I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 304 Today’s battle is just a mutual test

Otsutsuki Hagoromo's eyes radiated with endless rays of light, he looked at the Emperor of the Divine Court and shouted: "Get out of the way, Yuu Uchiha is my descendant, and it is my private property determined by the contract between the gods, and the gods cannot rob it!"

The Emperor Shenting's face remained unmoved, but he was thinking in his heart:

[There is actually some kind of contract between the gods, ha, what a hell, but...]

The Emperor Shenting remained calm, but opened his mouth and said majestically: "Any contract I haven't signed is just useless paper."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo chuckled and said: "That's good, I haven't signed the contract of the gods, but I have a better way to sign a new contract."

He reached out and pulled out the tin staff from behind, pointed at the Emperor of Heaven and said: "I will use my strength to sign a new contract with you, and I will let you know that the ninja world is no longer the territory of the gods!"

The Emperor of Heaven was sitting high on the chariot, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised as he said sarcastically: "The ninja world is not the territory of the gods. Could it be that it is the forbidden land of a half-god, half-immortal, neither alive nor dead, like you?"

"How can a bastard like you have the merit to monopolize a world before he walks out on his true path?"

Feeling the hostility of the Emperor of Heaven, the four dragons pulling the chariot roared at the Immortal of Six Paths, just like Hiromi who was confident in his superiority.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo was called a bastard by the Emperor, but he did not feel insulted by the word. It was a description of his current state by the gods.

He didn't even care about the hostility of the four dragons.

It was only when the four dragons released their river god's power that Otsutsuki Hagoromo glanced at him in surprise, and then continued to ignore him.

This kind of god is so weak that it can be easily crushed to death. It doesn't matter how hostile it is. It's just a dog relying on the power of its master.

But Otsutsuki Hamura did not have the determination of his brother, and his anger and attention had shifted to the god of four-headed dragons.

Perhaps this is the result of Otsutsuki Hamura never taking charge and always following behind Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

Even after he died and went to the Pure Land, he remained in deep sleep for a long time, and his mind could not even maintain the state it was in at the time of death.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo didn't notice anything unusual about his younger brother. All his attention was focused on the god opposite.

The enemy's position was determined, and he had nothing to hesitate. He directly pointed the tin staff in his hand forward, and the nine Tao-seeking jades behind him flew to the head of the staff.

The Jade Seeking Silk elongated and merged into one body, and then transformed into a bright and magnificent golden light, like a holy sword that reached the sky and stabbed the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor Shenting raised his left hand slightly, holding up the Snow Girl ice crystal in his hand, which reflected countless crystal ice mirrors, layer by layer, in front of him.

The moment the golden light hit the ice crystal mirror, the ice crystal mirror turned into debris all over the sky during the impact, and was immediately sublimated until it completely disappeared.

But a small amount of golden light was consumed and refracted, turning into harmless beams of light flying all over the sky.

The ice crystal mirrors shattered one after another, consuming the power of the golden light bit by bit. There were countless layers stacked within a short distance of ten meters, completely consuming the magnificent golden light.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo whispered softly: "The spaces are stacked so much that I can't even count them..."

The Emperor Shenting was also muttering secretly in his heart: [Is that golden light the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion? Isn't this an exclusive eye technique that can only be used in the reincarnation chakra mode? 】

Without thinking too much, the Emperor of Heaven turned the rosary in his right hand. The circulation of the five spirits increased and the evolution of abundant divine power finally converged on the flame pearl of Crow Tengu, projecting a black-feathered crow.

This crow's feathers are colorful black, and its eyes are golden eyes with red pupils. The most surprising thing is that there is a third foot on its chest.

Crow Tengu·Three-Legged Golden Crow

The three-legged Golden Crow spread its wings and vibrated, and its figure suddenly appeared in front of Otsutsuki Hagoromo as if it didn't waste any time.

With a crow of "Ah", the golden sun's golden flames emerged from the Golden Crow's body, reflecting both itself and the Six Paths Immortals in a golden light.

In just a short moment, Otsutsuki Hamura also felt the aftereffects of space reinforcement, and had no choice but to condense a massive amount of chakra into a new seeking jade.

The newly born Seeking Dao Jade formed a thin film after fusion. Before the impact of the sun's golden flames arrived, it enveloped the Six Paths Immortal and his younger brother, forming the most pressure-resistant round sphere.

Boom boom boom——!

The explosion of the three-legged Golden Crow was like a real Golden Crow falling to the ground, or like Miss Qiu losing her temper. All the big trees and bone spurs for thousands of meters around immediately fell down radioactively, and then turned into ashes in the blazing foene wind.

A big red and golden mushroom rose slowly. After a few minutes, the temperature of the flame dropped and it turned into a black umbrella with a white handle.

At this time, on the core battlefield where the Golden Crow fell to the ground, the smoke and dust had completely dissipated, revealing the spotless Emperor of Heaven, but the chariot under his feet had disappeared.

Not only was the chariot missing, but the four dragons had also returned to their original shapes, and the trembling fat-headed goldfish had long since fled away.

The Emperor of Heaven didn't care. This river god didn't have much power to begin with. It was somewhat impressive when used for show, but it was useless when it came to the real thing.

And his attention was all not far from the core of the explosion. As the smoke and flames subsided, a black ball was revealed there.

As if feeling the drop in pressure and temperature, the black film ball burst open like a soap bubble, revealing Brother Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

At this time, they all held the tin staff tightly in their hands, either nervously or cautiously staring at the Emperor of Heaven.

Obviously, the blow that the Golden Crow hit the ground just now made the two Otsutsuki brothers understand how terrifying the enemy is.

The most terrible thing is that the golden flame of the sun released by the golden crow created a huge mushroom, but it was just a basic release of energy.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo could feel that the real power of the golden flame of the sun was not the destruction of the flame, but the destruction of the soul.

If it weren't for the absolute defensive properties of Qiudao Jade, the two of them would have suffered just now.

At this time, Otsutsuki Hagoromo also hesitated, wondering whether he would encounter more serious consequences if he continued to fight.

The Emperor of Heaven was also hesitant. He did not expect that Qiudao Yu's defense was so effective against divine power, and it actually completely blocked his full blow.

Whether it is the ice crystal mirror defense of the ice crystal or the three-legged golden crow attack of the Crow Tengu flame rosary, they are actually the result of the extreme squeeze of the two sealed gods.

The Emperor of Heaven used Crow Tengu and Yuki-onna as weapons, and used his own divine power to forcefully wash them away. Only after acquiring the divine power characteristics of the gods could they exert such huge power.

The two gods were washed away by the supernatural power of the gods. At this time, their gods were cracked and their souls were weak. They relied on seals to maintain their final vitality and slowly repaired them.

Although it is not really life-threatening, it has also lost the ability to continue to exert its power.

Unless Zhu Rong, who is lurking on the battlefield, is sacrificed and his godhead is used as a weapon, the Emperor of Heaven will be an empty shell of a god who has no divine power but has not exerted it.

Neither the Otsutsuki brothers nor the Emperor's Majesty knew the opponent's confidence, and both felt that it would be difficult for them to win. The situation on the scene inexplicably entered a stalemate where both sides were afraid of the wolf.

Suddenly, the tin staff in the Six Paths Immortal's hand turned behind him, and the three Dao-seeking jades turned into three divine heavenly swords - the Spear of Tiannum, piercing through a flame that had not yet been extinguished as fast as lightning.

A figure walked out of the flames. His body changed from empty to solid, and he nimbly dodged the intersecting attacks of three Tiannum spears.

It turns out that the Immortal of Six Paths discovered the traces of Zhu Rong, the God of Fire Spirits in the South, and used the fastest Spear of Tiannum to drive him out of the flames.

Zhu Rong's hiding failed, so he walked to the Emperor of Heaven openly and saluted respectfully: "His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, I'm here."

The Emperor of Heaven finally showed his first expression, smiled and nodded: "Very good, fight the enemy side by side with me."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zhu Rong nodded and accepted the order, then faced the Otsutsuki brothers, and quickly locked his eyes on Otsutsuki Hamura, showing his eagerness to try.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo felt awe-struck, as a god he didn't recognize actually appeared. Moreover, the new god's strength was actually quite impressive, and his divine power was full of vitality, proving that his faith was stable enough and well-developed.

Moreover, he also heard the conversation between the two gods, and easily deduced that they had a clear superior-subordinate relationship, and that the god known as the Emperor of Heaven had a higher status.

This organized group of gods can be called a pantheon, and it is the most difficult enemy among the gods to deal with.

The Sage of Six Paths began to retreat. The soul of Uchiha Yu, a descendant of course, was very fragrant, but if he had to fight two powerful and mysterious gods for him, it would not be worth it.

The Immortal of Six Paths already has endless life and endless possibilities in the future. How could he risk his life casually for the benefit of something external to him?

This is not in line with Otsutsuki Hagoromo's style.

For example, after the Six Paths Immortal learned about the existence of Black Zetsu, even though he knew that he had an absolute advantage in strength, he did not make any direct intervention.

The Immortal of Six Paths carefully planned and patiently pushed the situation to develop in the direction he designed.

It was not until finally, Otsutsuki Kaguya successfully escaped from trouble, and the two sons of Sage of Six Paths became the undisputed children of destiny, that he came forward to give the two sons of destiny the Yin-Yang Escape Technique, and used them as weapons to defeat his mother and third brother.

It wasn't until his mother and third brother were completely sealed that Otsutsuki Hagoromo took direct action for the first time, channeling the Five Shadows of the past generations to rescue his two sons from the seal.

In other words, during that world-ending crisis, he never met any threatening enemies. He was always making plans from behind, and at most he was supplying chakra at critical moments.

All the courage of the Sage of Six Paths seemed to have been completely used up in the battle with his mother a thousand years ago, and there was no trace left.

At this moment, facing a powerful god that could truly threaten his life, the Immortal of Six Paths made an instant decision to retreat after a round of trials.

First go back to the Pure Land and become invincible in this old nest of the Pure Land, and then find a way to find out the intelligence of the Emperor of Heaven, and then plan how to destroy the enemy based on the intelligence.

As an immortal immortal, he has enough patience and time, and there is no need to take risks and compete for a short time.

Not only Otsutsuki Hagoromo thinks so, but even Otsutsuki Hamura also thinks so at this time.

He has achieved considerable results, and the name Kaguya Hamura has gained a certain amount of legend, enough to help him recover and grow in the future.

Otsutsuki Hamura knew that what he should do most now was to digest the existing results, rather than risk his life against a powerful enemy.

The two brothers looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts.

So Otsutsuki Hagoromo said: "Emperor, this time our brothers will give you a favor and let Uchiha Yu go temporarily."

"If you stop attacking, we'll leave now."

Zhu Rong looked back at the Shenting Emperor and asked, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

The Emperor of Heaven nodded and said: "I cannot kill the Six Paths Immortal, nor can I prevent him from returning to the Pure Land. It is impossible to determine the final outcome of today's battle."

"Since the problem cannot be solved directly, there is no point in continuing to fight. Moreover, the purpose of coming today is to protect my beloved ones. The purpose has been achieved, so let them go."

Zhu Rong nodded, then took a few steps back and stood behind the Emperor.

Although his hostility has not diminished, he no longer assumes a posture of fighting at any time.

Seeing this, the Otsutsuki brothers slowly put the tin staff in their hands back to their backs. The three condensed Amanuma spears also scattered into bits and pieces, and they released the fighting posture.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo led his younger brother back step by step, widening the distance between him and the Emperor. Although this increased distance was nothing to two guys who had mastered space abilities, the psychological implication was still very strong.

As the distance between the two sides gradually widened, the greedy goldfish ran back quietly.

He lay prone at the feet of the Emperor of Heaven, transformed into four dragons again, and his tail turned into a chariot, lifting the Emperor of Heaven and Zhu Rong higher.

Seeing this, Otsutsuki Hagoromo felt even more relieved, so he said to Hamura: "Hamura, you leave first."

"Yes! Brother, you have to be more careful!"

Otsutsuki Hamura did not hesitate, raised his foot and stamped down, opening a cold round light, then stepped up and slowly slid down.

The process of slow decline is the process of entering the pure land from the ninja world. Because of the need to clean up the rules of contamination in this world, the speed can only be so fast and cannot be accelerated at all.

The clearing up of rules will inevitably bring about chaos, and will also cause chaos in the energy in the body. There is no doubt that this is the most dangerous moment for the soul body.

Otsutsuki Hamura was quite nervous because of this and stared at the enemy the whole time.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo simply took a step forward and stood between the two gods and his younger brother, blocking the sight of both parties until his younger brother completely entered the pure land.

Zhu Rong suddenly asked: "Six Paths Immortal, you have provided cover for your brother, who will provide protection for your departure?"

The threat in his words was extremely clear, and he even ignored what the Emperor of Heaven had just said, asking Brother Otsutsuki to go back.

Zhu Rong nakedly regarded the promise as fart.

Not only did the Shenting Heavenly Emperor not blame him, but there was a hidden murderous intent in his eyes, and he stared closely at Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

Although he knew very well that he did not have a powerful enough attack method, he still put on a posture ready to attack at any time.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo didn't even take it seriously. He smiled gently and said, "If you think you have an opportunity, you can try attacking me later."

Zhu Rong laughed and said: "Okay, okay, Six Paths Immortal is really awesome. I'm really going to give it a try later."

Even the Emperor of Heaven nodded slightly, saying that he would try it too.

Although judging from the attitude of the Sage of Six Paths, attacking him is unlikely to have any big results, but what if he is a bomb?

What's even more annoying is that the Emperor of Heaven is not sure whether the Six Paths Immortal is trying to reduce the number of soldiers and increase the number of troops.

If he judged that he was the stronger one through the Emperor of Heaven and Zhu Rong's promise not to attack, and then continued to attack, that would be a big trouble.

The trouble is not the current battle. The Six Paths Sage's chakra is lost extremely quickly. Coupled with the large amount of consumption in the battle, the battle cannot last five minutes.

In just five minutes, the Emperor of Heaven was able to bring the Immortal of Six Paths back to the Pure Land even if he used his divine power.

But this would be tantamount to leaking his own foundation, unable to form a strong deterrent to Otsutsuki Hagoromo, and the next days would be difficult.

The Sage of Six Paths raised his foot and stepped down gently, opening a pure land passage that was a hundred times larger than his younger brother. The breath of the pure land spurted out, violently conflicting with the rules of the shinobi world, and even formed a hemispherical natural interface.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo smiled and said: "Look, I am now within the scope of the Pure Land. It is impossible for you to attack me."

"By the way, I haven't asked you two for your names. Can you tell them?"

Zhu Rong was not affected by the words of the Immortal of Six Paths. He had gathered a huge power of fire spirit in his hands and was ready to attack.

When Immortal Six Paths asked about his name, Zhu Rong replied seriously: "Immortal Six Paths, please remember, I am the God of Fire Spirits in the South - Zhu Rong!"

Even the Emperor of Heaven replied seriously: "I am the Lord of the Purple Mansion Divine Court - the Emperor of Heaven!"

The instinct of a god is to gain faith and spread his name, which is the first step to gain faith.

No matter when or where, even in the face of enemies, God will not hide His name.

Because fear from the enemy is also the power of faith.

Unless the enemy is so powerful that the gods cannot resist, exposing one's name will have disastrous consequences, and even lead to a fatal threat to the gods.

The Immortal of Six Paths kept the two names firmly in his heart.

He had a hunch that his biggest enemy in the future would no longer be his third brother and mother, nor even the Otsutsuki clan who would eventually come.

The two gods in front of him are his enemies, especially the Divine Emperor, who should be his strongest enemy.

Finally, after taking a deep look at the two gods and memorizing their images, the Sage of Six Paths began to return to the Pure Land, his body sliding down quickly.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo fell at least ten times faster than Otsutsuki Hamura, almost passing his knees in the blink of an eye.

Just a few years after the Six Paths Immortal descended, a flaming chariot rushed out from the flames between Zhu Rong's hands and rushed straight to the hemispherical interface at lightning speed.

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