I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 305: The only way to relieve worries is to pet the cat

Immortal Magic, Fire Spirit, Kagutsuchi's Car

Seeing that Zhu Rong, as a god, actually used magic to attack him, and the power of the magic was so powerful, the eyes of the Immortal of Six Paths widened a lot.

This is incredible.

But what was faster than the flame chariot were the thunderbolts from the clear sky, which appeared inexplicably from the blue sky without any dark clouds, and then hit the hemispherical interface.

Divine Art·Refa·Five Thunders in the Clear Sky

This is thunder that is forcibly evolved by using divine power to replace the natural energy of thunder spirit and relying on the characteristics of divine power to make all wishes come true.

The power may not be as great as the Thunder Spirit Senjutsu, but the speed of its activation is unmatched by any ninjutsu or senjutsu.

The attack speed launched by the Emperor of Heaven was so fast that even the Immortal of Six Paths only found out that he was attacked when the fifth thunderbolt hit the interface.

But the interface formed by the conflict between the rules of the Pure Land and the rules of this world is far stronger than anyone and God can imagine.

No matter whether it was the hundreds of thunderbolts transformed by divine power or the flaming chariot of the Fire Spirit Immortal Technique, none of them were able to touch this interface.

This made the Emperor of Heaven, who originally wanted to get by, become serious. He did not hesitate to convert all the divine power he brought into thunder, and spent time condensing and compressing it into a thunder ball.

After the thunder ball is compressed to the extreme, it looks like sparkling water waves, like a handful of thunder water in a thunder pool.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at the thunder ball in his hand, layers of purple halo reflected in the translucent silver light, and a name emerged in his mind: Zixiao Divine Thunder.

At this moment, he had a new understanding of a sentence that had been blurred in his memory.

Thunder is the cardinal of yin and yang, the root of all things.

Combined with the knowledge of modern physics, it can be clearly known that, except for one's own weight, electromagnetic force dominates almost everything that humans can feel.

Even being able to feel one's own weight is because the electromagnetic force supports the human body to provide sufficient feedback.

With the thunder condensed to the extreme, how can there be an invincible defense?

The Emperor of Heaven turned his hand over, holding the ball of thunder and water and pressing it downwards. Although they were hundreds of meters apart, he suddenly pressed it on the top of the hemisphere interface.

The eyes of all the gods were completely blank, and there was only a slight buzzing in their ears, and there didn't seem to be much movement.

But the Emperor of Heaven, Zhu Rong and the Six Path Immortals all noticed that within the interface, a thin purple lightning slowly snaked downwards.

When Otsutsuki Hagoromo slid down to only his head, the purple lightning finally caught up with him and exploded a plume of smoke on the third eye between his eyebrows.

The Emperor of Heaven and Zhu Rong looked at it in great surprise. The Immortal of Six Paths raised his hand that had slipped down and gently touched the eyelid of his third eye, wiping away the radial lightning scorch marks.

The Six Paths Sage also looked at the Emperor of Heaven with great surprise, and with a somewhat puzzled expression, he completely slipped down and disappeared into the ninja world.

With the departure of the Six Paths Immortal, the Pure Land Passage slowly closed, and the interface caused by the conflict between the rules of life and death also disappeared.

The Emperor of Heaven observed the battlefield in silence for a while, then carefully looked at the traces of lightning bites remaining on his hands, and suddenly said: "From today on, I am both the Emperor of Heaven and the God of Thunder."

"I heard that Taishi made the Nine Heavens that responded to the original world and transformed it with the sound of thunder. I can also do it in the ninja world."

Zhu Rong couldn't help but laugh.

But after he smiled, he solemnly dressed himself up, crossed his arms and bowed, bowed deeply and said: "Congratulations to the Heavenly Lord for enlightening to the divine way."

The Emperor of Heaven nodded and responded: "Thank you Zhu Rongshen for your help."

Zhu Rong smiled and replied: "You and I are one, but we just started playing different roles, so there is no need to thank you."

The Emperor stopped talking, nodded and closed his eyes. The chariot slowly disappeared together with the chariot under his feet, revealing Uchiha Yuu as the means of coming.

The golden light produced by the dispersion of the Emperor of Heaven and the four dragons was like a bird flying into the forest, converging on Uchiha Yuu's eyebrows, but leaving a purple spot at the end that could not dissipate for a long time.

At the same time, Zhu Rong also turned into dots of red light, like a torrent flowing into Uchiha Yuu's eyebrows, leaving only an ape mask.

Only Uchiha Yuu was left floating in the air on the battlefield, and it seemed strangely peaceful amidst the burning sounds of the surrounding trees.

After a long time, Uchiha Yu slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were full of majesty and aloof indifference, and the modest brilliance of humanity had not disappeared, but it could only be slowly recovered with difficulty under the heavy pressure.

Fortunately, when the Konoha ninjas boldly ran over, Uchiha Yu had recovered enough to put on a smile.

He put away the Animus mask, landed on the ground, pretended to smile, and looked in the direction of the two ninjas who were quietly approaching the battlefield.

He felt very strange at this time, as if his thinking was wrapped in some kind of emotion. He could think of everything, but he couldn't express it externally.

[The person walking in front is Uchiha Shigenobu, but who is the ninja behind him? 】

[The breath is vague and the footsteps are soft. It is difficult for me to lock on at such a close distance. Among the Konoha ninjas, only Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato can do it, but there is no snake smell that hits my nose. 】

【It is undoubtedly Namikaze Minato. 】

[The commanders of the Tiger Force and the Snake Force came together. What do they want to do? 】

[Although Minato Namikaze was walking behind, he noticed me earlier. He is really sharp. 】

[After receiving the reminder, Uchiha Shigenobu’s expression was really exaggerated, as if he suspected that his three magatama sharingan was fake. 】

[It’s really worthless. The Sharingan is just an amplifier, not the foundation of strength. If you can’t compare with others, it’s because of your poor strength. It’s not because the Sharingan is not good. 】

[Well, someone is here too, it’s Matt Dai. 】

[This guy, even though his body is in tatters, still dares to come back. He is really not afraid of death. 】

Uchiha Yuu's dazed state, as if he were in another world, was broken by Uchiha Shigenobu's question.

Uchiha Shigenobu rushed in front of him, and his anxious questioning voice was like a hammer, breaking the barrier between Uchiha Yuu and reality, synchronizing his thinking and reality perception.

"Master Patriarch, why are you here, and what happened here?"

Uchiha Yuu thought for a while, put on a slightly satisfied expression, and said to Uchiha Shigenobu: "I encountered the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure Village and the Fifth Mizukage here."

He pointed to the other side, who had just returned to Matt Dai, and continued: "Senior Matt Dai and I killed them."

Matt Dai panicked when he heard this, and waved his hands like windmills: "It's okay, I only saw the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and I didn't see any Mizukage at all, and I only killed one. enemy."

Uchiha Shigenobu and Namikaze Minato looked at each other. They didn't know the name of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and they were not particularly surprised that a genin killed the Kirigakure ninja.

Although this Konoha genin is the famous "Ten Thousand Years Genin" Matt Dai, they all know the details of Matt Dai and know that his strength is beyond what a genin can describe.

But they knew very well what it meant for the Fifth Mizukage to die here.

This means that the Kirigakure ninja's doom has come.

Uchiha Shigenobu laughed and said: "The Fifth Mizukage was beaten to death by the clan leader! Great, I will organize the tiger troops to intersperse. This time I must wipe out all the Kirigakure ninjas!"

Namikaze Minato also said goodbye quite excitedly: "Uchiha Yuu-senpai, I'm also going to command the snake army to encircle you, so I'll take my leave first."

Uchiha Yu waved his hand and said: "The war is urgent, you go ahead."

"I am very tired from the battle with Mizukage. I will go back and rest immediately. You don't need to think about me."

The commanders of the Tiger Troop and Snake Troop saluted Uchiha Yu, and then hurriedly left along the way they came, disappearing into the unyielding forest in the distance in the blink of an eye.

Uchiha Yu looked at Matt Dai and said with a chuckle: "Sure enough, these two guys didn't realize the true strength of Senior Dai."

"When they finish the war, capture the prisoners, and interrogate the intelligence, they will know what kind of achievement it was that Senior Dai independently faced the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and killed one of them."

Matt Day is used to being ridiculed, and his ability to withstand pressure is incredible.

No matter how vicious words others use to slander and ridicule him, he can smile freely, shout "Youth is invincible", and put those ugly words behind him.

But after hearing Uchiha Itachi's unstinting praise, Matt Dai couldn't bear it anymore.

His face was red, steam was rising from his head, his hands were cramped and he didn't know where to put them, and he said nonchalantly: "It's nothing, it's really nothing, it's just to protect youth..."

Uchiha Yu reluctantly patted his shoulder and said, "Let's go, Senior Dai. Let's go back to the camp. Your physical injuries are not light."

"You must have sent the three children back to the camp. Let's not say that you shouldn't come back to support me. In any case, you have to bandage them before coming back."

"How could you run back with such injuries and not be afraid of getting injured and fainting on the way?"

Matt Dai smiled and said: "The bandaging is too time-consuming. I have asked the medical ninja for a few blood-forming pills to take, and there will definitely be no problem."

Matt Dai smiled, brimming with confidence, revealing his iconic big white teeth, which were shining directly into people's eyes.

Facing such a strong ninja, Uchiha Yu didn't know what to say.

He stretched out his hand and patted Matt Dai's shoulder three times, sending three strands of Yang Escape Chakra in, making his whole body enveloped in glistening green light.

This is the brilliance of the power of life. Under the shroud of green light, the wounds on Matt Dai's body quickly grew granulations, intertwining and merging with each other, tightening and sealing the wounds.

The skin of the wound grew visibly to the naked eye, and the wound was sealed in the blink of an eye. Apart from the white color, which was different from the surrounding bronze color exposed to the weather, the appearance of the wound was no longer visible.

But Matt suffered not only open wounds, but also more serious fractures and internal organ damage.

As the trauma healed, green fluorescence concentrated in his body, and through the skin and green tights, one could see exactly where he was seriously injured.

The healing speed of bones and internal organs is obviously not as fast as that of muscles and skin, and the pain and itching caused by the healing is more intense, so much so that Matt Dai even looks in pain.

He is also a knowledgeable and experienced ninja. He understands that this rapid healing effect is by no means a medical ninjutsu, and he also knows that the opportunity now is rare.

So he clamped his hands against each other, trying his best to prevent himself from scratching the itchy wound and ensuring the best healing effect.

Fortunately, the pain did not last long, and soon all the injuries were healed, and the green light of life disappeared.

Matt Dai breathed a sigh of relief, stood up straight again, and reached out to wipe away the cold sweat the size of a soybean on his forehead.

Suddenly, his movements froze.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Matt Dai was surprised and started doing various warm-up movements on the spot. The speed became faster and faster, and even the whole person turned into a gray shadow.

After a few minutes at most, Matt stopped his movements and bowed deeply to Uchiha Itachi.

He said with excitement: "You not only healed my injuries, but also healed my hidden wounds. Thank you so much."

Beyond that, Matt Day didn't say much more.

Uchiha Yuu saved his and his son's lives, healed his injuries, and even healed his hidden wounds, allowing his youth to bloom longer and even to reach higher heights.

The favors that Matt Dai owed were beyond words, so he didn't say much.

But Matt Day and Uchiha Yuu both understand that he will stand up without hesitation when Uchiha Yuu needs it, even if it costs his life.

[No, if his life is really in danger, Matt Dai will be even happier. He will definitely shout "Youth is about to bloom" and then go to charity generously. 】

[I hope there will be no need for him this day. 】

[A bit curious: Kaihuang inherited his father’s education and spirit, and deduced the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation to the Six Paths level Ye Kai. How far can Matdai, who has pioneered the path of the Eight-door Dunjia Formation, go after I cured his hidden illness and reshaped his original foundation? 】

[Sixth level? Or is it a higher blood inheritance snare level? 】

When Matt Dai was returned to the Konoha camp and thrown into the medical tent, the strong man had already fallen into a deep coma.

No matter how magical the healing Yang Chakra is, treating wounds will seriously deplete a person's vitality.

Senju Hashirama, who claims to never die in battle, did so because he was treated too many times during the battle with Uchiha Madara, and his lifespan was exhausted by the healing technique. His body collapsed and died just after he entered his prime.

The loss of vitality cannot be compensated for by Yang Eun Chakra. Even if Yuu Uchiha uses natural energy to supplement the original potential of Matt Dai, it will take time to be converted into vitality.

Therefore, when the original potential is full, nothing can replenish vitality more than a deep sleep.

After settling this guy, Uchiha Yu used the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned home to Konoha Village in an instant.

The moment he returned home, the false emotions he played collapsed, and his entire face instantly became serious and solemn, even a little lifeless like a clay puppet.

At this time, Uchiha Yuu felt that he was dying of exhaustion. The counterattack of the Emperor's personality was extremely strong, and the superior god's perspective constantly tried to cover all his cognition.

The feeling of becoming a god and an ancestor tempted his soul, which was also the way to immortality. The temptation for him was very powerful, making him constantly have the idea of ​​wavering and giving up.

Uchiha Yu knew that he needed a reason that could support him to maintain his humanity, and there was only the most alluring beauty.

gourmet food?

Bah, it takes half an hour to eat, an hour to pick, wash, cut, and stir-fry vegetables, and even an hour to clean up the situation. It’s not nice at all!


Ah, I have never had the chance to practice it in this life, it is nothing compared to becoming a god.


Just like that, boring.


For a tone-deaf person, it means nothing.


what is this?

Uchiha Yu, who was so exhausted that his thinking was gradually becoming rigid, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, furry, I want a furry cat.

【I want to pet the cat! Where is my pear jam? 】

Uchiha Yuu's spirit miraculously revived. He found the breath of Miwa Masayo in the air, and fumbled to find the civet cat.

The moment he saw this little three-tailed fur ball, his spirit instantly relaxed, and the inhuman stiffness receded like a tide.

Uchiha let out a long breath, took a step forward, and held the tabby cat in his arms.

After stroking her hard several times, she buried her entire face in the kitten's fur, listening to her purring breathing, and let out a contented sigh.

Miwa Masashi noticed something unusual about Uchiha Yu and asked nervously: "What's wrong? What happened? How can I help you, nya?"

Uchiha Yu put his face on the tabby cat's belly, rubbing it back and forth, and said with an intoxicating look on his face: "Rika-chan, thank you for saving my life."

Miwa Masashi looked confused: "Meow?"

The tabby cat couldn't stand the itching sensation of being rubbed by the big head. He stretched out his little paws and pushed Uchiha Yu's head away, preventing him from continuing.

Then, Miwa Masashi jumped on Uchiha Yuu's shoulders and asked: "What happened, nya?"

Uchiha Yuu was now out of the crisis and could control his urge to rub the kitten wildly.

He stretched out his finger, gently stroked Miwa Masayo's head, and said: "I went to find the Seven Ninja Swordsmen today, and I picked out the Fifth Mizukage, and confirmed his identity as Otsutsuki Hamura."

The raccoon cat asked blankly: "Who is Otsutsuki Hamura?"

Uchiha Yu asked: "I haven't told you about the younger brother of the Sage of Six Paths Otsutsuki Hagororomo and the second son of the goddess Otsutsuki Kaguya?"

Miwa Masato stuck out her tongue and said sheepishly: "Maybe I told you, I don't remember, nya."

"This Otsutsuki Hamura is very powerful, nya?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "Otsutsuki Hamura is quite powerful, but he is not my opponent, and the power he can exert in the ninja world is weaker. I won without much effort."

Li Huamao asked doubtfully: "Then you are like this now..."

Yuu Uchiha said helplessly: "After defeating Otsutsuki Hamura, his brother Otsutsuki Hagoromo emerged from the Pure Land."

Miwa Masayo suddenly realized it, and her eyes widened: "Meow..., is this what Yuu said, hit the small one to make the big one, hit the big one to make the old one?"

Uchiha Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Haha, it really feels like this."

"Besides, I am really no match for the Immortal of Six Paths. In the end, I took a risk and bluffed him to save my life."

"But the sequelae of the adventure is that I almost lost my human emotions. If I hadn't found Lihua Jiang in time and awakened my feelings of beauty, I would have been doomed."

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