I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 306 The pessimistic prophet has only one way to die

After hearing Uchiha Yu's explanation, Miwa Masayo's heart softened, and he unknowingly took him off his shoulders again and rubbed his face against hers.

Fortunately, Uchiha Yu's movements were gentler this time and did not make the tabby cat feel uncomfortable.

Even the numb feeling caused by excessive intimacy was diluted by strong sympathy. For the first time in his adult life, Miwa Masashi allowed Uchiha Yu to hold her and let him stroke her back and forth.

However, Miwa Masayo still discovered the problem: "Yu, why didn't I know that you still have a way to scare Six Paths Sage Nya?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "No, it's the Emperor of Divine Court. I put that vest on my body as a cover to scare people."

The raccoon cat couldn't figure it out even more, and asked Uchiha Yuu to explain clearly.

Therefore, Uchiha Yuu told Miwa Masayo the entire battle process in detail, including the various calculations involved.

The dangers encountered in the battle made the fur on the cat's back stand on end, and the intrigue between Uchiha Yu and the Sage of Six Paths, as well as their plans for the future, made her hair stand on end.

But the curiosity of the tabby cat still overcame her fear. She hugged her three tails tightly in her arms with her little paws, and listened carefully to Uchiha Yu's story with her eyes widened.

After hearing the most important part, the kitten's triangular mouth opened slightly, revealing its red tongue. It gradually opened wider and wider until its pointed little tiger teeth were exposed.

"In this way, I deceived the Immortal of Six Paths. I also successfully understood the Purple Sky Divine Thunder and escaped this disaster."

Uchiha Yu finally concluded: "In general, neither I nor the Sage of Six Paths were prepared for this encounter, nor were we determined to fight with all our strength. It can be regarded as a more formal test."

"And I am obviously at a disadvantage in terms of strength. I relied entirely on my intelligence superiority to deceive the Six Paths Immortal into fearing and establish a certain degree of deterrence."

"It's good now. For a long time to come, we won't have to worry about the strong interference of the Six Paths Immortal. We only need to be careful about his grass snake gray line's layout test."

Miwa Masayo gradually calmed down and asked curiously: "Yu, how do you think the Six Paths Sage will test us, nya?"

Uchiha Yuu thought for a while and replied: "After all, we are separated from the interface of life and death. In fact, there is not much that Otsutsuki Hagoromo can do."

"It's nothing more than placing more beacons, no longer limited to the shadows of the five great ninja villages."

"The other thing is to strengthen communication with the remaining forces in Miaomu Mountain and Ryudidong, and learn information through them."

"However, Six Paths Sage's most powerful method should be to release his two sons in advance, and even let Otsutsuki Hamura come to the ninja world again."

"I think Brother Otsutsuki will also learn from the lessons of failure. Hamura will not choose another boy to come, let alone change his name to Hamura stupidly."

"It is very likely that he will descend directly into the body of a baby like his two nephews. After more than ten years of adaptation and transformation, he will definitely be able to exert stronger combat power."

"The most important thing is that this kind of arrival seems natural. It is impossible to lock the target as easily as this time. There is no intelligence advantage between the enemy and us."

After listening to this, Miwa Masayo didn't feel worried and said: "Yu, what will I do if this happens, nya?"

Uchiha Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He stretched out his hand and tapped the cat's head, and reminded her with a smile: "Rika-chan, what is our biggest weakness now?"

The civet cat answered directly without thinking: "We have no weaknesses, meow!"

Uchiha Yu was amused by the kitten's brainless confidence. He smiled and said: "Hahaha, how can there be no weaknesses? Everyone has weaknesses."

"We both have weaknesses. Our biggest weakness is our youth."

"I am only 20 years old this year, and Rika-chan is only 5 years old. I have not had much time to accumulate strength, and I cannot compete with the Sage of Six Paths."

"Of course, youth is also our greatest advantage, which represents endless enterprising spirit and unlimited potential."

Miwa Masayo nodded repeatedly when she heard this, and she said proudly: "Although I am only 5 years old, I am no worse than the old monkey of Mount Kumgang, nya."

Uchiha Yu praised her: "Not only the hundred-year-old monkey from the Diamond Ape Clan, but even the Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku and the Snake Sage of Ryuji Cave may not be my Rika-chan's opponent."

The tabby cat was very happy to hear Uchiha Yu's praise, and all three of its tails were curled up and tangled together in excitement.

But within a few minutes, the kitten's mood turned bad. She grabbed Uchiha Yu's face and asked: "Then why don't you take me to fight, meow? Every time something happens recently, you are alone, so let me I’m worried to death, meow!”

Uchiha Yu immediately explained: "That's because there is more than one sage in Mt. Myoboku and Ryuji Cave, but my Rika-chan is alone. It's too unsafe."

Miwa Masashi became angry, and used two small paws to knead Uchiha Yu's face like dough, making his voice distorted:

"In short, Lihua Jiang should work hard to eat well, practice well, and transform into a human body as soon as possible, then she will have enough strength."

Uchiha Yuu's meaning is very clear. As long as Miwa Masayo has not cultivated the human form, he is not powerful in the category of immortals. Let alone stand alone, he is not qualified to fight alongside him.

The civet cat became even more angry: "Huh! I'm so annoyed, meow! I will practice hard, meow!"

Speaking of this, Uchiha Yuu felt more and more tired. Just when he was about to tell Miwa Masashi that he wanted to take a nap, something suddenly came to his mind.

[Damn it, I forgot about this guy Zabuza! 】

Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Shigenobu received his instructions and began to implement left and right double-teams, as well as a large-scale siege operation interspersed with pockets.

With the loss of the Fifth Mizukage and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Kirigakure Village not only lost its top command, but also lost the core elite combat power that it concentrated its resources on.

Faced with the joint siege of the Snake Troops and the Tiger Troops, the thousands of ninjas in Kirigakure Village must be at a loss. Moreover, there are no elite jounin who can support the field, and the outcome of the entire army is doomed.

In such a huge defeat, even jounin and elite jounin could not save their lives.

No, the situation could be worse. The risk of Kirigakure jounin dying in battle is even higher than that of chuunin and genin.

Because Namikaze Minato was responsible for commanding the Snake Troops, he was already a dangerous Jonin killer before he mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique. However, due to age, seniority, and opportunities, he had not yet encountered a stage where he could show off his talents.

This time the siege and annihilation of Kirigakure Village might be the battle that made Namikaze Minato famous.

Under such a background, if Momochi Zabuza is involved in the battlefield, this 11-year-old chuunin will undoubtedly die.

As a veteran member of the Divine Court Council, Uchiha Yu didn't want him to die just now.

With the current strength of Konoha Village, it is impossible to eliminate Kirigakure Village.

This is by no means to say that the violence of Konoha ninja is not strong enough. In fact, the violence of Konoha Village is enough. Even if the extra element of Uchiha Yu is excluded, Konoha Village still has enough strength to crush Kirigakure Village.

There is no ninja village in the ninja world that has the strength to compete with the Leaf Village alone. They all rely on alliances, overt or covert, to disperse the strength of the Leaf Village before they can fight back and forth.

Now Sunagakure Village has bowed its head and admitted defeat, and even expressed its submission by hunting Ye Cang.

Iwagakure Village had just killed the Third Raikage, and those from Kumogakure Village were so angry that they couldn't care less about the overall situation of the ninja world.

The isolated and helpless Kirigakure Village is no match for the Leaf Village. The last ninja army they brought out by selling iron is about to be wiped out, and there will be no chance of resistance after that.

As long as the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru is willing, he can conquer the Kirigakure Village at any time and kill all the Kirigakure ninjas, just like the Uzumakigakure Village back then.

But after the Kirigakure Village was wiped out, Konoha Village did not have enough manpower to control the Kingdom of Water.

After the Uzumaki Village was destroyed, even though the Uzumaki Country was to the east of the Fire Country, Konoha Village was unable to control it and could only let it rot there, turning it into a place of chaos.

This is the limitation of a violent organization like the Ninja Village. Before Orochimaru completes his reforms, the Leaf Village can only take care of the Fire Country.

The Kingdom of Water is a large overseas country, unlike the Kingdom of Whirlpool, which is a small country with few people sandwiched between big countries. After experiencing enough chaos, a new ninja village will definitely gather again.

In a year at most, Kirigakure Village will be rebuilt, and at most it will not be called Kirigakure.

Since completely wiping out Kirigakure Village is in vain, Kirigakure Village should be preserved, as long as the living Kirigakure ninjas can show enough respect, just like Sunagakure Village.

In this way, as long as he can return to Kirigakure Village alive, Momochi Zabuza will become the backbone of Kirigakure Village, the top second and fifth generation.

Such a valuable chess piece should be given to him.

Uchiha Yu didn't dare to delay, and his mind was immersed in the world of Zifu. After splitting into two parts, he wore the Emperor's vest and his own fake body.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with Uchiha Yu's own fake body, but he just felt more tired, even to the point of being unable to hide it.

But when the other half of Uchiha Yu's mind entered the Emperor's vest, the nobility and indifference that came back almost led him astray again.

Fortunately, the happiness of petting the cat has not dissipated. After being in a trance, he still resisted the temptation of the gods.

After stabilizing his mind, Uchiha Yuu switched to the mind of the Emperor of Heaven, stretched out his hand and tapped lightly along the line of cause and effect, silently counted 60 in his heart, and reached out to grab Mochi Zabuza.

Although there was a one-minute buffer time, Zabuza was still confused. He sat on the bench and looked at the Emperor blankly, and asked without even saluting: "His Majesty, Emperor of Heaven, what do you want to see me for?" ?”

Naturally, the Emperor didn't need to say anything. Uchiha Yu said, "No need to ask. I begged His Majesty to come to you."

Hearing Uchiha Yu's words, Zabuza immediately remembered the hostility between the two sides and asked defensively: "Uchiha Clan Leader, what do you want from me?"

"Let's talk first. The two of us are at war right now. I will not betray the information about Kirigakure Village!"

Uchiha Yu sneered: "Idiot, your words have already leaked the information. Of course, this information is meaningless."

Zabuza was stunned: "Huh?"

The next second he jumped up from the table and shouted with a look of horror on his face: "Konoha Village already knows that our Kirigakure ninjas have landed?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "Let me tell you two things: first, I have killed Juuzou Loquat, and the mission you entrusted has been completed; second, the Fifth Mizukage has also been killed by me, Ninja Sword The other six of the seven were also killed by me and another Konoha ninja."

"Momochi Zabuza, for the sake of being a member of the Divine Court Council, I specifically remind you to run."

Originally seeing Yuu Uchiha shaking his head, Zabuza Momochi's expression softened somewhat, but after hearing all the words, his entire body had turned into a wooden sculpture.

Although he, as a Kirigakure chuunin, was not qualified to know the whereabouts of the Mizukage and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, he believed that Uchiha Yu would not lie to him, and there was no need to lie to him.

What's more, there has been public information for a long time that Uchiha Yu is the strongest ninja in Konoha Village, more powerful than the fourth Hokage Orochimaru.

Usually Naruto is the strongest contender among the Five Shadows, so it is very reasonable for a ninja stronger than Naruto to kill the Fifth Mizukage.

After a while, he barely digested the information and murmured: "Misty Hidden Village, is this the end of Mist Hidden Village?"

"I, what should I do?"

Uchiha Yuu said lazily: "I already said, run quickly, escape before you are surrounded and surrounded."

Mochi Zabuza nodded and said in a distracted voice, "Oh, yes, I have to escape, I have to escape quickly."

"I want to explain the situation to everyone and take everyone to escape together..."

Uchiha Yu interrupted him and said, "Stop it. If you don't want to die, just shut up."

"Either you run away alone, or you run away with your subordinates without saying anything. At most, you lie about receiving a secret mission and run away with a few people."

Zabuza seemed to be in better spirits, frowned and asked, "Why? Why can't the information be made public?"

Uchiha Yuu smiled, but his mind was not moving at all. He pointed at Zabuza and asked: "How do you explain the source of your intelligence?"

"Can you say that the Uchiha clan leader of Konoha Village told you?"

"If you can't name a convincing source of intelligence, everyone will think you are spreading rumors."

"It is said that the Fifth Mizukage is very popular in Kirigakure Village, and the actions so far have been very smooth. The Kirigakure ninjas are at their most energetic moment. You have no reason to say that the Fifth Mizukage is dead and Kirigakure Village is going to The battle was defeated..."

"Hehehe, Moochi Zabuza, ask yourself, if someone else said this to you, would you kill him with a knife?"

Zabuza's face was as pale as paper, and everything from his lips to his fingers were trembling, but he still tried to nodded calmly and said: "I understand, I understand, I will go back right now, I want to go back to Kirigakure Village, Tell Master Yuan the information."

The Emperor of Heaven suddenly said: "Since you understand what to do, then go back."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and pushed Momochi Zabuza back gently.

Then the Emperor of Heaven turned into an idol-like dead thing again, and Yuu Uchiha who was present also disappeared simultaneously.

He was already quite exhausted mentally, especially since he was so sleepy that he had to force himself to regain his energy.

For Yuu Uchiha, who rarely gets a good night's sleep, this is a great temptation.

Now that he had conveyed the information and convinced Momochi Zabuza, he was not willing to waste time and didn't even bother to say goodbye.

After dismissing Zabuza, Uchiha Yu returned to the body, quickly arranged the bed with hands and feet, then held Miwa Masashi in his arms and got in.

After rubbing comfortably against the quilt full of sunshine, Uchiha Yuu sighed contentedly and fell completely into a dark and sweet dream.

Momochi Zabuza suddenly fell onto his face, and he landed on his face without any defense, and his nose was bleeding.

He ignored the surprised looks of the three subordinates in his team and turned a deaf ear to their concerned inquiries. He just stared blankly at the blood on his hands and thought calmly.

After more than ten seconds of thinking, Zabuza gritted his teeth and ordered: "Retreat, retreat with me!"

The three subordinates were naturally shocked: "What?"

Two of them were genin who were one year younger than Zabuza and were only 11 years old. They quickly dissuaded them:

"You can't retreat, Captain!"

"Captain, we have a mission. If you abandon the mission and retreat, you will be executed!"

The third genin was a 15-year-old veteran, and he was originally dissatisfied with the 11-year-old Zabuza.

When he heard such an outrageous order, he subconsciously asked, "Captain Zabuza, are you crazy?"

Zabuza snorted coldly and said: "I am the captain, no matter what the consequences are, I will bear them!"

"Now you just follow my orders and retreat!"

"Impossible!" The 15-year-old genin pulled out his weapon and shouted to the other two genin: "The captain must have gone crazy due to wrestling. Why don't you join me to subdue him!"


As the ninja sword was broken, the genin was divided into four pieces along with the weapon.

Momochi Zabuza waved the imitation beheading sword, shook off the blood stained on it, and murmured: "As expected, I can't tell. I haven't told the information yet, and people are treating me as a madman."

He looked at the other two subordinates and said, "Are you willing to retreat with me now?"

No one dared to object.

No matter how strict the discipline of Kirigakure Village is, no matter how cruel the punishment in the future is, it will not be more convincing now than Momochi Zabuza's sword.

Because it's right in front of you.

The two genin followed Zabuza slowly and ran in the direction they came from.

In the operation of a large force of thousands of people, the retreat of just three people against the current was very inconspicuous, but it still caught the eyes of those who were interested.

Those were pairs of red sharingan eyes, staring at the Kirigakure ninjas pouring into the depths of the continent, as if they were watching a group of fat sheep walking into a slaughterhouse.

The sudden appearance of three fish that slipped through the net made several young Uchiha who could not hold their breath have fluctuations in their hearts. After all, the three small fish were also fish.

Someone asked: "Captain, a Kirigakure ninja ran back, what should I do? Do you want to take action now?"

The team leader of the Tiger Force reprimanded angrily: "You idiot, if you take action now, won't the thousands of Kirigakure ninjas who are sneaking into the encirclement be left outside?"

"How can three people compare with thousands of people?"

Then he ordered angrily: "Wait! Wait for the captain's whistle!"


The Uchihas who were reprimanded lowered their eyebrows and stopped talking, but the team leader's eyes were fixed on Momochi Zabuza: "Humph, you are lucky."

"But I remember you. If I meet you again in the future, I will kill you!"

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