I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 342 There is a follower behind the follower

"You guys go shopping first, I have something to do."

After sending a quick message to Xiao Ai, Ishigami Yu immediately put the newspaper aside.

"After it's taken care of, I'll come back to you."

Then he immediately stood up and walked towards the fallen girl.

Really, not even a child can fall on such flat ground. Why can this double-pony-tailed loser senior be able to wrestle?

And it actually followed the first law of "concubines are always miserable" discovered by Yu Ishigami.

Wherever there was the stupid couple just now, there must be this loser senior sister behind them.

Ishigami Yu was also helpless. It would have been a happy thing to meet the senior sister he hadn't seen for a long time. But it was very uncomfortable for someone to fall so miserably in front of him.

"Maki-senpai, are you okay?"


Concubine Shijo's eyes were watery, and she was about to cry, but when she heard a familiar voice, she held back her tears.

Ishigami Yu squatted down to block the curious and probing eyes of Shijou Maifei. After all, it was quite unusual for such a beautiful girl to fall.

Concubine Shijo was sobbing. She turned around and saw that it was Ishigami Yu.

No matter what, you can't lose your composure in front of him, who is your junior student and friend.

Concubine Shijo also wanted to be embarrassed, so she wiped her tears vigorously and immediately wanted to put on the airs of a senior.

But wiping it with her hands only turned her eyes red. She was already showing her true nature as a loser, but now she looked even more fragile.

"Huh? I'm not crying!"

"It's just that Feng Da was confused."

"I didn't ask you if you were crying?"

What kind of "seeking enemies in the void" is this?

Ishigami Yu, who couldn't laugh or cry, took out a napkin from his pocket, took out a few and didn't hand it to her, but directly wiped the tears on Maki-senpai's face.

"Obviously I can do it by myself! And I didn't cry."

Although the movements were gentle to avoid hurting her, Shijou Maifei always felt that she was being treated like a child, so she resisted slightly.

"You, you are so tired that you have already canceled the version. It is no longer the mainstream of the national server."

Even though he knew that this person had a tough mouth all over his body, Ishigami Yu couldn't help but put his hand on his "tired" hair and rubbed it a few times in a ventive manner.

Concubine Shijo made a whining sound, and she was suppressed.

"Please accept my kindness honestly."

Feeling much better, Ishigami Yu sped up the movements of his hands, and stopped when he saw that there was nothing else on the girl's delicate face.

"Let me help you stand up first."


very quiet response

Ishigami Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed Shijou Maifei's slender wrist, using himself as her support, and slowly helped her up.

"It hurts."

Although it is very slow, the damaged skin on the knee is going from relaxing to straightening, which is already very painful.

So when Shijou Maifei was helped to stand up again, her beautiful eyebrows were still inevitably twisted into a ball.

"Does it hurt?"

Ishigami Yu looked at the small beads of sweat on her forehead and asked with concern

"No, it doesn't hurt at all!"

"Humph, I am the eldest lady of the Shijo family."

"Okay, I understand."

Ishigami Yu didn't want to hear her talk these long words, so he acted like a child.

"Our senior Maki is very strong and won't cry over such a trivial matter."

"Let's go take care of your wound."

However, isn’t this speed a bit slow?

"She is really a weak young lady."

Because Ishigami Yu was concerned about Shijo Maifei's injuries, he accommodated her and moved forward at her speed. Isn't this really the same as stumbling.

If Ishigami Yuu were to come, this kind of injury would be far different from a mosquito bite. He would be a guy who wouldn't groan even if he received a "blow core" hit from the front.

"Hello, uncles, can you help me with something?"

Ishigami Yu and Shijo Maifei were passing by a bench. She was still wondering why Yu stopped and said hello to a stranger.

Shijo Maifei looked at them. These people all held open newspapers in their hands and covered their upper bodies tightly. They looked suspicious.

But when Concubine Shijo heard Yu's words, her whole body stiffened.

Because what Yu said is

"If I guess correctly, you should be members of Maki-senpai's family, sent to protect her."

"Oh, it's exposed."

The person sitting in the middle put down the newspaper as if resigned to his fate, revealing the face of a middle-aged man, who said hello to the Shijo Princess


After he took the lead, several people next to him also put down their newspaper covers, revealing the uncle's face with helplessness on their faces, and began to say hello one after another.

"Miss" X2

"Watanabe, Nishimae, Miyamura..."

Just as Ishigami Yu thought, Maifei-senpai really knows them all.

Because these are the bodyguards arranged by Shijou Maifei's family. She has been with these people since she could remember when she was a child, so she is very familiar with them.

Shijou Maifei looked at their faces in disbelief, and her pupils shrank to a point.

The voice is trembling

"When did you guys come here?"

"Haha, who knows."

Mr. Watanabe smiled awkwardly and did not respond directly.

The answer to this question is embarrassing for everyone, that is, all the time.

Which big family can allow their eldest daughter to run outside all the time without anyone following her? What if she gets kidnapped?

With the current socio-economic downturn, more and more people are going to extremes. It is not ruled out that someone will recognize the identity of Shijo Maconcubine and carry out more malicious incidents.

The three poor people, wherever Concubine Shijou ran, the three of them would follow them, just watching from a distance every time, afraid that she would find out.

"Okay, don't worry about these things."

Ishigami Yu touched Shijo Maifei's head to calm her down.

"Gentlemen, can you do something for me? After all, your eldest lady has become like this."

"OK, all right."

The three Watanabe men immediately agreed after hearing Ishigami Yu's words. After Ishigami Yu gave a few instructions, they immediately got up and went to do it.

"Sit down for a while, Senior Sister Zhenfei."

Ishigami Yu helped Shijou Maifei sit down again and took a short rest.

"By the way, are you thirsty, senior?"

Ishigami Yu saw a vending machine not far away and said to Shijo Mabi

"I'll buy you a bottle of water."

After saying that, Ishigami Yu wanted to get up.

But as soon as he stood up, he stopped moving, because the corner of Ishigami Yu's clothes was held by a small white hand.

"I don't want it. Sit with me for a while."


After Ishigami Yu sat down, he suddenly felt his shoulder being leaned on.

"Hey, Yuu."

It was the "proud" senior sister next to her. She put her left hand against her forehead, then turned her face down to face her shoulder. It was unclear what her expression was, but her body seemed to be shaking.

"Do you think I'm a failure?"

Needless to say, Mr. Watanabe understood it, not this time, but maybe earlier. No, maybe they had actually been following Shijou.

When I think about this summer vacation, I feel like a stalking criminal. Every time Xiaozhu and Yijun go on a date, she will follow them. Sometimes she will be so proud that you haven't noticed me.

But he never thought that his little actions would give him no chance to hide from his family, and that his hiding and climbing over the wall before going out would be meaningless.

"No, I think you can always stick to one thing."

“Even if it’s wrong, it’s a great thing.”

Ishigami Yu sighed, that was all he could say.

"After all, this senior is troublesome."

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