrangements through the departments of Konoha Village and the ninja clan of Konoha Village. God knows where he will encounter the little devil who makes things difficult for others.

For the country of Loulan, which has lost its homeland, no matter how small the trouble is, it is not a trivial matter, it is a potentially fatal disaster.

Therefore, Queen Loulan was extremely cooperative with Uchiha Yuu's work and only hoped to get a promise from him.

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