I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 310 Twelve years after the Six Paths Sage layout, Yuu Uchiha is busy

As the Immortal of Six Paths regained consciousness, his soul body's injuries recovered quickly.

After just resting for a while, the third eye fully recovered and opened again.

Strictly speaking, this is not an eye, but a power mark formed on the body after the Six Paths Immortal has deeply controlled the power of the Pure Land.

It's just that the mark of this power is embodied in Otsutsuki Hagoromo's body as the third eye, which is the core of the Six Paths Sage's power to control life, death and the Pure Land.

When the artificial eye opened, Otsutsuki Hagoromo reached out and grabbed two groups of souls, injecting part of the Yin Escape Chakra and Yang Escape Chakra respectively, completely activating the souls.

He said apologetically: "Indra, Asura, I still have to work hard for you."

After that, the Immortal of Six Paths threw the soul in his hand upwards, and the false eyes between his eyebrows radiated endless red light, pushing the two soul balls to fly high.

The most important thing is that the red light emitted by the prosthetic eye also follows the blood connection to find the life related to the two souls, and selects a mother suitable for giving birth to life.

The Immortal of Six Paths carefully selected among all the candidates to find the most suitable host for his son.

Indra's selection was soon over, the Uchiha clan was prosperous and there were many mothers to choose from.

Especially the family of the former patriarch of the Uchiha clan. Although he is no longer in power, his strength is absolutely unparalleled. Moreover, the mother's quality is also excellent, and the child's talent is absolutely guaranteed.

Although he is right next to his archenemy Uchiha Yuu, Indra can just keep an eye on him nearby.

If Uchiha Yuu hadn't discovered Indra, not only would he be able to monitor him, but he would also be able to deliver a fatal blow at the right time in the future.

The Sage of Six Paths doesn't mind adding a moon to the shinobi world.

If Yuu Uchiha discovers Indra, it doesn't matter. If he leaves it unkilled, it will have the same effect as if he doesn't discover it. If he kills Indra...

The Uchiha clan leader killed the children of the previous clan leader "without reason", and the Uchiha clan had to explode.

The Uchiha clan will no longer be Uchiha Yu's most powerful weapon.

Compared with Indra, who has many targets for choosing a host, Asura's choice of host seems very difficult.

It's not that Asura's bloodline is about to be cut off, but that the Senju clan has disappeared from the public, and the Uzumaki clan is scattered and wandering in the ninja world.

The Immortal of Six Paths is not worried that Asura will not be strong enough in the future, nor is he afraid that he will suffer hardship in his childhood. He is only afraid that he will not be able to stand out.

If one comes from such an ordinary family, Asura will lack sufficient social resources. Even if one shows great personal talent, it will be difficult for him to stand at the center of the social stage.

If you cannot reach the top, it will be difficult to exert sufficient influence, obtain information, and even conduct assassinations.

So he chose the former Uchiha clan head's family for Indra instead of the ordinary Uchiha family.

"It's hard to handle. The Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan have declined so much that there is not even a single ninja in the top ranks of Konoha?"

"Tsunade...sigh, this child doesn't look like a child at all. She doesn't seem to have any children in her life."

"Should we get her and Jiraiya together?"

The Immortal of Six Paths immediately shook his head. What he couldn't do, it couldn't be done at all.

He is an immortal, not a god, not to mention that gods are powerless to change this kind of thing, unless they are gods who master the functions of love and reproduction.

"If the Senju clan is not good enough, the Uzumaki clan will decline even more."

"The situation in other ninja villages...huh?"

The Immortal of Six Paths was stunned. His originally closed eyes opened and he looked at his younger brother in confusion.

Otsutsuki Hamura asked in surprise: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Six Paths Sage murmured: "The status of the four major ninja villages in the ninja world has declined, and their shadows are no longer on the center stage of the ninja world."

Otsutsuki Hamura was quite surprised: "Even the Five Shadows are not on the center stage?"

The Sage of Six Paths looked unhappy: "This means that the war in the ninja world is over, and that Konoha Village conquered the four major ninja villages and signed a peace treaty with extremely harsh conditions."

Otsutsuki Hamura couldn't believe it: "Why so fast?"

Based on his understanding of the intelligence of the ninja world, he analyzed: "After I come back, it is not surprising that the Kirigakure Village has collapsed."

"But Yunyin Village and Iwagakure Village are both very strong. Especially Yunyin Village has never suffered serious losses. It will definitely be able to fight Konoha Village back and forth. Konoye Village will not need a year or two. , it is impossible to win the war."

The Sage of Six Paths gritted his teeth and said, "It's Uchiha Yu. The Emperor of Heaven must have known that I would be in danger and asked Uchiha Yu to take advantage of the situation and completely defeat the two ninja villages."

(Emperor Shenting: No, I really don’t know.)

"He is testing my recovery. If I don't respond, He might come to attack the Pure Land!"

(Emperor Shenting: I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense! You are slandering!)

Otsutsuki Hagoromo gritted his teeth and said: "What a powerful god. He can have the patience to escape from my mother and me. He can patiently prepare such powerful means in secret."

"The Emperor Shenting, this is my powerful enemy in this life!"

(Emperor Shenting: You can think whatever you want, I did it, it’s all my doing, right?)

Otsutsuki Hamura very much agreed with his brother's guess and said with emotion: "It seems that relying on Indra and Asura alone is not enough. I must also prepare to come to the ninja world again as soon as possible."

The Sage of Six Paths nodded and said: "Okay, but don't choose the Hyuga clan. The three of you cannot all be concentrated in Konoha Village."

Otsutsuki Hamura agreed: "Okay brother, I will come to the Otsutsuki clan."

"This descendant is not within the ninja world at all, and it can still maintain enough strength to become an external force that is not controlled by the Leaf Village."

Stimulated by his younger brother, the Six Paths Sage quickly made a decision about Asura's whereabouts: "I have decided, I will choose the jinchuriki of Konoha Village, Uzumaki Kushina, as Asura's mother."

"As a Jinchuuriki, she is also considered a special high-level member of Konoha Village. Her children should have a greater chance of entering the core of Konoha Village."

He looked at his younger brother and said: "Hamura, let's agree in 12 years. When you are both 12 years old, I will start to fight back against the ninja world."

Otsutsuki Hamura asked: "Brother, will you take action when the 12 years are up?"

The Sage of Six Paths shook his head and said: "No, 12 years is only enough time for you to regain consciousness. Your body has not developed enough, and it is even more impossible to completely transform into the body of the Otsutsuki clan."

"Twelve years later is the time to communicate intelligence, and then another four to five years. When your strength has matured, it will be time to launch a counterattack."

"From now on, I will do my best to hide myself and prevent the Divine Emperor from getting hold of my information. Twelve years later, I will take the initiative to attract the enemy's attention and help you provide cover."

"In the end, it will be up to you, who know more about the intelligence of the ninja world, to deal with the enemy."

Otsutsuki Hamura nodded and agreed to his brother's plan. In fact, he always agreed to the plans of the Six Paths Sage and never expressed opposition.

The Otsutsuki brothers of Pure Land joined forces and soon sent Asura and Indra to reincarnation, and Otsutsuki Hamura also successfully entered the process and completed the layout 12 years later.

This day is November 11, the 45th year of Konoha. It is the day when the war that lasted for three years came to an end.

The Snake Troops, Tiger Troops, and other Konoha ninjas were all transferred back to Konoha Village. They were publicly reviewed by the Hokage and the villagers, and were disbanded and returned home.

Uchiha Fugaku, who was responsible for monitoring the Hidden Rain Village, also returned. The team of middle-aged and elderly Uchiha ninjas he led also performed well, and the frustration of being overtaken by the younger generations of the family disappeared a lot.

It was night, and the celebration in Konoha Village never ended.

Food, barbecue, and fine wine are all open for supply, and the air is filled with the aroma of food, the smoke of spirits, the joyful atmosphere, and the subtle fragrance of hormones.

After the war, there will inevitably be a baby boom. This is an inevitable instinct of human beings, a program engraved in genes.

On this night, I don’t know how many girls agreed to the boy’s clumsy advances, and I don’t know how many old couples chatted wildly, and how many fruits of love were planted.

Two ghosts, two ghosts who have been wandering in the ninja world for thousands of years, quietly sneaked into the ninja world with the help of their blood connection. Following the huge vitality at the moment of life's birth, they successfully inhabited the new life.

Orochimaru stood on his statue's head, looking at the brightly lit Konoha Village, with the fireworks of the world reflected in his cold golden snake eyes.

He suddenly relaxed and stretched his waist, and said with a smile: "The war is finally over. The Hokage is really tiring."

Suddenly, a small, white and tender hand slapped Orochimaru on the back of his head, knocking him to the ground and even the Hokage's hat flew away.

The beaten Orochimaru didn't say anything, but Tsunade, who reached out to hit someone, shouted: "Orochimaru, why have you become so weak?"

"I remember that I couldn't knock you down even if I slapped you!"

The Fourth Hokage stood up silently, summoned a water ball to wash away the marks on his face, gritted his teeth and said: "Tsunade, I am the Hokage now, the Fourth Hokage! You can't hit me so recklessly!"

Tsunade chuckled: "What's wrong with Naruto?"

She clapped her fingers and said, "The First Hokage is my grandfather. I burned his desk and even won his money!"

"The Second Hokage is my second grandfather. I tore up his experiment diary and his forbidden arts research records."

"The Third Hokage is my teacher. Kushina and I both pulled his beard."

"Fourth Hokage Orochimaru, you are my classmate, is there any problem with hitting you on the head?"

At this time, Jiraiya climbed up from below, picked up the Hokage hat, and handed it to Orochimaru.

Hearing Tsunade's extremely arrogant declaration, the two classmates looked at each other, while smiling bitterly and shaking their heads helplessly.

Orochimaru put on the Hokage hat and said angrily: "No problem, Tsunade, you are the most powerful. Is there any Hokage in the past who has not been beaten on the head by you?"

Tsunade chuckled and said: "Looking at what you said, I'm not that violent. At least I don't dare to hit Grandpa Second on the head."

The Fourth Hokage nodded, secretly thinking about what he should use to trade with Uchiha Yuu in exchange for Senju Tobirama's soul.

In the future, the second-generation Hokage who reincarnated the dirt will stand behind him to see if Tsunade dares to be so bold!

Jiraiya has been depressed since the Third Hokage was killed. Myobokuyama suddenly cut off the contract with him a few months ago, which made the man collapse even more.

He suddenly discovered that the career he had pursued all his life was fake, his life was rubbish, and he didn't know what else he could do except drink.

After more than three months of drunkenness and dreaming, it was his disciple Minato Namikaze who forced him to host the wedding, which finally cheered up Jiraiya a little.

But today, a day to celebrate victory, when almost everyone was drinking and partying, Jiraiya rarely drank a drop of wine and soberly enjoyed the festive atmosphere.

Why did Jiraiya pursue the Destiny Child?

Because he wants peace.

He heard from the Great Toad Sage that the Child of Destiny could determine his future destiny. As long as he was well cultivated, he could bring peace to the ninja world, so he pursued the Child of Destiny desperately.

Jiraiya, like Orochimaru, were both ninjas from civilian backgrounds, and both lost their parents early.

But people are not spiritually intelligent stone monkeys, and they cannot jump out of stones.

Orochimaru's parents died in the war, and Jiraiya most likely did the same.

Both lost their parents, so Orochimaru became crazy obsessed with immortality, while Jiraiya became obsessed with pursuing peace through the Destiny Child.

In the original history, the disciples taught by Jiraiya himself included villains and children of destiny. Although he paid for his life, he gained peace.

Although that peace was full of deliberate design and could not last long, his dream was finally realized.

But Orochimaru became the villain BOSS, becoming the heroine's growth nourishment and stepping stone, and ended up with a ruined reputation and no burial place.

But fate is so wonderful. Under the influence of Uchiha Yu, Orochimaru made up his mind in advance, sent away his teacher, and ascended the throne of the Fourth Hokage.

In just a few months, Konoha Village ended the war and brought the dawn of peace to the ninja world.

Jiraiya's goal was suddenly realized by his classmate and best friend. You can imagine the shock he felt in his heart, so he ran out of the nest as soon as Orochimaru said hello.

The Konoha Sannin reunited and watched the night-long celebrations in Konoha Village. Naturally, they had mixed feelings in their hearts.

After watching for a while, Jiraiya asked: "Orochimaru, you said you wanted to give me a task that only I can complete. What is it?"

Orochimaru did not answer, but brought up what happened a long time ago: "Jiraiya, Tsunade, do you still remember how we got the name 'Konoha Sannin'?"

Tsunade: "Of course you remember, without me you two guys will die!"

Jiraiya: "That was the first time I showed my face. My face was covered in blood. I was so handsome!"


The Fourth Hokage regained his emotions, and then he said: "Although Sunagakure, Kirigakure, Kumogakure, and Iwagakure have all been solved, there is still the last village in the ninja world that is capable of breaking out a war, and that is Ame. Hidden Village.”

"It's not that there are many ninjas in this village, but that this village has Nagato."

He looked at Jiraiya and asked word by word: "Jiraiya, Uchiha Yu told me that Nagato is your disciple, is it true?"

Jiraiya nodded and said, "Yes, he is one of the three disciples I accepted in the Kingdom of Rain."

Orochimaru let out a long sigh: "Sarutobi-sensei... If he could ask you in advance, or if you could take the initiative to tell him, those eight thousand Konoha ninjas wouldn't have to die."

This matter was also painful in Jiraiya's heart. When Orochimaru said it, he felt pain in his heart.

Tsunade was also furious. Sarutobi Hiruzen was dead, but Jiraiya was in front of her. She raised her fist and hit him hard.

Orochimaru was already prepared, so he quickly collected his emotions and said, "Don't think about the regrets of the past now. The task I want to give you is related to the Hidden Rain Village."

"Go to the Rain Hidden Village in person, meet with Nagato, and convey my meaning to him."

"For the sake of peace in the ninja world, I need to sign a peace contract with him to completely end the war between Konoha Village and Amegakure Village."

"Beyond that, I would like to invite him to the Country of Fire, talk to him about opening up the path to the Country of Rain, and attend a meeting."

Jiraiya had no doubts about persuading Nagato to cease the war, but he felt baffled by the last thing.

He asked: "What meeting are you attending? The Five Shadows Meeting?"

Orochimaru shook his head and said: "It's not the Five Kage Conference. That kind of meeting can't prevent a war. What I want to hold is a joint meeting of the leaders of the ninja world's military forces. It's the most extensive conference that includes all military forces."

"According to Uchiha Yu, it can represent the power of the ninja world to the greatest extent, and regular meetings can eliminate misunderstandings to the greatest extent and prevent unnecessary armed conflicts."

"Even if wars and conflicts are unavoidable, regular meetings and communication channels can minimize the damage of wars and shorten the duration of wars."

"He also gave the meeting an abbreviated name: Military Federation."

Tsunade frowned and said, "It's strange. Uchiha Yuu has suddenly become very active recently and seems to be causing trouble everywhere. Did something happen to him?"

Orochimaru shook his head and said: "Yujun has indeed been very active in doing things recently, but everything he has done is to promote the advent of peace."

After Tsunade thought about it carefully, she agreed with Orochimaru's statement: "Well, what he has done recently is the best thing for Konoha Village. Maybe I am overthinking it."

Jiraiya agreed: "I have been observing this new Uchiha clan leader for a long time, and now it seems that he can be trusted."

Seeing that his two companions accepted his words, Orochimaru no longer bothered to imagine the reasons.

He had actually guessed that Uchiha Yuu was most likely fighting the Sage of Six Paths. He would not dare to casually participate in such a fight between gods.

At least until he has strength beyond the shadow level, he will never get involved.

Survival is Orochimaru's first pursuit.

Jiraiya took some time to read the document Orochimaru gave him, understood what the Joint Meeting of Military Chiefs was, and digested the content of the mission Orochimaru gave him.

So he agreed without hesitation: "Leave this task to me. I will go to Yuyin Village tomorrow, and I will persuade Nagato to accept peace."

"After all, this is Yahiko's dream."

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