I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 314 The Nine-Tails Chakra of the Two Worlds Meet

Just as Namikaze Minato guessed, Hatake, Kakashi and the others encountered a big crisis.

When he first met the clay puppets, it was in the corridor that was most suitable for Chidori to exert its power. With the sharp sound of birdsong, Hatake Kakashi penetrated dozens of puppets in one fell swoop and turned them into monsters on the spot. Debris all over the ground.

As the earth puppets recovered and replenished, Kakashi softened after attacking five times in a row. He was stunned as he watched Uzumaki Naruto create more shadow clones than the earth puppets, and swung the Rasengan to hit each of the earth puppets, beating them. broken like dust.

What's even more exaggerated is Uzumaki Naruto's durability and chakra capacity, which simply makes Five Strikes Man Kakashi stunned.

He muttered in his heart:

[With more chakra than the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru-sama, a shadow clone that is fearless in death, and such an indestructible Muji Ninjutsu, is this guy really a genin? 】

[I feel like if I can’t capture this guy right from the start, even I will have to be eaten alive by him. 】

[Who arranged for me to be this kid’s teacher? His style and chakra attributes are completely different between mine and mine. 】

(The late Third Hokage was clearly sleeping in the Pure Land. In his dream, he suddenly frowned, as if someone had shot an arrow into his heart, and he was so painful that he couldn't breathe.)

But no matter how powerful the chakra was, it couldn't withstand the fierceness of Uzumaki Naruto. After more than half an hour of fighting, he was still exhausted and handed the battle to Metkai while panting like an ox.

The young man in the green leather tights has performed steadily from beginning to end. Even now in the fight, he is still not red-faced or out of breath, maintaining the rhythm of punching and kicking.

But the biggest problem with Taijutsu is that the scope of care is limited, and the efficiency of destruction is really not as good as the Rasengan.

The defensive circle that Metkai can maintain is very limited, and those puppets can almost touch the bodies of Kakashi and Uzumaki Naruto.

The three-person team finally stopped advancing, leaning against the corner of a corridor to maintain a stable defense.

Whenever Kakashi recovers a part of his chakra, or Uzumaki Naruto recovers his physical strength, they can take the opportunity to launch a charge and advance to the next safe corner in one breath.

But such tactics are not safe.

Hatake Kakashi frowned and said: "We can't go on like this, otherwise the enemy will catch our rhythm and set a trap in front."

Uzumaki Naruto asked: "Then what should we do?"

Kakashi thought for a while and said: "Let's rest for a while, and then I will make a temporary decision to move forward a few corners to reduce the predictability of the action as much as possible."

Metkai nodded and said, "Okay, let's do this."

When the Konoha ninjas were worried, An Lushan, the minister of Loulan Kingdom, the rebel ninja Baizu of Sunagakure, felt even more uncomfortable.

He couldn't accept the fact before him, so much so that he was tearing his mustache crazily.

"This is impossible. My Dragon Vein Puppet is invincible. How could it not be able to defeat the Konoha ninjas?"

"Forget about the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. Although he is no longer the Fourth Hokage in this world, his strength is still so powerful that it makes people despair."

"I never expected the soil puppet army to defeat and kill him from the beginning. What I wanted was to trap him to death and let him die of exhaustion like the Third Raikage."

"But who are these three young Konoha ninjas?"

"Hatake Kakashi's strength is completely within my expectations, but who is this watermelon head in green tights? He, how can he fight so well?"

"And this golden-haired Konoha genin, why is a genin so good at fighting?"

"This makes no sense at all. Are Konoha ninjas so powerful? Can I really conquer the ninja world?"

Suddenly, Baizu lost confidence in the plan he had planned for ten years and executed for four years, and he was on the verge of collapse.

He grabbed his hat and said to himself: "No, I am also a puppet master who has fought in two wars. Konoha ninjas are not so powerful. These ninjas must be special cases!"

"Yes, that must be the case. Otherwise, Sunagakure Village would fight the Third Ninja War. If we participate in the war for the second time, we will all be wiped out!"

Baizu laughed crazily: "Hahaha, let me tell you, I can't be so weak!"

"Since Konohagakure has sent Namikaze Minato, the future Hokage, I should also show the corresponding combat power, otherwise it would be a waste of dragon vein energy."

He stood up from behind his desk, walked slowly to the window, looked at the position of Kakashi's team, and then looked at the position of Queen Loulan.

Baizu chuckled and said, "Well, although the queen's poison has been removed, her physical strength cannot be restored immediately, so I still have plenty of time."

"Let me kill these three boys first, then take their heads and go to the decisive battle with Namikaze Minato."

"It is said that Namikaze Minato is a ninja who loves his subordinates very much. I should be able to attract all his attention by holding the heads of his subordinates, and he will never stop until he kills me, right?"

"As long as Namikaze Minato refuses to let me go, I will have the opportunity to exhaust his energy and make him die of exhaustion like the Third Raikage."

Baizu laughed louder and rushed out of the office window crazily, rushing towards the floor where Hatake Kakashi and the others were.

When Baizu broke through the window of the building and entered the building again, his feet were still in his office.

It turns out that Baizu is also a fan of human puppets. After he obtained the power of the dragon vein, in order to better occupy and use the power of the dragon vein and avoid being turned into a stone statue by the dragon vein, he simply transformed himself into an unprecedented clay puppet.

The form now displayed by Centipede is a centipede form that focuses more on mobility and lethality.

When Baizu was still the puppet master of Sand Hidden Village, the centipede puppet was his favorite puppet form, and he even took the alias of centipede as his own name.

Unfortunately, as an ordinary puppet master, he lacks a truly powerful teacher, nor does he have senior elders in Sunagakure Village, nor can he even display a jaw-dropping talent.

As a Sanwu puppet master, no matter what kind of design Baizu has, he does not have the resources to make his ideal puppet.

Without the ideal puppet, he would not be able to build a suitable combat system according to his own vision. He could only reversely adapt to the puppet's tactics based on the basic puppet he had obtained.

This is also an important reason why Baizu has been trapped in the chunin class for a long time.

Puppet master is such a resource-intensive profession. For ordinary Sunagakure ninjas, it is a dead end.

It was precisely because of such restrictions that Baizu was crazy enough to start researching human puppets.

But even if he was studying human puppets, he did not have enough resources to carry out large-scale research like the Red Sand Scorpion, so that the subject of Baizu's research was himself from the beginning, and the goal of the research was how to transform himself.

It’s really a tearful thing to say.

But all this was not in vain. After he traveled through time and came to this new ninja world, and obtained the right to use the dragon vein through deception, all his crazy designs could be realized.

Only then did the centipede-shaped Nendoroid puppet appear in front of him.

The ferocious centipede broke through the window and scattered Hatake Kakashi, Metkai and Uzumaki Naruto in one fell swoop. The three of them could no longer support each other and were surrounded by puppets.

This suddenly forced all three people into a desperate situation.

The most dangerous one is Kakashi Hatake. He is a standard high-explosive and high-death ninja who relies on killing the enemy first to win.

In this closed and small environment, facing enemies with large numbers and strong regeneration capabilities such as clay puppets, he fell into complete passivity after exhausting his chakra.

Moreover, the clay puppet is a puppet that does not need to be controlled, and its vital points are hidden deep inside the thick shell. Kakashi soon discovered that sharp damage is meaningless.

In just a few blows, the long knife he was equipped with broke inside the puppet's body.

And when he took out the kunai, he found that even if the short blade was fully inserted, it could not touch the core of the chest.

Hatake Kakashi could only hold the kunai in his hand and use it like a finger tiger, first smashing open the chest of the soil puppet, and then destroying the core part.

Only such an attack can damage the puppet for the longest time. Therefore, Kakashi consumes a lot of energy and soon falls into a state of physical exhaustion.

Contrary to him, the other two companions, whether it was Uzumaki Naruto as a genin or Metkai who had just been promoted to chunin, both maintained plenty of energy and fought with the puppets while shouting.

At this moment, Hatake Kakashi finally understood that Namikaze Minato had constantly emphasized to him the value of physical fitness and taijutsu.

Sweat flowed from the hair, soaked through the eyebrows, passed over the eyelashes, and finally entered the eyes. The stinging eyes were itchy and stinging.

Kakashi shook his head desperately to shake off the sweat, but his vision was still blurred.

As a ninja who relies on agility to dodge, when being besieged, the consequences of blurred vision are fatal.

A huge clay fist hit Kakashi on the back, causing him to stumble and fall to pieces among the clay debris on the ground.

With his head buried in the clay, Kakashi became much more awake. He took the opportunity to wipe his face, stood up and continued fighting, but the space he could move around was getting smaller and smaller.

He knew that he would soon be unable to hold on anymore, and murmured: "It turns out that the teacher is right. Ninjutsu alone cannot solve all problems."

From the outside, Hatake Kakashi was surrounded by more than a dozen clay dolls, with dozens of thick arms flying up and down, like rice ears being beaten with flails.

Metkai and Uzumaki Naruto were shocked when they saw this situation.

"Youth must be protected, and now is the time for youth to bloom!" Green flames appeared on Matt's body, knocking several puppets away in one fell swoop, and he roared as he rushed towards Kakashi.

Baizu stopped Metkai one step ahead and blocked his full-strength kick with his chest.

But what he didn't expect was that his chest would be kicked through, and Metkai's whole body would penetrate like a cannonball.

Bai Zu looked at the big hole in his chest in bewilderment and murmured: "How is this possible?"

Through the large hole in his chest that was slowly recovering, he saw Metkai rushing to Kakashi's side and smashing all the puppets into pieces with a simple whirlwind kick.

Hatake Kakashi stared at Kai in shock, unable to believe this clumsy and "weak" companion.

He asked: "Kai, how come you are so strong? How come the chakra in you is so strong?"

Metkai grinned and said: "Kakashi, this is the Eight Gate Armor Technique. It is a 'forbidden technique' that can only be used to protect your companions and the village."

"I can only open six doors, and it does a lot of damage to my body."

"So I can't do it anymore, so I'll leave it to you."

Metkai lay down on the ground with an ouch and fell into a coma.

Hatake Kakashi couldn't turn his mind at all. He raised his head blankly and looked at each other in confusion with Baizu, who was observing the battlefield situation through the hole in his chest.

But as the chest closed, Baizu also reacted. He turned around and launched a new attack: "Haha, I was shocked. It turned out to be an explosion."

"Go to hell, Konoha ninjas!"

The huge centipede's body circled like a dragon, snaking towards Hatake Kakashi.

Kakashi had actually realized it a long time ago. His ignorance and bewilderment were actually disguises, just to buy time to recover as much chakra as possible and use Chidori again.

Baizu was the target of their mission and was obviously the controller of these puppets.

Kakashi judged that as long as he took down the centipede in front of him, he should be able to end the extremely passive battle.

A fatal blow is the battle rhythm he is most familiar with. In the past, countless Sunagakure ninjas, Iwagakure ninjas, and Kumogakure ninjas fell to his attacks. This time will be no exception, he will definitely be able to defeat the enemy accurately and ruthlessly.

"In order to protect my companions and complete the mission, I must not make any mistakes!"

He certainly didn't make any mistakes.

The Chidori let out a furious chirping, which turned into a straight bolt of lightning, piercing through Centipede's head and chest, cutting most of the giant centipede's body in half, and falling softly to both sides like a banana peel.

Uzumaki Naruto cheered: "Kakashi-sensei is great, your shot is so accurate!"

However, the next moment he was knocked away by a thick fist and fell hard into the pile of puppets.

Those clay puppets did not lose control because the centipede was split in half, but continued to attack steadily, as if the controller was not injured.

Soon Kakashi and Metkai were submerged, and Uzumaki Naruto no longer cared about it, and began to call Kyuubi in his heart.

This time, without the interruption of Metkai's sudden burst of eight-door armor, Uzumaki Naruto successfully awakened the chakra of the Nine-Tails and covered himself with a thick red tailed beast suit.

The super strong tailed beast chakra showed unimaginable corrosiveness, corroding the clay into pits just by being close to it.

Since the corrosion of Nine-Tails Chakra is closer to the ground, the higher the corrosive intensity, so the puppets fell down one after another because of broken legs.

Uzumaki Naruto didn't notice all this at all. The moment he put on the tailed beast clothes, he had transformed into a red flame train and rushed towards Hatake Kakashi and Metkai.

All the puppets that stood in front of him were like flower pots hit by a train. They were shattered on the spot and burned into nothingness by the orange Nine-Tails Chakra, which could never be recovered.

Metkai didn't know anything in his deep sleep, but Hatake Kakashi received the most complete education, and he recognized it at a glance as the tailed beast chakra.

Following this, he also determined the identity of Naruto Uzumaki - the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

At the same time, Hatake Kakashi no longer had confidence in Naruto's judgment that Naruto was Namikaze Minato's child.

As one of the core members of the top management of Konoha Village and the default candidate for the Fifth Hokage, how could Namikaze Minato's son become the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki?

According to Uzumaki Naruto, Namikaze Minato directly replaced Orochimaru and became the Fourth Hokage.

Although this sounds unbelievable, Minato's identity is even more precious, and his son can never become the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

The son of the Fourth Hokage is Konoha's most powerful weapon. What should the Fifth Hokage do after the Fourth Hokage?

What means can he use to control this most powerful weapon alive?

Unless this weapon becomes the new Hokage, it will become a knot in the Hokage's legacy, and it will never be able to be bypassed or untied.

But the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki became Hokage... Hatake Kakashi shook his head. Neither the current Konoha Village nor he could imagine such a possibility.

A fox tail danced behind Uzumaki Naruto, and an orange tailed beast suit surrounded his body. All the puppets he destroyed fell to the ground and turned into piles of waste.

In any case, the crisis has been resolved for the time being.

Baizu looked at the changes in front of her in stunned silence. The puppet's eyes actually fell down in fright, and it jumped on the ground and rolled away.

He is a useless Chuunin puppet master who has never seen anything. Not to mention the Kyuubi who has never been on the battlefield, he has never even seen the Ichibi from his own Sunagakure Village. He has no idea that this terrifying chakra is the tailed beast chakra. carat.

But the suppression of ordinary ninjas by tailed beast chakra will not weaken just because they don't know it, especially when it is more intense in Baizu.

Not only did his body movements become sluggish, but his recovery speed also slowed down significantly.

Baizu shrank back in horror, her huge body curled up in the small room, and the sharp foot knife destroyed all the decorations and puppets.

Then he called in more puppets, pouring in like a tide and surrounding Naruto Uzumaki.

Baizu howled: "No matter what kind of monster you are, I can definitely drown you with my puppets. My dragon vein puppets are invincible!"

The battle suddenly broke away from the level of ninja combat and became a confrontation between dragon-veined creatures and tailed beast chakra.

Attacked by a large number of dragon vein puppets, Uzumaki Naruto inspired more nine-tailed chakra, causing greater damage. His chakra was also dispersed by the impact of the dragon vein's natural energy and dispersed to the high altitude of Loulan Kingdom. and continue to spread outward.

This is the nine-tailed chakra of another ninja world. It carries the aura and rules of another ninja world. It quickly comes into contact with the local nine-tailed chakra during the spread, entangled and repelled with each other.

This self-aware chakra began an exchange of information, which had a huge impact on both parties.

This influence first affected the two Nine-Tails, and then the two Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

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