I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 313 Was Minato Namikaze’s child transferred?

Just as Namikaze Minato's team and Ai's team were approaching Loulan Kingdom, travelers from time and space quietly appeared on the Loulan Kingdom's border through the operation of dragon veins.

The strong fluctuations in time and space attracted the attention of many "people". Uchiha Yu first appeared in Loulan and saw the blond boy at a glance.

Through the boy's blabbing character and his introduction to himself, Uchiha Yuu was sure that this was Naruto Uzumaki from the history of the show.

But he did not feel any "historical corrective power" at this time, because the time was no longer right.

When this time point occurred, Namikaze Minato had not only become famous, but he had also developed the Rasengan and even defeated the Fourth Raikage.

But now the time has been greatly advanced. Even Minato's child has been in Kushina's belly for several months. The paradox of time and space has even reached the point of being irreversible.

Therefore, Uchiha Yuu focused on observing the surrounding environment and paying attention to other "people" attracted by the power of time and space.

The God of Death appeared first, but he was as keen as ever. He smelled Uchiha Yu's breath from a distance, then turned around and slipped away.

Then several half-dead "gods" actually appeared, and Yuu Uchiha captured them one by one, and then crushed them into rosary beads and collected them.

But that’s all. There seem to be fewer and fewer “gods”.

Moreover, the most critical targets, the Six Paths Sage in the Pure Land, and the Otsutsuki Ishiki hidden in the human world, did not appear.

This made Uchiha Yuu thoughtful.

Time and space are not separated, but the situation seems to be a little different. When the time component of the power of space and time is heavier, the attraction to the gods is greater, but the Otsutsuki clan has no reaction.

I don’t know whether it is a lack of attraction or a talent bias that makes them indifferent to it?

Uchiha Yu kept this doubt in mind, and then left quietly, leaving his wooden clone to deal with possible accidents.

Uzumaki Naruto was indeed completely reckless.

Without any preparation for investigation or any plan, he plunged into Loulan Kingdom, a country with many tall buildings, causing huge chaos.

In the chaos, the protagonist successfully rushed into the Loulan Palace and met Queen Loulan holding a little girl in her arms.

The little girl seemed slightly smaller than Uzumaki Naruto, but she was very brave. Seeing the intrusion of outsiders, she pulled out a knife from her waist and made a defensive posture.

At the same time, she shouted loudly: "Guards!"

However, it was of no use. Uzumaki Naruto rushed up and knocked the knife from her hand, and then pushed her to the ground.

The little girl screamed in fright, but the sick queen was calm enough, especially after seeing the Konoha forehead protector on Naruto's head, she felt a lot more relieved.

The Third Hokage has been in power for 20 years, and his performance cannot be said to be very good. However, his gentle governance style and persistence in reputation have left a considerable fortune to the Konoha ninjas.

Commoners, nobles, and businessmen from various countries in the ninja world will feel afraid when they see ninjas, but they feel relieved when they see Konoha ninjas.

Not to mention taking the initiative to help, at least Konoha ninjas will not kill people or plunder property.

Queen Loulan: "Sara, stop shouting. The guards should have been eliminated by the Konoha ninja. This Konoha ninja, please let go of my daughter. I am your employer."

Uzumaki Naruto looked confused: "Ah, but my mission does not have an employer. The employer of the mission to hunt down the traitorous ninja of Sunagakure Village should be the Kazekage of Sunagakure Village..."

Queen Loulan was stunned for a moment, and after careful observation, she discovered that this young ninja had a strong aura of dragon veins, and she couldn't help but be shocked.

"Are you the same as An Lushan?"

Uzumaki Naruto was stunned for a while before he asked: "Who is An Lushan?"

"An Lushan is my mission target."

Suddenly a clear voice answered his question, and then Minato Namikaze appeared in the room and bowed lightly to Queen Loulan.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Queen, I am Namikaze Minato, the Jonin of Konoha Village, and I am the executor of the mission you entrusted me with."

The queen's eyes lit up:

[Namikaze Minato Jonin and the Fourth Hokage were willing to send all their assistants. It’s really great! 】

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes became brighter:

[Jounin Namikaze Minato, isn't this the Fourth Hokage? This, this, what's going on? 】

But no matter what, Namikaze Minato's reputation was very useful and instantly put everyone present at ease.

Then Minato's subordinates also walked in, causing Uzumaki Naruto to exclaim: "Kakashi-sensei, why are you so young?"

The title "Kakashi-sensei" was so lethal that Kakashi Hatake's fish eyes couldn't help but widen, Metkai fell over in fright, and Lin's eyes widened with tenderness. Almond eyes.

The three of them looked at each other, and even Namikaze Minato couldn't help but look up and down at this unfamiliar Konoha genin.

Namikaze Minato has rich experience, quick reactions, and a flexible mind. He recently learned the Flying Thunder God Jutsu and has his own understanding of time and space ninjutsu.

Just as a few thoughts flashed through his mind, Minato thought of a possibility: this was a Konoha ninja from the future.

He couldn't help but take a breath, and it took a lot of effort to restrain himself from exclaiming and asking for specific information from the other party.

In Namikaze Minato's shallow understanding, there was an unexplainable fear of the exchange of time and space information.

As a man who deeply believes in fatalism, he is full of awe of fate and is very worried that his actions will affect future changes.

So Minato Namikaze used code words to issue a gag order to his three subordinate students, prohibiting them from exchanging information with Uzumaki Naruto.

But people's curiosity cannot be stopped, even he himself stretched his ears and listened carefully to the noisy Uzumaki Naruto.

Soon everyone knew that his mission was to hunt down the traitorous ninja Hyakuzu of Sunagakure Village, that Hyakuzu was a chuunin-level puppet master, and that his name was Uzumaki Naruto.

When Namikaze Minato heard this name, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The combination of Uzumaki and Naruto made him instantly recognize that this was his eldest son, but why did he use Kushina's last name?

Did he die?

Namikaze Minato's mind was slightly confused, but he quickly suppressed it and continued to inquire for detailed information from Queen Loulan.

Their mission this time is to clear out An Lushan, the minister of Loulan Kingdom, but he is not an ordinary nobleman.

Queen Loulan said weakly: "An Lushan came to Loulan Kingdom four years ago. He showed me how to use dragon veins to create puppets that replace human work. Through never-ending labor, he created countless National wealth makes my Loulan country rich."

"I was tempted and asked him to give it a try. As a result, the puppet he created could really work tirelessly, replacing the hardest work at the bottom and allowing the country's wealth to grow explosively."

"I also gave An Lushan enough reward, promoting him to the position of minister of state and handing him more and more power."

"Everything was fine originally. The country became more and more prosperous, built more high-rise buildings, attracted abundant underground water resources, and produced sufficient food and fruits."

"We even have the opportunity to raise more livestock, so that the people can live a good life where they can eat meat and fruits every day..."

"What a pity. I originally wanted An Lushan to be the prime minister, but I found out that he was secretly creating military puppets and wanted to organize a huge puppet army."

Queen Loulan talked a lot, and her symptoms of physical weakness became more and more obvious.

But she persisted and continued: "Loulan is a small country. It can be rich, but it should not be strong, let alone pursue the so-called military."

"No matter what An Lushan wants to do, I cannot accept him building a strong army. This is not something that the small country of Loulan can have, and it will inevitably lead to the crisis of national annihilation for us."

"I told An Lushan my thoughts, but then he sent people to imprison me. Even my guards were killed by his puppets."

Sarah was dumbfounded when she heard this, and she even exclaimed: "How dare An Lushan insult my mother? I'm going to kill him!"

Queen Loulan rubbed her daughter's hair and said with a smile: "You don't have the ability to kill him. Fortunately, I still had the opportunity to meet the royal family's businessmen, and then I had the opportunity to submit a mission request to Konoha Village."

Namikaze Minato lowered his head and said: "Please rest assured, Queen, I will clean up this ambitious An Lushan."

He waved his hand and motioned for Lin to come over: "Check the Queen. I think her physical condition is not right. She may not be sick, but poisoned."

Lin had actually discovered it a long time ago. After receiving the order, she immediately went forward to check and took blood from the Queen's fingertips for testing.

After a moment, she said with a solemn face: "Teacher Minato, you are right, Her Majesty is poisoned."

"And this poison is the tail tip poison of the desert scorpion, which is refined with several minerals. This is one of the most common poisons used by the puppet masters of Sand Hidden Village."

Princess Sarah exclaimed again: "I am poisoned, can I detoxify it?"

Lin smiled and replied: "No problem, Konoha Village and Sunagakure Village have been dealing with each other for a long time, and they have sufficient understanding of their poisons."

"If it is a poison prepared by the Jonin puppet master, I am not sure enough, but the antidote to this basic poison was prepared by Tsunade-sama 15 years ago and integrated into the basic antidote pill."

Lin took out a white pill from the medical bag, handed it to Queen Loulan, and explained: "It only takes one pill to completely detoxify it without any sequelae."

Queen Loulan took the medicine with confidence. The effect of the medicine took effect quickly, making her sweat profusely. Then she felt relaxed and stood up directly.

Sara was so happy now that she held her mother's hand and was very happy. At the same time, she gritted her teeth and said, "This bastard An Lushan dared to poison my mother. I must not spare him!"

Namikaze Minato then ordered: "Hatake Kakashi, Metkai!"

The two young ninjas stood up immediately: "Here!"

Minato ordered: "Go find traces of An Lushan immediately and capture or kill him!"

Kakashi immediately replied: "Yes! Teacher!"

Minato looked at Lin again: "Lin, you and I stay here to protect Her Majesty the Queen. Compared to the mission goal, the employer's safety is more important."

"is teacher."

He looked at the Queen again and asked: "Your Majesty, An Lushan's puppets can be used on a large scale because they rely on the power of dragon veins. I think you should have a way to deprive An Lushan of the power of dragon veins, right?"

Queen Loulan nodded and said: "Yes, as long as I return to the royal court, I can calm the dragon's veins with just one sentence."

"It's just that the royal court is now guarded by countless clay puppets and cannot be approached at all."

Minato smiled and said, "Leave it to me. I will open the way to the royal court."

Finally, he looked at Uzumaki Naruto and said with a smile: "You are also a Konoha ninja, and I am a Konoha jounin. Now you should follow Kakashi to destroy An Lushan."

Naruto shouted excitedly: "Yes, the Fourth Hokage!"

Everyone was stunned except him.

Bound by Namikaze Minato's ban, the Konoha ninja said nothing, but Queen Loulan was not restrained. She asked in surprise: "Isn't the Fourth Hokage Lord Orochimaru?"

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes widened and he said in shock: "What? The Fourth Hokage should be Namikaze Minato! And Orochimaru is a rebel ninja of Konoha!"

At this moment, even Namikaze Minato couldn't stop himself and exclaimed: "How could the Fourth Hokage become a traitorous ninja?"

Sara was also stunned. Orochimaru, the Fourth Hokage, was a great figure who ended the war and created an era of peace. Even a little girl like her was famous far and wide.

The little princess pointed at Uzumaki Naruto: "Where on earth are you a Konoha ninja? How come you can even mistake the Fourth Hokage who created peace? You are not a fake Konoha ninja, are you?"

Uzumaki Naruto was already dumbfounded at this time, and he even suspected that he was in a dream.

Because the surrounding situation is so different, the Fourth Hokage is not only alive, but even Kakashi-sensei looks extremely young.

No, Kakashi actually looked smaller than him.

Naruto's brain was really weak, and his imagination was not wide enough to imagine that he had traveled through time and space.

Namikaze Minato said: "Okay, don't worry about these details for now, complete the task first."


Hatake Kakashi and Metkai went to An Lushan's office to hunt him down. Namikaze Minato took Lin to protect Queen Loulan and went to the royal court to cut off the source of the puppet's power.

A two-pronged approach, no matter which side succeeds, can end this mission.

Uzumaki Naruto, who didn't know what he was doing, looked at him with eyes that were either strange, suspicious, or even loving. He raised his arms and shouted, "Oh! Complete the mission! Complete the mission!"

His cheers deeply affected Metkai, and he couldn't help but raise his arms and shout: "Oh~~Youth should complete the task with enthusiasm!"

Uzumaki Naruto was awakened by the shout that penetrated his soul, and finally discovered the identity of Metkai. He pointed at Metkai and said tremblingly: "You, you are Mr. Kai, Xiao Li's teacher!"

"You, what's wrong with you?"

Just when Hatake Kakashi and Namikaze Minato were thinking quickly about how to explain, Uzumaki Naruto slapped his head: "Really, the mission is the most important, hurry up and complete the mission!"

After saying that, he ran away with Metkai in a daze.

Kakashi and Namikaze Shumon looked at each other.

Lin sighed in disbelief: "Minato-sensei, your son...why is he so stupid?"

"Not to mention someone as powerful as Minato-sensei, even Kushina-sama's courage and perseverance can't be compared."

Hatake Kakashi suddenly added: "Isn't it because he was transferred when he was born?"

Lin covered her mouth and smiled: "No, Kakashi, you are overthinking. According to medical knowledge, with that brilliant blond hair, Naruto must be the teacher's child."

Being teased by two students, Namikaze Minato could only smile awkwardly: "Oh, the mission is the most important now, stop talking so much nonsense."

He looked at the white-haired boy who stretched out his hand to scratch the corners of his eyes and said, "Kakashi, the two of them are begging you."

Kakashi Hatake nodded and said, "I understand, Minato-sensei."

Hatake Kakashi pulled up his mask to cover more of his face, then quietly used the teleportation technique and chased the two hot-blooded idiots.

Minato looked at Lin again and said, "Protect Her Majesty the Queen and Princess Sarah, and follow my footsteps."

Lin also put away her smile and said solemnly: "Yes, Minato-sensei, I will do it."

Queen Loulan rested for a while and her physical strength recovered a lot, so she stood up and said: "Minato Jounin, time is running out, let's set off now."

"I don't know how powerful the puppets created by An Lushan are, but those puppets have the ability to automatically repair, so they should be very troublesome. It is better to cut off their connection with the dragon veins as soon as possible."

Namikaze Minato nodded and said: "What you said makes perfect sense, Your Lady Queen, let's set off now."

Sara said angrily: "Come on, I want to see An Lushan defeated in battle, and I want to ask him personally why he lied to me and why he lied to my mother."

The group of people went down the stairs towards the core area of ​​Loulan Kingdom.

Sure enough, we met countless clay dolls along the way. The ancient shapes used to be awe-inspiring, but now they look so ridiculous.

The large-shouldered structure and the gourd-shaped ancient worship body all convey the touching aesthetics of the maker.

But Minato Namikaze really couldn't laugh. He found that these puppets were very weak, but they could recover continuously. No matter how fast he killed them, they couldn't be cleared away.

Minato didn't worry about his own safety. He destroyed the puppets very quickly, so he could maintain a relatively safe defense circle.

Under the protection of Minato, Queen Loulan and the princess were able to walk down step by step at their own speed.

The two royal families and Lin could only see the squirming clay fragments on the ground, and they couldn't even see the battle going on.

What Namikaze Minato was worried about was Hatake Kakashi, Metkai, and Uzumaki Naruto.

Among the three children, only Metkai, who seems to be the weakest, has the most solid foundation, the most stable performance of his strength, and the most reassuring one.

Hatake Kakashi is very strong and is the most standard jounin, but his strong attack power means excessive attack power, and his endurance is worrying.

Uzumaki Naruto is just a genin. Although the genin of Konoha are very strong, they are still genin after all.

[I hope nothing will happen to the two children, Naruto and Kakashi. 】

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