I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 309 What is the Immortal of Six Paths doing?

Of course, it was not Uchiha Yuu himself who blocked the Kumogakure ninja army and surrounded Iwagakure Village, but his wooden clone.

The unexpected encounter with the Immortal of Six Paths was the greatest danger he had ever encountered in his life. Although it could not be said that his courage was shattered, the arrogance that had just begun to appear was definitely dead.

Uchiha Yu was worried about being blocked by the Six Paths Sage again, so he decided to stay at home and stop doing those dangerous jobs himself.

After receiving the information that Orochimaru had taken down Kirigakure Village and the order asking him to take down the remaining two villages, he sent ten wooden clones to the two villages respectively.

What surprised him deeply was that the process of suppressing the two villages was very smooth.

In Hidden Cloud Village, the combination of the fourth generation Raikage and the immature Kirabi worked hard at the cost of serious injuries to verify that the enemy was just a clone.

As the remaining four wooden clones appeared at the same time and activated the golden Susanoo, they surrounded the Kumogakure ninja army.

What followed was naturally a one-sided massacre. The most profound experience of the Kumogakure ninja was how miserable it would be for the Thunderbolt ninja to encounter an enemy who was immune to lightning.

After more than two hours of hard fighting, the skin of the four Susanoos was not even broken. When the Fourth Raikage, who recovered from serious injuries, saw this situation, he decisively chose to give in.

Uchiha Yu originally thought he would choose to commit suicide, but this steely ninja did not do so, but survived strongly.

A few days later, the fourth Hokage Orochimaru came alone to accept the surrender of Kumogakure Village.

As soon as he saw the Fourth Raikage, he asked half-jokingly: "Will there be a rebellion in Kumogakure Village this time, or even lead to the death of both the Hokage and the Raikage?"

The Fourth Raikage looked at the dozen Uchiha Yuu who were following Orochimaru, and his already dark face turned into the bottom of a pot.

Raikage said expressionlessly: "The clones of this Uchiha clan leader are so powerful that only five clones are needed to defeat Kumogakure's army."

"This kind of powerful clone is not the useless guard of the Second Hokage. It can be sacrificed at any time when needed, let alone the Hokage risking his own life to protect it."

"The Fourth Hokage has brought 12 powerful clones, your safety will never be a problem."

"Even if there is a rebellion, I will be the only one who dies."

Orochimaru laughed, very satisfied with the Fourth Raikage's answer.

Then he asked curiously: "I always thought that the Fourth Raikage would commit suicide because of defeat. What made you persist?"

"Is it...responsibility?"

The Fourth Raikage touched his left arm, which was broken at the elbow, and nodded with loneliness: "The Fourth Hokage is right, it is responsibility."

"Yunyin Village has a sparse population, and its reserve force is always insufficient."

"After experiencing this tragic defeat, there are no suitable candidates for the Fifth Raikage in Kumoyin Village. I can only persist in living."

The Fourth Hokage looked at him with admiration and said in a sympathetic tone: "You will have more hard work in the future."

After a few minutes, the Fourth Raikage understood why Orochimaru said that he would have to work harder in the future.

The peace treaty proposed by the Fourth Hokage on behalf of the Leaf Village was extremely harsh.

The first one is to split the land, cutting off four entire pieces of land from the Kingdom of Thunder.

The fertile plains adjacent to the Kingdom of the Moon, the trading areas across the sea from the Kingdom of Iron, and the capital city where the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder are located all independently became new buffer states.

Turtle Island, which was swimming in the East China Sea, was directly assigned to Konoha Village.

The Fourth Raikage was furious: "Konoha Village has gone too far to bully others! What is the difference between this and the destruction of Kumogakure Village?"

The Fourth Hokage said with a smile: "Of course there is a difference, at least I didn't want you to die!"

"How about I let these bastards behind me beat you all to death, and then I can talk to anyone?"

"Yunyin Village will still exist, but it's hard to say who formed the Yunyin Village."

The Fourth Raikage's face was livid. In this life, he had no chance to threaten the Third Hokage with war in a powerful tone, but instead he enjoyed the Fourth Hokage's joking death threats.

No, this cannot be considered a threat, Orochimaru was just stating the facts.

Because a clone of Uchiha Yuu had already stretched out his hand and pressed it on the shoulder of the Fourth Hokage. He used the chakra fluctuations unique to the Flying Thunder God technique to express to everyone present the fact that he could take away Hokage at any time.

The two wooden clones shielded them behind them, providing absolutely safe protection, while the remaining nine wooden clones revealed their golden bones.

[If you don’t accept it, you will die! 】

The Fourth Raikage could clearly see that six of the nine wooden clones were looking at him, but their heads were turned 180 degrees in a strange way, and their bodies were facing outside.

Their meaning is very clear: [Not only will you, the Fourth Raikage, die, but also all the Kirigakure ninjas. 】

Raikage Ai was shocked and angry, and felt such unparalleled humiliation that he was trembling all over.

But in the end, he controlled his anger, calmed his body, let his emotions return to deathly silence, and said like a dead person: "Okay, I agree."

Since even the division of land can be accepted, there is nothing to argue about the following terms.

Task share distribution, annual tribute money, Kumogakure ninja recruitment range, ninja school enrollment scale, the top ten graduates to join the Konoha ninja team, etc.

Each one was like a pair of shackles, binding the Cloud Hidden Village tightly, making the Fourth Raikage feel like he could hardly breathe.

But the current power of Konoha Village cannot be competed, so as long as Kumogakure Village is not directly destroyed, there are no unacceptable conditions.

Just like Orochimaru said, he didn't kill Kumogakure after all.

However, when these conditions were gathered together on a huge piece of paper, neatly arranged together, and displayed to the Fourth Raikage at the same time, his hand holding the pen was shaking like a chicken claw, and he could not write at all. Character.

This is an out-and-out victor's treaty, more severe than Versailles, and the restricted Yunyin Village is even worse than Demeow after World War I.

Uchiha Yu looked at this scene and felt an indescribable sense of immediacy in his heart.

Suppressing the discomfort in his heart, he reminded: "If you can't write, just cut your finger and cover your fingerprint with your blood. The effect will be the same."

So a peace contract was concluded with Orochimaru's signature and Ai's bloody fingerprints.

The Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru and Uchiha Yu, were very open-minded. Not only did they not sign the second contract, they did not even take the contract with them and stayed in the Raikage's office.

Orochimaru smiled and said: "It's better to stay here. The contract written on paper is just the ultimate expression of strength. If Cloud Hidden Village has enough strength one day, you can tear it up immediately."

"This way you don't have to come to Konoha Village to look for me, and everyone will save trouble."

Compared to the smooth situation in Yunyin Village, the situation in Yanyin Village is in chaos.

The Third Tsuchikage Onoki was knowledgeable. When he saw the five golden Susanoos, he instantly thought of the nightmare of his boyhood.

At that time, Uchiha Madara blocked the gate of Iwagakure Village, beating the first Tsuchikage to the point where he could not take care of himself, and making everyone in Iwagakure Village fearful.

It was a blue Susanoo, and five of them appeared today, and Onoki exploded instantly.

Uchiha Yu didn't expect that Onoki would rebel.

He was thinking about the terrifying Uchiha Madara, but he wanted to eliminate his fear through fighting and break the nightmare that had suppressed him for thirty years.

As a result, an unprecedented fierce battle broke out in Iwagakure Village.

When Orochimaru finished his trip to Cloud Hidden Village and came to the core of the Earth Kingdom, the Iwagakure Village he saw was a deep circular pool.

The Fourth Hokage was dumbfounded and asked: "You told me that the fighting was a bit fierce, but you didn't say that you destroyed Iwagakure Village?"

Uchiha Yu's wooden clone replied: "I didn't do it alone, it was these stubborn Iwagakure ninjas who did the hard work."

Orochimaru thought about it carefully and smiled helplessly: "These stone heads of Iwagakure ninjas are really capable of doing such a thing."

He asked further: "Which Kage-class among the Iwagakure ninjas have you killed?"

Uchiha Yu thought for a while and replied: "Except for Onoki who can make the decision, and his son Huangtu, I should have killed everyone else."

Orochimaru was very surprised: "In the face of a tough guy like Loess, you actually spared his life. It seems that Yu-kun didn't try his best to conquer Iwagakure Village alone."

Uchiha Yu's wooden clones all rolled their eyes and did not answer Orochimaru's words.

Did he really tell the Fourth Hokage that they were thinking of the leg shadow and subconsciously spared Loess's life?

Orochimaru looked at the deep pool that had already accumulated water, and sighed: "This is how one man traps a country, and one man destroys a village."

"The Third Tsuchikage Onoki, what do you think?"

Onoki snorted coldly: "Huh, Iwagakure Village has been destroyed. We have nothing to lose anymore. We have nothing to fear!"

Orochimaru shook his head and said: "No, you still have something to lose, and that is the living Iwagakure ninja."

"The Iwagakure ninja is not the weakness you use to threaten me, but the warrior who fights the Konoha ninja to the end. He is an avenger! He is..."

Uchiha Yu's wooden clone interrupted Onoki's declaration: "Then what are you doing here?"

"Let's go and lead the unyielding Iwagakure ninjas and continue to fight against me?"

Following the words of the wooden clone, countless earth puppet tree figures stood on the surrounding hills, slopes, and mountaintops. Looking over, there were at least tens of thousands.

Seeing the trees all over the mountains and plains, the tall and experienced Tsuchikage couldn't help but tremble all over.

This is truly a battle between grass and trees.

The resistance of the Iwagakure ninjas was divided into three stages.

When the five golden Susanoos rushed into Iwagakure Village, the Kage-level ninjas, jinchūriki, Iwagakure jounin, and demolition troops fought desperately under the leadership of Ohnoki.

No one knows how many sacrifices he made, but the third Tsuchikage used Dust Release to successfully destroy three Susanoos and eliminate three wooden clones.

But as the fluctuations of the Flying Thunder God flashed by, Uchiha Yu's wooden clones increased to 15, and the golden Susanoo also increased to 15.

Faced with a desperate situation, the morale of the Iwagakure ninja reached its peak.

Regardless of sacrifice, regardless of the altars and pots in their own village, they launched legion ninjutsu and started a battle like sparks hitting the earth with 15 Susanoos.

In the end, Uchiha Yuu's wooden clone really summoned the meteor, defeating Onoki's largest dust escape, and Iwagakure Village completely disappeared.

The Iwagakure ninjas were forced to scatter and enter the third stage of guerrilla warfare.

But Yuu Uchiha launched the country-destroying ninjutsu, Wood Release: Sea of ​​Trees.

With the original Yanyin Village as the center, millions of tree people truly occupied the land inch by inch.

In just a few days, these tree men, who were 6 meters tall, covered in thick clay armor and as hard as rock, brought nightmare memories to the Iwagakure ninjas.

This kind of treant has rough skin and thick flesh, is extremely powerful, and has considerable self-healing power. Even the chuunin has difficulty in dealing with it alone.

Treants are not without their shortcomings. Their reactions are slow and their walking speed is not very fast.

However, the terrifying number of tree people greatly made up for these shortcomings, allowing the Iwagakure ninjas to realize what it means to be an endless enemy.

Even if a hundred tree people were to replace one Iwagakure ninja, they couldn't afford it.

The voice of the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru was extremely cold, as if it could freeze people's hearts: "Ohnoki, I think that since you appear in front of me, it means that you have made a decision in your heart."

The golden snake eyes were cold and sharp, as if they could see directly into people's hearts, making Onoki feel uncomfortable all over.

But the words that came out of the long snake letter made his heart tremble even more: "I signed a contract with the Fourth Raikage and just threw it to him."

"Now do you think we need a piece of paper between us?"

Onoki was silent for a long time, and finally said: "No, just tell me the conditions."

"I will comply."

"Orochimaru, you don't have to worry that the Iwagakure ninjas will oppose me. The Iwagakure ninjas who are qualified to oppose me... are all gone."

The conditions are the same as Yunyin Village, dividing the territory, losing money, limiting income, limiting manpower, and plundering backward talents.

Onoki's reaction to the last one was much greater than Ai's. He almost yelled crazily: "Orochimaru! You are trying to cut off the roots of my Iwagakure Village!"

"If you dare to take my child, I will fight with you now to plunge the Earth Kingdom into complete chaos, and your Leaf Village will not even think about it easy!"

The Fourth Hokage couldn't help but clicked his tongue: "This old guy actually knows that we actually don't want the order of the Earth Kingdom to collapse."

"I can't handle him anymore, Yu-kun, it's your turn."

Uchiha Yu's wooden clone stood up and said with a smile: "Since I brought this up, then I will deal with Onoki."

In fact, Uchiha Yu's wooden clone didn't say anything. He just stood in front of Onoki, opened a pair of Mangekyo Sharingan, and stared closely into Onoki's eyes.

Ohnoki saw Uchiha Madara in these eyes, saw death, and saw destruction.

Naturally, his heart understood what Yuu Uchiha had not said: "Either hand over the child, or Iwagakure Village will be completely wiped out. You choose one."

Ohnoki's choice was naturally to bow his head.

That's the thing, Orochimaru saying the same thing has no effect at all, it will only arouse Onoki's desperate determination.

And Uchiha Yuu, who broke the courage of the Iwagakure ninja, didn't even need to speak, the Tsuchikage obediently bowed his head.

On the way back to Konoha Village, Uchiha Yuu was filled with doubts:

[What is the Immortal of Six Paths doing? 】

[I have done so many things, and he does not interfere, and allows me to mess up the situation in the ninja world like this? 】

Otsutsuki Hamura held a bowl of water and carefully fed it to his brother.

In the pure land, the water is of course not ordinary water, but the condensation left after the soul returns to nature.

This kind of resource that can be directly absorbed by the soul is extremely precious. Only the Otsutsuki brothers who control the Pure Land can enjoy it occasionally.

It is the greatest effect of this condensation that is now used to heal injuries to the soul.

After drinking a bowl of water, Otsutsuki Hagoromo slowly breathed a sigh of relief and thanked: "Hamura, thank you very much."

"Without you taking care of me, it would be really dangerous this time."

Otsutsuki Hamura shook his head and said: "Brother, I can return to the Pure Land safely only because of your cover and interruption. Your current injuries are all borne on my behalf."

"I'm just taking care of you for a while, how can I say thank you?"

"How could the enemy be so powerful this time? He actually made my brother fall into a coma for such a long time. I was scared to death."

He said happily with a face full of joy: "Fortunately, my brother is still awake. It's great."

Immortal Six Paths was also frightened, and said with emotion: "I really didn't expect that the Emperor of the Divine Court is actually the God of Thunder, and the purple divine thunder he masters has the power of death and rebirth at the same time."

"No, it should be destruction and rebirth, and the two attributes are actually opposite and integrated, regardless of each other."

"That thin purple lightning is not powerful enough to destroy even a hair, but it can disrupt my soul body and put me in a state of uncertainty about life and death."

"I'm just a little bit away from disintegrating into spiritual matter like those ignorant people and integrating into the nature of heaven and earth."

Otsutsuki Hamura took a breath of cold air and said in shock: "Is the Emperor Shenting so powerful?"

Otsutsuki Hagoromo closed his eyes, rubbed the center of his brows that were still slowly recovering, and said with a smile: "It's amazing. He almost killed me across the Pure Land interface. It's not ordinary."

"Fortunately, his situation seems to be the same as that of our brothers. He cannot come to the ninja world easily, otherwise something big will happen to you and me this time."

Otsutsuki Hamura frowned and asked: "Brother, what should we do next?"

The Six Paths Sage thought for a while and replied: "The foundation of gods is faith and responsibility. The most important thing for us next is intelligence and finding the foundation of the Emperor's faith in the ninja world."

"No matter how powerful the god himself is, if he wants to gain a foothold in the ninja world and exert enough power, he needs the help of the power of faith."

"Hamura, the Divine Emperor must have a solid and large-scale belief base in the ninja world."

"Our next goal is to find the place of his belief, then clean up his belief, and finally drive him out of the ninja world!"

Otsutsuki Hamura nodded repeatedly and said: "Brother, I understand. The purpose is to avoid a direct confrontation with this dangerous god, dig out his foundation, and let him slowly wither away like a big tree with broken roots."

The Immortal of Six Paths praised with satisfaction: "That's exactly it."

Hehe, it’s done.

I'm exhausted. Let's catch up on some sleep.

Get up in the afternoon to catch up to 8 o'clock

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