I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 311 Joint Meeting of Military Chiefs

Jiraiya tried his best to persuade him, "Peace is Yahiko's dream."

Nagato growled: "Yahiko was killed by your Konoha Village ninjas. You have no right to mention Yahiko's name!"

Jiraiya lowered his head and said, "I just found out about Yahiko when we set off. I'm really sorry for not being able to protect you."

"But the wrong things done by Konoha Village will never change the fact that peace is Yahiko's dream, and shouldn't the best way to make up for him be to realize his dream?"

"For Yahiko's dream, I hope you can go to the Land of Fire to attend this meeting."

Nagato said impatiently: "It's enough that I promise peace. There is no need to go to your Konoha Village's territory and participate in some unknown meeting. It's meaningless!"

"Jiraiya-sensei, your mission is completed, go back."

After saying that, Nagato disappeared without thinking about himself.

The strange thing is that Jiraiya did not show great disappointment, but inexplicable surprise and less obvious confusion.

"Everything Yuu Uchiha said has come true. Then I just need to wait outside Amegakure Village, okay?"

"This is incredible..."

"But I can only believe him now. If he hadn't told me about Yahiko, I might have completely messed it up as soon as I came here and opened my mouth."

Yes, just when Jiraiya left the Leaf Village, he was blocked by Uchiha Yu's wooden clone.

Fortunately, Uchiha Yuu did not embarrass Jiraiya, but told him about Nagato, Yahiko and Konan, especially the relationship between Yahiko's death and Shimura Danzo.

Uchiha Yu finally warned Jiraiya: "For the sake of peace, when you arrive at Hidden Rain Village, you must first admit your mistakes, and you must not shirk the fault of Konoha Village."

"Senior Jiraiya, no matter how disgusting what Danzo Shimura did made us feel, no matter how much we opposed him, when he did this, he represented the Leaf Village."

"So these things were done by the Leaf Village, and the Leaf Village is responsible for Yahiko's death."

"You must tell Nagato that we know we were wrong, so we are working hard to correct our mistakes, all for the sake of peace."

At this point, Jiraiya burst into tears and said with grief: "I know, I believe Nagato will agree."

Uchiha Yuu clicked his tongue: "I have to say, Jiraiya-senpai, you are an excellent ninja teacher, but you are not a qualified master."

"You know almost nothing about your students. Nagato will not agree to them all. He will accept a very flat contract, but he will not agree to come to the Land of Fire and participate in the Military Federation."

"You know the role of the Military Federation. Without a powerful ninja who can influence the ninja world, at least half of the role of this meeting will be lost."

Jiraiya couldn't believe what Uchiha Yu said. In his impression, Nagato should still be the shy and obedient child who had no independent opinions and would believe whatever he said.

"Haha, the Uchiha clan leader is worrying too much. I believe Nagato will agree."

Uchiha Yu sneered: "Whatever you say now, you will know when the time comes."

"Let me remind you, you can never say that Yahiko's life should not be wasted. You can only say that it is for Yahiko's dream."

"Finally, don't worry if it doesn't work out. Someone will convince Nagato."

"You just need to wait outside Yuyin Village for a while."

"Remember, just wait, don't do unnecessary things and throw away your last hope."

The result was just as Uchiha Yu expected. After Jiraiya admitted his mistake and said that Konoha Village is now actively making up for the mistakes made in the past through actions, Nagato's mood eased and he agreed to accept peace. contract.

But he was very resistant to going to the Fire Country.

Many years ago, Yahiko took him to the wasteland to rescue Konan, which resulted in Yahiko being killed by Hanzo. Nagato subconsciously resisted going to a place arranged by others.

When Nagato left Jiraiya behind, returned to his room, and sat on his chair, the familiar environment and the seat he was used to made his mood relax a little.

Then the person he knew best came in and said, "I think you should accept Teacher Jiraiya's terms and go to the Land of Fire to have a look."

Nagato raised his head, looked at the visitor and said, "Xonan, can I trust Teacher Jiraiya? Will Konoha Village really not ambush us again?"

Konan smiled confidently: "Nagato, now we are no longer the weaklings we were before. What kind of ambush in the ninja world can hurt the two of us?"

"You are the strongest in the ninja world, Nagato, who calls himself a god!"

Nagato was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "You are right, I am the strongest. Now only the enemies are afraid of me, so there is no reason for me to be afraid of them!"

"It's just that our Akatsuki organization has its own peace plan. There is no need to participate in the peace plan of Konoha Village, right?"

Konan asked: "Nagato, can your ultimate weapon plan be completed now?"

Nagato shook his head and said: "No, the final weapon still needs a long time to prepare, and it cannot be implemented now."

Xiaonan said: "In that case, why not follow the plan of Konoha Village first?"

"If they hadn't lied to us, peace would have come at least a few years earlier. If they had lied to us, we wouldn't have lost anything."

Nagato raised his hand and scratched his brow bone to relieve the pressure on his bulging eyes. He used this action to concentrate and think carefully.

After a long time, Nagato still had not made a decision. He asked, "What are other people's opinions?"

Just as he was thinking about the problem, all members of the Akatsuki organization arrived.

Kakuzu shook his head indifferently and said: "I only believe in money, not peace. I will do whatever the leader decides."

Black Zetsu said with a smile: "Lord Angel is right. When there is no way to start the final weapon, it is a good idea to follow the plan of the Leaf Village."

The newly joined Xie said: "Boring peace, leader, just do whatever you say."

Nagato shook his head. The new Akatsuki organization is different from the past. It is not composed of idealists, but focuses more on strength.

The only ones who can really provide help and advice in decision-making are Xiaonan and Hei Zetsu.

He couldn't help but feel a little flustered and couldn't decide whether to go to the Fire Country or not.

[If only Yahiko was still here, he would be able to make the right decision without hesitation. 】

[If Yahiko faced today's situation, what decision would he make? 】

[Haha, do you even need to think about this? He will definitely decide to go to the Fire Country with great joy to see if there is any chance of peace. 】

At this time, Xiaonan once again persuaded: "Nagato, I will accompany you to the Land of Fire."

"If the Leaf Village dares to lie to us, we will kill them all!"

In the final analysis, Nagato's resistance to Konoha Village was due to the psychological shadow caused by Yahiko's death. When he thought about what Yahiko would do, his resistance had already wavered.

Konan's persuasion once again completely cleared away Nagato's hesitation and allowed him to make a decision.

A few minutes later, Nagato met Konan and Jiraiya at the gate of Amegakure Village.

Jiraiya was naturally ecstatic, with a look on his face that said "I really saw you right", and wanted to hold Nagato in his arms and cry.

Nagato coughed slightly and explained: "For Yahiko's dream, I decided to go to the Country of Fire with Konan to see what the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village is doing this time."

"If he can really bring peace, I won't be able to accept it, but if he can't, I won't be polite."

Xiaonan's words of persuasion were indeed what she had in mind, but her ability to say this here was a deliberate arrangement.

Uchiha Yu was in the divine court and expressed his intentions very straightforwardly.

He believes that with the efforts of himself and the Leaf Village, the mainstream of the ninja world is no longer war but peace.

He hopes that Amegakure Village can accept peace, and that Nagato will not become the last leader who can start a war.

"The Military Federation that is about to be established in Konoha Village will be the most important authority in the ninja world and will be able to dominate war and peace for at least the next ten years."

"Nagato is a powerful ninja who is capable of waging war on his own. The Military Federation needs his participation, and he can also achieve peace in the ninja world through the Military Federation."

Uchiha Yu patiently explained to Xiaonan that the principle of the Military Federation is to recognize violence, clarify its position through open dialogue, and then effectively restrain violence.

It almost drained Uchiha Yuu's brain of making Konan understand why openly showing his position and purpose can effectively restrain violence and reduce war.

This stubborn girl's mind is not flexible at all.

Fortunately, Nagato is still alive, she is still a persuasive person, and she has not reached the point where she can no longer get in.

In the end, Uchiha Yuu's goal was achieved, and Xiaonan promised to emphasize Yahiko's dream when he and Nagato were alone after Jiraiya arrived.

Konan couldn't help but wonder: "I just need to say this? Wouldn't Mr. Jiraiya say it?"

Uchiha Yuu said with certainty: "Just mention Yahiko's dream. Jiraiya will definitely talk about it, but what he said is useless and will even make Nagato explode."

"After all, one of the root causes of Yahiko's death was Danzo Shimura of Konoha Village."

"Me, Jiraiya, the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru, and even Tsunade who was not involved at all, are all Konoha ninjas. They have no confidence to say anything about Yahiko's death."

"In the entire ninja world, you are the only one who tells Yahiko's dream that it will not arouse Nagato's reflexive hatred and remind him that Yahiko's dream is peace."

Uchiha Yu said seriously: "The peace in the next ten years is up to you."

Konan looked at Uchiha Yu and suddenly said: "If I can't convince Nagato, are you going to take action against Nagato and Amegakure Village?"

Uchiha Yu couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect Konan's intuition to be so sharp, so he said without any concealment: "Yes, I attach great importance to the realization of peace as soon as possible, and I hope that the ninja world can calm down as soon as possible. "

"Nagato is a very powerful ninja, and his Rinnegan is also a very powerful blood successor, but because of this, he also has the ability to destroy peace alone."

Uchiha Yuu's words end here, there is no need to say the rest.

In short, with the last powerful ninja being included, the Joint Conference of Military Leaders concentrated all the apparent military power of the ninja world.

This conference included the five major ninja villages, as well as small and medium-sized ninja villages such as Amegakure Village, Shuogakure Village, Hoshigakure Village, Kawakakure Village, Caogakure Village, Takigakure Village, and Shigakure Village.

It also includes non-ninja village armed forces such as samurai from the Kingdom of Iron, snow ninjas from the Kingdom of Snow, and priests from the Kingdom of Ghosts.

Only the rebellious ninjas, wandering ninjas, and wandering samurai from various ninja villages would not accept it, and not long after the meeting began, it was announced that these unfettered and chaotic forces would be eradicated.

According to Uchiha Yu's suggestion to Orochimaru, the Joint Conference of Military Chiefs has the power to declare war on a country. Once the declaration of war is voted on, all countries must send forces to participate in the war and try to end the war quickly with an overwhelming advantage.

At the same time, a permanent director was also established, who is served by the five major ninja villages. Each of the five major ninja villages has a veto power.

In addition to the five major directors, there are also three major observers, namely Amegakure Village, Iron Country and Takigakure Village.

There are many warriors in the Iron Country, and they are one of the strongest armed forces under the five great ninja villages.

There is a tailed beast in Takigakure Village, and it has been passing on the jinchūriki for a long time.

The Amegakure Village was not only an observer, but Nagato was also granted "special veto power" and had the same privileges as the five great ninja villages.

When the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru proposed this point, I don't know how many people's eyes were shocked.

This is the principle of recognition of violence of the Military Federation.

All participants discovered that as the designer and convener of the meeting, Konoha Village did not leave any privileges to itself, but shared rights with the five major ninja villages and the three major observers.

As the winner of the Third Ninja War, this kind of restraint is simply incredible, but it also makes people feel the sincerity of the Fourth Hokage.

As a result, Orochimaru gained huge reputation and credibility. Although everyone found it incredible, they all agreed that Orochimaru did not have selfish motives.

In the subsequent detailed negotiations, as long as their own vital interests were not directly involved, no one stood up to express strong opposition.

They all believed that the Leaf Village meant no harm and there was no need to doubt that there was any insidious purpose behind their proposal.

The agenda of the Military Federation went very smoothly, and all the establishment work was completed in just two months.

And the effect is also very obvious.

Only three months after the establishment of the Military Federation, the ninja world had completely calmed down.

Especially in the Land of Fire, not to mention the rebellious ninjas in Kirigakure Village, even the bandits who robbed the roads have been cleared away, reaching a level of safety that was legendary during the time of the first Hokage.

This situation was ridiculed by the nobles of the Fire Nation.

"The Fourth Hokage is really a commoner, but he doesn't know restraint and moderation. He has eliminated all the bandits. What do they eat in Konoha Village?"

"My bodyguards just beat up a few blind businessmen and killed five, six, seventy-eight, but they Konoha ninjas rushed out and killed all my bodyguards!"

"It's so outrageous! This is a warrior raised by a noble!"

"I've encountered it too. It's so abominable that the Konoha ninja came to kill people even though they were not alive to issue the mission."

"I didn't want to kill anyone. I just sent people to make those untouchables pay taxes. They Konoha ninjas killed all my people. It's really unreasonable."

"The Konoha ninjas also said that it was wrong for us to collect taxes in advance. Bah, it's not because Konoha Village needs money for the war that we collect taxes in advance. We have no choice but to do so."

"That's right, that's right. We only collect taxes a few years in advance for each war. It's already been three wars, and we've only received Konoha for 75 years. How is it too much?"

"That's right, Orochimaru actually opened his mouth and asked us to give him all the taxes we've earned in the past few years. How can this make sense?"

"Orochimaru probably thought that he was the first or second generation Hokage, and he dared to do something so extraordinary!"

"We must teach him a lesson and let him know how powerful the nobles are!"

"That's right! Teach him a lesson!"

Who would have known that at this time, a blind little nobleman actually asked:

"But...how should we teach Naruto a lesson?"

"My samurai and ninjas all say they will never go against the Konoha ninjas."


[Whose idiot is this, Baga! How could you ask such a practical question? 】

[Don’t we know that we can’t confront Naruto head-on? 】

In the embarrassment, a white-haired old noble laughed loudly: "We and the Leaf Village are one family. Where we can fight and kill as a family, we must be reasonable."

Other nobles immediately echoed:

"Yes, yes, be reasonable, you must be reasonable!"

"That's right, we are being reasonable!"

"In the final analysis, Konoha Village spends too much money, and we have no choice but to raise more taxes, so this matter of raising more taxes has nothing to do with us!"

If it were the Third Hokage who longed for a noble life, the story would basically end here.

After all, the Third Hokage yearned for nobles and was unwilling to break up with the nobles. As long as the nobles had some reasons for their difficulties, he would understand.

But the Fourth Hokage was different. This one was born as the lowest commoner.

He has no yearning for nobility, and his view of nobility is rubbish, worse than the Second Hokage.

The most terrible thing is that Orochimaru, the Hokage, can settle accounts!

He easily figured out that the taxes collected by the nobles were 70 times more than the money given to the Leaf Village.

At only 70 times, he dared to suspect that the nobles were corrupt. This was totally unreasonable.

Don’t tax collectors evade taxes? Don’t low-level officials avoid tax evasion?

How could it be all blamed on the nobles?

It makes no sense!

Unfortunately, the Fourth Hokage came to the City of Fire and handed the evidence to the Fire Daimyo, successfully arousing the Daimyo's anger.

[It’s so unreasonable. You bastards, who quietly took your own money, actually have ten times more money than my famous name, ten times! 】

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the famous person is angry or not, he is just a chapter used to cover up his shame in the end.

When Orochimaru, the fourth Hokage, came to the City of Fire, the ninjas of Konoha Village had already launched the most thorough investigation of various nobles and the trading houses under their control under his orders.

When he used evidence to make the Fire Daimyo angry, the nobles had been brutally purged and their homes ransacked. When he left the Daimyo, there were no nobles left in the Fire Country.

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