I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 340 So I’m such a coward


When Ishigami Yu lazily yawned and slowly walked out of his room, he suddenly found that Xiao Ai and Shinomiya-senpai were already in the living room.

It's so early, why don't you guys sleep a little longer?

Ishigami Yu thought the two girls would sleep a little longer

Didn't you talk all night long last night?

The spirit is so good

Xiao Ai is making breakfast, with a cheerful face and a happy mood. But looking back at Shinomiya-senpai, she was sitting on the sofa covering her face, feeling as if she had no face.

Especially when she saw her junior, Shinomiya Kaguya covered her face with her hands even harder.

Ishigami Yu didn't understand why there was such a big difference after not seeing each other for just one night.

"Good morning darling."

When she found her younger brother Jun getting up, Hayasaka Ai, who was making breakfast, looked like a couple and saw her husband getting up.

"Breakfast will be ready soon."

According to his past experience at this time, what Yu Ishigami should do is to kiss Xiao Ai on the face in response.

But is it strange?

Ishigami Yu finally reacted, and immediately signaled to Xiao Ai with his eyes, "Why would you do this if there wasn't even Shinomiya-senpai present?"

"It doesn't matter, come and kiss here."

Hayasaka Ai put her face closer, wanting her younger brother to kiss Miss Kaguya in front of her.

"Anyway, I'm in someone's heart."

Her voice was teasing

"She has turned into a bad senior who plays tricks on her juniors."

So after hearing these words, Shinomiya Kaguya trembled obviously and covered her face, unable to speak, but her ears were obviously red.

Ishigami Yu looked back and forth between Shinomiya-senpai and Hayasaka Ai several times, although he didn't know what was going on.

"Okay, little love."

He touched Hayasaka Ai's hair and whispered in her ear

"Although I don't know what happened, it's better not to bully Shinomiya-senpai too much."

"It's a rare visit, but don't make her want to go back immediately."

Of course this is a lie. Ishigami Yu's speech was just to appease Shinomiya-senpai over there.

In fact, he really wanted to know what happened.

"Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai, what happened?"

"Kaguya, she thinks..."



Ishigami nodded and motioned for her to continue.

After listening to what Xiao Ai said, Ishigami Yu felt dumbfounded.

"Sorry, Shinomiya-senpai."

It turns out that Senior Sister Shinomiya couldn't stand that Xiao Ai had a tauren warrior and was still entangled with me, so she questioned Xiao Ai.

It's good to vent your anger, but what makes Yu Ishigami laugh and cry is that

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would be such a tragic person in the eyes of Senior Sister Shinomiya. I can't steal a woman, I can only be hung from behind."

Is it really too difficult?

"Sorry, Shinomiya-senpai."

"I should have made it clear about my relationship with Sister Ai when we first met."

Ishigami Yu looked helplessly at Shinomiya Kaguya

"I'm sorry for causing you unnecessary suspicion."

Xiao Ai's answer to Shinomiya Kaguya was that because of the blessing of the Ishigami family, she was afraid that she would be punished by the family if she left the Shinomiya family privately, so she and the "Tauren Warrior" were just acting on the occasion and did not really become engaged.

In this way, with the reputation of the "Tauren Warrior" and the support behind the Fist Club, the Shinomiya family will not have any extreme reactions, but Hayasaka Ai is still on good terms with Ishigami Yu in private.

"No, I'm really sorry. I was too subjective and made these assumptions."

That's why Shinomiya Kaguya feels so ashamed. The junior student found out that he was so useless deep down in his heart and he just made it up in his head. It's really hard to talk about it.

"Okay, you two."

"Stop apologizing to each other. I, a bad woman in the eyes of you guys, didn't even say anything."

Hayasaka Ai rolled her eyes. Miss Kaguya really thinks too much easily, so Hayasaka Ai has long been used to it.

"Come and eat."

Because Miss Kaguya was here, Hayasaka Ai prepared something more European style.

"Let's not mention the past things for now."

Ishigami Yu took a bite of bacon and asked

"Senomiya-senpai, are you in a hurry to go home?"

"That's it? It seems that my family is quite supportive of me having more contact with you this time, Ishigami-kun."

Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head, also a little helpless

When she went out, although her father didn't come, her two brothers were really amazing.

All kinds of greetings

Just say it clearly

"Kaguya, go and capture the second young master of the Ishigami family."

Has the Shinomiya family declined to the point where they need to marry off their daughter?

Now the influence of Ishigami-kun's family has exceeded the ancient rules of the Shinomiya family. Unmarried women from the Shinomiya family are not allowed to stay at the home of the opposite sex. I don’t know if an old man from the Shinomiya family made this custom.

In the past, don't be afraid that all the Shinomiya family's bodyguards would be dispatched to take Shinomiya Kaguya home. It would be like taking a precious doll away to avoid losing it.

"So, there doesn't seem to be an exact time to return home."

Shinomiya Kaguya took a sip of black tea

"I'm about to move out, and the house in Tokyo is almost ready for renovation."

The bombs planted in the sewers by the insect organization razed the entire Fourth Palace Villa to the ground. Now it has been renovated after a period of renovation.

"It turns out it's been so long."

Because I have been on Yuanliu Island, time seems to have passed very long.

Hayasaka Ai felt a little emotional. At that time, the life-and-death scene could still appear in front of her eyes, but so long passed in a flash.

"So it's really nice that we can all have tea together."

Ishigami Yu took a sip of coffee and said slowly

"That means that at least during the day, Shinomiya-senpai will be empty."

"Actually, it's okay at night, as long as my family doesn't call me."

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded.

"Then let's go out and go shopping like ordinary friends."

Ishigami Yu glanced at Hayasaka Ai and sighed rather distressedly.

In this way, Xiao Ai will completely become a squatter at home.

As long as she is with her brother-kun, Hayasaka Ai doesn't care about anything else, and Ishigami Yu is not someone who likes to go out. As time goes by, Hayasaka Ai's habit of staying at home becomes more and more serious.

"Senior Sister Shinomiya, we usually have strict control at home. If you can't do anything, you can't do this."

Ishigami Yu still knew that the Shinomiya family controlled Shinomiya Kaguya, and she had to be driven to and from school by the Shinomiya family driver.

Going out with friends is rare

"Let's go out and have some fun together today, senior."

"Sounds great!"

Shinomiya Kaguya agreed without even thinking about it.

"Then can I call someone else?"

Ishigami Yu asked again

"Don't worry, it's definitely Shinomiya-senpai, you know her."

"It doesn't matter, who is it?"

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded.

Ishigami Yu smiled and didn't answer. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number and was quickly connected.

"Hey, Brother Yu."

A cold but joyful voice immediately came from the phone

Hearing this familiar voice, Shinomiya Kaguya's pupils narrowed.

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