I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 308 The Fourth Hokage Orochimaru represents a new era

Yamata no Orochi disappeared, leaving only a panting Orochimaru wearing a Hokage hat.

The use of his biggest trump card, the Yami no Jutsu, and a change of environment with the turmoil of glory, actually consumed more than half of Orochimaru's chakra, making him temporarily short of breath and exhausted.

But what surprised Orochimaru even more was that with the end of the turbulence, green seedlings immediately appeared on the ground, and even the branches and leaves were lifted up and spread out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Fourth Hokage was dumbfounded as the environment he created transformed into a lush forest in just ten minutes.

The forest exudes strong chakra fluctuations, and Orochimaru can feel Uchiha Yu's fluctuations, his own chakra fluctuations, and two unfamiliar chakra fluctuations.

Apparently, the chakra in his ninjutsu was plundered and became the key to the rebirth of the Wooden Forest.

Orochimaru smiled bitterly and laughed at himself: "I tried my best and couldn't completely cleanse Yu-kun's traces, but the gap has widened so much."

"I can't slack off from now on. I have to seize the time to practice. I can't be further apart."

"I have to let Shikaku work harder and take on more work, and then let Minato get involved and help me handle personnel and government affairs."

Seriously planning his lazy plan, the figure of the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru gradually disappeared. He wanted to rush to the Kingdom of Water to end the war with Kirigakure Village.

Because no matter what kind of lazy plan, it is impossible to execute it in a state of war, he desperately hopes for peace.

Thanks to Uchiha Yu's direct reminder, Momochi Zabuza escaped from birth, but he did not become the first ninja to return to Kirigakure Village.

Compared to his image and reputation of being cold-blooded and cruel, Momochi Zabuza is actually a guy who takes the soft side rather than the hard side. Faced with two trembling subordinates who obey orders, he cannot ruthlessly leave them on the road alone.

So when they were halfway on the boat, the Jonin who had escaped from the battlefield surpassed them and returned to Kirigakure Village first.

Of course, their appearance also brought precise information about the defeat to Zabuza's team.

This solved the worry of the two genin being brutally punished, and also made them worry about the pursuit of Konoha ninjas, so they fully cooperated with the captain in rowing.

After working together, the three people rushed back to Kirigakure Village before the pursuing tiger troops, and were then blocked in the village.

Of those Kirigakure ninjas who were unfortunately blocked outside the village, a small number chose to surrender, while the majority chose to become free rebel ninjas.

The brutal battle to destroy the village did not break out. Genshi, who had all the power, chose to surrender voluntarily. He even put a knife on his neck, forcing young ninjas like Zabuza to give up resistance.

Facing the doubts of the villagers and Kirigakure ninjas, the extremely thick-skinned Genshi didn't even move his eyebrows. Even if he was spit on, he didn't wipe it and let it dry slowly.

As an old ninja who had seen the first Hokage with his own eyes, Genshi knew very well what it means to be defeated, and from the experience of the first Mizukage Byakuren, he learned what it meant to bow his head when it was time to bow his head.

When Uchiha Madara came to the door, the first generation Mizukage refused to bow his head and fought hard.

As a result, he used his own serious injuries and the lives of thousands of Kirigakure ninjas to illustrate what an irresistible trend was.

Now the total number of Kirigakure ninjas who can afford kunai in Kirigakure Village cannot reach 2,500.

And there are not even 200 hardcore ninjas in good health between the ages of 16 and 40.

When the manpower is so empty, the traps, barriers, walls and other facilities in Kirigakure Village are meaningless. They can't even fill the walls.

What's more, the first wave to arrive outside Kirigakure Village was the Tiger Troops.

This Konoha force, which is composed entirely of Uchihas with open eyes, is now as famous in Kirigakure Village as the Oni group, full of frightening intimidation.

Seeing this group of four people forming a small team, the four small teams formed a team, and the five teams formed a squadron, forming an Uchiha team of large and small diamonds.

Even a dazed young man like Momochi Zabuza instantly lost the courage to rush out and fight.

Who among the Kirigakure ninjas today doesn't know that as long as 89 Uchiha put up such a large and small diamond formation, even the impact of thousands of people will be fatal.

Genshi proposed that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen chosen by the Fifth Mizukage were to deal with this Konoha ninja force.

A small number of elite Jonin combinations are most likely to reduce the losses suffered during the assault, while ensuring sufficient lethality after a successful assault.

Seeing the tiger troops, the Kirigakure ninjas remembered the confrontation tactics they had discussed for half a year and the elite troops they had paid a huge price for.

With their last hope, they began to ask:

"Where is our Fifth Mizukage?"

"Where are our Seven Ninja Swordsmen?"

“So many resources have been spent, and at this point, where are they?”

Momochi Zabuza opened his mouth, wanting to say that they were all dead, but fortunately, he remembered Uchiha Yu's warning in time, and then swallowed all the words that came to his lips.

At this moment when people's hearts were becoming more and more chaotic, it was Yuanshi who stood up and acted as the black crow who said depressing words.

"Shut up! The Tiger Troops can block the gate of Kirigakure Village only if they all die in the battle. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the Fifth Mizukage all died in the battle!"

The last bit of hope was shattered, making the villagers and ninjas of Kirigakure Village go crazy. They cried hysterically, cursed Yuanshi crazily, and even hit him with rocks.

However, Yuanshi did not dodge or evade, and was hit several times forcefully.

When the blood seeped out from the old man's snow-white turban and flowed through his long snow-white eyebrows, the crazy Kirigakure ninjas were finally awakened and they gradually calmed down.

The old man raised his snake staff and slammed it on the ground. After making a loud noise, he yelled angrily: "Have you calmed down?"

"Calm down now, just listen to me!"

"The Kirigakure Village has been completely defeated. We have lost all our chips and there is no room for recovery!"

"so what?"

"42 years ago, the year when our Kirigakure Village was first established, we also lost. The entire village was reduced to rubble by Konoha ninjas, and we had to bow our heads."

"But Kirigakure Village was still preserved, and gradually recovered its strength, and ten years later, it fought with Konoha Village throughout the ninja world."

"As long as we Kirigakure ninjas don't give up or lose heart, all suffering will pass!"

Master Yuan reached out and stroked his long eyebrows, and said half-jokingly: "Even if my eyebrows fall out like my hair, I will definitely live until the day I can see the revival of Kirigakure Village with my own eyes. .”

"Do you believe me?"

The Kirigakure ninjas were extremely ashamed, and they didn't know what to say.

Terumi Mei, who was standing behind Genshi with red hair and blue clothes, had tears in her eyes. When she opened her mouth slightly to say something, a masked chunin below who was younger than her jumped up.

Momochi Zabuza stared at Genshi with fierce eyes, but actually he was full of admiration. He shouted with all his strength: "I believe in you, Genshi-sama, Kirigakure Village will definitely be revived!"

Zabuza's roar was like turning on the throat switch of the Kirigakure ninjas, and they shouted: "Kirigakure Village will definitely be revived!"

The voice of the Kirigakure ninja was transmitted outside the wall, and was clearly heard by the Uchiha, and also by Namikaze Minato who had just arrived.

Minato looked solemn and said with emotion: "Although Kirigakure Village in the Land of Water has not performed well in previous wars, it is one of the five great ninja villages after all."

"The Fourth Hokage said that Kirigakure Village would choose to surrender. He ordered us to accept the surrender. I was not willing at first..."

"But now it seems that Lord Hokage will not be the leader of Konoha Village. His decision is correct."

Uchiha Shigenobu sneered: "Haha, it's just hanging on. I believe that Konoha Village under the leadership of the Fourth Hokage will never give Kirigakure Village a chance to revive."

Namikaze Minato asked curiously: "Why are you so sure?"

Uchiha Shigenobu smiled and replied: "Because our clan leader said that the Fourth Hokage represents a new era."

"Times have changed, and past experience no longer works."

"The Kirigakure Village can get lucky with the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara, but it cannot get lucky with the Fourth Hokage."

Uchiha Kazuji continued: "The clan leader also said that because the Fourth Hokage has the vision of the entire ninja world, the new era will be an era of unification."

Namikaze Minato murmured: "A new era...an era tending towards unity..."

Uchiha Tadamichi reminded: "It will be possible to create an era of long-term peace. It is not a peace like the first Hokage who threatened the ninja world for 12 years, but a peace that does not rely on anyone to stabilize it for a hundred years."

Namikaze Minato's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "Peace that lasts for a hundred years? If it can really be realized, that would be great."

Just as the Konoha ninjas were thinking about the future and waiting for Orochimaru, the fourth Hokage, the door to Kirigakure Village opened.

The Genshi, whose face was covered with blood but had not been cleaned up, walked out through the gate with more than two thousand Kirigakure ninjas.

The old man held a snake staff in his right hand and a white flag in his left hand, clearly expressing his intention to surrender.

Kirigakure Village surrendered.

An hour later, Orochimaru arrived and accepted the surrender of Kirigakure.

Two days later, the Ghost Lantern clan, who were being chased in the south of the Country of Fire and had nowhere to go, also laid down their weapons, ending the war completely.

By the time the information was finally delivered to Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village, the dust had completely settled and there was no chance to intervene anymore.

Onoki even knocked over his favorite tea cup when he received information about Kirigakure's surrender.

He said with a face full of despair: "It's over, Konoha Village has reached an invincible level."

"I shouldn't be serious with the Third Raikage, I should really let him go back to Kirigakure Village!"

Even Lao Zi, a violent Jinchūriki, did not confront Ohnoki for the first time. He even asked tentatively: "Now that we have established an alliance with Kumo Hidden Village and Amegakure Village, can we still suppress Konoha Village?"

Onoki shook his head and said, "It's impossible."

"Nagato of Yuyin Village is too young and thinks too highly of himself. He didn't even see the messenger I sent."

"The Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure Village is very experienced and mature. He is likely to accept the new alliance, but I can't trust the Kumogakure ninjas. I can't trust them at all."

"Such an alliance is meaningless..."

Lao Zi became anxious and asked irritably: "Can we just wait for the Konoha ninjas to come knocking on the door?"

Ohnoki nodded helplessly and said, "Now we can only wait."

"Fortunately, we are no longer directly connected to Konoha Village, but are separated by Cloud Hidden Village and Ame Hidden Village. We are destined to be the last target to be attacked by Konoha Village."

"Our only hope is here. We hope that Konoha Village will suffer enough losses when attacking these two families, giving us a chance to counterattack."

Unlike Ohnoki who decided to wait for the outcome, the Fourth Raikage Ai immediately decided to end the war with Iwagakure and fully reduce his troops.

Kumogakure Jonin Dodai asked hesitantly: "Are we going to have a decisive battle between Kirigakure and Konoha Village?"

The Fourth Raikage nodded: "Well, this is the only way."

Tudai asked again: "Don't you try to ask Iwayin Village? Maybe..."

The Fourth Raikage waved his hand to interrupt his words and said directly: "Without possibility, it is impossible for Kirigakure Village and Iwagakure Village to form an alliance."

"They can't trust me because my father just died, and I can't even trust the Tsuchikage Onoki who used despicable means to force his father to death."

"The future of Kumogakure Village can only be fought for by us Kumogakure ninjas."

Following the Fourth Raikage's order, the Kumogakure ninjas scattered in the Kingdom of Grass, Taki, Iron and Earth all retreated towards the Kingdom of the Moon and the Kingdom of Thunder.

The Kumogakure ninjas retreated eastward, and as they got closer to the Land of Thunder, they gradually gathered.

From a small team of three to five people, to a squadron of thirty to fifty people, and finally gathered into a large force of hundreds of people, or even larger.

When the Kumogakure ninjas reached the Kingdom of Thunder, behind the Fourth Raikage was a ninja army of more than 13,000 people.

Looking at this sturdy and elite Kumogakure ninja army, the Fourth Raikage couldn't help but feel filled with confidence.

This is the ninja army that his father saved with his life. Although it is unrealistic to challenge Konoha Village head-on, in the Kingdom of Thunder with its geographical advantage, there is absolutely no problem in blocking Konoha Village's attack!

The Fourth Raikage proudly said to Todai: "With the army of Kumogakure, it will not be a problem to defeat Konoha Village in the Land of Thunder."

"As long as I can shock Orochimaru enough, I will be sure to sign an armistice agreement and end this war with dignity instead of surrendering."

At this moment, there was a commotion from the front of the team.

Soon a dark-skinned Kumogakure ninja came to report: "Lord Raikage, Konoha ninjas have blocked the Taofeng Pass!"


Hearing these words, the Fourth Raikage, Dodai, and other Kumogakure jounin jumped up in shock.

Even Kirabi, who was obsessed with composing songs, was scared to death.

Pirate Wind Pass is one of the most important transportation nodes in the Kingdom of Thunder, and is the only way to return to Yunyin Village from south to north.

This pass is blocked by Konoha ninjas, which also blocks the path of the entire Kumogakure army. If another Konoha ninja force appears behind them at this time, they will be surrounded!

The Fourth Raikage was so anxious that lightning flashed out of his body, and he immediately entered the Thunder Release Chakra Mode.

He shouted to Kirabi: "Bi, follow up! Let us brothers join forces to destroy the Konoha ninjas and open the way home!"

Kirabi responded excitedly: "Yes! Brother! I finally have a chance to fight alongside you!"

But when they arrived at the pass, the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi were stunned, because there was only one Konoha ninja blocking the road, but there were already more than a hundred Kumogakure ninjas lying around him.

Uchiha Yu looked at the Fourth Raikage and asked with a smile: "Do you feel that even though it is your first time to see it, you feel that the scene in front of you is very familiar?"

"That's right, I am paying tribute to the Third Raikage, and I also want to imitate him and achieve the feat of challenging thousands of armies."

"But I'm not as weak as him. The final result will definitely be that I win."

"Uchiha Yuu, you bastard!" the Fourth Raikage roared, his anger making his hair rise into the sky, and the thin hemp ropes that bound his hair were broken.

The lightning on his body also surged, and the Thunder Chakra mode was operating to the extreme.

The fourth generation Raikage's chakra and Kirabi are connected as one, and the lightning on his body is also transmitted between the two.

The powerful Thunder Release Ninjutsu is ready to come out.

But just when the ninjutsu was about to be activated, a golden fist larger than a human suddenly appeared at Kirabi's position, knocking the immature Jinchūriki away.

Uchiha Yu didn't know when he unfolded the Susanoo, and the golden Susanoo's size was unprecedentedly huge.

He shouted to the Kumogakure ninja: "I don't have the patience as strong as the Third Raikage, let's fight quickly."

"For the coming new era, yours"

With Uchiha Yu's shout, the golden Susanoo suddenly grew two new heads, and also grew four extra arms, turning into a three-headed and six-armed figure.

Susanoo's six hands held four chakra swords, and the other two hands were rapidly forming seals, performing his best ninjutsu.

Fire Escape·The Great Fire Extinguishes

A line of fire shot out from the huge palm, flew dozens of meters and then expanded into a huge wall of fire that was hundreds of meters wide and over forty meters high.

The growing wall of fire advanced sideways, easily sweeping away the formation of the Kumogakure ninjas, driving them away in all directions, causing chaos.

When the golden Susanoo rushed into the crowd of Kumogakure ninjas, five Uchiha Yuu appeared outside Iwagakure Village. They were facing the four corners and gate of Iwagakure Village.

"I remember Ohnoki met Uchiha Madara and Madara's Susanoo, and they were at the gate of Iwagakure Village."

"Then let's use Susanoo to awaken his memory today."

"I hope he can understand the current situation and choose to surrender honestly. This will save me trouble, he will also save trouble, and we can kill a lot less."


Five consecutive golden Susanoos rose from the ground and surrounded Iwagakure Village.

The golden giant faced the rock bombs and explosive escape tools flying in the sky, and slowly walked towards Iwagakure Village amidst the dense explosions...

As the giant approached, the shocking shout echoed in everyone's ears: "Iwagakure ninjas, work hard with all your strength, you will eventually usher in the end of the war in despair."

"I, Yu Uchiha, the leader of the Uchiha clan of Konoha Village, will also go all out to defeat you and make you understand why a new era will come."

"Because I want it to come!"

So what, sell the fake ones?

But whether it can be regarded as an extra update depends on whether there is enough time to code it out at 12 noon.

Sure enough, hands and brains are the best match.

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