I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 341 A very miserable follower

"Long time no see, Xiaogui."

Yu Ishigami drove his car to the side of the road and said hello to the silver-haired girl who came up with the car door open.

The person he invited on the phone earlier was Xiaogui, wanting her to hang out with them, the big brothers and sisters.

"That's right, Brother Yu."

Today, Xiaogui is wearing a white dress. She is as cool as a white plum blossom. When she hears Brother You's voice, she seems a little angry and a little aggrieved.

"You haven't been to my house since the summer vacation. I...my dad, um, and brother are all looking forward to your visit."

Especially the man with dark blond hair in Baiyin's family has been wondering why the high-end ingredients haven't come for a long time recently?

Ishigami Yu said helplessly

"The summer vacation is busy, and my company is looking for investment everywhere."


Who doesn’t know that the most important thing about your parent company is money, and it still needs investment? Xiaogui has been seeing Brother You's father on TV and newspapers recently.

"Something like the savior of the neon economy", "the leader of the chaebols"

As expected, they are all big pig's hooves, men's mouth, and deceitful ghosts.

"Good morning, Shinomiya-senpai

"And this one."

Xiaogui rolled his eyes at him, and then said hello to Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai who were also in the car.

"Ah, she is really the president's sister."

Shinomiya Kaguya really didn’t expect Ishigami-kun to invite Chairman Shirogane’s sister, his designated “sister-in-law”, to hang out with her. She was so happy!

Speaking of which, last semester Shinomiya Kaguya, Shirogane Kei, and Fujiwara Chika seemed to have had a window shopping appointment, together with Fujiwara Moeha.

It was originally planned to be this summer vacation, but the Shinomiya family experienced changes and Fujiwara-san has been traveling abroad, so it was not possible.

It was true that Shinomiya Kaguya felt a little regretful before, but today the surprise came true again.

"I must have a good relationship with my sister today."

"Start from the first step by asking Xiaogui to call me sister."

Shinomiya Kaguya silently encouraged herself in her heart

Just when she wanted to respond, she was interrupted because Xiaogui didn't recognize her Hayasaka Ai and took the initiative to introduce herself.

"I never expected that the president with such fierce eyes would have such a cute sister."

"Nice to meet you, Xiaogui"

Hayasaka Ai said hello warmly

"I'm Ai Hayasaka, just call me Ai, I'm Kaguya and Yu's friend.

Because I have a high resistance to the Fujiwara sisters and Shirogane Kei, I can also withstand the equally enthusiastic Hayasaka Ai.

"Then if you love Nie Sang, just call me Gui."

"Yeah, nice to meet you, Kei."

If Shinomiya Kaguya's social level is 10, then Hayasaka Ai is 100. She is very good at opening up conversations. She could tell at a glance that Xiao Gui was a person who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

I casually brought up a few topics, and soon I became familiar with Xiaogui in the car. Little girls will have a kind of admiration for those sisters who are fashionable and beautiful, especially Hayasaka Ai is one of this type of sisters. of the best.

"This is called Hayasaka, sister?"

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned. She looked at Hayasaka, whom she had just met, as close as she had been with her older sister for many years, and her designated "sister-in-law". She was like air in comparison.

I want to join in the chat, but Shinomiya Kaguya lacks this knowledge, and I don’t know how to speak.

Compared to the two of them who felt like old friends at first sight, Shinomiya Kaguya felt like a dispensable background.

"It's so miserable. This time it's Senior Sister Aijusha Shinomiya."

Yu Ishigami, who was quietly working as a driver, couldn't help but sigh.

"And Shinomiya-senpai, don't think that it will be much better if you get off the car. The result will be the same."

Kaguya's heart has long been known to everyone, and Xiao Ai is simply persecuting her.

"Bad women are so scary."

right like this

Walking the streets of Ginza

Shinomiya-senpai and Ishigami Yu, who had pretty cold faces, were walking in the back row. In front was Hayasaka Ai, who was holding Xiao Kei's arm very affectionately. Both of them had bright smiles on their faces.

"Damn it, I have to find a way to grab the seat next to my sister-chan."

Ishigami Yu shrugged helplessly, feeling the chill next to him.

"Senior, the smile on your face is very stiff."

Shinomiya Kaguya's face showed the unhappiness that she could no longer hide, her face was gloomy as if she wanted to eat Xiao Ai.

"Kaguya, why are you following me all the time?"

The corners of Hayasaka Ai's mouth raised slightly

"Come, let's pick out clothes for Xiaogui together."


Ishigami Yu looked at Shinomiya-senpai's facial expressions as if he had seen a ghost. He almost floated over with light steps, and walked over to Hayasaka Ai and Xiao Kei.

"Hey, no need, Ai Nie Sang."

Xiaogui was a little embarrassed. The T-shirt she just saw was equivalent to the money she could earn by delivering 4,500 newspapers.

"It doesn't matter, sisters are very generous."

Ai Hayasaka, who was smiling playfully, held Xiao Kei with one hand and held Shinomiya Kaguya's neck with the other, with a look of unquestionable big sister.

"Hey, Kaguya."



Ishigami Yu noticed Xiao Kei's look for help, coughed and went out to sit on a chair outside.

"If I go to save you, I will undoubtedly be killed by Shinomiya-senpai."

Senior Sister Sigong's instant expression actually coincided with that of the miserable old man of the Wu clan at that time.

Ishigami Yu sat on the three-person chair and picked up a magazine to read casually.

Naturally, everyone in the Wu clan was fine. They were all monsters. Wu Huiliyang was unconscious when he was dug out simply because of his age. Garuda went back to his hometown "Wuzhili" because he was worried about his grandfather.


Ishigami Yu suddenly heard a familiar voice in the distance. It was so familiar but he hadn't encountered it for a long time, so he felt a little surprised.

"This ice cream is delicious. Xiaoyi, take a bite."

"Really? Let me try it."

"Well, it's really delicious."

"Hate, why are you doing a surprise attack?"

Yu Ishigami saw that his girlfriend originally wanted her boyfriend to eat ice cream, but instead her boyfriend kissed her on the mouth.

"Isn't this enough? If it tastes good, eat more."

"For me, it's enough to eat what's on Xiaozhu's lips."

"Tsk, it's really disgusting~"

Although the girl said this, the blush on her face was already the best answer.

"What should I do? I feel like I love you more."

The blond boy smiled, hugged his girlfriend harder, and responded

"What a coincidence, so am I."

Seeing them coming in his direction, Ishigami Yu immediately grabbed the newspaper next to him and spread it out to cover his face and half of his body.

"Damn it, my face was actually covered in dog food."

When they walked past, laughing and joking, Ishigami Yu half-put down the newspaper, feeling very complicated.

"Senior Tsubasa actually dyed his hair blond, and with that "god" aura just now, have they become gods?"

Just when Ishigami Yu was thinking wildly, a very petite girl with twin tails suddenly ran past him, looking around for something.

Maybe I was too anxious, so I jumped with my left foot and my right foot, and fell flat on the ground, right in front of the chair in front of Yu Ishigami.

Because the impact just now was too great, the skin on her knees was scratched. It was not big, but a shocking red color appeared on the girl's fair knees, which were also stained with dirt on the ground.

The sudden pain caused her violet pupils to fill with mist.

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