I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 312 There will be additional reinforcements for the Dragon Vein Incident in Loulan Kingdom

In the name of military control, Konoha Village controls every village, every town, and especially every city in the Land of Fire.

From this day on, the taxes of everyone in the Land of Fire were handed over to the Konoha ninjas, and the benefit in exchange was that they did not need to pay any fees when they submitted their taxes to the ninjas.

The Leaf Village is willing to perform tasks for free as long as they are from the Land of Fire and the tasks they submit do not contain any deceptive elements.

People in the Fire Nation suddenly found that their cost of living had become lower.

The Konoha ninja suddenly discovered that the reward for the mission had suddenly increased by more than five times.

Even if they perform D-level tasks such as harvesting farmland, the income earned by Konoha ninjas is enough to meet the living needs of Konoha ninjas, and even enough to support a family.

Moreover, the number of tasks in the village has greatly increased, giving almost all genin the illusion that they have endless tasks to complete.

In fact, the task is really endless.

Villages that were once unable to release missions because of insufficient mission bonuses are now eager to release their own missions.

After all, it's free.

And Konoha Village suddenly discovered that tax revenue was actually so good.

Just from the liquidity tax collection task, you can get thirty times more income than the funds transferred by the daimyo.

The key is that these incomes are stable and will not change because the bonuses will be reduced just because Konoha ninja kills the gangsters.

Nara Shikaku even worried about having too much money to spend.

The Fourth Hokage Orochimaru asked in confusion: "How much money do you have to make you worry to this extent?"

But when he heard the numbers reported by Nara Shikaku, Orochimaru couldn't help but sighed with a swollen forehead: "There are so many. This is really difficult to deal with."

Of course, once the problem is in Uchiha Yuu's hands, it won't be a problem anymore.

"The Fourth Hokage, what's more than a thousand? Where's your research? Start! Hit it ten times or a hundred times."

Uchiha Yuu waved his hands and shouted: "If you want to get rich, build roads first!"

"Make the road smooth, wide and flat enough for six carriages to travel together."

"As long as the road is open, you will find that everything is open!"

"The lives of ordinary people in the Land of Fire will get better, the income of Konoha Village will increase, the income of Konoha ninjas will skyrocket, and except for the nobles who want to go crazy, everyone else will live a good life,"

Orochimaru had never experienced such a historic upheaval, but he was good at calculations and deductions, and he soon discovered that it made sense, so he accepted Yu Chiha's instigation.

In the summer of Konoha 46, Konoha Village entered a positive cycle. Huge mission demands led to a surge in demand for ninjas, so much so that ninja schools had to organize ninja students to efficiently complete those D-level missions.

Ninjas from Sunagakure, Kirigakure, Kusagakure, Takigakure, and Amegakure villages also appeared in Konoha Village, begging for food here.

If you just put in your labor, you can get generous rewards, and ninjas are not that warlike.

They faced productive D-level tasks and did not show any dissatisfaction when the task bonus reached the level of C-level tasks in the past.

As long as the money is in place, even a Jonin will not have any problem building a house or harvesting crops.

Make money, don’t be shabby!

"Now that the ninja world is calm enough, let me see what kind of layout the Six Paths Sage has made? He should not be able to avoid my observation now..."

Uchiha Yuu stared at the peaceful ninja world with bright eyes, thinking about what the Sage of Six Paths was doing or had done.

Until this day, Uchiha Shigenobu came to him and made an application to him: "Master Clan Leader, I want to transfer a task that requires your approval."

"Oh?" Uchiha Yu asked curiously: "What task do you want to transfer? Most importantly, who do you want to transfer it to?"

Shigenobu replied: "It's a mission from Loulan Country. The reward is quite good. I plan to transfer it to Namikaze Minato."

Loulan was one of the names that Uchiha Yu paid the most attention to, and it immediately caught his attention.

He asked with a smile: "The mission of Loulan Kingdom... this has extra rewards. You actually want to hand it over. Are there enemies from Shayin Village that you can't deal with?"

Uchiha Shigenobu said disdainfully: "How is that possible?"

"But the bonus for this mission is indeed very high. Namikaze Minato is short of money recently, so he begged me. I only gave it to him for the sake of my comrades."

Uchiha Yuu's pupils shrank slightly, but he asked with a smile: "After Minato Namikaze became the Hokage's assistant, I remember that he was already so busy that he still had time to complete tasks?"

"Is this kid so short of money?"

The Hokage Assistant is a new position created by the Fourth Hokage. It is nominally his assistant or secretary to Orochimaru, but in fact it is a tool for him to get rid of the heavy government affairs and select his successor.

Therefore, although this position is extremely busy and the salary is not very high, it is the most desirable job for the thirty thousand Konoha ninjas.

It is not surprising that Namikaze Minato was able to get this position. Although he did not have the opportunity to be praised by the Third Hokage and fight all the battlefields around the Land of Fire like Konoha White Fang, he also got the support of the Fourth Hokage and led the Snake Troops to defeat To the Hidden Mist Village.

In that battle, Namikaze Minato's command was determined, his judgment was extremely accurate, and he did not make any mistakes, which convinced the Uchihas of the Tiger Force.

And he also took the lead, killing 21 jounin of Kirigakure at once in the battle. His dazzling performance was second only to Uchiha Yu who killed the Fifth Mizukage.

What I have to say is that because the Fifth Mizukage and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are not well-known, in the minds of ordinary Konoha ninjas, Namikaze Minato is far more dazzling than Uchiha Yu and Matt Dai.

So much so that many people regard him as the perfect candidate for the Fifth Hokage.

Namikaze Minato served as the Hokage's assistant and began to be exposed to the Hokage's work without even being questioned.

Under such a highly publicized situation, he actually accepted the task. For Uchiha Yu, this incident was even more surprising than the accident in Loulan Kingdom.

Sure enough, the final result was surprising.

Uchiha Shigenobu smiled and said the reason: "Minato told me that he has a child and must seize the time to earn more money and buy a house of his own."

"But the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru's importance prevented him from spending a lot of time to perform tasks, so he needed to use the least time and earn the most money, so he asked me for this task."

"Brother Yu, the missions in Loulan Kingdom belong to our Uchiha clan. If I want to change this mission, it will be equivalent to exchanging the interests of the clan, and I need the approval of you, the clan leader."

Uchiha Yu smiled inexplicably: "Okay, I agree."

A few hours later, Uchiha Yu's wooden clone saw Namikaze Minato. He happily left Konoha Village with Hatake Kakashi, Lin and Metkai and moved quickly toward the southwest.

Metkai was specially added to the Minato team by the Fourth Hokage after the war.

Orochimaru hoped that Namikaze Minato, Jiraiya's disciple, could make up for Matt Dai's lack of knowledge in training, help Kai complete the Eight Gates Armor Formation, and develop the follow-up Taijutsu of Asa Peacock.

At the same time, it is also hoped that through Metkai, Metai can become a supporter of Namikaze Minato and clear the way for the Fifth Hokage to ascend to the throne.

Uchiha Yuu looked at the configuration of the team in front of him and couldn't help but smile: "This kid Minato Namikaze has become very confident since he got the Flying Thunder God Technique."

"That guy from Loulan Kingdom is still a bit troublesome."

"However, it shouldn't matter. They should encounter additional reinforcements and eventually complete the mission smoothly."

"I hope everything goes well, Minato can meet his son, Uzumaki Naruto can meet his young father, and I will get Loulan and Dragon Pulse."

The country of wind, snow town.

This fake snow town covered with white sand is now experiencing a real snowstorm.

A large number of puppets were struggling in the blizzard, and were gradually frozen into ice sculptures.

Then a figure rushed forward, waving three orange fireballs with both hands, accurately hitting the frozen core of the puppet.

Burning Escape·Heart-Eating Fire

The power of the flame accurately penetrated the core of the puppet, heating the core to a red-hot temperature of more than 300 degrees.

The expansion of the core and the contraction of the shell caused the puppet's body to explode into several pieces, turning into garbage all over the ground, which was quickly covered up by the howling blizzard.

The battle ended quickly. Ye Cang, the Zhuo Dun user, didn't even use up three fireballs before destroying hundreds of puppets one by one.

Ye Cang felt the blizzard around her. She could feel the strong wind and coolness, but not a single bit of harmful coldness was transmitted to her body.

Such precise power control made this powerful Kage-level ninja sigh with emotion: "The Snow Clan of Kirigakure Village is actually such a powerful ninja clan, and the power and power of Ice Release are far beyond my imagination. "

Ai restrained his chakra and after ending the blizzard, he said with a smile: "My ice escape alone cannot destroy these puppets. Ye Cang, your burning escape can help me amplify the destructive power. It's great."

Ye Cang smiled and shook his head and said: "It is the combination of the blood inheritance limits of the two of us, and the effect of thermal expansion and contraction can reach such an ideal level."

Ai smiled and said, "Do I need to add a little more understanding of the puppet structure?"

Ye Cang was stunned for a moment, and then said sadly: "You can see it."


Ai nodded and admitted without hesitation, this was too obvious.

From the moment he saw these puppets, Ye Cang's attacks were so precise.

Every time, he can use the least amount of force to attack the weakest link, and then use the freezing blow of Ice Escape to deliver a fatal blow.

There is no doubt that she knows these puppets very well and is familiar with all the information about the puppets. In particular, she has carefully studied the weaknesses of the puppets, so that she can achieve such precise destruction.

Ye Cang sighed and said: "Although it is quite different from the puppets of Sand Hidden Village, the core of the production has not changed. This should be a puppet made by a puppet master from Sand Hidden Village."

Before she opened her mouth, she felt it was difficult to say it, but after she opened her mouth, she no longer had any worries and expressed all the doubts in her heart.

"However, these puppets are actually able to break away from the puppet master and conduct completely autonomous reconnaissance and combat. This far exceeds the limit that the puppet master can achieve."

"From this aspect, these puppets are beyond the level of top puppet masters such as Chiyo from Sunagakure Village. Even the legendary Master Monzaemon cannot make such puppets."


Ye Cang picked up a piece of puppet fragment on the ground, which was the core that almost melted after being attacked by her.

"Although I am not a puppet master, as competitors of the Kazekage, we have studied the puppets carefully."

She pointed at the core and said: "The production level of this core is not high at all, and it is clear that the puppet wire is not used to control the puppet, but the operating core of the puppet wire is left without modification at all."

"Such a puppet manufacturing level is extremely inferior. It is not even considered qualified among Chuunin."

"I think this is a rebellious ninja from a certain Sunagakure village who accidentally mastered some kind of super power and used this power to create these particularly powerful and inferior puppets."

Ai nodded in agreement: "You are right, you know that Xuexiang has a barrier, which has the effect of disturbing and expelling ordinary humans. Even puppets will be strongly repulsed."

"Under the effect of the barrier, people, animals, and puppets will be strongly disturbed, and they will unknowingly walk out of an arc and bypass the snowy countryside."

"This is a miracle accomplished by our former clan leader Ying and our Fire God."

Ai looked at the tall Ye Cang and continued: "Unless you fall into a semi-conscious state but maintain your only belief, you can walk out of the true straight line without being affected and directly enter the Snow Country."

"These puppets can break through the restrictions and enter Xuexiang. They must have super powers that exceed the boundaries of the barrier."

"The patriarch once said before he left that there is a powerful dragon vein active in nearby Loulan, which is a super power that exceeds chakra. It seems that these puppets come from Loulan."

After saying that, Ai knelt down on one knee and prayed devoutly to the gods he believed in:

"The Lord of Fire Spirits who governs all fires and the protector of the fire of civilization."

“An explorer of courage, passion, and curiosity.”

"The golden wise primate."

"Your followers are reporting to you that something abnormal has happened in Loulan Kingdom!"

Ai told his discovery exactly, and then repeated it three times, until an inexplicable power came and gave him a reward of divine power.

Ai stood up happily, very satisfied with the reward he received, and showed off to Ye Cang with a smile on his face.

"Look, my lord has rewarded me again, improving my potential and making my Blood Succession Limit Ice Escape stronger."

Ye Cang looked at this beautiful boy with a strange expression on his face, and couldn't help but ask: "It's so strange for you, the Snow Clan, to believe in a fire god. Don't you think it's awkward?"

Ai smiled and replied, "I don't think it's awkward."

"My Lord said that fire, ice and snow are one and the same. They are both products of the flow of heat."

"Fire gives heat to others, while ice and snow take away heat from others. If one day we can control heat at will and integrate ice, snow and flame, that will be the highest pursuit shared by both."

Ye Cang listened thoughtfully, nodded and said: "As expected of the God of Fire, what he said makes sense."

Ai suddenly said: "Ye Cang, I have received a mission from God. I am going to Loulan to investigate intelligence. Do you want to go with me?"

Ye Cang was stunned and asked curiously: "Can I also do the Vulcan's mission?"

Ai was like a devout god, actively recommending to Ye Cang: "Of course, God never refuses friendly help, and is also willing to spread His glory."

"The limit of your blood inheritance is very close to the power of God, so you should be able to get more teachings from the gods."

Ye Cang has lived in Xuexiang for several months. All he heard about the belief in the Southern Fire Spirit God all day long was that he was tempted.

After all, in a closed environment, it is the best brainwashing environment. Even the so-called pyramid schemes are difficult to eliminate for this reason.

In addition, she was surrounded by devout believers, and Ye Cang was not a strong-willed person, so she could not escape the influence of the resonance of her thoughts.

But this female ninja was still stubbornly arguing, unwilling to bow her head so easily, so she thought of a reason to refuse: "Huh, you will be rewarded by the gods for performing the mission, and what can I get?"

"Of course, if you make a request, Ai, I will definitely go. After all, I owe you and the Snow Clan two lives."

Ai shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, no, this is not a request or a request, but an invitation."

"And my Lord is a righteous God who adheres to the principle of equal exchange. If you complete the tasks issued by Him, My Lord will definitely give you appropriate rewards. Don't worry."

So Ai, Jing and Ye Cang formed a team and headed towards the desert country of Loulan.

Along the way, Ye Cang muttered and complained: "Really, this god is so real, he doesn't even give me a chance to return the favor. If this continues, when will I be able to return the favor of saving my life!"

"My life, and Juan's life, are always dragging on. It feels really uncomfortable."

"I hope there will be some surprises in this mission, allowing me to show off my power and save these two people from danger, so that I can live peacefully in Snow Country."

Jing and Ai: "..."

Jing couldn't help complaining: "Is this woman stupid? How could she curse her benefactor so that she could have a chance to repay her kindness?"

"Ai, aren't you angry?"

Ai laughed and said: "Don't be angry, Ye Cang actually doesn't have any bad intentions, he's just a bit silly. He thinks about problems from a straight point of view and doesn't know how to turn around."

"If she had known how to adapt, she would not have been reduced to working for Sunagakure Village, and in the end she was killed by Sunagakure Village as a traitor."

"She is such a silly woman."

Jing's eyes brightened.

She could tell that Ai's last words had something wrong, and actually had a hint of emotion.

After Ying Ying left, Ai gradually became the leader of the Snow Clan, and the impression he left on everyone was that he was extremely calm.

Underneath the seemingly gentle smile, there is cold calculation and planning, and there is never any emotion.

This is the first time Jing discovered that Ai has feelings.

During the next journey, she observed Ai carefully, and finally confirmed that when Ai looked at the female ninja of Sunagakure Village, there was a gentle light in his eyes.

Jing's heart suddenly burst into laughter, as happy as a mouse that had stolen an egg.

[Oh my god, Ai actually likes Sunagakure kunoichi, he is not Iceman! 】

The fire of Bagua is burning brightly.

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