I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 315 Baizu: Let me demonstrate what it means for a villain to die from talking too much.

Uzumaki Kushina, who was peacefully raising her baby in Konoha Village, suddenly felt panicked.

She hurriedly sat up, and after checking her surroundings to make sure it was safe, she turned her attention to the Kyuubi inside her.

As soon as she entered the sealed space, she cursed angrily: "Kyuubi! I'm so anxious about raising a baby, how dare you look for trouble?"

Kyuubi was brutally blocked by King Kong and tied up: "I'm beep-beep-beep-beep--!"

Uzumaki Kushina knew at a glance that she had wrongly blamed Kyuubi, but who could she, Scarlet Pepper, admit her mistake to her own fox?

So she scolded: "Hey, you can still talk back? Shut your mouth!"

The golden chain sealed by King Kong swam like a spiritual snake, tightly wrapped around Nine-Tails' mouth, and then tied it tightly into a pig's mouth.

The grievance and anger that Kyuubi was filled with could only turn into tears of grievance, rolling in his eyes.

Kushina Uzumaki was in a good mood after tossing the Kyuubi, but she felt weak, so she smiled and said: "Very good, the Kyuubi looks much more comfortable like this. Give me some more chakra to comfort me, and I will I’m not angry anymore.”

The golden chain twitched and tightened, like a noose for oil extraction, forcibly extracting chakra from Kyuubi's body and replenishing it into Kushina's body, making her feel abundant satisfaction.

After this operation, Kyuubi had completely forgotten the abnormality he had just felt, and his heart was filled with grievances and anger.

Kushina also thought that her discomfort was due to the Kyuubi's troubles. Anyway, after cleaning up the Kyuubi, she felt refreshed and relaxed.

So Uzumaki Kushina left the sealed space with peace of mind, lay on the bed and continued to sleep.

Compared to Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Naruto did not care about the abnormal feelings in his heart during the battle, including the Nine-Tails from another world. He also ignored the instinctive warning because of the tense battle situation.

The natural energy from the dragon's veins became more and more intense, and the counter-erosion of Nine-Tails' chakra caused Nine-Tails to have to use its main power to fight against the erosion of natural energy instead of destroying those difficult puppets.

This caused Uzumaki Naruto to gradually fall behind and be suppressed by the puppet again.

And as an immature Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, he is not adaptable enough to the Nine-Tails' chakra. A large amount of chakra will flow through his body and he will be harmed by it.

The specific manifestation was that Uzumaki Naruto began to feel muscle soreness, and the pain became more and more intense.

But this stubborn child of destiny has a strong will, and he still grits his teeth and persists.

At the same time, the number of Uchiha Yuuki's clones waiting outside Loulan is increasing rapidly. From the two monitors left at the beginning, it has increased to more than three hundred clones.

Except for Uchiha Yu himself who dared not show his face directly, it can be said that he has tried his best.

All because of Uzumaki Naruto's explosion, which released the most distinctive nine-tailed chakra in the ninja world, causing further changes in the dragon veins of the ninja world.

This is what Uchiha Yu wants to get, a great interference with the dragon's veins, resulting in space-time interference.

Only changes will show enough phenomena, and only enough phenomena can record enough data, and then use the data to summarize the rules, and finally verify the rules of the dragon vein.

Studying dragon veins is Uchiha Yu's biggest goal, and it is also the only way he can think of to eliminate the thousand years of accumulation of the Six Paths Sage.

He was caught by the Six Paths Immortal who suddenly appeared before. Although both parties were on the same level, they were suppressed by the other party. Only by relying on his outstanding acting skills and the divine power accumulated by the vest, he barely escaped the tragic fate of being killed or even enslaved.

For Uchiha Yuu, who follows his heart, this is an unforgivable mistake that must never be made again.

As a result, his behavior became even more secretive. In almost all public appearances, he would appear as the most powerful wooden clone and would never show his face again.

Not to mention Uchiha Yu herself, even Miwa Masayo has not appeared in front of people for a long time, and no one has seen her figure.

But hiding can't solve the problem. The real way to solve the problem is to accumulate quickly, overwhelm the Six Paths Immortal in terms of strength, and then chase after the Six Paths Immortal.

The problem lies in time. I don’t know how many years have passed since the Immortal of Six Paths broke through to the Six Paths level, and he has accumulated at least hundreds of years in the stage of Blood Succession Snare.

Whether it is knowledge, skills or the amount of energy, these are all problems that Uchiha cannot solve in a short time. He can only rely on time to slowly grind them down.

Fortunately, time is not absolute in the ninja world, and there are ways to get around it.

The dragon vein of Loulan Kingdom is a miracle that can travel through time.

If he can master the power of time of the dragon vein enough, it is entirely possible for Uchiha Yu to pass through the dragon vein and reach several thousand years ago, lay a solid foundation under the baptism of time, and accumulate strong strength.

As an immortal who cultivates immortality and has achieved the golden elixir, Yuu Uchiha has an infinite lifespan. He is no longer afraid of the erosion of time, but is most looking forward to the accumulation that time will bring to him.

As the power of the nine tails brought by Uzumaki Naruto leaks, the dragon's veins are gradually boiling, and the fluctuations in time and space are gradually dividing, revealing time ripples that are completely unfamiliar to Uchiha Yuu.

He greedily observed and recorded every fluctuation of the dragon's veins and every ups and downs of the ripples of time.

This is the most precious information in the ninja world. Uchiha Yu recorded it wholeheartedly, fearing to miss any detail and not even thinking about the connection.

But there was one situation that he couldn't care less about, and that was that Uzumaki Naruto was gradually unable to support himself, and even the power of the Nine-Tails was rapidly declining.

【This is absolutely not possible! 】

[Uzumaki Naruto must continue to fight, they must get support, I can't wait any longer. 】

Uchiha Yu immediately dismissed a wooden clone and brought the memory to his own body.

Uchiha Yuu, who was hiding in a secret base, made a quick decision. His mind was immersed in the world of Zifu. Emperor Shenting raised his right hand and grabbed a causal thread that was closely connected with him.

He did not touch this causal line, but handed it over to Zhu Rong, who had just relied on the manifestation of the Heart Ape, and the Southern Fire Spirit God conveyed the order in the form of an oracle.

The Emperor of Heaven grabbed another causal thread and gently moved it.

[Destiny, cause and effect, according to my plan, such fiddling with the line of cause and effect should make Ye Cang fall more in love with Hao and be willing to fight desperately for his mission...]

[Playing with other people’s emotions, I seem a bit evil...]

[Oh, Hao is a pretty boy. I compensated him to Ye Cang, because it was obviously her who made the profit. 】

[Besides, Ye Cang relied on my barrier to save her life. She owes me a life. 】

【The one who really suffers is Hao Ya. 】

Hao suddenly raised his hand, causing the team to stop.

Under the protection of Jing and Ye Cang, Hao closed his eyes and listened carefully, and soon opened his eyes again and said: "God said that there was an abnormality in time in Loulan Kingdom, and a fierce battle broke out."

"The fighting party is the minister of Loulan Kingdom and the puppet master of Sunagakure Village from another ninja world."

"It was this guy who stole the power of Loulan Dragon Veins, created a time error, and attracted ninjas from another world."

Jing and Ye Cang looked at each other with endless confusion in their eyes. They had no idea what Hao was talking about.

Hao, who had a pretty face, was a little troubled.

What Vulcan conveyed to him was thoughts rather than words. Many concepts were directly instilled into his mind. Although he understood it in his heart, he didn't know how to explain it in the words of the ninja world.

Fortunately, his reaction speed was fast enough, so he didn't think there was any need to explain.

Hao said to the two beauties: "God gave me a mission, asking me to support a Konoha ninja and protect him until the time error is corrected and he returns to his own world."

"Jing, this is God's mission, you and I are bound to do it."

Jing smiled happily: "No problem, Hao, I am very happy to fight for God. When I go back, I will definitely make other people cry with envy."

Hao looked at Ye Cang again, but was interrupted by his elder sister with a smile before he could speak.

Ye Cang said proudly: "I will also participate in the battle. I owe you and Xuexiang two lives. I am happy to fight for you."

Jing's eyes became bright and she looked at Ye Cang and chuckled.

She covered her mouth with both hands, her cheeks bulging high, like a hamster that had stolen melon seeds: "'I'm happy to fight for you' eh——, sister Yecang, your words are so disgusting."

Ye Cang looked at the flat-chested little girl inexplicably and asked: "What's so disgusting about this? Isn't the best way for a ninja to repay kindness and repay his life by fighting for the other party?"

Jing rolled her eyes and said helplessly: "Although Sister Ye Cang is older and looks jealous everywhere, you are so young mentally. This is too naive."

"Really, Ai's luck is really good."

Ye Cang: "?"

Fortunately, Ai knocked Jing's head hard, stopping the conversation between the two, and then led the two of them quickly into Loulan Kingdom, aiming directly at the tall building where Centipede was entrenched.

As the battle continued, Baizu found a way to deal with the nine-tailed chakra, which was to use puppets as consumables and compete with the blond Konoha genin.

The Nine-Tails' chakra is infinite, but as a jinchuriki, Uzumaki Naruto's endurance is not infinite. He will feel pain and exhaustion.

In the past four years, Baizu has created so many puppets in Loulan that he doesn't even know how many there are. He doesn't feel bad at all if they are used to fight the enemy in a war of attrition.

As Uzumaki Naruto's condition declined, Baizu became arrogant again. He let out the classic villain's laughter: "Very good, very good. Although your strength is very strong, after all, my power is stronger."

"Do you know what a human puppet is?"

"That is the highest achievement in puppetry. Even among the puppet masters in Sand Hidden Village, there are not many people who can master this puppetry."

"Although I am not as good as the Red Sand Scorpion, I am also an amazing puppet master. I have mastered the art of making human puppets."

"Look at my body, it is a masterpiece that combines the energy of dragon veins and the art of human puppetry, and you will also enjoy my skills. I promise not to waste your body."

"When you all fall, I will use you as materials to make the best human puppets. As my elite troops, I will fight desperately for me to conquer the ninja world."

"Don't even think about it!" Naruto Uzumaki wiped his sweat and retorted loudly: "Konoha ninja will never surrender, you are destined to fail!"

Baizu said proudly: "It doesn't matter if you talk hard, you will fall down soon. When the time comes, I will deliberately let you live well and clearly feel the process of my transformation of you."

"You three are all great makeover material. I'm so lucky today."

"When you all become my human puppets, you will obey my orders. If I ask you to attack Konoha Village, you will rush to the front and die together with the people closest to you."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Just when he was proudly telling about his plan to make a puppet, Hatake Kakashi and Metkai, who had recovered slightly, both stood up. They looked at each other and were ready to fight.

At this moment, a ray of cool breeze blew by, and beautiful ice flowers appeared on the layers of currently squeezed puppets.

In the blink of an eye, ice flowers spread from the puppet's fingers to the whole body, freezing the entire puppet, forming a large ice mass all over the room.

The strange thing is that these large ice cubes look cold, but there is no creepy chill, only a refreshing cool feeling.

Baizu's body has been modified, but his technology is obviously not as sophisticated as the Red Sand Scorpion. Not only does he look inhuman, he doesn't even feel the temperature.

So he saw the ice around him, but didn't notice any abnormality in the temperature.

Baizu did not retreat like a snake or a scorpion, but sneered disdainfully: "Ice Escape, the Snow Clan in Kirigakure Village still has remnants, and they actually dare to attack me, Baizu. You really don't know how to live or die."

"No, ice escape is also a good Blood Succession Limit. If it is used to make human puppets... huh?"

He finally discovered that the back half of his body could not move. The crystal frost was spreading on his body, and the places where the ice flowers bloomed would be completely frozen.

Baizu sneered, igniting the fire oil stored in his body, and continued: "What an insidious guy, he was able to successfully sneak attack me. He has mastered the power of ice escape very well."

"But my body is a modified puppet body. It can completely ignite raging fire and cannot be frozen by mere ice escape."

"I found you, go to hell!"

Baizu opened his mouth and launched a large number of kunai and senbon, attacking a corner of the room.

Amidst the dense dinging sounds, an ice wall lost its perfect refraction angle due to damage, revealing traces and the two ninjas hiding behind the refrigerator.

They were wearing loose snow-white robes and pressed their hands on the ground. Frost was flowing into the ground from their four hands as white as green onions and spreading everywhere.

The leading ninja smiled slightly and said: "God said that villains always die from talking too much. We cannot speak at will until victory is completely in our hands."

"Ang, this is a typical villain who dies from talking too much."

The young man's clear voice made everyone understand that this beautiful black man was a boy, not a beautiful girl.

But another ninja named Akira proved with his silver bell-like laughter that the Snow Clan was not all boys.

"Giggle, clan leader Ying once said that many of the puppet masters he met in Sand Hidden Village would transform their own bodies, but if they transformed so much that they even lost the sense of warmth and cold, this guy should be the most failed puppet. Master."

Baizu didn't need to hear their conversation to realize that something was wrong. Although his body was burning with fire, the spread of ice crystals was completely unaffected.

In the raging fire, the ice crystals were able to travel backwards upwards and quickly spread towards Centipede's head.

"Why, why can't flame melt ice crystals? Why?"

No one gave him an answer. After hearing Baizu's words, the two ninjas of the Snow Clan realized that the enemy was not dead yet.

They immediately shut their mouths and used all their strength to output chakra, trying to freeze him completely.

It would be really embarrassing if the enemy counterattacked because of his talk and became the new villain.

Baizu struggled desperately, but there was no way to stop the spread of ice crystals. At the last moment, out of fear of being completely frozen, he took the initiative to swing his foot knife, cut off the last three joints of his torso, and broke free from the shackles of the ice crystals.

At the same time, a pair of membrane wings opened from his head, fluttering away from the ground to avoid contact with the ice crystals on the ground.

Hao clicked his tongue: "Really, it's not possible to rely entirely on freezing. I'm begging you."

Ye Cang, who didn't know where he was hiding, smiled and replied: "That's right. I'm not here to sit around and watch you show off your power, but to help you deal with your enemies."

As a celebrity and hero of Sunagakure Village, Hayakura is a Kage-level ninja that every Sunagakure ninja is familiar with.

Even if he just heard the voice, Baizu recognized Ye Cang's identity immediately. His long-standing fear made him subconsciously hunker down, trying to hide his vitals deeper.

But the next moment, an orange fireball hit Centipede's head. The powerful flames broke through the clay shell, revealing the second layer of armor in the center.

That armor is made from the golem's traditional wood and is the true core of who he is as a human golem.

The exposure of vital parts frightened Baidu. He screamed in terror, vibrated his wings desperately, and tried to escape from the window.

At the same time, he desperately extracted the power of the dragon's veins and tried desperately to recover the damage he had suffered.

Baizu's escape failed. At some point, the broken window was blocked by an ice wall, but the absolute transparency gave people the illusion that the window was empty.

The violent impact ejected Centipede, allowing him to avoid freezing while his whole body fell into chaos.

When Ye Cang caught up with Bai Zu again, he had no way to react and could only allow Ye Cang to attack.

However, the Burning Release Ninja also frowned because the damage caused by her previous attack had completely disappeared. Large areas of damage had been repaired, and even thicker clay protection had been added.

Not only has the wound been repaired, but Baizu's own cut wound has long been sealed, and more clay is concentrating on him, causing the puppet in front of him to violently deform.

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