I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 303 Looking down at all things is what a true god should look like

To be honest, it is impossible for a mere vest to defeat the main body, let alone the Six Paths Sage who cannot defeat the main body.

But the current situation is special.

Uchiha Yu discovered that after the arrival of the Sage of Six Paths, his aura was not stable and was in a continuous state of decline.

In other words, the arrival of this big boss is not stable and will not last too long.

From Uchiha Yu's point of view, this is not difficult to understand.

First of all, there were no signposts belonging to the Sage of Six Paths, such as Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, sons of another generation, or Nagato with the Rinnegan in his eye socket.

The Immortal of Six Paths had no choice but to use his younger brother as a beacon, which would make his arrival very unstable and require more effort to maintain.

Secondly, Otsutsuki Hamura, who was a beacon, was killed by himself. His arrival became a rootless tree, and the maintenance cost doubled.

Uchiha Yu doesn't need to defeat the Sage of Six Paths at all. He only needs to persist until the Sage of Six Paths can no longer survive and return to the Pure Land on his own initiative.

Therefore, fighting in this environment is not as good as cupping. The most suitable character is the Emperor of Heaven, who has the most aura.

Coincidentally, the Emperor of Heaven is in the Zifu world, and the Zifu world is in the center of his eyebrows. The reinforcement of the world space by the Six Paths Immortal will not affect the arrival of this vest.

The only question is, how should we make him appear in the ninja world?

Zhu Rong came to rely on the Heart Monkey Mask, relying on this artifact that can come to the ninja world in the Zifu world.

The coming of the Emperor of Heaven should also have a suitable support, so that he can exert his power normally.

After all, scaring people requires strength to back it up.

Uchiha Yuu walked towards Otsutsuki Hagoromo as slowly as possible. While trying to delay as much time as possible, he was also desperately thinking about the possibility of becoming possessed.

However, he didn't think of a suitable answer until he came to the Six Paths Immortal.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo smiled as he saw Uchiha Yu coming over, nodded and praised: "You are a very knowledgeable boy, he is really good."

Uchiha Yu said mockingly: "Did it save you the trouble of using your hands and feet?"

Seeing Otsutsuki Hagoromo smiling and saying nothing, he gritted his teeth and said, "Stop thinking about it, I won't just let him go."

Uchiha Yu suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly countless fists hit the Sage of Six Paths, just like the Platinum Star with double A in strength and speed.

These hundreds of fists are all made of natural energy, and they are specially made of the three spirits of wind, thunder and fire, and their main focus is the word "quick".

The originally leisurely Otsutsuki Hagoromo's expression changed slightly, he stretched his hand forward, and a black tin staff appeared in his hand.

As he swung, the seemingly slow-looking tin staff actually blocked hundreds of punches.

From Uchiha Yu's perspective, the tin staff seemed to have infinite gravity, which forced the trajectory of his fists to change, causing the fists to escape his control and hit the tin staff involuntarily.

As a six-level artifact, the tin staff's hardness is immeasurable. Even if it was bombarded by hundreds of heavy punches, it did not deform at all.

But Uchiha Yuu did not feel disappointed. Instead, he laughed: "So my natural energy is also useful to you, the Sage of Six Paths."

"Ancestor, do you think now that it's not that easy to capture me?"

Otsutsuki Hagoromo did not hide his surprise. He even praised: "You have indeed found a new way of immortality."

"With a disembodied soul like mine, if I were hit by your fist of natural energy, there would be no way to stop the invasion. This soul body would definitely be destroyed."

The Sage of Six Paths looked at Uchiha Yu and said with a smile: "But you can't hit me at all. If you don't believe it, try again. I will never resist."

Without any nonsense, hundreds of fists hit the Sage of Six Paths again.

As expected, the Immortal of Six Paths did not use the tin staff to stop him. Instead, he let the tin staff emit a repulsive force to avoid being hit by the natural energy.

Hundreds of fists passed through the immortal's soul body and rushed straight into the jungle behind him where there were big trees and bone spurs.


Whether the fist of natural energy hit the tall trees or the huge white bone spur, it penetrated easily and made a deafening roar.

Uchiha Yu looked at the intact Six Paths Sage and felt his teeth were sore. He said bitterly: "It's the power of space again."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo chuckled and said, "Yes, your fists are extraordinary, but my power of space is even more powerful. If your attack can't touch me at all, no matter how powerful your attack is, it will be meaningless."

He stopped his smile, looked at Uchiha Yu sternly, and asked: "Uchiha Yu, have you given up now? Are you willing to follow me into the Pure Land?"

Uchiha Yu gritted his teeth and said: "Giving up? How is that possible!"

In fact, he was already in dire straits.

In the stage of Blood Succession Snare, his accumulation time was too short, and his strength was far less than that of Six Paths Immortal.

His knowledge of this high-level power was completely overwhelmed by the Six Paths Immortal. Even if he guessed the method used by the other party, he could not decipher it.

What's even worse is that Otsutsuki Hagoromo has a lot of fighting experience, and his performance in the battle is absolutely flawless. He can't play with the opponent like Destiny Child against Otsutsuki Kaguya.

If he cannot make real changes, he may really be crushed to death, and his soul will not even be able to rest in peace.

So Uchiha Yuu changed his mind and used himself as a support to guide the coming of the Divine Emperor.

There is no better proponent in the world than himself. After all, Zhu Rong, the God of Fire Spirits in the South, appeared for the first time through his body.

But the consequences of relying on oneself are also very serious. It is easy for Uchiha Yu to have a wrong self-perception, making it difficult to distinguish the difference between himself and the vest.

To put it simply, it means schizophrenia.

After the time when Zhu Rong came, it took him a long time to get rid of Zhu Rong's mania that originated from the ape mind.

Later, this kind of thing was regarded as a taboo. After all, the combat effectiveness of the vest was completely incomparable with itself. There was no need to pay such a huge price to play the role of the vest.

But now the situation is different. He has reached the point where he will be finished if he doesn't fight hard, and he can only use the performance of the Emperor of Heaven to win.

Even if you suffer from mental illness as a result, it is completely acceptable.

After all, it's better to be mentally ill than to be the lesser of two evils, rather than to die or even become a slave to the Sage of Six Paths.

In fact, he still had two ways in mind to get out of the predicament.

Using Izanagi to fake death to escape, he can freely control the resurrection time like Uchiha Madara, and can be resurrected up to seven days later.

Judging from the rate of chakra loss, the arrival of the Six Paths Sage can last for up to two hours. This method is theoretically absolutely safe.

However, Uchiha Yuu was really reluctant to lose an eye when using Izanagi.

The Immortal family cherishes life, the Tao body cherishes integrity, and the Taiyin spirit body contains countless secrets. He does not want to destroy the integrity of the body unless it is absolutely necessary.

Moreover, the Sage of Six Paths is the originator of the Sharingan. Izanagi is definitely not a secret to him, and he might have a way to crack it.

There is no need to worry about the corresponding genjutsu Izanami, but Yuu Uchiha is worried about the state of neither life nor death before resurrection.

For others, this state is unexplainable. For the Sage of Six Paths, who has always lived in the pure land of the interface of death and is the master of the underworld of the ninja world, it is probably not safe.

The worst-case scenario is that once Uchiha Yu fakes his death, he enters the realm of soul fighting.

He didn't have the slightest confidence in fighting Otsutsuki Hagoromo, who had been dead for hundreds of years, in the realm of souls.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo was able to grab his soul with a smile and take it directly back to the Pure Land.

Although the separation between life and death in the ninja world is full of loopholes, there are still basic separations, and it has not reached the point where life and death are filled with holes and chaos.

If he were really brought into the Pure Land and blocked by the world's rules of life and death, Izanagi's second half effect would be interrupted, and he would become a real dead person.

Izanagi's so-called unsolvable illusions may not necessarily guarantee safety in front of the Sage of Six Paths.

So Uchiha Yu gave up this method.

The last method is his ultimate guarantee, which is to give up his body, hide directly in the Zifu space, and then cut off the connection between the Zifu world and the physical body.

Replace golden elixir with faith, replace natural energy with divine power, and completely follow the path of God.

This is the real last step. Once you switch paths, it will be difficult to have the opportunity to achieve great freedom in the future.

After all, the core of Shinto is divine power and priesthood, and its main focus is a service. It seems that it has the power of life and death from a high position, but in fact it is part of the person in charge of an unlimited liability company.

When the company's operating conditions are good, the person in charge with unlimited liability will naturally benefit from a large amount of income. However, when the company's operating conditions are not good, not only will there be no income, but he will also have to compensate for all losses.

In Uchiha Yu's opinion, this is the biggest danger, especially under the threat of the alien Otsutsuki clan, the ninja world may be reduced to ruins at any time.

The world is in ruins. No matter what the cause is, the gods who have unlimited responsibility will have to pay for it, and maybe even their lives will be lost.

This is the biggest threat to Shinto. The key is not to work hard to avoid losing everything.

Uchiha Yu was really unwilling to embark on this risky path in the ninja world.

Unless he is forced to make a choice between becoming the manager of the ninja world with unlimited responsibility or becoming a slave to the Sage of Six Paths, he will have to choose to become a god.

Although this road is difficult and the hope of transcendence is extremely slim, it is always possible.

After thinking about his escape route, Uchiha Yu finally stopped hesitating and immersed most of his mind in the world of Zifu and possessed the Divine Emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven reached out his hand and gently grabbed it, and the rosary suspended above the main hall of the Divine Court appeared in the palm of his hand. After a slight hesitation, he turned his hand and took out the ice crystal prism of the Snow Maiden, and held it tightly in the palm of his left hand.

When the king in mysterious clothes stood up and stepped out of the divine hall, a goldfish appeared at his feet.

This fat goldfish made a strange neigh and turned into a four-headed dragon. Its tail turned into a flowing chariot, carrying the Emperor of Heaven to fly high into the sky.

High in the sky, Uchiha Yuu's remaining prayers were echoing:

"The descendant of the red flame god king and the yellow earth god king."

"The supreme master who inherits the great power of the dragon."

"The emperor of Xiangfu Tianshenting who opened up the path of immortal spirit and golden elixir."

"I beg you to come and defeat the enemy before me!"

The Emperor of Heaven responded to his prayers and adjusted his own fluctuations. At the same time, he also gathered the divine power that permeated the world of the Purple Mansion into his body, allowing the originally illusory divine body to quickly enrich and align with the fluctuations of the rules of the ninja world.

The time in the Zifu world is different from the current world. Just this adjustment took a lot of energy from the Emperor to finally align his own time with the ninja world.

But when his time coincided with that of the ninja world, he was immediately repulsed by the Purple Mansion world. Driven by this repulsive force, and dragged by Uchiha Yu's own prayers, the Emperor of Heaven disappeared together with the chariot under his feet.

From Otsutsuki Hagoromo's perspective, after Uchiha Yuu's last struggle failed, he began to pray in despair.

When Otsutsuki Hagoromo felt inexplicable, and even felt dumbfounded and wanted to ask, an unprecedented aura suddenly burst out from Uchiha Yu.

Then little bits of golden light poured out from his body, converging into pale golden lines, outlining a huge god. With the chariot at his feet, the height exceeded 9 meters.

As more golden light gushes out, the god's body quickly fills up, and the color quickly evolves from luxurious golden light to black-based golden embellishments.

When the god opened his eyes, a spherical light film suddenly spread out.

This light film seemed to be a tangible and intangible light effect, not to mention shaking the grass wherever it went, not even a speck of dust was stirred up.

But when this light film fell into the eyes of Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, the situation was completely different. An indescribable feeling of fatal danger broke out, making the two souls feel extremely flustered.

The Immortal of Six Paths reacted very quickly. He immediately pulled his brother backward and escaped for hundreds of meters. He did not feel safe again until the light film spread to the extreme and dissipated on its own.

The Golden Core Virtual Realm is the last step for the arrival of the Divine Emperor. Only by temporarily confusing the laws of the Ninja Realm can this vest god bring out the huge divine power from the Zifu World.

But the fear of the Otsutsuki brothers towards the Golden Core Realm was something Yuu Uchiha never expected.

He suddenly realized that the two immortals without physical protection were far more afraid of changes in the rules of the world than he imagined, and might even pose a fatal threat to them.

[Next time, I may be able to use this method to sneak attack the Six Paths Immortal. 】

[But I only have one chance. As long as the Immortal of Six Paths knows that I can also open the Golden Core Virtual Realm, he will never be fooled again. 】

[As long as I escape this disaster, I will hide it well and wait until I have the strength to fight against this ancestor, and then use it as a trump card. 】

Uchiha Yuu's thinking ended here. With the complete arrival of the Emperor of Heaven, the main consciousness entrusted to him also returned, forcing the original thinking to give up the position of the main personality.

Although he is still the one who dominates Uchiha Yuu, he is severely distorted by his own personality, and his personality is obviously cold and sacred.

This was the source of the mental illness he was most worried about.

But no matter what, he was unable to resist this change in personality. He could only wait until everything was over to see how severe the distortion was.

As Uchiha Yuu's last trace of consciousness fell silent, the eyes of the Emperor Shenting emitted a divine light full of spirituality, directly locking on the Sage of Six Paths.

His eyes were so detached and majestic, looking at Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, it was like looking at two ants.

Otsutsuki Hamura felt that he had been slighted, and couldn't help but feel nameless anger. He clenched his fists and wanted to attack.

But Hamura's sudden advance was stopped by Otsutsuki Hagoromo's hand.

Immortal Six Paths said cautiously: "Don't be impulsive. He is not looking down on you, but treats everything equally."

Otsutsuki Hamura was shocked. After careful observation, he found that this huge and majestic god did not despise him, but despised everything present.

The gaze was cold and sacred, cold and emotionless, just like a clear, cloudless sky.

He couldn't help but shudder, and asked timidly: "Brother, this is different from the gods I have seen. Is he really a god?"

Otsutsuki Hagoromo was more serious than ever before and said solemnly: "This is what a real god should be like. Do you still remember the death that Mother defeated?"

Otsutsuki Hamura nodded quickly and said: "Remember, of course I remember that God of Death who was beaten into dozens of pieces but still survived."

Suddenly, he exchanged fists and palms, and suddenly realized: "Before the God of Death split, his eyes were very similar to this guy's!"

"Is this a great god who can rival the God of Death?"

Otsutsuki Hagoromo sneered: "Maybe this guy is higher than the God of Death, and he was very smart to avoid the disaster of his mother's purge of the gods. It was not until his mother was sealed by us that he emerged and quietly developed his faith."

Otsutsuki Hamura frowned and said, "That's actually the case. His movements are really slow."

Then he asked: "Brother, when you led me to cleanse the gods, he didn't react at all. Why did he suddenly show up now?"

Otsutsuki Hagoromo replied: "Although we have killed many gods, those guys are at most monsters and cannot be regarded as gods who truly hold the authority of heaven and earth. I am not surprised that he does not intervene."

"From what I know about God, the only two things they really care about are responsibility and faith."

"Uchiha Yuu may be a key believer, even a so-called God's Favored One, shouldering the important task of spreading faith for him, so at this critical moment, he would not hesitate to expose his own existence, but also to protect him."

Otsutsuki Hamura said bitterly: "Damn it, how could a descendant of Indra fall into the arms of the evil god, this traitor!"

Otsutsuki Hamura smiled indifferently and said: "This Uchiha Yuu and Indra are 50 generations apart. He has no respect for Indra and I. This is not his fault."

"Furthermore, the appearance of this god has solved a big question in my mind. Why did this kid climb to the level that it took me thousands of years to reach in 20 years with his already thin bloodline?"

"It turns out that this god was behind him, so it's no wonder."

"As long as I defeat this god and steal Uchiha Yuu, I can learn all the secrets here and I will definitely be able to get a lot of important information."

Recommend a new book that is full of punches

In a world invaded by alien monsters, use your muscles and strength to crush all dissatisfaction.

It is said that the author, Black Bai Ling, is a 17-year-old beautiful girl.

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